View Full Version : Sundered Skies module issue

November 21st, 2016, 22:01
I've been running my Sunder Skies campaign for a few weeks and after the 3.2 update (and continuing with the 3.2.1) I've encountered a few issues.

Any time a creature is clicked on in the GM Guide it will bring up a new personality window. The creatures are in the personality section so the information is there but it means you can't drag and drop from the creature list, plot points or savage tales section. Encounters I had set up using drag and drop from the plot points or savage tales were changed to being blank stats. It's was not difficult to rebuild what I had but it's not as convenient to add the extra step of the personalty screen.

Using the links for a skyship listed in the plot points campaign will cause an error as well. Accessing the skyship The Soulflame results in the error "Runtime Error: desktop: Unable to create window with invalid class (skyship : sk_vehicles.soulflame(*)Sundered Skies Player)" Again the information can be accessed by going to vehicles on the sidebar.

*Should be the at sign but it would not let me post with it in place

November 23rd, 2016, 20:19
I have the same issues. I purchased the Sundered Skies module and the Companion expansion today and have noticed that I have no images as well.
What's going on?

November 23rd, 2016, 21:44
Thanks for the report. We will look into this immediately after the holiday and try to get it resolved for you by Monday or Tuesday afternoon.

Moon Wizard
November 24th, 2016, 07:02
Just pushed update fixing the vehicle/NPC links, as well as the NPC image links. Also, I cleaned up a few graphic anomalies in the Sundered Skies extension as well.


November 24th, 2016, 18:44
yep, I pushed the update as well and it seems to be working. I don't have anything in my images folder - but the links work so I guess that's how they set them up.