View Full Version : FG Unity Effects

November 15th, 2016, 21:24
Hello, I was curious about the new Unity and the commands for effects.

Presently there are a lot of mechanisms that work in very weird ways, they are work arounds but I was wondering if a more verbose system for mixing conditions and procedures to get effects or make new effects would be part of the new Fantasy Grounds.

For example, hex as a default is coded DMG: 1d6, necrotic; (C); [ROLL]; [SELF]. If I recall correctly, you could also make a code that drops Hex, and then another effect that says IFT (hex) DMG: 1d6, necrotic; (C);...

Is there any hint as to a solution on this that gives a target hex with the source player being locked to the effect?

And then would this be deep enough to say if you wanted to homebrew Hex to only happen once or twice per round instead of every attack that player might make?

As I said I'm just curious because I'm almost finished with a class I've been working on and wanted to put it into FG. I'd like to know if I would be better off waiting for this new version if it makes doing things that are impossible or impossibly complex in the current FG to do simpler.

November 15th, 2016, 21:34
The devs have stated that the main goal of the initial release is to replicate what FG does now. This is the best approach so that the massive inventory of products (commercial and community) will work properly and people's ongoing campaigns will continue to operate with a minimum of impact.

Down the line (after the initial releases) - who knows! The devs are not committing to any specific functionality changes at this stage.

And FGU is a way off yet. The recommendations from everyone is not to wait for FGU and some desired functionality. Do what you can do now - otherwise you'll probably be waiting a long time, and maybe end up disappointed.

November 15th, 2016, 22:19
I've also heard that the devs aren't happy with how the effects currently work, so I (personally) am expecting a change of functionality in the Unity build.

November 15th, 2016, 23:31
Okay, thanks.