View Full Version : New 5E long term campaign starting up LFP

December 4th, 2016, 07:31
FG license: Ultimate
Game System 5E campaign with some extra house rule twists

Time Zone 19:00 ~ 20:00 JST
Day of week Sundays
Planned Starting Date TBD
Planned Frequency 3 or 4 times a month TBD

Voice and text, we will not be using Skype
Voice software TBD

NEW Long term campaign
33/33/33 a rough blend of combat – roleplaying – PC discussions/planning
1st level, 27 point build
Looking for up to about 6 players
Mature content
English language

At present I do not have a starting date in mind as I am waiting for a Kickstarter world map and dungeon tile system to be completed. [Yes I know FG2 has some amazing features which will be utilized as well]

Hello and thanks for reading about joining my campaign. There are a number of things I want to make clear so that we can find the best possible party members and people to play together. My hope is to make this into a long running game with folks who are motivated to play in it, I know I will be putting quite a lot of time into creating this world and very much want to find the right mix of folks. Ideally we can have a lot of fun playing together as my dream is to make this into the campaign I always wanted to adventure in.

So if details, non specific start date and extended discussions are not your cup of tea I would invite you to look elsewhere. For those still interested read on please...

Here is the basic world format;
1. Relatively low magic world.
I agree with Gary Gygax that magic is often too powerful and that people who use them should not only be fragile but rare. A creative person who wants to play a magic using character would need to have a chat with me about how they intend to use this special power. So I am NOT saying you cannot play a wizard only that we have to work out HOW you will be playing it. Builds like Bards, Rangers, Clerics and whatnot are encouraged to play as they do not toss fireballs around.
2. Encumbrance will be used in this game.
Coins, loot and associated booty are heavy. How they are transported is an important part of how I want this game to play out. Light, nimble and quick such as Aragorn pursuing Uruk-Hai is a valid choice, so is a slogging baggage train of stuff. Its your choice which to follow but either way it affects all sorts of things. Lets have fun with this often overlooked aspect of adventuring.
3. Financial aspects will be important.
Most PCs want to be rich, but how will we manage these decisions? I have known a few rich people in real life and wealth management can sometimes become an occupation in itself. So ideas like “oh I have 1000 gold pieces” will probably result in serious consequences in my campaign. How one spends their money is just as important as how they earned it.
4. The enemy is smart, vigilant and often powerful.
The party must choose when to fight and when to cut and run. Both are valid options. I am not a hard handed or headed person in general so roll with the punches when they come. I have a feeling the party will come on top for the most part. The enemy is supposed to be more powerful than the party, just not as motivated nor as capable on the tactical level, strategically however is another story.
5. The party is GOOD.
Lawful, chaotic is less important than everyone being a good PC. If you cannot play a good character than perhaps this campaign is not for you. If a strong willed creative person can to explain to me privately how they would wish to play an evil PC, I will listen but cannot promise to change my feelings on party cohesion.
6. The enemy is Lawful Evil.
The BROTHERHOOD are a continental sized group of law makers. If the PCs do not follow their rules then they are branded as outlaws and subject to arrest. Indeed the brotherhood is overwhelmingly human so that non human PCs and NPCs are tolerated at best, antipathy or censure/arrest at worst.
7. Humans are preferred.
Indeed they are favored. Some humans enslave non humans and make money doing so. This in no way means PCs have to play humans, just that non humans need to understand that they cannot stroll into town, walk into the pub, slam money onto the table and demand a drink without good reason or cause to do so. Living rough, hunting and camping are the ways of most non humans who do not follow the rules of the Brotherhood. Selfishly I am hoping more than a few PCs will play non humans as it will make the adventure that much more enjoyable.

Here is a short list of some of the ideas about the campaign that I would like to adhere to; [copied from a good post over at R20]
No homebrew races or classes, unless you can persuade me to change my mind.
Active roleplaying encouraged
Have a copy of PH and know how to use character. If you are a newbie that is not a strike against you but rather a challenge not to make the same mistake twice. Make new mistakes all the time I know I do.
You must be older than 18 to play in this campaign.

What I want from you
1. A pledge not to actively attack other PCs
2. No racist or sexist commentary
3. A promise to avoid excessive complaining or whining
4. Your word that you will try make it to a majority of sessions
5. Avoid rules lawyering whenever possible
6. Occasional assistance with FG2 as I am new to Dming in this format
7. Have fun

What I will be giving
1. My word that everyone will be treated equally and in a mature fashion
2. My best effort to make the world campaign engrossing, entertaining and challenging
3. Little to zero patience to aforementioned attacks, sexism, whining and rules lawyering
4. My hardest to listen to what you as a PC want to do, but I do not wish to act for you so please explain what and how you want to “do” things and let the dice roll as they may

So considering you have read this far I want to thank you and suggest you take the time to send me some PC ideas. We can work out the specifics together as I want you to LOVE your PC.

