View Full Version : Can't add images anymore.

October 20th, 2016, 22:15
Hello there. I have previously successfully added two images to my campaign (in the making), but now today the images I put in the "folder" won't load in the "maps" window..

I've checked and double checked it's the correct folder and installation path. If I manually add a "drawing" through the maps window I can find it in the "drawings" folder, so I'm pretty sure that the images folder I'm inserting my map/picture files into are correct.

Is this a common problem or is it just me? Any suggestion or solution?

- Z

October 20th, 2016, 22:19
Welcome Zhakathoom

Have a look at the bottom of the Images window - there will be one or more tabs. Make sure your images havent gone into a different tab to what you were expecting. If you find them in the wrong place - drag them to the correct tabs Icon and they will update.
Make sure you are on the correct tab when you launch the folder window to drag the images in on.

October 20th, 2016, 22:27
Thank you so much for getting back to me on this Damned.
I only had 3 tabs: the story one, the FG battlemaps and the DD Dungeon master tab.
I'm not sure if I understand you correct, but do you mean that if I have the, lets say; dungeonmaster tab active, and then click "folder" and drop images into that folder it will populate the dungeonmaster tab of the images window?
That sounds really odd and unintuitive to me..

I did find a fix though; I renamed the old images folder, launched the game and then copied the files from the old to the newly created "images" folder. That autopopulated the images list with all the images. Seems to be working again. :)

- Z

October 20th, 2016, 22:34
It does seem counter-intuitive that you might accidentally add images to the Dungeon Masters Guide but it is useful if you were wanting to add new images to your Storm King Thunder DLC for example. You also might have your Tabs broken up into 2 or more parts of the adventure you are working on eg "Triboar", "The Forest", "The Temple".
In your case it sounds like it may have been a glitch.

October 20th, 2016, 22:44
Hm. Yes you have a valid point. But then it should be more of a conscious decision to add pictures from the folder and into the image/map window of FG: Why not make it so you need to drag and drop from the folder and directly onto the window to add pictures?

I don't know, maybe this isn't a problem. I'm very, very new to this so I shouldn't voice any issues yet really. ;)

- Z

October 20th, 2016, 23:05
Unless you are on Mac/Linux ou can drag and drop images from Explorer onto the Images window in FG and they will go into that current tab.
All voices are heard here :) Fresh eyes and fresh opinions count too.

October 21st, 2016, 18:25
Also, if you open a Windows file explorer by using the "folder" button, FG doesn't look for new images until you close the file explorer window. So: Click folder button, copy image files into the images directory, close explorer - then your new images should appear in Fantasy grounds.

October 22nd, 2016, 12:26
I'm on Windows 10, but drag and drop functionality isn't working on my stationary computer. I see the pointer change to the "Pluss" symbol, but it doesn't work. I just tried again now on my laptopcomputer, and that work.

The reason it might not have updated when I added pictures to the folder because it only updates on closing the folder would have been perhaps been spot on if the "folder" button opened a new folder window each time it's clicked, but it doesn't. I am a hundred percent certain I closed the folder multiple times. I even restarted the entire program several times.

Good suggestions though.


October 22nd, 2016, 12:58
Zhakathoom please go and double check your permissions on your Fantasy Grounds directory - and also the Read Only attribute.

October 23rd, 2016, 18:43
Thanks for your continued support on this issue Damned. I have rechecked my permissions and I'm on admin on this computer, and have full rights on the datafolder. I also checked the read only checkbox, and much to my surprise that was on. I was pretty sure I already turned that off. I turned it off again and tried starting FG again. Still no drag and drop. I can manually add images to the images folder and have them show though.

And when I restarted the computer again today I did the same check again on the data folder: And it's back to "read only" again.. What's going on?

October 23rd, 2016, 19:13
//edit: double post/

October 23rd, 2016, 21:50
I cant this morning Zhakathoom but maybe I should have a look at what you seeing/doing with you and see if we can work it out. PM me if you would like to do this.

October 24th, 2016, 09:13
Thanks for the reply Damned.

