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November 6th, 2016, 12:51
MoreCore Ruleset (Version 1.61d 20210314). This generic ruleset adds features and flexibility allowing you to play more game systems.

This product has been moved to the Forge the link at the bottom continues to work for those on Classic.

This ruleset coded by damned and ianmward. Additional thanks to superteddy57, celestian, Trenloe, mcortez, kelrugem, Moon Wizard, frostbytejim, Mach5RR and others for their assistance along the way. This incorporates dice rolling extensions from Ikael, DMFirmy, Frostbyte, Sibelius, Trenloe, Imiri, Myrddin, rstrahan, ahoggya, superteddy57, mcortez, David Stitt, thwright, trobadork, SmileyMan, rpotor, opilio, Brotherkelly, Old Scouser Roleplaying, donbwhite, damned and ianmward.

DicePool and much other goodness by ianmward.
Roll Parameters by mcortez.

Special thanks to mcortez for his work on Parameters and to superteddy57 for his work on incorporating Trackers into Rolls and of course to ianmward for making the really complicated bits work.


Version 1.60 released 2021019.

MoreCore was built to add more features to CoreRPG. MoreCore is a very flexible and powerful ruleset allowing you to play many different RPG systems with little or no coding. If you want to tailor your table even further you can create an extension to customise things further.

MoreCore includes enhanced Combat Tracker, enhanced Character (PC) Sheets with Rolls, Attacks, Trackers, Hero Points etc, enhanced NPC sheets, Organisations and Locations. Rolls really are the core feature of MoreCore.

Find MoreCore doco can be found here: https://www.diehard-gaming.com/mchelp.html and you can access this page in-game using /morecorehelp
Find MoreCore Themes here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?35056-MoreCore-Themes
Find MoreCore Character Sheets here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?44632-MoreCore-Character-Sheets
Find MoreCore Extensions here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?37755-MoreCore-extensions
MoreCore Developer Tutorials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54PSYMXmyvs&list=PLsgd1zJLdiKW23yt4X2qc_9w1TWQfTPUA
Using MoreCore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8M48Pqb0BM&list=PLsgd1zJLdiKW3HysWZRsX4cqFlcerBvW3

If you are playing a game system that does not have a full Fantasy Grounds ruleset developed for it consider trying MoreCore.

EDIT: 1.29 20161107 Fixed /export for 3.2.0 (thanks Imiri for the report) (44)
EDIT: 1.30 20161116 Minor updates for 3.2.1 and better support for customising to your favourite game system
EDIT: 1.31 20161116 Minor customising updates (6)
EDIT: 1.32 20161119 Updates to Rolls support for Modifiers and Tables, updated User Guide (12)
EDIT: 1.33 20161123 Rolls display different Icons for Rolls, Modifiers, Tables and Chat (44)
EDIT: 1.34 20161203 Abilities Library, New /rollunder diceroller, transparent tooltips for Rolls (48)
EDIT: 1.36 20161221 More Rolls and other tweaks /qin, /hitos, /conan, /thac0, /saving (39)
EDIT: 1.37 20170103 More Rolls, More Character Sheet Options, NPC Rolls on Combat Tracker (136)
EDIT: 1.38 20170204 More Rolls, Small Fixes (230)
EDIT: 1.39 20170424 Lots more rolls (Coriolis, Champions, Lot5R, DSR, Pendragon, Talislanta and more) plus some other new features. (236)
EDIT: 1.40 20170909 Bugfix for rollunder. Added rollundersmod and rollunderdmod, where the modifier box adjusts the success level or number of dice rolled, respectively. rollunder: modifier box adjusts the success level target. edies: modifier box adjusts the success level target. GM can now edit the "Order" field in the Combat Tracker. (289)
EDIT: 1.41 20180101 Stunt Dice, Roll Low, Bethica RPG (241)
EDIT: 1.42 20180227 Added Dice pool Tray (ianmward, Dice Pool Slash Commands, TDE/DAS Rolls, Can set Init Asc or Dsc (214)
EDIT: 1.43 20180424 New Rolls for Torg, Ave, Vagrant, The Dark Eye, Metamorphosis Alpha. New Spells options. New NPC options. (279)
EDIT: 1.44 20180627 New Rolls for Tiny, Powers and Perils, Conan. New Organisations and Locations. XP Tracking. New Initiative Options. (183)
EDIT: 1.45 20180801 Compatibility for 3.3.6, new rolls for West End Games d6, Unisystem, 2300AD, BattleTech, Fragged Empire. Additional Initiative Options. (214)
EDIT: 1.46 20180915 New rolls for Wrath & Glory, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, Chronicles of Darkness, 7th Seas and tweaks to many others. Even more Initiative options. (339)
EDIT: 1.47 20181117 Roll Parameters (mcortez), Moved Flip Frames to MoreData tab, New rolls for Thac0 and B/X Extension, Spells are incomplete in this build* (192)
EDIT: 1.48 20181223 Spell Trackers, Spell Points, remove spells, extra Rolls (244)
EDIT: 1.49 20190128 New Trackers, Integrated Rolls/Trackers, New Rolls (198)
EDIT: 1.50 20190211 Additional Damage and Attack Rolls (394)
EDIT: 1.51 20190428 Additional Rolls, Tweaks to Roll Parameters (1236)
EDIT: 1.52 20200115 Additional Rolls, New Custom Target Modifiers, New Skin (41)
EDIT: 1.53 20200115 (318)
EDIT: 1.54 20200315 New Rolls, Kelrugems keladvantage/keldisadvantage, World Builder, Investigator, Dear Diary, Minimum (and negative) Values for Trackers, Reverse Trackers (753)
EDIT: 1.55 20200416 New Rolls, Trackers can use Paramaters, World Builder, Investigator, Dear Diary, Fix Experience, Extra Slots in Dice Pool, Fix Abilities Export (547)
EDIT: 1.56 20200516 Added Drag and Drop Races, Character Advancement Log, updates to World Builder (216)
EDIT: 1.57 20200601 Roll Updates, Bug Fixes (162)
EDIT: 1.58 20200614 Roll Updates, Bug Fixes (225)
EDIT: 1.59 20200630 Roll Updates, Player Agency Updates, Bug Fixes (1008)
EDIT: 1.60 20201019 Unity Dice Roller supported with /die, basic calculations by FrostbyteJim and fixes to CT Display by Mach5RR (1178)
EDIT: 1.61a 20210219a Compatibility with new CoreRPG build - changes courtesy of the Big Kahuna Moon Wizard
EDIT: 1.61b 20210220 Compatibility with new Classic for /die rolls
EDIT: 1.61c/d/e/f 20120314 Unidamage roll, NPC fixes and other bug fixes. (566)
EDIT: 1.62 Consumable Rolls, exaltedx, remove Locations and Organisations

If you cannot see the file to download - scroll right to the bottom of the screen and on the left set the theme to FG Responsive then the file should be just below this message.

November 6th, 2016, 14:59
The current dice strings are:

2300AD: /ad2300 1#d10+# (roll 1d10 + modifiers. Reports levels of success.)
AFMBE: /afmbe 1d20+# (roll 1d20 + modifiers)
ArsMagica: /arsmagica 1d10+# Rolls base stress die that will explode on 1's and give 10 as botch. Use Modifier box for adding in the other components for the equation.
Aventure: /ave #d# (roll #d#+# a natural under 5 is a critical success and a natural over 95 is a critical failure)
Bane: /bane #d# (roll #d# and add the highest value as a -mod to the modifier tool)
Boon: /boon #d# (roll #d# and add the highest value as a mod to the modifier tool)
Black Crusade: /blackcrusade 1d100x# (hash is difficulty, results in degrees)
Chronicles of Darkness: /cod #d10 (roll #d10, count dice above 8, subtract 1s, use Modifier box to add additional dice)
Conan: /conan 2d20x#y# (roll 2d20+skill+specialisation, each dice equal or under skill is a success, each dice under specialisation is an additioanl success, modifiers increase the number of dice)
Crom: /crom #d6 (roll #d6, 1s, 2s count for damage, 5s, 6s count for effects, modifiers increase the number of dice)
Bethica Feat: /bfeat 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod and compare to difficulty table - Realms of Bethica)/bsave 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)\r\n/bspell 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)\r\n/bcleric 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)\r\n/breaction 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)\r\n/branged 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)\r\n/bmelee 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)\r\n/btalent (description only - Realms of Bethica)\r\n/btechnique (description only - Realms of Bethica)
Bethica Save: /bsave 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)
Bethica Spell: /bspell 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)
Bethica Cleric: /bcleric 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)
Bethica Reaction: /breaction 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)
Bethica Ranged: /branged 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)
Bethica Melee: /bmelee 2d10 +# (roll 2d10+mod - Realms of Bethica)
Bethica Talent: /btalent (description only - Realms of Bethica)
Bethica Technique: /btechnique (description only - Realms of Bethica)
Champions: /champions # (use OCV for # to determine DCV success)
Champions Kill: /ckill #d6 (roll #d6 for Body damage + 1d6 to determine additional body damage)
Champions Skill: /cskill c#s# (roll equal or under 9+characteristic/5+skill on 3d6)
Champions Stun: /cstun #d6 (roll #d6 for Stun and Body damage)
Coriolis: /coriolis #d6 (roll #d6 and count 6's as successes)
Roll Dice: /die #d#+# (roll #dice and add #)
DBDamage: /dbdamage #d#+# rolls damage and applies it to the target
Dead Simple Roleplaying: /dsr 1d20+# (roll 1d20+modifiers - 15 or better is success, 11 or better is a near miss)
Earthdawn: /earthdawn # (roll #d6 and explode, count successes and failures)
Exploding Dice: /edie #d# (roll #dice and explode)
Exploding Dice Successes: /edies #d#x# (roll #dice and explode, count results above # as successes)
Exploding Dice **New**: /explode #d#+# (roll #dice and explode, accepts modifiers)
Factor12: /factwelve #d12+# (roll #d12+mod)
Fragged Empire Check: /frag 3d6+# (roll 3d6+mod - fragged empire. Reports highest level of Success attained.
Gumshoe Attack: /gsattack (optional # target) (Gumshoe System - 1d6 vs # - accepts modifiers from modifier stack)
Gumshoe Damage: /gsdamage #d#+# rolls damage and applies it to the target
Gumshoe: /gumshoe # (Gumshoe System - 1d6 vs # - accepts modifiers from modifier stack)
Harn: /harn 1d100x# (roll dice to determine success level given an Effective Mastery Level)
Harn Skill: /harnskill x#y# (roll 1d100 to determine success level given a Mastery Level and Penalty)
Healing: /heal #d#+# (need to ctrl-drag to apply negative damage)
Hitos: /hitos # (roll 3d10, the middle number must equal or beat #)
Infinity: /infskill #d20a#e#f# rolls #d 20's, each result under a# + b# is a success, and rolls under f# generate an extra success. Extra dice can be added via Modifier box.
Ironsworn: /iron 2d#+1d#+# (roll 2d# challenge dice against 1d# action die and add # modifier to action die. Also accepts 2d# action dice.)
Kult: /kult 2d10 (roll 2d10+#, roll 2d10+modifiers and compare to table)
Metamorphosis Alpha Mental Resistance: /mamen # (roll 3d6+Mental and compare to Mental Resistance)
Metamorphosis Alpha Weapon Attack: /maweapon # (roll 1d20 and compare roll + weapon against Armour Type)
Masterbook RPG: /mbook 2d10#, (roll 2d10 exploding on 10's, total result compared to MasterBook Bonus Chart, bonus from chart added to # (which can be skill or attribute)
Initiative: /myinit #d#+# (roll #d#+# and set as your Initiative)
Order Results: /orderresult #d# (roll #d# and order results)
Powered by the Apocalypse: /pbta #d#+# (roll #dice and add #)
Powers and Perils: /pnp # (roll #d6 and count 6's, modifiers add dice)
Pendragon: /pendragon # (roll 1d20 equal or under target #, equal target is Critical Success, 20 is Fumble)
Qin - Yin Yang: /qin (Qin Yin/Yang dice)
Drop Lowest: /rolld #d#x# (roll #dice drop # lowest)
Drop Highest: /rolllow #d#x# (roll #dice drop # highest)
Roll Over: /rollover #d#x# (roll #dice and count #-, accepts extra dice from modifiers)
Roll Under: /rollunder #d#x#([+-]#) (roll #dice and count #-, optional modifier adjusts the final number of succeses, modifier box adjusts the target success level)
Roll Under (Mod Successes): /rollundersmod #d#x#([+-]#) (roll #dice and count #-, optional modifier adjusts the final number of succeses, modifier box adjusts the final number of successes)
Roll Under (Mod Dice): /rollunderdmod #d#x#([+-]#) (roll #dice and count #-, optional modifier adjusts the final number of succeses, modifier box adjusts the number of dice rolled)
Roll and Keep: /rnk #k# (roll #d10 explode and keep highest #)
Roll and Keep Damage: /rnkd #k# (roll #d10 explode and keep highest # of type damage)
Roll and Keep Katana Damage: /rnkd #k# (roll #d10 explode on 9 and 10 and keep highest # of type damage)
Roll and Keep Expertise: /rnke #k# (re-roll 1s once and then explode 10s)
7th Sea: /seventh #d10 (roll #d10, modifiers add dice, create sets of 10)
Stunt Dice: /stunt # (roll stunt dice and add optional modifier)
Saving Throw: /sthrow #d#+#<># (roll dice and equal or higher/lower for success)
Shadowrun 4: /srun4 #d6x# (roll #dice, count #s[Success] and #f[Fails] and limit Successes by x#)
Success/Fail: /sfdice #d#s#f# (roll #dice, count #s[Success] and #f[Fail])
Count Successes: /successes #d#x# (roll #dice and count #+)
Symbaroum: /symb 1d20x# (roll equal/under target)
Talislanta: /talislanta 1d20+# (roll 20+ Critical Success, 11-19 Full Success, 6-10 Partial Success, 1-5 Failure, 0 or less Mishap, accepts multiple modifiers)
thac0: /thac0 1d20+#x# (roll 1d20+mod, x# is characters THAC0 value). Will compare against targets Defense.
Tiny: /tiny 2d6 (roll 2d6 and count 5s and 6s as a success, modifiers add/subtract dice min 1 dice, max 3 dice.)
Torg: /torg [optional: trait value] [optional:[u|p]#] (Torg action check: roll 1d20, exploding on 10s and 20s. If the second option is included, the number is added to the die roll as an [u]p or [p]ossiblity roll - ex: /torg 8u5, /torg 10p13. Look up the final die roll on a bonus chart, and add to the [trait value], along with any modifiers)
Torg Unskilled: /torgu [optional: trait value] [optional:[u|p]#] (Torg unskilled rolls: works the same as /torg, but rolls of 20 don't explode)
Torg Bonus: /torgbd # (Torg bonus dice: roll #d6, on a roll of 6 (infinity symbol), 5 is added to the total and the die re-rolled. The # may be ommitted, defaulting to 1d6)
Traveller: /trav 2d6+# (Traveller roll 2d6+mod)
Tunnels and Trolls: /trolls # (First click on Attribute modifier [ex Strength 16 /mod 16] and then the Trolls Difficulty Level Roll [eg 1-6])
Ubiquity: /ubiquity #s# (roll #d#, evens count as successes, use Modifier box for additional dice)
Unisystem: /unisystem 1d10 (Results of 1 and 10 explodes, subtracting or adding an additional d6-1)
Vagrant: /vagrant +# (make a beat-the-odds roll with # bonus/malice dice - Age of Legend)
WEG d6: /weg 1d6+#d1006 (West End Games d6)
Witcher RPG: /witcher 1d10 (Roll Explode / Fumble dice use Modifier box for additional Difficulty modification)
Witcher Attack: /witcherattack 1d10 (Roll Explode / Fumble dice, hit location on humans, use Modifier box for additional Difficulty modification)
Witcher Monster: /witchermonster 1d10 (Roll Explode / Fumble dice, hit location on monsters, use Modifier box for additional Difficulty modification)
World of Darkness: /woddice #s# (roll #d10, count dice above #, subtract 1s, use Modifier box for additional Difficulty modification)
Wrath and Glory: /wrath #d6 (roll #d6, first dice is a red Wrath Dice, use Modifier box for additional Difficulty modification)
Wrath and Glory Damage: /wrathdmg #d6x# (roll #d6, add x#, modifiers add extra dice, dice generates damage on sliding scale)
Wrath and Glory Brutal Damage: /wrathdmgb #d6x# (roll #d6, add x#, modifiers add extra dice, dice generates damage on sliding scale)
SpellPoints: /spellpoints # decrements the Spell Points by #

