View Full Version : Its all gone - my whole Campaign

October 28th, 2016, 22:24
FG created this little error box and would not close or do anything and I shut it down from the Task Manager,
but now it will open fine and seems to be working but two months of creations are gone - everything maps - Player characters, story - everything is gone.


October 28th, 2016, 22:43
Ok, don't open FG again. One of the others will be along shortly who knows more about this than I. In the meantime, take a look and see what you can find using Windows Explorer (I assume you are on Windows?) in the following location;

- take a look in the campaign data folder (in your <FG Data folder>\campaigns\<campaign name>) and see if you have any files named something like db.backup.###.xml

October 29th, 2016, 03:38
Kitilark you have to make backups of your campaigns. You should do this as often as you think is necessary. I do it before or after every prep and game session. I zip up that campaign and add a date stamp and toss it into OneDrive.
With 88k lines your campaign looks very large. Hopefully there is a backup file or most of that file is still accessible after the XML error is manually fixed.
All your images will still be there.
The players can - before they connect to you again - go into Manage Characters and load this campaign and export their characters.

October 29th, 2016, 18:35
I found some files that look odd based on their time and date as well as their name and location. I know how to unzip a file but didn't know I could zip one - as far as the cloud back-up goes it wasn't active but I am figuring out how to turn it on - I think. This is a new computer about 2 months old and running windows 10 1607. Lastly I have no idea what a XML error is. But I am glad to know that there must be a way to fix it. Should I go to the computer repair place?

October 29th, 2016, 20:53
Ok, don't open FG again. One of the others will be along shortly who knows more about this than I. In the meantime, take a look and see what you can find using Windows Explorer (I assume you are on Windows?) in the following location;

- take a look in the campaign data folder (in your <FG Data folder>\campaigns\<campaign name>) and see if you have any files named something like db.backup.###.xml

You need to do what LordEntrails suggested, above. In that folder, change the name of the db.xml file to something like db.corrupt.xml. Then find a db backup file with a recent date that is also large. Make a copy of this, and then change the name of the copy to db.xml Then start FG up and take a look at the campaign. Hopefully most of it will be there.

October 29th, 2016, 21:53
Kiti, take that db.corrupt.xml once you have it renamed, upload it here and I (and maybe some others) will take a look at it and see if we can find what's corrupted. No point in taking your computer to your computer guy unless he knows FG he won't know what to do with it.

October 29th, 2016, 22:13
Kitty, you have a lot of files and folders in your campaign directory that should not be there. The map tiles, furniture pack, rpgnow stuff and the .mod file should not be in your campaign directory. You do have 4 db.xml backups though so hopefully one of those will have your campaign in it. As has been said above use one of those to hopefully recreate your database.

October 29th, 2016, 22:42
Your screenshot shows that your view is set to not show the file extensions. So follow the instructions I gave above, just ignoring all the ".xml"s.

October 30th, 2016, 00:23
oh my gosh I figured out how to find that file I renamed with the upload browser thingy - now if only I could remember how I did it. Thanks for all the detailed steps! I think I am almost understand. Kitty

PS. I re- renamed it with only 1 xml

so I took and copied one of the back-up files and you were right the Campaign is back - I think the portraits for the PC's are gone but that is easy - thank you for saving my Island! now how do I back this up so it never happens again? you guys are my hero - truly.

October 30th, 2016, 00:37
To backup, all you have to do is make a copy of the files you want to save/backup. This could be your entire FG Data directory, or just your campaign directory. You can backup these files to a cloud storage location, a USB drive, or to another folder on your drive. Depending upon what you have available and if you want to store your backup on the same hard drive as the live version or not. It's better if it's somewhere else, but a little harder to manage.

October 31st, 2016, 11:10
oh my gosh I figured out how to find that file I renamed with the upload browser thingy - now if only I could remember how I did it. Thanks for all the detailed steps! I think I am almost understand. Kitty

PS. I re- renamed it with only 1 xml

so I took and copied one of the back-up files and you were right the Campaign is back - I think the portraits for the PC's are gone but that is easy - thank you for saving my Island! now how do I back this up so it never happens again? you guys are my hero - truly.

Congratulations! Glad we could be of help. :)

November 9th, 2016, 15:40
Ruleset Error: windowclass: Defined with a merge attribute, but the name attribute (npclist) does not match an existing windowclass. Skipped. File (Organisations/XMLFiles/xOrganisationsWindowClasses.xml)
Database Warning: Module override data exists and base module data has changed for (DD Dungeon Masters Guide)
Database Warning: Module override data exists and base module data has changed for (DD Elemental Evil Players Companion)
Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_library.lua"]:50: attempt to call field 'addLibraryDockShortcut' (a nil value)
Script Error: [string "scripts/data_desktop.lua"]:38: attempt to call field 'registerStackShortcuts' (a nil value)


November 9th, 2016, 15:46
Make sure to turn off all extensions and re-test. Then, check the forums for updates to any extensions you are using and then try testing them one at a time to see which of them is causing issues.

November 9th, 2016, 15:55
Make sure to turn off all extensions and re-test. Then, check the forums for updates to any extensions you are using and then try testing them one at a time to see which of them is causing issues.

Thanks - I forgot to open the window large enough to see the little red dots - looks much better this time.