View Full Version : Protection Fighting Style Effect

December 16th, 2016, 09:56
Is there a way to encode it, so my PC can "buff" with it other PC's that are in 5ft range and remove it when they leave?
Thank you very much.

December 16th, 2016, 10:25
If you are asking can this be automated then the answer is no. You'll have to do this one manually.

December 16th, 2016, 11:09
You can add the effect 'GRANTDISATK' to an ally, set to expire On Next Roll, when you use your reaction to protect. The GM will have to pause before rolling the attack, but I've never had a problem with a GM doing this.

December 16th, 2016, 11:38
Thank you very much. FG has a great community.

December 16th, 2016, 22:00
That's what I do for protection style.

I place an effect on the person I'm protecting BEFORE the DM rolls the attack:

Target = Target
Expires: On next action

December 16th, 2016, 23:34
It's probably faster for the DM to just hit the Disadvantage button for his attack roll, which is what I do when my players invoke ally protection, than to drag and drop and effect. But that's just me.

El Condoro
December 17th, 2016, 01:29
How do DMs handle the Protection Fighting Style in play?

Does it go:
DM: The goblin attacks the wizard
Player: I will protect the wizard (using my reaction and protection fighting style)
That would require the DM to say something before every attack.

Player: If an attack is made on the wizard this round, I will protect him (using my reaction...)
This is quicker but what happens if the wizard is OK but another squishy target needs protecting during the round?

Just curious, given the Protection style uses a reaction, so it can only be used once per round.

December 17th, 2016, 03:21
A mix of both. Usually it is pretty obvious which creature is going to attack and when a player will use their protection, to the point that they sometimes apply the effect ahead of time. But at its root, it is a matter of the GM informing the players about the attack, since it is technically a reaction.

December 17th, 2016, 07:42
Don't have to drag it if you target it.
And if I'm already ready to cast it, which I am, then no, it's not faster for the dm to click disadvantage

The player can also cast ahead of time if they know there is only one thing they want to protect and it's usually obvious when the attack is coming.

December 17th, 2016, 11:35
Indeed, this is a reaction so nothing should strictly happen until the player decides to use their reaction. So, yes the DM would indicate that an attack is about to happen and the player would then say right I'm using my reaction to defend that character, thus interrupting the DM. Whatever method you want to use then comes into play. Personally I think it is easier for the disadvantage to be handled by the DM using the DIS button but it's equally just as valid to use an effect by drag/drop or targetting the defended character.

I suppose it depends on whether the DM announces attacks or not and how quickly they do so. If I had a player with this particular ability I'd probably be aware of it and make certain assumptions as to who they would want to defend and when, thus slowing down the process to allow the player to step in and make the announcement.