November 6th, 2016, 15:02
Ability: /ability (description only)
Cleric: /cleric (description only)
Monstrous Trait: /mtrait (description only)
Spell: /spell (description only)
Wizard: /wizard (description only)
Flame: /flame (description only)
Fireball: /fireball (description only)
Pentagram: /pent (description only)
Druid: /druid (description only)
Bard: /bard (description only)
Necromancer: /skull (description only)
Trait: /trait (description only)
Modifier: /mod # (adds entry to the Modifier box, accepts negatives)
Tables: /rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d [NdN+N]> <-hide> (rolls on table)
Follow On: /followon [rollname] rollon [tablename] (registers an event that will roll on the [tablename] any time that character does the [rollname] roll.
/followon [rollname] without further arguments to unregister.)
Dice Pool: /pool #d# (add dice to the dice pool)
Dice Pool Roll Type: /pooltype damage|dice (change roll to damage or dice type)
Roll Dice Pool: /rollpool (roll the current pool)


Creating/adding your own new rolls

The first thing to do is use a roll from /scripts (as opposed to /desktop/scripts) as your base Template. Use one that is close already in usage as your template.

1. In your /scripts/manager_custom_mynewroll.lua roll set the Roll type:
local sCmd = "mynewroll";
2. Include this new script in /base.xml
<script name="CustomDiceMyNewRoll" file="scripts/manager_custom_mynewroll.lua" />
3. Create a new Button Icon for the roll and store in /graphics/icons folder
4. Define in /graphics/graphics_icons.xml
<icon name="mynewroll" file="graphics/icons/button_mynewroll.png" />
5. Setup the auto Icon definition in /campaign/template_campaign.xml
Add to the <template name="button_rolls_type"> in 3 places - 2 as mynewroll (icons and values) and 1 as MyNewRoll (tooltips).
Add to the <template name="button_rolls"> in 3 places - 2 as mynewroll (icons and values) and 1 as MyNewRoll (tooltips).
6. Add to /campaign/record_cas.xml
Add to the <string_column name="clichatcommand"> just above the elseif == nil statement
elseif sCommand == "mynewroll" then
7. Add it to the /dicehelp command via /scripts/dicehelp.lua
Add it to the function createHelpMessage()

And then package up those changed files and send to me (with permission to use/include/share) so that it can be included in the next version of MoreCore and you wont have to redo your changes after the next update.

November 6th, 2016, 17:24
It's wonderful !!! Thank you very much.

November 6th, 2016, 22:08
Thanks for the (again) working Export feature. :)

November 7th, 2016, 02:41
The exported dice strings Rolls is pure genius! Now if you could do the same with Abilities I may not need another ruleset ever again!

November 7th, 2016, 02:50
The exported dice strings Rolls is pure genius! Now if you could do the same with Abilities I may not need another ruleset ever again!

The abilities features (name and description) are kinda included in the MoreCore Rolls. You can just have an ability without a roll. The advantage of this is when you use it from Rolls it will report that the PC or NPC is using that Roll/Ability.... The downside is that there is only so much room on that front page and I have pretty much squeezed every little bit out of that front page layout. I added a couple of pixels to the main rolls and modifiers windows and reduced all the padding etc.
Im pretty sure I could add the export capability and a library for Abilities if you would prefer to continue using them....

November 7th, 2016, 03:06
I suppose one could use the rolls and add the flavor text but leave the dice string blank if it was a move, feat or ability that doesn't require to roll dice. Didn't think of that.

November 7th, 2016, 21:34
Any chance of MoreCore getting its own subforum? Might be easier for people to find stuff, IMHO.

November 7th, 2016, 21:35
Any chance of MoreCore getting its own subforum? Might be easier for people to find stuff, IMHO.
I think it's a bit early for that! There's only one thread (this one).

November 7th, 2016, 23:07
Any chance of MoreCore getting its own subforum? Might be easier for people to find stuff, IMHO.

Pretty much only the commercial rulesets have their own subforum.
But maybe if it starts getting some real use....

November 8th, 2016, 04:08
Here is a little thing that took me a while to figure out:

To make one of the "Rolls" items work, hit return after the dice string. I don't know how long it took me to figure that out.

November 8th, 2016, 04:18
Where are you seeing this jeffepp? Within the Roll window there is no requirement to hit enter. You can tab into another field, click into another field, close the window or just roll while the window is still open and they should all work...

November 8th, 2016, 04:20
I'm guessing this is just that you have to exit the field so that the data is saved?

November 8th, 2016, 05:55
Are the 'Effects' only text labels at this point?

November 8th, 2016, 05:58
If I haven't told you this yet, Sir. Damned, you are awesome. I haven't ever really tried to use CoreRPG for anything, but if and when I do, which I am sure I will at some point, I will most certainly be using the MoreCore version. Very sweet work.

November 8th, 2016, 06:05
If I haven't told you this yet, Sir. Damned, you are awesome.
Steady on. I mean, he's kinda OK, but awesome? The jury's out on that one... ;-)

November 8th, 2016, 06:14
Steady on. I mean, he's kinda OK, but awesome? The jury's out on that one... ;-)

Yeah! I thought I was the awesome one!?! To witness:



November 8th, 2016, 10:20
Eh, now it's working fine. It might be an initial setup thing. I would but the dice string into the dice string box, close the window, and hit the "Roll" button, and would get an error. After fiddling with it for a while, I wondered if it needed something to end the string, like you have in the attack pane, with the comma. So, I hit return, putting another line below the initial, and it worked! Now, all of the ones I have made work without the extra line.

November 12th, 2016, 05:21
How do "dice strings" work? No matter what I do I get an error or nothing at all

November 12th, 2016, 05:22
How do "dice strings" work?
See the "Dice Strings" section of the MoreCore documentation: https://www.diehard-gaming.com/mchelp.html

November 12th, 2016, 05:35
Basically, they are a little bit of code, that will allow some kind of dice roll. For example, a standard roll of 2d8 + 2 would be:

/dice 2d8+2

There is a list in the chat window when you open a MoreCore campaign, and on the website listed in the first post. There are a few things that they can do.

This allows you to program the "Rolls". I haven't experimented to see if you can combine them, yet.

November 12th, 2016, 06:02
Please explain what you are doing. Did you have a look at the brief guide? Its linked in the chatwindow or you can type /morecorehelp to bring up the link:

November 12th, 2016, 06:06
Basically, they are a little bit of code, that will allow some kind of dice roll. For example, a standard roll of 2d8 + 2 would be:

/dice 2d8+2

There is a list in the chat window when you open a MoreCore campaign, and on the website listed in the first post. There are a few things that they can do.

This allows you to program the "Rolls". I haven't experimented to see if you can combine them, yet.

Sorry jeffepp you cant combine them but you could program one that combines the rolls you need.

Hi chadhill

Rolls Library

Rolls are one of the key enhancements in the current MoreCore release. The GM can create a library of Rolls that can be drag and dropped to PC and NPC sheets.

Rolls have three fields - Name, String and Description. The Name will appear in the Chat Window when the Roll is used. The String is the Dice String that will be used. This may be left blank or you may use the strings below. The Descriptions is purely for reference purposes.

Drop Lowest: /rolld #d#x# (roll #dice drop # lowest)
Count Successes: /successes #d#x# (roll #dice# and count those equal or higher than #)
Exploding Dice: /edie #d# (roll #dice and explode)
RollAnd Keep: /rnk #k# (roll #d10 explode and keep highest #)
Roll and Order: /orderresult #d# (roll #d# and order results)
Standard Roll: /die #d#+# (roll #dice and add #)
Powered by the Apocalypse: /pbta #d#+# (roll #dice and add #)
Success/Fail Dice: /sfdice #d#s#f# (roll #dice, count #s[Success] and #f[Fail])
World of Darkness: /woddice #s# (roll #d10, count dice above #, subtract 1s, use Modifier box for additional Difficulty modification)

I just realised that the Rolls button on the sidebar isnt loading on startup of a new campaign. Ill fix that for the next update. Click on Library and tick MoreCore Rolls to activate the Rolls dialog. You dont need this but it does allow you to export rolls to a mod when you have them in here.

You can create all sorts of roll strings in the Character Sheet using Rolls and the 4 spaces defined for them.

November 12th, 2016, 16:02
I know I must be doing something wrong, I copied the dice string verbatim and replaced the "#" with numbers, and I am still getting an error message or no result at all. I am trying to enter a simple 3d6 attribute roll but having a little bit of a kiniption in figuring it out. This is the right string correct " /die #d#+# "? I have the "Rolls" window and have tried creating a roll there, drag and drop that button into the Character sheet; I have tried creating a roll directly from the Character Sheet, it all come up with the same error: "Script Error: [string "button_roll"]:1: attempt to concatenate local 'sParams'(a nil value)"

November 12th, 2016, 16:08
I know I must be doing something wrong, I copied the dice string verbatim and replaced the "#" with numbers, and I am still getting an error message or no result at all. I am trying to enter a simple 3d6 attribute roll but having a little bit of a kiniption in figuring it out. This is the right string correct " /die #d#+# "?
Can you provide screen shots? Give actual examples of the strings you're using - and provide details of the error messages.

