View Full Version : Large Annoyance with 3.2x (Items in the Action tab)

November 22nd, 2016, 19:31
Since no method has ever been put into FG2 to track charged magic items, our group has been using a missile weapon entry under Actions for every wand and staff to mark off charges as they are used. Yeah, you can't do much else with them but track, and have a damage entry for the magic missile and the like, but at least it is something.
But with 3.2, my group can no longer see the entries, We have had enough problems getting weapons to show up as they had to have an inventory item matched to them, but have managed to fix that, I think.

The problem is that as a GM, all the entries show up fine, but not to the players. So I am trying to figure out how to install a second version of FG2 on my PC so I can see what the hell the players are seeing.
This problem has caused about an hour of disruption in my last game. :mad:

But now I am having to go to backups of their characters to try and figure out how many charges were used for the wands of a 13th level party. So there are quite a few.

I am surprised that this entry was never added to FG2 with the ability to add spell effects, or even just duplicate the missile weapon with a different icon, and either have a space when you can drop spell effects, or be able to mark that the damage box would heal instead (for cure wands). For the fireball and such, we just put in the static amount of damage it would cause.

But while I like 3.2, it still seems to have a way to go not to disrupt parties and games.

November 22nd, 2016, 19:34
Since no method has ever been put into FG2 to track charged magic items, our group has been using a missile weapon entry under Actions for every wand and staff to mark off charges as they are used. Yeah, you can't do much else with them but track, and have a damage entry for the magic missile and the like, but at least it is something.
But with 3.2, my group can no longer see the entries, We have had enough problems getting weapons to show up as they had to have an inventory item matched to them, but have managed to fix that, I think.
I'm guessing the players have the mode = Combat on the actions tab. Click the Mode button at the bottom of the actions tab until it shows "Preparation" - this will show all of the weapons in the actions tab, then click the icon to left of the weapon name until it shows an icon that looks like a shirt/armour - this is equipping the weapon and it will appear in all modes on the action tab.

November 22nd, 2016, 19:36
I'd recommend watching the v3.2 video available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUhYLoo1uoc

The new equipment functionality is shown from 40:00 onward.

November 22nd, 2016, 20:27
I am surprised that this entry was never added to FG2 with the ability to add spell effects, or even just duplicate the missile weapon with a different icon, and either have a space when you can drop spell effects, or be able to mark that the damage box would heal instead (for cure wands). For the fireball and such, we just put in the static amount of damage it would cause.

But while I like 3.2, it still seems to have a way to go not to disrupt parties and games.

What ruleset are you using? 3.5e/Pathfinder/5e all have the ability to add spell effects to spell entries, including random damage ranges. 5e even does it out of the box if your spell is worded properly.

November 22nd, 2016, 20:51
Yeah, but it's hard to track charges use as the spell entries generally recharge on a long rest. Ranged ammunition in the weapon section is better for charge uses (that don't come back).

November 22nd, 2016, 22:57
If you ever want to see what the players see, you can launch a 2nd instance of FG on the same computer and then Join Game as a new play to the alias of localhost

You can clear the owner of a character sheet to see exactly what they see. Normally the GM can just open their character sheet and look at the action tab as well.

November 22nd, 2016, 22:58
@iemckinnon (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?38280-iemckinnon)
You don't need to install a second instance of FG to see the player view. Just launch the application a second time (if using Steam you will have to locate the FG executable directly), then whn you join a game, type in "localhost" (no quotes) and you will connect just like a player does.

EDIT: Ninja'd!

November 22nd, 2016, 23:02
EDIT: Ninja'd!

On your left!