View Full Version : Missing 5e ruleset in FG 3.2

November 4th, 2016, 15:17
Hey guys,
I just updated to 3.2, and now I can't enter any of my campaigns. It shows a message "unable to load ruleset" (16059).

Upon creating a new campaign, I noticed there was no 5e ruleset available (16058).

November 4th, 2016, 15:24
re-run the updater.
if that doesnt work check for any .tmp files in your fantasy grounds data, ruleset and vault folders and remove them and re-run again.

November 4th, 2016, 15:32
Already attempted re-updating several times, didn't fix the issue. Also, there are no files with tmp extensions in the FG folder.

I noticed that Dulux-Ox's DOE extensions are not shown on 3.5e, Pathfinder, and 5e rulesets (all of which I have campaigns on), and none of these loads up. Weirdly, after an update attempt, 5e randomly reappears or dissapears.

I'll try deleting the offending rulesets to see what happens.

November 4th, 2016, 15:45

Upon deleting the 5e.pak ruleset, re-updating, and loading a campaign, I got a dependecies error with CoreRPG (of which 5e is a child, I assume). Deleting CoreRPG.pak and updating again fixed the issue.

Now I can load my campaigns without problems, and can see the DOE extensions.