Also, try running the command in the chat window first: e.g. /die 3d6 to make sure you have the base format right.

November 12th, 2016, 16:26
Can you provide screen shots? Give actual examples of the strings you're using - and provide details of the error messages.

Also, try running the command in the chat window first: e.g. /die 3d6 to make sure you have the base format right.

Thanks, I knew it was something simple, I was missing a space, trial and error in the chat window found it. I have no idea what all these characters mean, I just type what I see someone else has done and try that, so my trial and error process takes a while, I have to try every possible combination for each character, like the [B], what does that mean? does it do something?

November 12th, 2016, 21:15
That's the problem I was having, earlier. Somehow, the parser needs something to end the first run of the first string. After that, everything works. In my case, I hit enter, creating a new line in the Dice String box. It's very probable that most people did this automatically, so never saw the problem. I haven't had as much free time in the last week or two, at least in large enough blocks, to do much with this.

November 13th, 2016, 01:42
That's the problem I was having, earlier. Somehow, the parser needs something to end the first run of the first string. After that, everything works. In my case, I hit enter, creating a new line in the Dice String box. It's very probable that most people did this automatically, so never saw the problem. I haven't had as much free time in the last week or two, at least in large enough blocks, to do much with this.

Hi jeffepp are you saying that until you have *terminated* one string none of them work?
Ill see if I can recreate...

November 13th, 2016, 01:44
Thanks, I knew it was something simple, I was missing a space, trial and error in the chat window found it. I have no idea what all these characters mean, I just type what I see someone else has done and try that, so my trial and error process takes a while, I have to try every possible combination for each character, like the [B], what does that mean? does it do something?

Hey chadhill whilst you absolutely can use the rolls from the command line (all of them in the command line will also accept a description) they main benefit for my way of thinking is that you can create these rolls/strings in a Library (see Rolls campaign tool) and drag and drop them onto character sheets. So if they have common rolls you can do them with a single click from the character sheet instead of typing them out each time.

November 13th, 2016, 04:44
Terminate, as in giving an ending point, also known as a terminator. In the attacks section, each item is terminated with a comma, indicating that the item is done, and that anything following will be a different item. Apparently, the dice string parser needs a terminator at the end of the first string it processes, in this case, a return character. I don't know enough about the programming of FG to say why.

November 13th, 2016, 04:47
Terminate, as in giving an ending point, also known as a terminator. In the attacks section, each item is terminated with a comma, indicating that the item is done, and that anything following will be a different item. Apparently, the dice string parser needs a terminator at the end of the first string it processes, in this case, a return character.
I'm not following you - can you provide a screenshot of what works and what doesn't? Thanks.

Tel Arin
November 14th, 2016, 21:23
The ruleset is absolutely incredible. Thank you so much damned!

November 15th, 2016, 00:57
The ruleset is absolutely incredible. Thank you so much damned!

Cool. Id love to hear what you are using it for. Im also open to suggestions...

November 16th, 2016, 04:21

I'm using it for Shadow of the Demon Lord and havily using the /rolld for the Bane/Boon system.

I was trying to figure out a way to put them in a single roll in a viable way, but I don't think there's one, so I'll keep them as two separate rolls and adding them together mentally, it already does the hard part for me.

Thanks a lot!

November 16th, 2016, 04:50
Hey Dr0W I did a SotDL background somewhere.... Ill post you up a real quick theme for MoreCore+SotDL tonight :)
I hear a rumour that we might see an office ruleset sometime next year....

November 16th, 2016, 05:32
Hey Dr0W I did a SotDL background somewhere.... Ill post you up a real quick theme for MoreCore+SotDL tonight :)
I hear a rumour that we might see an office ruleset sometime next year....

I was fixing myself some background and decal for SotDL, had some neat stuff for FG and the old MoreCore but lost my HD a month ago.

I'd LOVE to hear more about this rumour of yours.
Shadow of the Demon Lord translation to brazilian portuguese was just successfully funded as of yesterday (https://www.demonlord.com.br) and it broke records as the greatest crowfunded RPG in Brazil so far, they got over R$100,000 while the prior most well funded RPG, Numenéra had around R$76,000. We've got plenty of fans around here and I'm sure I could bring some to the FG side of the force with the help of the demon lord.

November 16th, 2016, 06:28
Ive uploaded v1.30 with some minor new features that take advantage of 3.2.1 and using the attachment below you can make some tweaks for your own game system.

Shadow of the Demon Lord theme for MoreCore can be downloaded here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?35056-MoreCore-Themes


November 16th, 2016, 12:40
Thank you a lot, saved me a lot of work and did a better job than I'd ever could.

November 17th, 2016, 13:37
Hello. The dice roll /rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d [NdN+N]> can be used as dice strings and rolls library?

November 17th, 2016, 22:35
Hello. The dice roll /rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d [NdN+N]> can be used as dice strings and rolls library?

Hi fabiocm no I dont think it does. Im not familiar with that command. What are you trying to achieve?

November 17th, 2016, 22:40
See /rollon here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Chat_Commands (It's not a deodorant!)

It doesn't work in MoreCore.

This would be very handy, especially for those RPGs that use tables (e.g. DCC, which is full of them), as a roll on the specific table could be directly linked into the character sheet (via the /rollon command) and a roll on the table done as an ability check, attack, damage, critical result, etc., etc., etc..

November 18th, 2016, 00:19
Hi Guys - im looking into this...

November 18th, 2016, 00:29
This would also be great for pbta games as you could get the consequences of each results (failure, partial success and success) in the chat window. That's how I had it set up in CoreRpg anyway but it wasn't possible to put tables on a character sheet.

November 18th, 2016, 00:49
This would also be great for pbta games as you could get the consequences of each results (failure, partial success and success) in the chat window. That's how I had it set up in CoreRpg anyway but it wasn't possible to put tables on a character sheet.

Are you using /pbta ?


November 18th, 2016, 02:08
Yes I know that, but what is the cost? With a table you get the results from the table in the chat.

November 18th, 2016, 02:55
Gotcha. We may add that functionality (reporting the Moves narrative results) into MoreCore Rolls or might leave it and build it into a PbtA ruleset....
Im looking at the Tables thingy...

November 18th, 2016, 06:40
Soooooo.... after much chasing of my tail and actually knowing the answer but failing to think and track it all the way through....

MoreCore will shortly be able to support 2 new /commands being
/mod [number]
/rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d [NdN+N]> <-hide>

These are not new commands but their support in the Rolls feature is new. This actually solves items 1, 2 and 3 on my current wishlist too.
I havent posted this updated version just yet as I think it needs something else for it to really make sense.

Where I dont think this will work quite so well for you Mask_of_winter is that the /rollon command does not utilise the Modifiers. If /rollon also accepted the Modifiers input then that would work very well for you but that looks like it is well beyond my ability.

November 18th, 2016, 13:29
Great job Damian! Thanks for trying!

November 19th, 2016, 02:51
Hola good people. MoreCore has been updated today to 1.32 with the net new feature of being able to save Modifiers (/mod) and Table Rolls (/rollon) in the Rolls Library and drag and drop them on to Character Sheets. This has meant I have changed the Character Sheet from 4 Rolls and 2 Modifiers sections to 6 Rolls sections that can be used however you like.

Check back regularly for updates.
Also check the MoreCore Themes page.
And Imiri will be uploading a full Starter Set for City of Mist RPG this weekend.


November 19th, 2016, 06:44
That is brilliant and a huge improvement in flexibility for different extensions to come.

November 19th, 2016, 08:07
Nice! I was going to ask about how to go about tweaking that page to use 6 (or at least 5) roll sections.

November 19th, 2016, 08:57
Nice! I was going to ask about how to go about tweaking that page to use 6 (or at least 5) roll sections.

All sections will scroll if you have more entries than will fit in the visible space.
I think there is room for 45 visible entries and you can make the page longer which will expand the lower 3 panels automatically.

November 19th, 2016, 13:48
Awesome job, damned!

November 19th, 2016, 14:59
Screenshot from todays game using MoreCore and City Of Mist,


November 19th, 2016, 17:41
Screenshot from todays game using MoreCore and City Of Mist
Very cool. Although the map of Sydney's obscuring the character sheets!

November 22nd, 2016, 13:51
Very cool. Although the map of Sydney's obscuring the character sheets!

Im using Sydney as the City in City of Mist
The circles represent different Zones - CBD, Entertainment, Blue-Collar Slums, Rundown Industrial Docks, HiTech, University, Wealthy

November 22nd, 2016, 13:53
Ive just uploaded a new Theme for City of Mist
and Imiri will upload a full Starter Set for this game later today - its definitely worth grabbing and you can (if you are quick) back the Kickstarter.
The starter set that will be uploaded along with this new Theme and MoreCore will let you start playing City Of Mist straight away.



November 22nd, 2016, 20:12
That is so cool looking. Great job on the theme extension. Very beautiful. What system is this game based on? It looks like it's mostly 2d6 based, but all the rest of the usual suspect dice are on the desktop, but with the addition of a die with a plus symbol. Is this a stand alone system or based on some existing system?

November 22nd, 2016, 22:24
That is so cool looking. Great job on the theme extension. Very beautiful. What system is this game based on? It looks like it's mostly 2d6 based, but all the rest of the usual suspect dice are on the desktop, but with the addition of a die with a plus symbol. Is this a stand alone system or based on some existing system?

It is a brand new game currently on Kickstarter. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1105356930/city-of-mist-a-noir-rpg-of-modern-day-legends?ref=nav_search
You can download the full starter kit from RPGNow for free: https://www.rpgnow.com/browse.php?keywords=city+of+mist&x=0&y=0&author=&artist=&pfrom=&pto=
Most of that is included in the Fantasy Grounds conversion that Imiri and I put together here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?35156-MoreCore-City-Of-Mist-Starter-Set

It is a Powered by the Apocalypse game so the primary dice mechanic is 2d6 + modifiers. Many PbtA games uses only the 2d6 and others use all the dice (like Dungeonworld does for weapon damage). So far I have only used 2d6 in City of Mist but who knows... :)
At this stage the theme part of this is only thematic - it doesnt change any features of MoreCore but I have a couple of additional tweaks I am likely to add when time permits.

So far the game itself is quite good. It has elements of a lot of popular games and with the easy mechanics of PbtA but all very much with its own flavour. Investigation and action combine for a good story.

Weve built a full reference manual (starter set only) and full drag and drop moves/themes (starter set only) and including pre-gens and an adventure.


November 23rd, 2016, 20:39
Ive added a couple of new features to the City of Mist extension.
Download the new version here:

And always make sure you have the latest versions of MoreCore and the Modules too:

You can now track your Status on the Character Sheet and on the Combat Tracker

November 24th, 2016, 22:16

the link https://www.diehard-gaming.com/mchelp.html in post #1 is dead.

November 24th, 2016, 22:46

the link https://www.diehard-gaming.com/mchelp.html in post #1 is dead.

Ahhhh sioc you may have fallen afoul of the Great Firewall of Damned.... There has been a significant increase in hacking attempts on my servers from France and more ip ranges keep getting auto blocked daily....
Ill attach the file here for you for now but it obviously wont stay up to date with the live one...

November 26th, 2016, 17:52
Wow, damned. I am seriously digging the versatility of the ruleset, thank you! I do have a question:

Concerning the exploding dice, is there a way to assign other die types with larger numbers? For example, HackMaster's d20 explodes to a d6. Is there a way to assign it manually, or does it just explode with the same die type?

November 27th, 2016, 00:41
Wow, damned. I am seriously digging the versatility of the ruleset, thank you! I do have a question:

Concerning the exploding dice, is there a way to assign other die types with larger numbers? For example, HackMaster's d20 explodes to a d6. Is there a way to assign it manually, or does it just explode with the same die type?

Hi FXguy Fantasy Grounds doesnt have as good a dice rolling options as some other platforms. It has crazy cool dice but they mostly only do /die #d#+# and thats all. The rest of the dice rollers in FG were coded by other community members and integrated into MoreCore. You would need to have a LUA understanding (or some other coding ability which you can turn towards learning the LUA examples) and create your own extension based off the example.
Are you saying that in Hackmaster when you roll a d20 and get a 20 it will explode rolling one more d6 or will it keep exploding the d6s on 6s as well?
If you can let e know Ill point you to the right file and you can have a go at hacking it and creating a /hack20 roller and we can include it back in MoreCore...
Up for the challenge?

November 27th, 2016, 03:41
Are you saying that in Hackmaster when you roll a d20 and get a 20 it will explode rolling one more d6 or will it keep exploding the d6s on 6s as well?

Almost. HackMaster calls it "Penetration Dice," but that the next roll is -1. If you were to roll d4p, it would mean you roll a d4-1. If it's another 4, then roll again, and the following number is -1. For example, you roll d4p and get a 4, 4, and a 2. The result would be 8, because 4 (the full score)+3 (that's 4-1)+1 (that's 2-1).

