View Full Version : Savage Swashbuckling - Season 2, 50 Fathoms Deeper.

November 8th, 2016, 09:59
Hello! I've been running a Pirates of the Spanish Main game (calendar (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=1837), original forum thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?28307-Savage-Swashbuckling&highlight=Swashbuckling)) for 9 months, now, and the first plot arc came to an end on Sunday.

The second arc will begin next Sunday (13 Nov 2016), with the crew's arrival in the world of Caribdus, the setting of the 50 Fathoms campaign. For details, see below.

The ship's doctor, whose quest for vengeance (along with their own profit motive) has propelled the crew all over the Caribbean, from volcano temples to elegant chateaux, from chess games in the park to exploding crabs in the dark, finally plunged his bayonet deep into the heart of his enemy, the loathsome and treacherous black magician Belloc. However (wouldn't you know it?), Belloc, with his last breath, uttered a curse intended to destroy the island of Montserrat in a volcanic eruption, and to drag our heroes screaming into Hell behind him.

Searching for help, the crew's mystically inclined gunslinger pleaded with the forces of nature to save the crew, or at least to offer them guidance. No help came, it seemed...but perhaps it just didn't come from this world...

As the crew fled to their ship, the eruption triggered a tsunami which, tearing after them, threatened to wash them down to Davey Jones' locker. Lightning flashed in the night around the boat. Rain poured down. Doom seemed all but certain.

Only then, up ahead, amid the maelstrom of destruction, did they spy the mists. The tsunami driving them from behind, and a whirlpool of water pulling them in ahead, the crew found themselves plunging forward into the dark, into a place beyond and between all the tides they have ever known. Perhaps, just maybe, they remember seeing, for a fleeting moment, the weeping face of a young woman, illuminated in a flash of lightning.

And then the storm was no more. The seas, while not placid, no longer raged around the ship. The crew had survived, somehow, although the doctor lay unconscious in his bunk, burning with an unknown fever. But now, as the mists cleared, the crew saw that the island of Montserrat was gone. Destroyed perhaps, in the force of the eruption? But no, that was not the case. For, even as they took stock of their position, they realised that something was horribly, terrifyingly different: the stars above were not the stars of Earth.

Dare you join the crew, either as a fellow visitor from Earth, or as a native of the Thousand Isles, as they search for a cure for the doctor, and an understanding of the strange forces that have led them to this place?

If you fancy it, just let me know and we'll work out character generation between us. Thanks!

November 10th, 2016, 15:20
I'm playing in this campaign and howfar has done an amazing job throwing in some twists and turns throughout the first arc of this homebrew campaign!

We're now starting up the next arc so that makes it an ideal time to jump in. We've transitioned from a Pirates of the Spanish Main setting to the 50 Fathoms setting (much to the shock and surprise of our characters...and us players as well!). So it's still age of sail swashbuckling but with some fantasy and magic thrown in.

We're looking for a couple additional players to join in so if 50 Fathoms catches your interest, let us know!

November 13th, 2016, 14:00
Only then, up ahead, amid the maelstrom of destruction, did they spy the mists. The tsunami driving them from behind, and a whirlpool of water pulling them in ahead, the crew found themselves plunging forward into the dark, into a place beyond and between all the tides they have ever known. Perhaps, just maybe, they remember seeing, for a fleeting moment, the weeping face of a young woman, illuminated in a flash of lightning.

And then the storm was no more. The seas, while not placid, no longer raged around the ship. The crew had survived, somehow, although the doctor lay unconscious in his bunk, burning with an unknown fever. But now, as the mists cleared, the crew saw that the island of Montserrat was gone. Destroyed perhaps, in the force of the eruption? But no, that was not the case. For, even as they took stock of their position, they realised that something was horribly, terrifyingly different: the stars above were not the stars of Earth.

Dare you join the crew, either as a fellow visitor from Earth, or as a native of the Thousand Isles, as they search for a cure for the doctor, and an understanding of the strange forces that have led them to this place?

If you fancy it, just let me know and we'll work out character generation between us. Thanks!
Yeah! but...


