View Full Version : Hamachi stopped working

December 3rd, 2016, 20:25
I've been running games on my Win 7 machine for months using Hamachi, and today all of a sudden it stopped working. I get green balls next to my friends' computers in Hamachi, but yellow exclamation marks as well. Under peer properties / settings there is a network adapter error, failed to connect to network adapter, peer is not accessible via VPN. When they try to connect to me, FG connection times out.

Hamachi shows up as "unidentified network" on Network and Sharing Center (see image). When I check on a friend's (peer) computer in Hamachi, I get error "VPN domain's tap device is down", which seems to be a pretty popular problem on LogMeIn Hamachi forums - but no solution they've offered helps.

Friends checked their connections work to other computers within the same Hamachi network, so the issue is at my end.

I haven't done any changes to my hardware or software, although have installed all Windows updates. Tried restarting Hamachi and its service, uninstalling/reinstalling, googling, no help. What else?

Network and Sharing Center:

Hamachi self-diagnosis of a peer computer connection:

December 3rd, 2016, 23:56
Hey Magnimost you might try a Windows System Restore back to a time when Hamachi was working.
Otherwise it could be something that has changed on your ISPs network...

December 5th, 2016, 23:10
Based off the first error shown in your screenshot I did a search. Try this: https://community.logmein.com/t5/Hamachi/Windows-7-VPN-Domain-s-Tap-Device-is-down/td-p/134053

December 5th, 2016, 23:13
Yeah, I've tried googling and none of the suggested fixes fix anything.

December 5th, 2016, 23:20
Those posts seem to suggest that there were issues with the windows driver. Did you go into Windows device manager and uninstall all drivers for "LogMeIn Hamachi Virtual Internet Adapter" and anything else that refers to Hamachi/LogMeIn? Just uninstalling/reinstalling Hamachi is not enough.

December 6th, 2016, 00:02
I had a similar issue a month or so ago. Was using Hamachi to join games and to host a game. All of sudden it stopped working to host a game, still worked to join one. I tried everything I could think of and could not get it to work properly again. The entire group I was hosting was trying to help, and half of us are in IT. I ended up buying a VPS server for like $12 a year. Works great. In fact I think I used tutorials written by damned and Treloe if I recall.


December 6th, 2016, 22:00
Yeah, I've tried googling and none of the suggested fixes fix anything.

I have had this for one other person I was assisting and I went thru everything I could find and couldnt resolve.
Ended up putting that person on my VPN server I think...

December 7th, 2016, 00:22
Tried uninstalling Hamachi and network drivers, didn't help.

Would a Raspberry Pi VPN box work for FG and this problem? Been thinking of setting one up anyway.

December 7th, 2016, 01:03
Would a Raspberry Pi VPN box work for FG and this problem? Been thinking of setting one up anyway.
If this was within your network then you'd have the same port forwarding problems - except you'd have to get port 1802 (or maybe VPN port/s) working into the Pi rather than port 1802 into your FG computer.

Unless you convinced someone somewhere to run it for you. Which is essentially what we do with a VPS - there's a virtual Linux server running in a data center somewhere that allows port 1802 into the VPS and then you (just the GM) have a VPN connection into the VPS server, and the players connect using port 1802 to the VPS VPN server which forwards communication to the GM. Avoiding the need for any port forwarding access to where the GM's computer is running.

December 7th, 2016, 02:45
Yes it works very well. Even better than Hamachi.. A little more work to setup. You buy the VPS server/service, then run through the tutorial damned wrote. Then on game day just log into your service provider web page (VPS Service) and start up the virtual server. Then just run a batch file on your desktop, that tells the VPS server to start forwarding 1802 traffic to your computer, startup Fantasy Grounds, and give your players the IP address of your VPS Service.

Done.. Game on..

December 7th, 2016, 10:56
Yes it works very well. Even better than Hamachi.. A little more work to setup. You buy the VPS server/service, then run through the tutorial damned wrote. Then on game day just log into your service provider web page (VPS Service) and start up the virtual server. Then just run a batch file on your desktop, that tells the VPS server to start forwarding 1802 traffic to your computer, startup Fantasy Grounds, and give your players the IP address of your VPS Service.

Done.. Game on..

Do you have a link to the tutorial?

December 7th, 2016, 11:15
Try this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i1mxkdubn8kt46k/Fantasy%20Grounds%20VPN%20Server%20Setup%20-%20draft.docx?dl=0
It is a little involved but I believe teh instructions are good but the link to the VPS order page may have expired.
There are some more here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?20309-GM-Connection-Issues-Tried-Everything-Try-Hamachi/page8
and if they dont work let me know and Ill find some new ones.

and there is also this:

August 19th, 2020, 08:04
If Hamachi service stopped working on your Windows system then I have an article in which have some techniques to fix Hamachi stopped service.

1. Check If the WMI Service is Disabled
2. Use Admin Privileges to Run Hamachi Service
3. Disable the Third-Party Antivirus Tool
4. Reinstall LogMeIn Hamachi Service
5. Configure the Hamachi Tunneling Engine Properly
6. Automatically Update the Device Drivers

Above these are the best top 6 main techniques to fix Hamachi service stopped problem.