With a d20, you roll 20, then roll d6-1. If a 6 is rolled, than another d6-1, and so on. With d100, you roll d20-1 as the penetration dice.

Sure, I'd be up to the task, to be included in MoreCore. I know a lot of people who are holding out on FG because they use the Roll20 macros to get the results. This could bring a lot of HM players over.

November 27th, 2016, 11:42
Hi FXguy - this script contains two dice handlers in the one script so you are going to need to filter out the rnk stuff first and then look at the remaining edie code and see if you can build the penetration die.
Whilst this script is not in the best format for inclusion in MoreCore we can code it in ok. edie is the current exploding die so its the best one to work with.... probably...


An example of one that is fully prepped to be dropped straight into MoreCore is morecore_ianmward_pbta.lua

Follow one or the other script as closely as you can in terms of structure so as to make it as easy as possible to include.

And... thank you and good luck!

November 27th, 2016, 14:09
Thanks again, damned, I'll look into it immediately. You rock, as usual.

December 1st, 2016, 21:11
Hi, I am trying to make my damage dice explode, so I put " /edie #d#" string into my character sheet, but it does not read as exploding, is there a difference between the chat box syntax and the pushbutton roll syntax or something, or does this simply not work for the linked rolls?

chadhill you should be using the MoreCore ruleset (v1.33 is the current version) and you should not have a MoreCore Extension loaded (unless its one of the MoreCore themes I have posted in another thread).
You should see in the startup messages in chat where it lists the dice strings.
jeffep reported an anomaly where he had to press enter on the dice string field after filling it in on the very first entry but I cant replicate.
Anyway you can either in the Rolls tool or in any of the 6 Sections on the Character Sheet, create a new Roll. Give it a name, add the Roll in and optionally add a description. The Name and Roll will be used in the actual roll.
It would look something like this:

December 3rd, 2016, 08:24
So... I added (with some amazing help from ianmward) support for the Modiphius 2d20 system today, plus the ability to have Ability libraries, drag and drop Abilities and exportable Abilities plus a couple more minor tweaks.
The 2d20 uses the following syntax:

/rollunder 2d20x14

where 14 is the Ability score. This system counts the number of results equal to or less than the target score. This system also allows you to add additional dice for Skills and Focuses which you can add using the Modifier box or Rolls. This works especially well in MoreCore as these can all be added to your Character Sheet and this method also adds the descriptions to the rolls.


December 3rd, 2016, 13:44
You are a god. Both of you. Thanks alot. I'll do some experimenting with it later tonight so that I can get the feel for it.

Can't wait to set the game up on the calendar.


December 4th, 2016, 02:52
So... I added (with some amazing help from ianmward) support for the Modiphius 2d20 system today, plus the ability to have Ability libraries, drag and drop Abilities and exportable Abilities plus a couple more minor tweaks.
The 2d20 uses the following syntax:

/rollunder 2d20x14

where 14 is the Ability score. This system counts the number of results equal to or less than the target score. This system also allows you to add additional dice for Skills and Focuses which you can add using the Modifier box or Rolls. This works especially well in MoreCore as these can all be added to your Character Sheet and this method also adds the descriptions to the rolls.


You got me so curious about what the heck you were talking about that I went and looked up the Modiphius 2d20 system, which I had never heard of. Looks like some interesting stuff with the Star Trek Adventures and Conan RPG. Was that what you had in mind with this?

December 4th, 2016, 03:08
You got me so curious about what the heck you were talking about that I went and looked up the Modiphius 2d20 system, which I had never heard of. Looks like some interesting stuff with the Star Trek Adventures and Conan RPG. Was that what you had in mind with this?

Thats right. MoreCore is a generic ruleset designed to allow you to play lots of other games. We add various rollers to accommodate more games. For example adding that dice roller would allow you to play (at least) 5 new games (Conan, Infinity, Star Trek, John Carter, Mutant Chronicles) with no new programming. It has dice rollers for World of Darkness style games, for Powered by the Apocalype style games etc etc and others can contribute new rollers to support a game system they want to run.

Here is a character sheet from City of Mist.

All of these moves/skills/abilities are clickable, draggable, exportable etc. You can click those with +/- symbol to add Modifiers (including teh modifier value and a descriptor) and then a roll to perform the roll. It accepts targeting info too.

You can also build (very simply) whole new themes that expand it further - here is the theme for City of Mist:

and a couple of others here:

Over time I will build some more of these (but have plenty of other projects ongoing too).

December 4th, 2016, 05:05
Yeah. I've been following this thread and picked up the City of Mist kickstarter mainly because of the work you've done here. I'm just not up to speed on all the new systems coming out. I learned about Powered by the Apocalypse because of you, and now about the Modiphius 2d20 Line of games. Your doing good work, sir.

December 4th, 2016, 07:26
Yeah. I've been following this thread and picked up the City of Mist kickstarter mainly because of the work you've done here. I'm just not up to speed on all the new systems coming out. I learned about Powered by the Apocalypse because of you, and now about the Modiphius 2d20 Line of games. Your doing good work, sir.

The Conan Kickstarter was on of the big ones of this year. I think it did over $300k. I dont play all these games but I like to see people playing the games they want to and doing it on FG :)
Ive had a long running debate about more rulesets = more players but with so many game systems out there and the required effort for building a new ruleset and maintaining it I have decided to try to make MoreCore do as much as possible in a generic way. Full rulesets will still (usually) be better for specific games but most game systems will not ever see a dedicated ruleset.

I run D&D, Call of Cthulhu, Castles & Crusades, Dungeon World, Maelstrom and now City of Mist. I play in a couple of others but there just isnt enough time for most people to play too many different systems.

December 4th, 2016, 22:38
Apologies - I accidentally uploaded 1.33 back up over the weekend instead of 1.34
Good news is there were a couple more tweaks added and packed back up under 1.34 and re-uploaded now.

December 6th, 2016, 01:55
Got it, thanks :-)

December 6th, 2016, 02:44
Is there a way to combine the /woddice and /edie rollers so that on a 10 it rolls another die?

Also, this is my first time posting anywhere on these forums...Yes, I lurked around the forums for 6 years. :D

December 6th, 2016, 03:34
Hey, yodel, welcome to posting! Sorry I can't help with your question, as I don't use the MoreCore ruleset (PF here).

December 6th, 2016, 21:11
I thought I updated my MoreCore Ruleset, but I lost all the Mod utilities from the character sheet. How do I find out which update I have? I updated twice with the link from the first post here but that is what took all the Modifier functions, I looked in the Ruleset Folder but it just gives generic name of MoreCore.pak, how do I tell which version I downloaded and am running? Oh, I did have the Mod utilities when I first downloaded MoreCore Rule, but I can not remember where I got that from. I thought it was here.

December 6th, 2016, 21:33
Hi chadhill delete any copies of MoreCore.pak in your rulesets folder.
New versions of a ruleset will always have the same name (this is for all ruleset.pak files).
Once you load the campaign it will tell you the version number in the chat window.
The current build starts with
MoreCore Ruleset (v1.34 20161203).
immediately after the logo.

December 6th, 2016, 21:34
Is there a way to combine the /woddice and /edie rollers so that on a 10 it rolls another die?

Also, this is my first time posting anywhere on these forums...Yes, I lurked around the forums for 6 years. :D

Welcome Yogel :)
Currently no - but you could make a copy of those extensions and modify them to your own needs.

December 6th, 2016, 21:47
Thank you

December 6th, 2016, 21:54
It appears I screwed up how the modiphius mechanic works.
The /rollunder mechanic is not correct for 2d20 games so I will redo in 1.35
The mechanic is actually

roll 2d20 and count results under attribute+skill
additionally count results under your focus

This provides 0-4 possible successes from 2d20

December 7th, 2016, 02:34
Welcome Yogel :)
Currently no - but you could make a copy of those extensions and modify them to your own needs.

Is there a tutorial on that? Only thing I've done with extensions is edit images.

December 7th, 2016, 03:11
Is there a tutorial on that? Only thing I've done with extensions is edit images.

Hi Yogel - no - there is no tutorial on this. You would need to know or learn some LUA or hack at the code in the existing files and test. Dice rollers are much more involved than a theme extension. Sorry.

December 7th, 2016, 18:20
Hi chadhill delete any copies of MoreCore.pak in your rulesets folder.
New versions of a ruleset will always have the same name (this is for all ruleset.pak files).
Once you load the campaign it will tell you the version number in the chat window.
The current build starts with
MoreCore Ruleset (v1.34 20161203).
immediately after the logo.

Ok. I deleted MoreCore.pak and reloaded from the first post here, I found the "v1.34 20161203", nothing changed. Did the Mod function get removed from the character sheets? The only function I have is "Roll" (which is totally AWESOME!!, bye the way. I use the first column to record Attributes and the roll feature as an Attribute Save). I would like to use one of the columns for skill/feat modifiers, but the function is not showing anymore.
Also I have loaded all the DOEs and they all work fine except for the sound ext., it works fine in my other rulesets just not MoreCore, has anyone else noticed this?

December 7th, 2016, 18:52
Also I have loaded all the DOEs and they all work fine except for the sound ext., it works fine in my other rulesets just not MoreCore, has anyone else noticed this?
Have you enabled sound in the campaign settings? You need to do this for each campaign that has the DOE Sound extension loaded.

December 7th, 2016, 19:14
Have you enabled sound in the campaign settings? You need to do this for each campaign that has the DOE Sound extension loaded.
Yes, I made that mistake when I first used sound, I didn't know about the new setting, so now it is the first thing I look for. lol

December 7th, 2016, 19:47
Yes, I made that mistake when I first used sound, I didn't know about the new setting, so now it is the first thing I look for. lol
OK, so what isn't working? More info on the issue you're seeing please.

December 7th, 2016, 20:33
I am sorry I do not know how to send you a "screen shot", but on the character sheet, MoreCore Tab, within the 6 "editable roll screens" the only function they have is rolls now, when I first uploaded MoreCore.pak (the very first time), the two far right widows were for modifiers, they are no longer. The only function in any of those windows now is "roll".

The DOE:Sound works fine with all other .paks, but in the four MoreCore.paks I have created the sound is the only DOE that is a dead stick(that is nothing happens when I click the sound Icons), I can create sounds just the same but nothing plays. So it is the same functionality, up until the play function. I think it just doesn't connect to the website, even if I have Syrinscape open it wont play.

December 7th, 2016, 21:56
Hey chadhill in the chat window you will see a link to the Help file.
We really improved the Rolls feature and they now accept:

Rolls include /die /pbta /successes /wod and many others
Mod anything starting with /mod and a +/1 value
Tables reference a table with a /rollon command
Chat if you leave the Dice String field empty it will just issue a description to chat like: Declan uses Investigation without a roll

You will see that the icons also change :) Rolls/Mods/Tables/Chat
You can combine Mods with Rolls - you do one or more Mods first and then you do your Roll. It will combine them all in the description so you can see what made up the roll.

The DOE Sound has been reported to Dulux_Oz earlier but I dont know where its at just yet. Ill follow up.

December 7th, 2016, 23:39
Hey chadhill in the chat window you will see a link to the Help file.
We really improved the Rolls feature and they now accept:

Rolls include /die /pbta /successes /wod and many others
Mod anything starting with /mod and a +/1 value
Tables reference a table with a /rollon command
Chat if you leave the Dice String field empty it will just issue a description to chat like: Declan uses Investigation without a roll

You will see that the icons also change :) Rolls/Mods/Tables/Chat
You can combine Mods with Rolls - you do one or more Mods first and then you do your Roll. It will combine them all in the description so you can see what made up the roll.

The DOE Sound has been reported to Dulux_Oz earlier but I dont know where its at just yet. Ill follow up.

Thank you, so the mods are written in the same way that the rolls are in the same window using the mod string, didnt' catch that in that in the user guide, which is also great, I am learning as I go(and admittedly, not the sharpest tool in the shed). I was kinda hoping that the whole sound thing was just me, but glad to know it's in progress. Thanks again, you guys ROCK!!!

December 8th, 2016, 00:07
No more thumbing through charts looking for modifiers, trying to find how and where to put which modifier I can put them all in the right place at the right time. I can combine my skill definition with the skill roll and link to ALL pre-gen mod in chart, all from one location and all hidden until needed, and find with ONE click. YOU ROCK!!!!

December 8th, 2016, 00:17
You've done such a great job on the Morecore Ruleset that I'm going to make it a point to learn a new game or two just to have a reason to use this ruleset. That's the highest praise I can think to ever give. Basically, you've created something I never knew I needed, but soon won't be able to live without.

December 8th, 2016, 02:29
No more thumbing through charts looking for modifiers, trying to find how and where to put which modifier I can put them all in the right place at the right time. I can combine my skill definition with the skill roll and link to ALL pre-gen mod in chart, all from one location and all hidden until needed, and find with ONE click. YOU ROCK!!!!