Not sure I understand what you mean, but since everything except the drag and drop functionality seems to work now I'm not to bothered. I might uninstall and reinstall on my stationary PC just to check if that remedies anything. BTW; will a uninstall do anything to the DATA folder? Will I need to back up not to loose my campaign, or will it be left alone?

- Z

October 24th, 2016, 09:40
Thanks for the reply Damned.

Not sure I understand what you mean, but since everything except the drag and drop functionality seems to work now I'm not to bothered. I might uninstall and reinstall on my stationary PC just to check if that remedies anything. BTW; will a uninstall do anything to the DATA folder? Will I need to back up not to loose my campaign, or will it be left alone?

- Z

No worries Zhakathoom - if its close to fully working keep it as is.
You should make a habit of backing up your campaigns subdirectory to another location.
Uninstalling (on a PC) should not cause you any data loss - but as above make sure you backup your campaigns folder at a minimum.
Other folders you might like to backup include \tokens \extensions \modules \portraits \rulesets

October 24th, 2016, 10:48
Thanks again for the great help! :D
If a reinstall fixes the drag&drop I'll let you know.

- Z

October 24th, 2016, 18:10
Are you running FG as administrator (i.e. the app has elevated privileges)? This can be set on the shortcut (usually on the "compatibility" tab of the shortcut properties). Windows blocks certain operations (like drag/drop) for applications running with elevated privileges. I've just done a test and running as administrator (right-click -> Run as Administrator) disabled image file drag/drop. Running normally works fine.

Here's an old article about this (2010), but it appears to be still valid: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/patricka/2010/01/28/q-why-doesnt-drag-and-drop-work-when-my-application-is-running-elevated-a-mandatory-integrity-control-and-uipi/

October 24th, 2016, 19:53
Ah! Fantastic Trenloe! I was just about to do the reinstall when I read your post, and indeed you are correct! Disabling "run as administrator" (which I turned on due to having saving troubles initially) totally fixed the drag&drop issue. It now works flawlessly. :)

- Z

October 24th, 2016, 19:59
Well, almost flawless. The add functionality works, but I can't delete the pictures from the ingame "skull" option on the rightclick menu. When I delete the pictures they get removed from the ingame list, but not the folder, so they are added back into the images and maps window again. I need to remove them from the folder manually. Is this as intended?
(And again I noticed that my "data" folder has turned back onto read only. Is this something FG does, or is it an issue on my end? I'm obviously not that computer savvy.. Turning read only off does nothing to the delete functionality.)

- Z

October 24th, 2016, 20:08
When I delete the pictures they get removed from the ingame list, but not the folder, so they are added back into the images and maps window again. I need to remove them from the folder manually. Is this as intended?
Yep, that's intended. Delete them from the /images directory through windows explorer.

October 24th, 2016, 21:01
Ah, we're all good then. Thanks yet again. :)

- Z

October 30th, 2020, 01:56
I just basically wasted my money on this platform for the same reason. It doesn't even remotely work, and just gives me string errors when I try to add any image. It's not even clear where the map area is. 170 bucks down the drain. I could have met my objectives ten times faster with paint at this point, why is it so difficult for a user to just drop their background onto the map and set it as a layer?

It also doesn't show any of the images I keep adding into my campaign folder, and won't drop any premade images into the interface either, well done.

October 30th, 2020, 03:02
I just basically wasted my money on this platform for the same reason. It doesn't even remotely work, and just gives me string errors when I try to add any image. It's not even clear where the map area is. 170 bucks down the drain. I could have met my objectives ten times faster with paint at this point, why is it so difficult for a user to just drop their background onto the map and set it as a layer?

It also doesn't show any of the images I keep adding into my campaign folder, and won't drop any premade images into the interface either, well done.

