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View Full Version : Star Wars new movie, Rogue One, gaming parallels (Spoiler alert)

December 19th, 2016, 02:13
I intend to discuss Rogue One in terms of parallels to gaming. If you haven't seen it yet, then 1) what's your deal, go see it! 2) seriously, go see it before you read further...

Are they gone yet?


My first thought is, it felt like a one shot gaming convention scenario. You had 6 characters, spy, droid, pilot, big gun, mystic warrior, leader. You had a specific objective, and everyone had a role to fulfill if they were going to win. It was beautiful!

My second though was, it was the most awesome total party kill I have ever seen. I've run into a few in my 40+ years of gaming, but if I would have had this happen as a gaming situation, I would have been estatic!

Non gaming thoughts:

I liked the sprinkle of continuity bits. It didn't club you over the head or get in the way of the plot, but a nice wink to those 'in the know'.

Finally, a Star Wars movie that didn't have kids as their prime target audience. The droid was sufficient comic relief for me. No ewoks, no gungans... Thank you for that!

That's all I wanted to say. I'm sure I'll be seeing again in the next few days.

"The force is with me, I am one with the force."

December 19th, 2016, 02:35
I too was very happy with it. Pleasantly surprised with the TPK, though I thought that laying down to die on the beach was not as climatic as it could have been. They should have been beat down more before giving up :)

It did leave me wondering who and how is the mantle of Rogue Squadron going to be picked up? I mean, the whole unit was wiped out, so... no survivors to rebuild. Which means that the next group to take that name does so knowing that they are probably doomed :)