Use the /export function as well to export them to a library module so you can re-use in later campaigns.
This is just a little add-on but makes a lot of difference if you like to get all the data in so its always available.
We added the same for Abilities as well - these dont roll or anything but are good for building up your reference materials.

You've done such a great job on the Morecore Ruleset that I'm going to make it a point to learn a new game or two just to have a reason to use this ruleset. That's the highest praise I can think to ever give. Basically, you've created something I never knew I needed, but soon won't be able to live without.

Hahaha. Go try City of Mist its a decent game system and all the stuff is already entered into FG for you.

December 8th, 2016, 06:24
You've done such a great job on the Morecore Ruleset that I'm going to make it a point to learn a new game or two just to have a reason to use this ruleset. That's the highest praise I can think to ever give. Basically, you've created something I never knew I needed, but soon won't be able to live without.
Yeah, damned has certainly taken some gigantic steps in helping people game with FG for those systems that don't have native support. Goon on ya damned! :D

December 21st, 2016, 13:21
Uploading version 1.36 now with a bunch of new dice rollers and a few other improvements and a sneak peek at a little fun project...


The current dice strings are:

Drop Lowest: /rolld #d#x# (roll #dice drop # lowest)
Count Successes: /successes #d#x# (roll #dice# and count those equal or higher than #)
Roll Under: /rollunder #d#x# (roll #dice# and count those equal or less than #, accepts extra dice from modifiers) ** New with 1.34 **
Roll Over: /rollover #d#x# (roll #dice# and count those equal or more than #, extra dice added from modifiers) ** New with 1.35 **
Exploding Dice: /edie #d# (roll #dice and explode)
RollAnd Keep: /rnk #k# (roll #d10 explode and keep highest #)
Roll and Order: /orderresult #d# (roll #d# and order results)
Standard Roll: /die #d#+# (roll #dice and add #)
Powered by the Apocalypse: /pbta #d#+# (roll #dice and add #)
Success/Fail Dice: /sfdice #d#s#f# (roll #dice, count #s[Success] and #f[Fail])
World of Darkness: /woddice #s# (roll #d10, count dice above #, subtract 1s, use Modifier box for additional Difficulty modification)
THAC0: /thac0 1d20+#x# (roll 1d20+#x(thaco#) determine maximum AC hit, accepts modifiers) ** New with 1.36 **
Saving Throws: /saving (#d#+#<># (roll #d#+# and compare greater/equal/less than #) ** New with 1.36 **
Hitos: /hitos # #d#+#<># (roll 3d10 and compare the middle number to the Target, accepts modifiers) ** New with 1.36 **
Qin: /qin (roll yin and yang dice, accepts modifiers) ** New with 1.36 **
2d20: /conan 2d20x#y# (roll 2d20 compare to x Skill and y Focus and count successes) ** New with 1.36 **


Modifiers: /mod # (add # value to Modifiers, accepts both positive and negative values) ** New with 1.32 **
Tables: /rollon [table name] <-c [column name]> <-d [NdN+N]> <-hide> (roll on table additional fields optional see Chat Commands) ** New with 1.32 **

More community built dice strings would be welcomed.

December 22nd, 2016, 04:34
So I don't screw anything up again, should I delete MoreCore before downloading 1.36?

December 22nd, 2016, 04:39
Not necessary, chadhill, as the file you download will have the same name as the one you are replacing, but, it doesn't hurt anything either. You should expect to be asked if you want to replace the old file with the new. If you aren't, then I would investigate.

December 22nd, 2016, 05:02
It is best to remove or rename the old one.
If you have unpacked an earlier one to see how it works or make changes you will need to delete that one or rename it to something else as unpacked rulesets get used first.

Let me know what you are using it for.

December 22nd, 2016, 05:03
Thank you,

December 22nd, 2016, 05:32
I am trying to simply upgrade MoreCore, to use the new dice strings. I have not modified or duplicated the pak, so do I still need to delete my original? will I loose all the work on the current campaign if I do?
And just a question do Fate dice work in MoreCore strings?

December 22nd, 2016, 05:55
Hi chadhill,

FG compartmentalises lots of things.
You have Rulesets (generally .pak files) containing all the smarts, Modules (generally .mod files) containing pre-prepared content like the Players Handbook or the Lost Mines of Phandelver, Extensions (generally .ext files) containing codes to tweak/modify/extend your ruleset and Campaigns containing all your game stuff - characters, story, notes, images etc etc.

Download MoreCore.pak and replace your existing file with the new one. That wont affect any of the other things.

Now... Ill rephrase :)
What game or games are you running or trying to run with MoreCore?

December 22nd, 2016, 07:07
Sorry, it is a custom game/campaign, I have several hundred definitions, rolls and Abilities, and I would hate to have to start over again. I can live without upgrading, but the "Saving throw" would save me a lot of redundant entries. And just out of curiosity how can I use the "-1, 0, +1"die in a string, or is it even possible?

December 22nd, 2016, 11:08
Hi chadhill please always make backups of your campaign data. On launching FG click on the Folder Icon on the splash screen. Go to campaigns and zip the whole thing up or go into campaigns and zip up the campaign in question. Then move that zip onto your favourite cloud sync.

I am wary of updates that break data and so far Im pretty sure I have avoided that - even the MoreCore extension data has been able to still be used in MoreCore. There was a change in 1.34 that fixed a style definition for Rolls so there might be two different styles of Rolls you have saved but you probably wont notice the difference unless you go looking for it.

Anyways - your data is safe.
If you want to be able to add a modifier to (most of) the rolls create a Roll like this:
/mod +2
You will see its Icon switches to a +/-
You can click that modifier before making the roll and it should add the modifier value and also the modifier name to the roll. Many rolls support this. And those that do generally support stacking of multiple modifiers. Perfect for systems like PbtA.

Myrdin Potter
December 22nd, 2016, 16:31
Damned Basic Dungeon looks interesting ...

ShotGun Jolly
December 22nd, 2016, 22:33

I would like to make one suggestion to morecore. The the second tab of the character sheet, you can not place custom dice rolls as you can on the first tab. Is thrre a way to add that feature?


December 22nd, 2016, 22:51
Hi ShotGun Jolly no - I dont think there is - not easily anyway. Can you describe your use case?

ShotGun Jolly
December 25th, 2016, 03:56
Hey Damned,

Its pretty simple actually.. The issue being on the more core tab of the character sheet, you only have the option of adding dice to a roll using the dice strings for your various systems. For example, in the Conan 2d20 ruleset, you have the option to use extra dice in a roll, but there is no other way to change the dice roll on the morecore tab unless you change the dice string each time. (Unless there is a way that I could not figure out).

If adding the ability to add extra dice like you could via the skills/attribute page, then you can set it for a default of 2 d20, and then right click to add extra dice. Cause as cool as it is to use the /conan dice string, to show the successes, but if there is not an easy way of adding extra dice, you are better off using the second page of the character sheet, which kinda sucks as most of the important dice info and stat info is on the morecore page, attacks, armor, etc.

Just something to thing about, thats all.

January 3rd, 2017, 05:18
Ive added a slew of updates to v1.37 the biggest being:

NPC Rolls now on the Combat Tracker
Extra Rolls Frames functionality with three frames flipping for storing useful Reference, Notes and Images for fast player reference
Extra Rolls
Spell Tracking on the PC character sheet

ShotGun Jolly
January 3rd, 2017, 11:41
Yeah, this is AWESOME, thanks Damned!

ShotGun Jolly
January 3rd, 2017, 13:33
Yeah, V 1.37 is golden!!

January 4th, 2017, 18:34
Awesome work Damned!

Only a question. I'm missing something or the rolls window isn't working properly?

January 4th, 2017, 21:23
Welcome psicodelix! - you are running 3.2.2 and I havent tested it with that yet. there are lots of changes in 3.2.2 - its a fairly substantial update....

January 4th, 2017, 22:03
Ok, thank you!

January 6th, 2017, 21:37
Hi all,

I honestly enjoy working with this and I right now use More Core to set up a Traveller environment (char generation and everything out of the core rules) to go with a first adventure there. I will post this .mod here later, but unfortunately for most of you guys it will be in German only :)

Nevertheless I wonder if I am only to dumb to see it: does there exist a dice roll to do something like -> /die 2d6 and count it, then tell me if the sum is bigger than min. 8 and count it as a success?

Thanks for the information and enjoy your weekend!

Best regards,
Newbie Waldbaer

January 6th, 2017, 21:42
Just FYI - I used /sfdice 2d6s8f0 and this works somehow - but it also shows me the "failures" which is not so interesting... :) (s. attached .png)


January 6th, 2017, 21:48
and sometime it is making me crazy because as you can see not all results are making sense with /sfdice 2d6s8f0...


Take care and enjoy your weekend,

January 6th, 2017, 21:54
and sometime it is making me crazy because as you can see not all results are making sense with /sfdice 2d6s8f0...

Success/fail dice don't calculate against the total, the success number is compared with each dice. Hence why you see 1 success in the last roll as 1 dice was a 6.

January 6th, 2017, 22:25
Thanks for the info - I am just wondering if there is a dice check somehow that only compares against the total. I think not or maybe I missed something...

January 6th, 2017, 22:40
Hello Waldbear and greatings from Germany as well.
There is no roll so far that exactly does what you are looking for.

But should be able to use /saving 2d6>8

I do that for my Symbaroum Extension as well. (It needs a d20 roll under)

January 6th, 2017, 22:47
*wow* that is funny - I tried this slash command earlier, but did a misytype and the chat always gave me back the slash command help...
However, after retreating a bit and typing this in again more carefully this just works fine!

Thank you for your support and I am sure this works well for the Traveller setting!


January 6th, 2017, 22:57
The typo was not an "e" or was it?
If so it might be a "German thing" ;-)

Glad I could help while damned is asleep, as I will be soon as well.

January 6th, 2017, 23:07
Thanks Imiri and Trenloe.
Welcome Waldbaer.

Have a look at /scripts/manager_custom_pbta.lua
It accepts /pbta 2d6 (+mod) and outputs a Fail message for 6 and under, success with cost on 7-9 and success on 10+
It should be easy to modify...
You would then go to base.xml and add the following line:
<script name="CustomDiceDT" file="scripts/manager_custom_dt.lua" />
and use something unique for the /slashname like /dt (Deutsch Traveller)
You could also use the scripts/manager_custom_save.lua as your base and hardcode it to return a success on 8 or more.
You would need to update the rMessage.text in any case to give you your German output.
So several ways to approach this :)
Once you finish - send it to me for inclusion in a future MoreCore.

If you told me the exact chat message output you needed I can write you a roller but it would be better if you wrote it :)
Id also need to know if it accepts modifiers.

January 6th, 2017, 23:19
and he's not sleeping, is he? :) Thanks everyone for the amazing support. And before coding anything it is my German way to go to sleep now also :)

Take care,

p.s. Imiri - I am in doubt that this mistype is a German thing or maybe only "late time" triggered :)

January 6th, 2017, 23:23
and thank you all for the warm welcome :)

January 7th, 2017, 03:34
I have pretty reliable evidence, empirical and otherwise, that he doesn't sleep. Once a week he takes a shower, and once a month he leaves his room to explore the real world, but other than that, he slaves away for us.

January 7th, 2017, 03:44
Hence, where his name comes from.

January 7th, 2017, 03:48
I have pretty reliable evidence, empirical and otherwise, that he doesn't sleep. Once a week he takes a shower, and once a month he leaves his room to explore the real world, but other than that, he slaves away for us.

Im watching you....

January 7th, 2017, 17:46
I have a suggestion, (I don't know if it is even possible) create a "Roll" that can work "Templates". I have some kick-@$$ damage tables that gives a detailed and different STORY for each attack of several weapon types used, with different numerical and descriptive damage results every time it is generated. Is it possible to create a short cut button that will generate the templates without opening the actual "Template" window? I was just using a standard damage roll for each weapon, but then I figured out the "Table" string, WOW, but it does not give the whole "STORY", which is the focus of play. Just wondering, Thanks.

January 7th, 2017, 17:51
Chadhill, I am working on an extension that will do that, among many other things, but it won't be ready for some time. The solution I'm working will still use tables, but there is also a new class, called a Generator, that adds additional wrapper capability to a table to handle sexing up the output akin to what you are asking for. Now, as for making attack rolls automatically link to such a thing... well, I haven't planned to do anything in that regard. It would be possible, however, to write an extension into the combat tracker (I think, but haven't investigated) that would do it....

