View Full Version : Lost content

Radiating Gnome
November 22nd, 2016, 13:36
In my pre-3.2 campaign (savage worlds), I was using the little flag things at the bottom of the window for things like "story" and "npcs" that kept my entries organized. Now, in the new post-3.2 version, it appears that the new structure has replaced the old, and i'm missing a LOT of content.

Is there a way to recover those old entries?

November 22nd, 2016, 13:40
The Little flag things have been replaced by a much more robust indexing system which you will find by clicking on any of the large buttons down the right hand side (Stoty, NPC,Items etc). The top half of the window which opens is now a drop down menu which will contain all of the headings that you previously had in the tabs system. Just select one and all the entries within that heading will appear in the window below.

Radiating Gnome
November 22nd, 2016, 14:59
The Little flag things have been replaced by a much more robust indexing system which you will find by clicking on any of the large buttons down the right hand side (Stoty, NPC,Items etc). The top half of the window which opens is now a drop down menu which will contain all of the headings that you previously had in the tabs system. Just select one and all the entries within that heading will appear in the window below.

I see the more robust system, and I like it, but my content did not migrate when I updated.

For example, in my NPCS, I have a whole slew up "new entries" at the top of my list, but key NPCs that i had created in the flags area are now no longer in my NPCs tool, even if I look for them under "all".

There's now a "group" for the content modules I've added, but my own areas did not made the transition.

Is there a way to roll back the version? At least so I can show you what I'm talking about?

November 22nd, 2016, 17:54
It sounds like perhaps your campaign has become corrupt somehow or it's not reading things in properly.

Try looking in your campaign folder for any files called db.session.xxxxxxxx.xml and take a copy of it and rename it db.xml (don't rename the original - take a copy first) and then see if that works. Go through them one by one and hopefully one of them will contain your data. Before doing any of this backup the entire campaign file so that you don't lose anything.

Radiating Gnome
November 22nd, 2016, 22:55
It sounds like perhaps your campaign has become corrupt somehow or it's not reading things in properly.

Try looking in your campaign folder for any files called db.session.xxxxxxxx.xml and take a copy of it and rename it db.xml (don't rename the original - take a copy first) and then see if that works. Go through them one by one and hopefully one of them will contain your data. Before doing any of this backup the entire campaign file so that you don't lose anything.

Thanks, that helped. I was able to go back to an old backup, turn a bunch of content into a module, and then import that module into a new campaign.