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View Full Version : Change size of NPC box...

September 22nd, 2005, 11:44
How do you change the size of the NPC box, once open I can re-size without problem but I want to enlarge the default size..

<windowclass name="npc_combat">
<datasource name="npc" />
<frame name="npcbox_combat" />
<defaultsize width="270" height="400" />

This entry in d20_adventure seems to control the NPC box (at least all the changes I have made in there are displayed when I select an NPC)

But when I change the
defaultsize width="270" height="400" entry nothing happens.

September 22nd, 2005, 14:46
Look further down in the d20_adventure.xml, you'll find an entry that defines the different pages:

<windowclass name="npc">
<datasource name="npc" />
<dynamic r-esize="vertical" />
<defaultsize width="270" height="400" />
<minimumsize width="270" height="400" />
<minimize icon="minimized_npc" />
<tooltip field="name" />
<subwindow name="1description">
<class name="npc_description" />
<activate />
<subwindow name="2combat">
<class name="npc_combat" />
<subwindow name="3other">
<class name="npc_other" />

Changing the size here will do the trick.