January 7th, 2017, 18:38
Wow, that's awesome, I realized that linking "Attack rolls" was a little much, so I figured I would just use the shortcut in lue of the damage roll and attack as usual. But boy, I can already figure out how to make that work with just a few linking tables to what I already have. Thanks

January 8th, 2017, 00:35
Hi chadhill and Bidmaron - I have not yet even looked at story templates and cannot see myself doing so at any time in the near future... however if it can be called via a command line switch then I should be able to add support for it to MoreCore. As you point out a few versions ago we introduced the ability to use the /rollon and save those into the Rolls database and to store them on the character sheet. I know Bidmaron has mentioned command line in one of the other threads so we shall see where that ends up.

January 8th, 2017, 03:32
Hey, damned. What I intend to do is have Generators serve kind of like story templates except that the output can be directed to a note as well as story entries. More importantly, generators will have a tab where the output can be directed and archived (or not). My work hours don't let me work on the extension as much as I'd like.

January 10th, 2017, 04:47
I know the feeling, I only get a couple of hours every couple days, most research is via my phone on my breaks at work.

January 10th, 2017, 05:04
Hi chadhill have you seen the NPC Rolls in the Combat Tracker for the latest build? Do you find it useful?

January 10th, 2017, 21:59

January 10th, 2017, 22:23
Hi chadhill have you seen the NPC Rolls in the Combat Tracker for the latest build? Do you find it useful?

YES, very much!!!

January 14th, 2017, 05:29
Hi chadhill have you seen the NPC Rolls in the Combat Tracker for the latest build? Do you find it useful?

Sorry about that short response, I have a little more time now. Yes, I find the NPC rolls EXTREMELY useful. This makes the Role Playing much more enjoyable for me and my players. My games are much more story oriented and subtle changes and differences are "bread and butter". The NPC rolls make it wonderfully easier to customize my NPCs on the fly, and taken hours off pre-prep time for me. I am not so good at typing, so this is wonderful. Thank You!!!!

January 14th, 2017, 22:31
Has anyone been able to create the HackMaster penetrating dice script yet? I'm going to be running a HackMaster 4e game and that would be very beneficial for use. Unfortunately, I'm not a programmer to do it myself. I did take a brief look at the base.xml but it looks to be over my head.

January 14th, 2017, 22:57
Sorry about that short response, I have a little more time now. Yes, I find the NPC rolls EXTREMELY useful. This makes the Role Playing much more enjoyable for me and my players. My games are much more story oriented and subtle changes and differences are "bread and butter". The NPC rolls make it wonderfully easier to customize my NPCs on the fly, and taken hours off pre-prep time for me. I am not so good at typing, so this is wonderful. Thank You!!!!

Please post a screenshot or two :)

January 14th, 2017, 23:01
Has anyone been able to create the HackMaster penetrating dice script yet? I'm going to be running a HackMaster 4e game and that would be very beneficial for use. Unfortunately, I'm not a programmer to do it myself. I did take a brief look at the base.xml but it looks to be over my head.

Please describe it in detail.

January 15th, 2017, 06:50
Basically it is the exploding dice script wit the modification, that a "-1" modifier is added to each re-rolled die. This ensures that also re-rolled dice have more linear results e.g. d6p - that is how penetrating is written - comes up with a 6 and a 1 in the re-roll it is still a 6. Otherwise a 6 would always be a 7 as the 1 as a reroll is sure and it would be impossible to roll a 6.

January 15th, 2017, 07:55
Thanks Imiri. Does it accept modifiers? Is there a limit on the number of rerolls? Can all dice explode? Is it only a particular deice type?

January 15th, 2017, 08:32
It does accept modifiers.

There is no limit to the number of re-rolls.

All dice (types) can explode/penetrade. But not every roll uses this. It adds a "p" to the notation. So d6 and d6p are different in this. [There is a remark in the book, that d20 penetrades with d6 and d100 with d20 but i never had that so far I am not sure if it needs to be in the dice roller]

January 16th, 2017, 09:53
hello is posible to :
add rnk in Attributes / skill
or Atk Dmg ?
for play L5R 4e
ty for you job ,

January 16th, 2017, 10:36
hello is posible to :
add rnk in Attributes / skill
or Atk Dmg ?
for play L5R 4e
ty for you job ,

yes - i dont see why not.
its all there already.
you can call the frame whatever you like, you can call the roll whatever you like - just use the right syntax in the dice roller part.
let me know how you go.

January 16th, 2017, 11:31

January 16th, 2017, 11:50
Hi XenophageX I would ignore everything other than the MoreCore tab for most of your character stats.
Watch this video:
Create it as a Roll.
Attacks was the first iteration and really only accepts the following:
description [Optional Description] simpledice,
like: Long Sword [A] 1d20+2, Long Sword [D] 1d8+2,
Rolls will allow you to use all those strings.
At the moment only the attack strings above or the /damage roll will let you drag and drop damage that adds properly (other drag and drop rolls will replace the damage).
I hope that makes sense?

January 16th, 2017, 11:52
ok ty

January 16th, 2017, 13:42
Hi XenophageX - were you able to get that working?

January 16th, 2017, 21:31
Yes , but it's a pity that there is no rulset for L5A :'(

January 16th, 2017, 22:22
Yes , but it's a pity that there is no rulset for L5A :'(

There is a partial L5R ruleset but I dont know how functional it is. Creating a full ruleset is a time consuming labour of love.

January 19th, 2017, 09:29
Just an FYI. I just updated FG 3.2.2 and all my DOE's and discovered that the tabs are all missing form the DOE windows. I checked in my E3.5 and Core Sets and they are still fine. I don't know if it is an incompatibility with the new FG update or the new DOE update. I have posted this on OZ's Base thread, so all parties are aware. I know it is a small thing, but I thought you should know. Thanks, MoreCore Rulz!!!

January 19th, 2017, 09:38
Hey chadhill can you confirm you were using these with MoreCore prior to 3.2.2 and they were working?
Also is it the tab graphics that are missing - eg you can still see the words - or its the whole thing tabs + words making it completely unusable?

January 19th, 2017, 13:26
Hey chadhill can you confirm you were using these with MoreCore prior to 3.2.2 and they were working?
Also is it the tab graphics that are missing - eg you can still see the words - or its the whole thing tabs + words making it completely unusable?

Yes, I was using all of them prior to the update, with MoreCore. The Tabs work fine the words are there just super hard to read and the tab background is transparent

January 19th, 2017, 13:46
Yes, I was using all of them prior to the update, with MoreCore. The Tabs work fine the words are there just super hard to read and the tab background is transparent

We found the issue - Im sure Dulux_Oz will update in the next few days - keep an eye out for a DOE Base update.

January 19th, 2017, 15:55
We found the issue - Im sure Dulux_Oz will update in the next few days - keep an eye out for a DOE Base update.

I know, I have said it before, but a t can not be said enough, YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!

January 20th, 2017, 01:49
There is a L5R Ruleset, with great theme presentation... However MoreCore includes far better game mechanics, as it is now. Thank you for your efforts, it is a brilliant job!

Anyway, I concur with XenophageX... It would be brilliant if Rolls could be included in the Attack section, at least for us people playing L5R. I volunteer to try to help in this endeavour!


January 20th, 2017, 01:55
There is a L5R Ruleset, with great theme presentation... However MoreCore includes far better game mechanics, as it is now. Thank you for your efforts, it is a brilliant job!

Anyway, I concur with XenophageX... It would be brilliant if Rolls could be included in the Attack section, at least for us people playing L5R. I volunteer to try to help in this endeavour!


Hi Sibelius have you seen that NPCs can now display their rolls in the Combat Tracker?
This allows you to use the NPCs fully from the CT like in more full rulesets.
If that is not what you mean can you explain it to me more fully?
If you also need other Rolls types please explain them and I will try and accommodate.

January 20th, 2017, 02:15
Greetings, Damned.

The main issue is that damage rolls (and any other rolls in the L5R game) must use the "/rnk Roll", and therefore cannot be expressed as a single normal dice ("NdM+L").

So the Wounds Sum fantastic feature of MoreCore cannot be used by L5R players, or any other mechanic related to attacks (targets, etc). You can do the Roll, but the damage must be added to wounds manually, and the targets system would not work either. It is a pity, as it works GREAT for any other normal dice attacks (1d10+2, 3d8+1, etc) expressed in the "Attacks" frame.

Let me know if I can assist you getting Rolls into attack frame, as I have some free time these days!

Thank you again, and best wishes.


January 20th, 2017, 02:28
The easiest way will be for me to create a new roller /rnkd with the same behavior but with dice type damage. This will still be a roll but it will add to the existing damage. Would that work for you? The coding on the Attacks field is too different to easily convert to use with all the different dice roll strings. Way too hard. What do you think?

January 20th, 2017, 02:46
Sounds amazing, Damned. It will be of great help. Just the possibility of adding damage to wounds from a Roll is a fantastic feature!

It would be perfect if it could get advantage of the target information to be shown in the chat window (like "vs NPC1"), but that is just aesthetic.

Thank you for great job again. I think I will try to get a L5R theme extension done, will let you know about any progress!


January 20th, 2017, 06:44
Hi Sibelius - the original rnk roll was written by Ikael and it may not include the targeting info. Most of the rolls I have done do but Ill have to see if I can work out how to add targeting info to it... I might have to lean on Ikael if I cant work it out...

January 20th, 2017, 07:37
Is it possible to configure a string to roll 1d100 and if the number is lower than the target # its a Success BUT if the lower ends in a 0 or 5 its a Critical Success and if it's higher than the target # its a Failure BUT the higher ends in a 0 or 5 its a Critical Failure?

For example, say the Target # is 43
A roll of 14 and 33 are a normal Success with 20 and 25 being a Critical Success.
A roll of 77 and 81 are a normal Failure with 65 and 90 being a Critical Failure.

I think it wold be similar to how its done in Basic Roleplaying but with a different Critical success criteria (BRP uses high and low end %'s of the roll whereas this would be using 5's and 0's for above and below the target #).

January 20th, 2017, 07:47
Is it possible to configure a string to roll 1d100 and if the number is lower than the target # its a Success BUT if the lower ends in a 0 or 5 its a Critical Success and if it's higher than the target # its a Failure BUT the higher ends in a 0 or 5 its a Critical Failure?

For example, say the Target # is 43
A roll of 14 and 33 are a normal Success with 20 and 25 being a Critical Success.
A roll of 77 and 81 are a normal Failure with 65 and 90 being a Critical Failure.

I think it wold be similar to how its done in Basic Roleplaying but with a different Critical success criteria (BRP uses high and low end %'s of the roll whereas this would be using 5's and 0's for above and below the target #).

its not there at the moment but it could be done.
do you want to do it or should i?

you would use manager_custom_save.lua as your template...
make the string type /savcrit

January 20th, 2017, 07:57
Thanks Damned. I would have no clue where to start. It's no rush, working on some other things using the new D&D 5e stuff and in between was toying around in MoreCore where the thought came up. Is this something that could be added in a future update down the road so that anyone could use it like with the other strings?

January 20th, 2017, 08:07
Ive never heard of this dice mechanic. What is it used for?
If you looked at that file you *might* surprise yourself...

January 20th, 2017, 09:14
I'll open it up and look around this coming week when I am off.

It's a HarnMaster mechanic. Skill checks are D100. Basically, if the result is equal to or less than the skill level, it's a success, otherwise it's a failure. Expanding on that if the result ends in a zero or a five, it's a critical (either critical success of critical failure). The possible results are "CF" (critical failure), "MF" (marginal failure), "MS" (marginal success), and "CS" (critical success).

January 20th, 2017, 09:49
Ive never heard of this dice mechanic. What is it used for?

The old TSR Star Frontiers RPG used something very, very similar

January 20th, 2017, 12:45
I'll open it up and look around this coming week when I am off.

It's a HarnMaster mechanic. Skill checks are D100. Basically, if the result is equal to or less than the skill level, it's a success, otherwise it's a failure. Expanding on that if the result ends in a zero or a five, it's a critical (either critical success of critical failure). The possible results are "CF" (critical failure), "MF" (marginal failure), "MS" (marginal success), and "CS" (critical success).

What if the target is divisible by 5? eg target is 45 and I roll 45. Is that a Critical Success?

January 20th, 2017, 12:59
How does this look?


Syntax is /harn 1d100x45
At this stage my hypothetical 45 will result in a Critical Success.

January 20th, 2017, 13:10
The easiest way will be for me to create a new roller /rnkd with the same behavior but with dice type damage. This will still be a roll but it will add to the existing damage. Would that work for you? The coding on the Attacks field is too different to easily convert to use with all the different dice roll strings. Way too hard. What do you think?

Sounds amazing, Damned. It will be of great help. Just the possibility of adding damage to wounds from a Roll is a fantastic feature!

It would be perfect if it could get advantage of the target information to be shown in the chat window (like "vs NPC1"), but that is just aesthetic.

Thank you for great job again. I think I will try to get a L5R theme extension done, will let you know about any progress!


Hi Sibelius - the original rnk roll was written by Ikael and it may not include the targeting info. Most of the rolls I have done do but Ill have to see if I can work out how to add targeting info to it... I might have to lean on Ikael if I cant work it out...

