View Full Version : New Install - Unable to Update or Launch

December 2nd, 2016, 14:27
I've installed FG on a new Win 10 PC. Have tried via Steam & Stand alone installer, the issue is the same. The updater stalls at the PHB every time, leaving content not not installed an unable to launch the game as GM as it defaults to the free license.
My account is an Administrator on the PC. I have changed the default directories to one's with full permission and tried running the executables as Administrator, error is the same each time. I have an identical stall on another Win 10 PC that works fine every time. Scratching my head on this one?

The error from the logs:

Getting purchases from Steam server
Getting manifest for Steam package (328021)
updating modules/AKMAPGC1FG2_Graystone Castle.mod
Getting manifest for Steam package (328022)
updating modules/AKMAPWC1FG2_Winding Caverns.mod
Getting manifest for Steam package (360090)
updating modules/DD PHB Deluxe.mod

Unable to extract file (modules/DD PHB Deluxe.mod)

Unable to save file (modules/DD PHB Deluxe.mod) to content vault.
Error during update check

December 2nd, 2016, 15:15
Go into <FG app data>\vault and delete WOTC5EPHBDELUXE.dat then re-run the update.

December 2nd, 2016, 16:46
Thanks Trenloe but I get the same error after deleting that file. And for every file after that too as before.


December 2nd, 2016, 18:26
Sounds like there are file access rights issues to the <FG app data>\vault directory. If the security for the folder is set to "Full Control" for the SYSTEM user and for the user you're logged in as, then I'd recommend doing a re-install and select the default file locations, to see if that makes a difference.

December 2nd, 2016, 18:48
Both those accounts have full permissions. This is the third install, first time around I used the default directories, second + this time I changed them to <user>appdata\roaming\fantasy grounds. Interestingly, when I re-installed through Steam, the directories were set already to the custom paths - as if the uninstall didn't delete all the registry data. This is the same if I install through Steam or with a standalone client...

December 2nd, 2016, 22:40
If you are on a wifi connection can you try to move closer to the AP?
Can you also check Read Only isnt set on those folders?