View Full Version : Player Seeking Weekly Saturday game.

November 12th, 2016, 06:16
Any games with an opening for a Saturday weekly game I'd love to join up. Looking for a long term game, my previous Saturday game ended when the DM was unable to continue.

I'm fairly experienced with both FG and 5E. Some experience with 3.5 and Dungeon Crawl Classic. I'm willing to learn another game system too if it sounds interesting.

Anyone needing another player feel free to reach out to me, I look forward to adventuring with you all!


November 14th, 2016, 02:49
What time(s) on Saturday can you make? And are you interested in Pathfinder?

November 14th, 2016, 15:12
What time zone are you?

I have a weekly 4e game on Saturdays that needs a new player that runs at 7PM Eastern time.