Soooo... Im having some trouble getting this going just now (I have the new roll but Im having trouble converting the dice type to damage) but I am working on it.
If you want to create a Theme I suggest you look at one of the themes here - https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?35056-MoreCore-Themes
You will find that with only a handful of changes you can totally set the mood up for the tabletop.

January 20th, 2017, 13:37
What if the target is divisible by 5? eg target is 45 and I roll 45. Is that a Critical Success?
Then it would be a Critical Success too.

January 20th, 2017, 13:39
How does this look?


Syntax is /harn 1d100x45
At this stage my hypothetical 45 will result in a Critical Success.
Wow, that looks great!

January 20th, 2017, 13:44
Wow, that looks great!

It will be in the next MoreCore update. Probably next week. There is also a Black Crusade dice roller and one other I cant think of right now...
Hopefully also the /rnkd will be done and also /cypher too :)

January 20th, 2017, 16:54
is it possible To put the image on the /rnk


For version 3.2.2 ;) ty and good work

January 20th, 2017, 18:51
One more idea maybe although I admit it may not be worth the effort: I am working on the Traveller Core Rulebook right now in a German version - therefore, as I know someone else is already working on the ruleset, it will not be double work. However, is there a mechanism for the d66 roll that the Traveller system uses? I am just wondering as I am going to use the Core Rulebook.mod that I do for a game with the MoreCore Ruleset.

It is no real d66 with 66 numbers but something like -> throw two d6 and if the result is 4 and 6 -> then you receive a 64 and if the result is 5 and 2 then it would be 52

January 20th, 2017, 18:52
I know of course that you could use 2d6 and simply read the result as it is needed...but a real roll for this would be much cooler :)

January 20th, 2017, 22:18
is it possible To put the image on the /rnk


For version 3.2.2 ;) ty and good work

Hi XenophageX as mentioned earlier I didnt write this particular roller script and its more complicated than most of mine. I will try to get that happening too.

January 20th, 2017, 22:19
One more idea maybe although I admit it may not be worth the effort: I am working on the Traveller Core Rulebook right now in a German version - therefore, as I know someone else is already working on the ruleset, it will not be double work. However, is there a mechanism for the d66 roll that the Traveller system uses? I am just wondering as I am going to use the Core Rulebook.mod that I do for a game with the MoreCore Ruleset.

It is no real d66 with 66 numbers but something like -> throw two d6 and if the result is 4 and 6 -> then you receive a 64 and if the result is 5 and 2 then it would be 52

Hi Waldbaer - I will have a look at this. I spoke with the Traveller dev last week and its still moving forward but he is also working on a couple of projects concurrently.

Is it always 2d6 and is it always first number x 10 + second number or is it as in your example and its highest number x 10+ lower number?

January 21st, 2017, 05:51
Hi Waldbaer - I will have a look at this. I spoke with the Traveller dev last week and its still moving forward but he is also working on a couple of projects concurrently.

Is it always 2d6 and is it always first number x 10 + second number or is it as in your example and its highest number x 10+ lower number?

Does it accept modifiers?
Do modifiers adjust the first dice, the second dice, the total?
Is there a target number?
Is the target number static per skill?
Are you rolling over or under the target?
What do you call a success or fail?
What is the roll called?
What should the output look like?
All this type of info is important or I spend an hour or three making a roller that doesnt actually do what you want....

January 21st, 2017, 13:26
It's called a d66 roll, and it's always just d6x10+d6 (no modifiers). So, results are 11, 12, 13 .. 16, 21, 22 .. 26, 31, 32 .. etc. There is also a d666 version (d6x100+d6x10+d6). Mostly used in table lookups.

January 21st, 2017, 13:31
It's called a d66 roll, and it's always just d6x10+d6 (no modifiers). So, results are 11, 12, 13 .. 16, 21, 22 .. 26, 31, 32 .. etc. There is also a d666 version (d6x100+d6x10+d6). Mostly used in table lookups.

Thanks Andraax. And what do you compare d66 too? Do you have static targets? Eg If my Intelligence was X and my Navigation was Y would there be a target number I was always trying to beat or roll under when using that combination?

January 21st, 2017, 14:00
I've only ever seen it used for looking up stuff in tables.

January 21st, 2017, 14:03
I've only ever seen it used for looking up stuff in tables.

Right... so Im most likely wasting my time then... and too much of it... :(


January 21st, 2017, 14:11
Well, it's cool to have it so it *can* be used in table lookups...

January 21st, 2017, 19:54
Thanks Andraax for pointing it out.
@damned: I think Andraax is right that it would be cool to have. That's what I meant when I stated that it might not be worth the effort. But I think it will be great to use for table lookups. As I am integrating the rulebook as a mod and therefore will have all the tables included, it would be a nice feature to add.

With a bit of luck I am not the only one who would like to have it.

I did not open a thread about the German Core Rulebook yet - but I of course would like to share it with everybody as soon as I get the OK from the author to do such.

January 21st, 2017, 19:56
And sorry if I wasted your time by not explaining enough :)

January 21st, 2017, 20:01
I reality, it's a flat 1-36 (for d66) or 1-216 (for d666). But having the actual roll makes converting the tables a bit easier, as many of them use the d66 and d666 mechanic.

January 21st, 2017, 20:26
Yes, true - at least I think it might be worth the effort :bandit:

January 22nd, 2017, 03:51
Ok so I have a working d60 and d600 but I have also put in a chunk of other effort in on Traveller dice that is now unused so please explain the traveller game system/mechanic for me.
You have attributes and skills? Is each Skill always tied to the same Attribute? What are valid numbers (and bonuses) for Attributes? For Skills? Is the target always 8? Are there situational modifiers? Do they affect the Target Number or adjust the dice roll?
Are there Crits and Fumbles?

January 22nd, 2017, 07:10
The general mechanic is 2d6 + skill level + attribute modifier +/- situational modifiers >= 8 for success (and amount of success or failure should be reported - if the total was 10, then an "effect" of 2 should be reported; or if the total was 5 an "effect" of -3 should be reported). Effect is not always used, but it shouldn't matter if it's always reported - it's used as a situational modifier if you have "chains" of skill checks. If you could make it so that dropping the result roll onto the modifier box adds the "effect" as modifier instead of the total that would be great, too.

Sometimes the skill level or attribute modifier is not used.

If the character has -no- ranks in the skill (this is different than a skill of "0" - a skill of "0" means that they have *some* familiarity with the skill and adds 0 to the die roll), a modifier of -3 is used.

Attribute modifiers normally range -3 to +3 for most cases, though things like powered armor can drive a strength modifier up (or other situations). While a skill has a "typical" attribute assigned to it, the GM can over-ride this on a case by case basis. For example, an Engineering check to build something from spare parts could use the Education attribute (if you're going "by the book" and building something you learned how to build) or the Intelligence attribute (if you're doing a "MacGyver" type build where you make something from totally unrelated stuff).

Combat is a skill check against the appropriate weapon skill for "to hit". Armor, range, aiming, cover, etc are all applied as situational modifiers. If the target is hit, damage is rolled as some number of d6 (depending on weapon) +/- modifiers and totaled. Damage is then taken from the three attributes Endurance, Strength, or Dexterity (first against End until End is reduced to 0, then subsequent damage from either of the other two, player's choice). When two attributes are reduced to 0, then the character is unconscious and all further damage is applied to the remaining attribute. If all three are reduced to 0, he is killed. The only kink in this is firing an automatic weapon in full auto mode (single shot and burst follow the same pattern, burst adds a modifier to damage if the the target is hit). When firing a full auto weapon in full auto mode, a number of dice equal to the "auto" rating of the weapon are rolled, and the player then groups the dice into pairs as he wishes, and each pair is resolved as a separate attack, and the skill for the weapon is capped at 1 (even if the character has a skill greater than 1, you only add 1 to the attack roll for the skill).

Sometimes, a natural 2 is always a failure and a natural 12 is always a success, though no automation should be applied to this, it only applies in a few situations.

January 22nd, 2017, 07:18
Forgot to mention...

Attributes range from 0 to 15 for typical races, with attribute modifiers ranging from -3 to +3 (though as I did mention, some things can cause those numbers to exceed 15 and +3; those numbers are for an "unaugmented human").

Skills range from "untrained" (-3), then go from 0 up. There is no technical maximum, but I have never seen a character with greater than 6 in any skill. A skill level of 4 would be someone who is world famous in that skill - Medic 4, for example, would be a renowned physician or surgeon. If the skill is greater than 4, then they're not only famous among their peers, but famous outside of their normal group. Stephen Hawking would probably have a "Physical Sciences (Physics)" skill of 5 or 6, as he is known world wide for his knowledge of physics even among those people who have little knowledge of the subject themselves.

January 22nd, 2017, 13:49
Hi Andraax how does this look?


January 22nd, 2017, 14:51
Looks fine. Everything else needed can be added via modifiers.

January 22nd, 2017, 20:17
Awesome stuff!!!!

January 22nd, 2017, 21:48
Looks really fantastic!

January 22nd, 2017, 21:55
That is by far more than what I have expected as I asked for d66...so thanks a lot damned

January 22nd, 2017, 22:03
You can roll d66 and d666 using these commands
/die d600+d60+d6
/die d60+d6
The dice are also draggable from the d6 custom die radial menu.

January 22nd, 2017, 22:55
I dont know how you look like - but it might be love :) Ok, just kidding - it's late.

Thanks and gn8!

January 23rd, 2017, 17:23
First of all, thank you for your hard work. Yes, I had found the fantastic extensions available for MoreCore --learning a lot from them to set up the L5R extension. I will try to get an English and a Spanish-localized one done.

About XenophageX's excellent idea of showing the portrait when using /rnk, I had done that change myself using the CreateBaseMessage function, as Trenloe suggested to me some days ago in the main Workshop forum. An example of the code would be:

local rMessage = createBaseMessage()
rMessage.text = draginfo.getDescription()
rMessage.dice = aDieResults
rMessage.diemodifier = draginfo.getNumberData()

Let me know if you want a file with the code and I can PM it to you.


January 23rd, 2017, 18:19
First of all, thank you for your hard work. Yes, I had found the fantastic extensions available for MoreCore --learning a lot from them to set up the L5R extension. I will try to get an English and a Spanish-localized one done.

About XenophageX's excellent idea of showing the portrait when using /rnk, I had done that change myself using the CreateBaseMessage function, as Trenloe suggested to me some days ago in the main Workshop forum. An example of the code would be:

local rMessage = createBaseMessage()
rMessage.text = draginfo.getDescription()
rMessage.dice = aDieResults
rMessage.diemodifier = draginfo.getNumberData()

Let me know if you want a file with the code and I can PM it to you.


Yes please Sibellius. I was still looking at the first part of this problem - the damage type - please do send thru your version.

January 23rd, 2017, 18:58
good , I work Dessu but no evolution, to see in the new V° more core ^^

January 24th, 2017, 01:21
Hi Sibellius I have the damage dice working for Roll n Keep if you use /rnkd instead of /rnk
/rnk /rnkd and /edie will all now use the portrait in the Roll description.
Is there a situation that you are aware of that needs a damage version of /edie?

January 24th, 2017, 01:29
Im just waiting on a couple of scripts from someone else for Symbaroum RPG and then I will post the new version.

January 24th, 2017, 01:34
Not that I am aware of. At least, for L5R anything can be done using /rnk, /edie is not needed.

The only thing I can think for /rnk improving is to be able to accept modifiers (like +5 or -2). But it is not urgent or mandatory, just a sweet extra. I can figure that out, I think. But no /edie use.

Thanks for your quick work! I can send you my solution for the portraits matter, just in case it is of some help to you (although you seemed to solve it by yourself!)


January 24th, 2017, 02:24
Ok Ive added modifiers to /rnkd - do you want them to /rnk too? I suppose they should have that support.

January 24th, 2017, 03:28
Whew, that is just *fantastic*! Yes, please add modifiers to /rnk if possible. With the new 4th Edition rules, a NkM+L roll is a possibility for any rnk roll.


P.S. Please find the new dice mechanics LUA file I edited in your email inbox.

Ok Ive added modifiers to /rnkd - do you want them to /rnk too? I suppose they should have that support.

January 24th, 2017, 19:00
ho ! is Posible /rnk explose 9 and 10 ?
or reroll 1 the first time ? *

January 24th, 2017, 20:18
I have been thinking about those, XenophageX, hehe. You read my mind.

However, they are not easy to implement. For superior ability katanas, a /rnk9 command would be needed, with exploding 9's and 10's. That requires some new functions in Ikael routines, to designate two exploding dice results.

For the specialized rolls, repeating the 1's just the first time would be even more useful. But for this roll -let us call it /rnk1-, we need a new function, that substitutes the 1's for a new result, and only once.

