View Full Version : **WARNING OotA Spoilers** Out of the Abyss character management question for DMs

November 5th, 2016, 03:05

I apologize if this post is in the incorrect location. I looked but didn't see any forum specific to DM questions, etc.

I'm getting ready to start running Out of the Abyss for my group tomorrow night and I ran into a small snag - ****THIS IS THE SPOILERS PART*****
I hope that was enough - Anyways - As those who have played OotA knows, the game starts with several other NPCs that can be involved. For some reason, I was initially thinking I could right click and share with players and they could control. I have no idea why I had this perception, however, as many of you more experienced with the FG system are now thinking, I obviously have no idea what I'm doing and this obviously won't work. My question is: How have others handled this in FG? I did a google search but didn't really find anything. I'm wondering if I should just create PCs for the players to use, however I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that as that would give some small, if inconsequential, info away when my players join. (They have no idea what the campaign is about or how it starts). Also I'm lazy and would hope to avoid this lol.

So is that my best option? Or is there a way to share the NPC sheets with players without going through the process of adding them to the PC list? Thanks in advance for all the help!

Dm Extraordinaire Wannabe

November 5th, 2016, 03:53
You should be able to drag an NPC sheet to the specific player that you want to control it. You will have to keep the sheet open on the DM side of things, but they can be minimized. Players can also close them, but the DM only has to drag it back on the player. It should be noted that everything in the sheet will be viewable by the players if that option us taken.

Making the NPC into a PC sheet is more work for you bit it would be more familiar to those that have not played with an NPC sheet before. And as far as giving info away, you can always create then and then claim them as the GM and then clear the owner on the PC sheets once the NPCs actually come into play.

Amy questions on how to do those things, I can help you out once I get on my main machine.

November 5th, 2016, 22:12
Thanks appreciate the answer! I was worried I was going to have to manually create PC sheets for all of them or something. This will be MUCH easier. Thanks again!

November 5th, 2016, 22:48
It isn't necessary for the DM to keep the NPC sheet open. Sure if the DM closes the NPC sheet it will also close for the player but they can recover it by going into their NPC list and re-opening the NPC. Note that some NPC actions particularly some of the magic effects won't operate for the player - they can only be operated from the DMs view Combat Tracker. Players can make attacks and damage rolls and apply some effects by targeting the target and then mousing over the text in the actions of the NPC sheet until the attack/damage etc is highlighted and then double clicking just like the DM can do the same thing. As Blahness says the players might take a turn or two to get used to the idea but they should catch on reasonably quickly.

November 9th, 2016, 03:43
It isn't necessary for the DM to keep the NPC sheet open. Sure if the DM closes the NPC sheet it will also close for the player but they can recover it by going into their NPC list and re-opening the NPC.
The player can also double-click on the token linked to the NPC on the map - a quick and easy way to get access to the shared NPC sheet.