November 5th, 2016, 18:57
in the sample extension campaign files that come with BRP in the myqscript.lua there is a section where you can define the characteristics. In that section there is a Name and Roll option, but BRP is really only built with typical human stats in mind, 3-18 per stat. My world has a wide range of races that the PCs can be which also leads to different min/max values in stats.
In my flavor of BRP I added races and change the values of the roll portion of some of the stats so they are not all x5 as is normal for BRP. is there a way to change that or should I make new stats or skills to cover those? Or is there a better option?
In my flavor of BRP I added races and change the values of the roll portion of some of the stats so they are not all x5 as is normal for BRP. is there a way to change that or should I make new stats or skills to cover those? Or is there a better option?