I will look into those.



ho ! is Posible /rnk explose 9 and 10 ?
or reroll 1 the first time ? *

January 24th, 2017, 22:04
I have been thinking about those, XenophageX, hehe. You read my mind.

However, they are not easy to implement. For superior ability katanas, a /rnk9 command would be needed, with exploding 9's and 10's. That requires some new functions in Ikael routines, to designate two exploding dice results.

For the specialized rolls, repeating the 1's just the first time would be even more useful. But for this roll -let us call it /rnk1-, we need a new function, that substitutes the 1's for a new result, and only once.

I will look into those.



That would be great if you can work on that Sibelius. Please use the last file I sent you as it has portraits and modifiers included already. Although there is a glitch where the PC name is mentioned 2x.

January 26th, 2017, 04:34
XenophageX and Sibelius would you guys like to collaborate on a Legends of the 5 Rings Extension and Module?
Ill build a theme but I will need some help in things like:

1. What each of the 6 rolls windows should be called in French and English
2. Building a Library of Rolls in French and English
3. Building some pre-gen characters in French and English

If we stick to that it should be shareable.

If you would like to do this please let me know.

Do any of these images work for you as a base for the theme?


January 26th, 2017, 06:23
I work on the theme and a text for libraries roll

January 30th, 2017, 23:41
Yes, Damned, count me in. I can provide Abilities and Rolls in Spanish, as well as titles for the sections. I can also try to get them in English afterwards.

January 31st, 2017, 06:51
Right... so Im most likely wasting my time then... and too much of it... :(


Actually I think you didn't.

d66 is used by the Austrian "Destiny" Games (Beginner, Dungeon, Space...) from "Ace of Dice"

and d666 is used by "in nomine" if I am not wrong.

January 31st, 2017, 11:50
Phew! Thanks Imiri :)

January 31st, 2017, 16:15
Will ask this here, but hope to catch ya on Discord sometime soon. Can Morecore Do the AGE system dice mechanic? 2 d6 one color and 3rd d6 a different color?

January 31st, 2017, 19:13
morecore directly can't (yet) but as there are extensions for core that can be used with morecore you can do it:

AGE stunt die

ore more useful with the rolls of morecore:

As an example: Just type /die 2d6+d1006+4 for a roll with stunt die and a +4 modifier (attribute/focus)

Hope that answers your question.

I was thinking of doing something AGE like for morecore - but Dragon AGE is not possible (BIOWARE) and others like Blue Rose AGE green ronin might do something official.
But until than have fun. :-D

January 31st, 2017, 21:38
Yeah I will add Trenloes Red Dice to MoreCore 1.38

February 1st, 2017, 03:23
Have the MoreCore Themes been updated for FG 3.2.2? I get errors on all three when trying to open anything on the sidebar.

February 1st, 2017, 03:34
Have the MoreCore Themes been updated for FG 3.2.2? I get errors on all three when trying to open anything on the sidebar.

They did get broken. I have fixes for them all but have to upload still... tonight... hopefully...

February 4th, 2017, 00:34
I have uploaded 1.38 now

I havent had time to update the doco - will do as soon as I can...

Some of the additions are new dice rollers for Pendragon /pendragon, Black Crusade /blackcrusade, Talislanta /talislanta, Traveller /trav, Symbaroum /symb, /trait, /ability, /mtrait, Harn /harn
There is also the Red Stunt Die for AGE games called by d1006, and the Traveller dice called with d66 and d666

Some enhancements to the /edie and /rnk dice to show portraits of rolling character and a /rnkd dice which does damage rolls instead or dice rolls.

No other substantial changes just now.

February 4th, 2017, 04:01
Feedback good peoples....

What do you think of these three desktops for Pendragon?



February 4th, 2017, 04:15
I like them all, but if I was to pick one it would be the top one.

February 4th, 2017, 05:10
Me as well on both of Trenloe's comments.

Always amazing...Damned amazing.

February 4th, 2017, 09:12
Thank you very much for this fantastic work. More Core rulez :)

February 4th, 2017, 09:24
thank rnkd is drag and roll ? or direct wounds target

February 4th, 2017, 09:30
thank rnkd is drag and roll ? or direct wounds target

All damage rolls are roll and drag. At this stage only the GM can actually do the dragging.
Im thinking that should be in the next round of updates for the player to be able to apply damage on the drag themselves.

February 4th, 2017, 09:31
I like them all, but if I was to pick one it would be the top one.

Me as well on both of Trenloe's comments.

Always amazing...Damned amazing.

Thank you very much for this fantastic work. More Core rulez :)


February 4th, 2017, 18:15
Any idea why City of Mist extension won't work with 1.38?

February 4th, 2017, 22:23
Really nice images, I will say as a background though the sunlight is too bright. Tone that done imo so that it's not so bright and so that their is not as much contrast between the light and dark sections.

February 4th, 2017, 23:47
Any idea why City of Mist extension won't work with 1.38?

Hi Mask_of_winter - what issue are you seeing? You may have to update your City of Mist Theme - changes in 3.2.2 affected the Sidebar Icon setup.

Really nice images, I will say as a background though the sunlight is too bright. Tone that done imo so that it's not so bright and so that their is not as much contrast between the light and dark sections.

Thanks LordEntrails

ShotGun Jolly
February 13th, 2017, 08:34

Does MoreCore (or Fantasy Grounds for that matter) have the ability to link damage rolls to a table in the dicestring? So for example:

Roll damage dice and it would also roll on a hit location table?


February 13th, 2017, 10:48

Does MoreCore (or Fantasy Grounds for that matter) have the ability to link damage rolls to a table in the dicestring? So for example:

Roll damage dice and it would also roll on a hit location table?


Not right now... but will have a think about it.
What Roll are you mostly thinking about for this initially?

February 14th, 2017, 07:54
MoreCore is really amazing, guys, great job!

Do you think it would be possible to include a dicestring imitating Ars Magica's basic stress roll mechanic? This is a variation of the exploding mechanic, where you roll a d10. If you you roll a 1, you can roll the die again and multiply the result by two. If the second roll is also a 1, you roll again and multiply by 4, and so on. I don't think this is possible with CoreRPG, but maybe it could be done with MoreCore?

Thanks in advance!

February 14th, 2017, 08:38
Hi Teotimus is that the only function of that exploding dice?
Is it always one die?
/stress 1d10
You only re-roll 1s?
Do other results not count?
Only 1s count as stress?
1s and any additional 1s and the multiplied 1s?
If you roll a 1 and you explode and roll a 6 is that a stress of 7 or 1?
If you roll a 1 and you explode and roll another 1 and then you roll a 8 is that 3 or 11?

Please be as specific as possible.

February 14th, 2017, 08:51
Thanks for your quick answer, Damned.

Yes, Ars Magica only uses this exploding mechanic for stress rolls. You always roll one die, and it's always a d10. Only 1s explode, and every other result is counted as normal except 0, that is considered a possible fumble.

("Stress rolls" are opposed to "simple rolls", where 1 reads as 1 and 0 as 10).

The main difference with stress rolls is that exploding does not add but multiplies the next roll by a factor of two (stackable).

So, following your examples, if you roll a 1 (explodes) and then a 7, it would 14 (2 x 7).

If you roll a 1 (explodes) and then another 1 (explodes) and then an 8, it would be 32 (2 x 2 x 8).

(If you rolled three straight ones and a 10, it would be... 80 (2 x 2 x 2 x 10).

Paul Pratt
February 14th, 2017, 23:48

I would think that you would have to grab the dice in the damage manager script and run them through the table there. basically how in DH I handle the hit roll finding the hit location.

ShotGun Jolly
February 15th, 2017, 05:42

You can forget what I talking about.. After thinking more about it, there are way to many variables for that to work as smoothly as I was hoping for in the Conan Mechanic. Its just simpler to do a dice string like this:
(SWORD)1d6 dmg+1d20 Hitlocation; and just look at chart. As I do not care about the totals, as long as I can see each dice.


Thanks! Yeah, I was going to try and see if it could be done that way. But I didn't want to modify it on my end, as the next time morecore updates, I would loose my own changes as I am running it through an extension. Unlike what I was doing before with DH.

Paul Pratt
February 15th, 2017, 07:10

You wouldn't lose the changes if you had the functions called form a file that was in your extension. Say Manger_Damage2.lua or something like that. I use that in DH for quite a few things so when Core updates I don't need to as well.

February 20th, 2017, 00:15
Could Conan 2d20 Combat roll be added to show damage rolls? Damage on 2d20 system is always a xd6 roll where 1 and 2 are damage points, then 3 and 4 are blank no damage, and 5 and 6 are 1 damage + effect. Effect is just to activate some weapon properties.
Also could initiative order be removed from Combat Tracker? It will be like Star Wars Edge of the Empire where there is no real initiative but each player or master decides when to act. So there is no real number values but each turn they can decide who acts.
Thank you! Just joined this ruleset to use Conan 2d20 and I am very happy, your job here is amazing!

February 20th, 2017, 00:58
Hi alfarobl I discussed with Shotgun Jolly and his preference was to roll the damage dice himself. Ill have a look at it in the near future.
The Combat tracker requires someway to order people - the init can be set manually on the character sheet. Other methods are quite complex.
I use MoreCore for Dungeon World and leave the Init field blank as there is no initiative in that system either.

Im glad you are enjoying it :)

February 20th, 2017, 01:53
Hi alfarobl I discussed with Shotgun Jolly and his preference was to roll the damage dice himself. Ill have a look at it in the near future.
The Combat tracker requires someway to order people - the init can be set manually on the character sheet. Other methods are quite complex.
I use MoreCore for Dungeon World and leave the Init field blank as there is no initiative in that system either.

Im glad you are enjoying it :)

It would be great if you could add Combat Dice... it is easy to do manually but having a specific roll will avoid making mistakes.

There is a video about how the Combat Tracker works on Edge of the Empire with Trenloe ruleset... don't know if you could add some ideas from it to MoreCore. Maybe it is not possible, but just in case:
EotE Combat Tracker (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/39085830/Vids/FG/Star%20Wars%20v2/SW%20EotE%20Ruleset%20v2%20-%20Combat%20Tracker%201.mp4)

Thank you again! Hope to be able to test Conan 2d20 soon with MoreCore on real play with the Quickstart.

ShotGun Jolly
February 20th, 2017, 13:16
Hi alfarobl I discussed with Shotgun Jolly and his preference was to roll the damage dice himself. Ill have a look at it in the near future.
The Combat tracker requires someway to order people - the init can be set manually on the character sheet. Other methods are quite complex.
I use MoreCore for Dungeon World and leave the Init field blank as there is no initiative in that system either.

Im glad you are enjoying it :)

Like I said, it was just my personal preference, I am sure there would be no harm in having it. I am sure some people out there would rather have that.

March 6th, 2017, 20:18
I love the heck out of this (first as a mod but now as a pak it's downright awesome!) My only request would be for the new Vampire the Requiem rolling mechanic, which is like /successes but with exploding dice. In other words it rolls #d10s with every 8, 9, or 10 counting as a success but any 10s also get to be rerolled checking for any further successes. The older WoD mechanic of reducing successes for any 1s rolled no longer applies. No idea how tough that might be to code but I'd at least like to make the request for it if it isn't too much trouble.

March 6th, 2017, 20:51
Also I'm wondering if there might be an issue with /successes from the sheet. The syntax works fine as a base / command but it I add something like the following as an attack on a sheet:

[ATK] Awesome Sword (Fighting) (Finesse) /successes 6d10x7,

It properly highlights as if it recognizes that as a roll, but double-clicking does nothing and dragging it into the box just outputs the following:

[ATK] Awesome Sword (Fighting) (Finesse) /successes 6d10x (7)

The (7) at the end means it displays the number 7 as if it were the output of a roll.

I also tried making a quick NPC dropping that in the Combat Tracker and dragging the attack from either the sheet or the CT display for that character onto the NPC as if it were an attack, but neither method appears to do anything. Sam if I drop both characters on a map and drop the attack onto the NPC. No apparent effect.

I also just noticed that the Modifiers box has several small dots underneath it and that it put a +43 modifier into that box when I double-clicked the attack. Mousing over the dots it looks like they have been given the names of my attacks and damage entries, too.

Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

ShotGun Jolly
March 7th, 2017, 07:55

When do you suspect your next update will be?


March 7th, 2017, 08:35
I love the heck out of this (first as a mod but now as a pak it's downright awesome!) My only request would be for the new Vampire the Requiem rolling mechanic, which is like /successes but with exploding dice. In other words it rolls #d10s with every 8, 9, or 10 counting as a success but any 10s also get to be rerolled checking for any further successes. The older WoD mechanic of reducing successes for any 1s rolled no longer applies. No idea how tough that might be to code but I'd at least like to make the request for it if it isn't too much trouble.

I will have a look and see if I can work that roller out. Dont be afraid to dive into the rollers and try it yourself and then we can add it back in...