View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Weeknight Games or One-short weekends GMT+1 Prefer Pathfinder

December 13th, 2016, 19:00
Kind greetings to you reader,
Beware because i'm as green as a shrubbery!

FG License:: Free at the moment but i'm willing to step up to the Pay once i get some hands on experience.
Time Zone: GMT+1 Belgium
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I'm mostly looking for a weekly game being on Tue,Wed or Thursday 7-12 pm and if i have the weekend off maybe get some one-shots in there to break away from noob status :p
Term: The weekly game i'm looking for a long stretch game and as mentioned before the weekends just one-shots mostly
Voice: TS3 and skype i already got up and running and if any other is required,any other will be downloaded and installed!

Game System Preferred: I would say pathfinder because honestly all of experience that i have is reading the core rulebook and watching some sessions of it. But i'm also willing to try 5e..
Game System Experience: Does reading through pathfinder core rulebook counts for something? :p
Fantasy Grounds Experience: None whatsoever sadly enough but this is the first step in changing that! :D

Character Type Preferred: In online games i have always found it easy to roll with a warrior tank/dps role so i would roll with a fighter/paladin/barb or something along those lines to start...But i think with a tad more experience i want to explore all of the classes
About me: I don't know what to expect exactly but my goal is to have fun and let imagination be the only limit to it. I like to keep things loose for the most part but if things are serious then ;Why so serious?

I think this covers most of it if any questions or suggestions i'll be right here! :D