We will be using the standard 27 point build, using feats as well as flaws.

Finally a little about me. I started playing D&D in 1979 when I lived in NYC. I still have my well worn original copies of the DMG, PH and MM. Played regularly until about 1990 when I moved to California, started a business and got into other stuff. Didn’t pick up D&D until about 5 or 6 years ago when I met some great guys here on FG2 who live in my time zone. Thanks to Kevin and Enrico especially for helping me navigate my way around the software! I am a busy person but am carving out some time every week to make the best campaign I can. Rather than look for an ongoing one its best to just start from scratch. I am new to Dming on FG2 but I reckon the learning curve is not too steep and the hobby can use more DM right? So here is my first calculated step into making the campaign of my dreams. I wish you are interested in joining me.

Thanks again for reading everything I had to say. I think that if you agree with most of it we probably can have a great time adventuring together. Who knows maybe we can create some fictional content and adventures together in the future as I would love to put out some material for the community. I am compelled to think about and discuss business opportunities. Looking forward to hearing from you.

Please tell me the following;

age and experience with RPG
where you live and what you do for a living
the PC type you prefer playing
your experience on FG2
anything else you would like to share

You can send a PM or I would prefer an email to

lextalionis2001 [at] yahoo [dot] com

best to you in your future adventures wherever they may lead you

December 4th, 2016, 13:27
This seems VERY interesting except there is no mention of what time you would be playing. I understand you are in Japan and I know the time difference between you and the US (Central) so I am wondering what you are thinking on the time to play.

December 4th, 2016, 16:35
Depending on the time of day obviously.
I have been playing for 30ish years. Various systems.
I have been using FG for several years and have been in several long term campaigns and that is what I am looking to find.
As for characters, either rogue or ranger.

Are you using any of the Unearthed Arcana articles that WoTC puts out?

December 4th, 2016, 21:21
My wife and I are both interested. Of course it depends on the time we play whether or not we can.

I'm 31 and my wife is 32.
Both of us have only been playing for about 6 months, I'm very much into it. We're still learning, but I have a bit more experience than her. I'd be able to help her out here and there (obviously not metagaming).
I work as a maintenance technician fixing equipment that builds all the parts for car vision systems. My wife is a hard working full time mother and wife.

I tend to play a variety of different races, and am usually a magic caster but typically out of group necassity rather than choice. I'm open to playing just about any class except bard (just can't get myself excited about playing one).

My wife tends to want to play an elven rogue. She enjoys being sneaky.

I've got quite a bit of experience with FG, my wife however has never been on it but I would be able to help.

We'd very much like to play. I'll shoot you an email as well. Thanks.

December 4th, 2016, 21:49
I'm very interested depending on what time we play, I can only make it in the evening (after the kids have gone to bed).

I have a Half-Elf bard I have been looking for the opportunity to play, looks like this would be the perfect opportunity.

I am currently DMing a 5th edition campaign on Fantasy Grounds, and have played and DMed going right back to 3.5 and 4th edition as well.

December 5th, 2016, 06:48
Thanks to those who posted, I really appreciate your interest in the campaign.

The reason I am being purposely vague about time is precisely because logistics can be a bit of a nightmare.

What would help tremendously would be if you can tell me what times on Sunday, or Saturday for those in North America you are free to play. It would be best if you post it JST so you are doing the math and not I.

I appreciate those of you who have already provided that critical information.

I can narrow down the STARTINGtime for you if that helps.

Right now we are looking at a window

10:00 to 20:00

Yes that is a HUUUGE window. Say it in a Trump voice for best effect...

There has been some lobbying from a long term friend here on FG to start in the evenings JST. Since he has been of tremendous help to me getting familiar with FG that may likely be the final time but nothing has been decided as of today.

However I do not want to rule out a morning JST start if there are enough players who want to and can play at that time. This is mostly because as a player I know how hard it can be to find the right fit. Day, time, style can sometimes be a bit bewildering, so in an effort to include everyone interested I left the time deliberately vague. Over the next few days/weeks I am hoping to narrow down the time range, thanks for your understanding.

best to you all, wherever you fare

December 5th, 2016, 09:28
Try this tool for quick easy conversions...

