View Full Version : How to change a map in a LMoP (or move encounters to a new map)

November 4th, 2016, 07:12
I'm new to running Fantasy Grounds and we're trying 5e and the Lost Mines module.

The provided map of Wave Echo Cave is lacking, and there are some amazing maps available online (e.g. https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/3bxyc2/my_wave_echo_cave_map_its_a_big_one/)

Option 1: Change the map image. I can't seem to get into the module's data folder itself since it's password protected. Is there a way to change the image for the map?

Option 2: Recreate the map. I created a new map, added the grid, and dropped all the encounter/area descriptions onto the maps and the pins appear. But when I run an encounter, the enemy tokens still appear on the original map. Is there a way to re-place the tokens onto the new map?


Moon Wizard
November 4th, 2016, 08:17

Option 1: The files are protected per publisher request, so on to Option 2.

Option 2: Once you have the newly created map record in place with your new map file, you can open the encounter records, unlock them, click on the check boxes in "unset" the tokens, and drag the tokens onto the new map. This will save the encounter onto the new map.

One other consideration is that very-high resolution maps will cause long load times for players, and if larger than 4096x4096 can cause performance issues for the client. We usually try to keep maps around 2000x2000 or so, and under 1MB for optimal performance.


November 4th, 2016, 17:23
Yeah, that linked map (whereas totally lovely) is too big (15.7MB, 6400x7302) for reliable use in the current Fantasy Grounds architecture. If you're careful about other resource usage you might get away with using something like this (but only one such image/map at a time) but, in general, you're going to experience issues at some point. Reducing the resolution (by half?) and saving with a JPG quality of 80 (20 in PSP) gives a file size of 2MB and much better all round performance - still above the recommended sizes, but for a one-off map this is OK.