View Full Version : Sharing Images with Players ~ Title problems

November 5th, 2016, 23:57

The new update has the feature to be able to show a PC the title of the image as ID or non ID.. which is great .. But when I share an image from an NPC from my monster manual .. The default Image setting is "not Identified". And of course I cannot toggle the image to "ID" So the player gets an image with "Not Identified" as a title..

I could not find a setting to turn that feature off and on .. is there a way to turn it off so the image can be shared as "Identified" and the proper title shows to the PC ?

Thanks .

November 6th, 2016, 01:13
There is an option in options to turn identification on or off.

November 6th, 2016, 01:07
Hey Zacchaeus ,

Thank you for the reply but I did that and it does work for everything else but it has no effect on the images.. BUT I was dragging the image off of the NPC stat sheet and that one cannot be changed.. I did find however I could find the monster manual image in the Images & Map tab and that one I can toggle the id on and off .. so go figure .. IDK ..Ill use those instead of dragging from the stat sheet

thanks again for the reply

November 6th, 2016, 01:22
Yes don't drag from the NPC sheet. You should only be sharing from the images tab if you want to hide the image name.