December 5th, 2016, 13:35
Depending on the time of day obviously.
I have been playing for 30ish years. Various systems.
I have been using FG for several years and have been in several long term campaigns and that is what I am looking to find.
As for characters, either rogue or ranger.

Are you using any of the Unearthed Arcana articles that WoTC puts out?

I don't see a reason to exclude it, only to not have to reference its magic properties. The character classes and additions were quite handy however so I reckon that would be on the up and up for the most part.

caveat; I am referencing my original UA published 1987

December 5th, 2016, 17:11
It looks like the only time thatd work for us is 1400jst Saturday which is 2400est Friday. I wouldn't be able to play jst Sunday unfortunately unless it's really early in the morning like 0200jst early which I know is outside the window. I've got a game Saturday nights. If I didnt work every other weekend I'd be able to play earlier but I'm planning around work whether I do or not. Unless you're ok with me missing every other weekend but my wife would be able to play consistantly. Let me know and I can give a wider range of times.

December 5th, 2016, 17:17
Although this, to me, sounds like the exact campaign I have been looking for, due to prior commitments, I would not be able to be available until 9pm EST on Sundays, which would make it 11am Monday morning your time.

I wish things could be different... Good luck.

December 5th, 2016, 22:28
If you dont mind me missing everyother weekend. (Barring any extrenuous circumstances sometimes I have to work till 3am, though this is typically during the week so it shouldn't be a problem but there's always a chance). Anyway, if you don't mind me missing a few games (maybe my wife could control me and fill me in at times), I coule play anytime from 1000jst to 1400 (or even 1500) jst.

December 6th, 2016, 00:32
depending on time/day i would be very interested... i like low magic games

December 6th, 2016, 07:53
I have an update, due to both time constraints and a preference to play with a member or two from previous adventures

The starting time of this adventure will be approximately

19:00 ~ 20:00 JST

which is roughly 5-6 AM EST

I will update the initial post to reflect this change.

If that eliminates you from participating you have my apologies.

As I stated earlier my intention is always to be as inclusive as possible and perhaps that may have caused some of you to hope this campaign would fit your scheduling (especially if you are in North America)

I received a number of players request to join and feel very humble that you took the time to send me email. I wish there were enough hours in the day that I could DM twice on Sundays but that is just not possible for me.

December 7th, 2016, 02:06
I'm a fairly new player to fantasy grounds but have played before in the 5e world, I would like to join in with you as I'm up in the morning all the time anyway and I don't do much of anything. If you are willing to bear with me through the first few hours of getting re-acclimated to FG I think I would really enjoy this game. If there is anything you would like to know about me as a player/person to have a better understanding of how I might fit into your group please feel free to message me on here with anything at all.

hope to hear from you soon

December 9th, 2016, 23:17
I have an update, due to both time constraints and a preference to play with a member or two from previous adventures

The starting time of this adventure will be approximately

19:00 ~ 20:00 JST

which is roughly 5-6 AM EST

I will update the initial post to reflect this change.

If that eliminates you from participating you have my apologies.

As I stated earlier my intention is always to be as inclusive as possible and perhaps that may have caused some of you to hope this campaign would fit your scheduling (especially if you are in North America)

I received a number of players request to join and feel very humble that you took the time to send me email. I wish there were enough hours in the day that I could DM twice on Sundays but that is just not possible for me.

Hello, reading thew this post this seems like a fun game setup. Looking at this post I see you are looking to start 1900 to 2000 JST. I am in the EST but work nights so someone DMing in your time zone seems like it may line up for me, but I would be looking for a game starting around 1400 - 1500 JST. I see you have posted you have a few other players already interested, is this a time that we could work with?

thank you for your time

December 10th, 2016, 19:55
If you're still looking for players, I'm definitely interested. ;)

My schedule is definitely open during that time slot (lots of options there). The world sounds super interesting and I have a couple of character ideas that I'd love to run passed you - based on whatever the current party makeup is.

Thanks and have a great day!

December 11th, 2016, 00:32
i believe that time still works for me.. as i don't sleep very much

April 17th, 2017, 07:33
The slot has been filled. Thanks to those who respondedHello to everyone or anyone interested in joining this campaign.

Putting this here in an attempt to recruit another player into the campaign

We meet every Sunday 20:00 JST

We use Team speak voice only

The party is currently at 3rd level

Fighter, Monk, Sorcerer & Monk

The party is GOOD

Thanks for your interest

PM or email at lextalionis2001 yahoo com are best for me