View Full Version : 3.5 Crits vs. High AC problem

November 24th, 2016, 10:12
I was testing a fight between two characters in D&D 3.5, and noticed something unusual. One of the characters had multiple attacks, the first attack had a high enough bonus to meet or beat the targets AC, the other two didn't. The threat range was 18-20/x2 crit, a scimitar. After multiple crit rolls, I noticed that only the roll with the highest bonus would auto hit on a natural 18-20. Even if the attack rolls with the lower 2 bonus' rolled 18-20, they would always miss.

The specific numbers I was working with was attackers bonus' were +14/+9/+4 vs. target AC 31.

I know that a natural crit is always supposed to hit, but I wonder if the software effectively thinks, if it can't even normally hit in the first place then it can't ever confirm the hit, so it doesn't even register as an auto hit for a crit?

Has anyone else noticed this, or if it was noticed, find a solution?

Right now, the only thing I know to deal with it is just watch it carefully, and manually apply the damage for what should be an auto hit.

November 24th, 2016, 16:53
Been years, but if I remember correctly, a crit is not an automatic hit, only a natural 20 is an automatic hit. So you might roll a 19, but when you add your bonuses if you still don't equal or exceed the target AC, it's still a miss.

I'd go back and read the rules to make sure I'm right about that though.

November 24th, 2016, 17:31
After taking a closer look at the rules, and testing the rolls again, I have found that you are correct. Incase anyone is wondering where to find the info, it's in the PHB page 140 in the sidebar at the bottom of the page, under the bold heading Increased Threat Range. It's been years since I played 3.5 as well. It makes me wonder if we were doing it wrong all these years, or if someone house ruled it different and didn't say?! I don't remember, oh well, now I know. "...and knowing is half the battle!" - G.I. Joe-

November 24th, 2016, 18:49
Hey, if you were having fun, then it really doesn't matter what the rules were :)