That is an old thread :)

What exactly do you try to do? When you e.g. drag&drop assets into a map, it will be automatically there as a separate layer :) When you drag&drop it into the tile stamp thingy, then you can even adjust its size before you add it to the map :)

Maybe open a separate thread, then it is easier to help (because many might not look in such an old thread) :)

EDIT: Just in case, there is a 30-days refund guarantee for the FG store :)

October 30th, 2020, 12:25
Also there IS a free demo, that is fully functional other than it can't save your data.

October 30th, 2020, 12:41
Also there IS a free demo, that is fully functional other than it can't save your data.
Campaigns in FGU can be saved with the demo version. The difference is that the network connectivity is disabled, FG will indicate "Networking disabled for Free licenses", so you can't connect a player instance.

October 30th, 2020, 12:44
I just basically wasted my money on this platform for the same reason. It doesn't even remotely work, and just gives me string errors when I try to add any image. It's not even clear where the map area is. 170 bucks down the drain. I could have met my objectives ten times faster with paint at this point, why is it so difficult for a user to just drop their background onto the map and set it as a layer?

It also doesn't show any of the images I keep adding into my campaign folder, and won't drop any premade images into the interface either, well done.
Welcome to the FG forums. Sorry you're having issues. We're not sure exactly what may be the cause of the problems you're experiencing based off this post. As has been mentioned above, it will be better if you start a new thread detailing exactly the issues you're having and then we'll be able to help. Thousands of people are using Fantasy Grounds every week without reporting any issues, so I'm sure you problems are just an isolated case and can be fixed with some support.

October 31st, 2020, 01:23
Okay, so I discovered the problem. Unlike some programs, which inform you that they are still doing things in the background, I think the program was still uploading libraries on my desktop. I did literally just install it, but as an eager "gamer", I jumped in to start making a campaign!... but alas.... and if that wasn't the case, I don't rule out that it was my computer, but I have a $4,500 machine, and I am testing programs that interest me as a business major, especially if I can think about how to market them. I'm a D&D freak[I], and I want this to work, but let me just tell the tell the tale of how the above post basically transpired.

Why did I buy that whole kit and kaboodle? Because I want the full experience? Next question...

I uploaded a simple image to a special folder I excitedly made to store my "goodies" on the desktop. Initially, my image wouldn't show up, so I just tried to use the "free" assets. Assets would open the file, but then just open it my default image program when I clicked open. I would assume it would open it in FGU. Do you really think users are going to want to have to manually switch their desktop's default settings to FGU every time they use this "game". I still haven't even bothered, this program has become a bother, and I'm thinking "okay, go back in, change blah blah..., tinker tinker", but why am I doing aso easy that users will approach it exponentially. It's a gold mine. There is nothing wrong with bringing the world of imagination to others. Moving on...

After 20 minutes of failing to do what a beginner might [I]naturally want to do is put down a background of some trees and rocks where a goblin or kobold may be hiding, for example, I'm a nerd.... Layer 1... I went though the insane and frustrating process of troubleshooting access to the folder in every way imaginable. After like 20 tries, the image finally showed up, but it still wouldn't open in FGU. I couldn't even do that, sigh, so I wrote the post.

AFTER writing my post of frustration, I still don't know how to get a darn background. The fact that people are flocking to Unity is great, but and I don't think I'm an idiot, and there is a way to do this better. As to why I went for the full package, revisited? I OWN it now. Evolution is expected, if a "new program" comes out tomorrow, I'm out. I know it will be updated, right? But I feel a little violated with the "buy in cost". especially seeing that campaigns are like 30 bucks! Woah, I mean I think a subscription model would be so much better, you'd make bank even if you had to somehow "compensate" us, probably through lifetime access to people who own the program. Don't you own the licenses to all this D&D stuff? Give it to us! AND I guarantee your current users ARE the people you want to just be in your game for free, they are your most loyal userbase, and I would love to see what they are able to create if you did that.

FGU needs to think about its users approach the game, how they think about D&D, and about how to make a "program" (which is already consumer negative), and how you shouldn't need a superior level of effort to do basic things. Minecraft is easier? If you want some ideas, talk to me. Anyways, It's Friday, I might play, I might not, but Einstein said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result. I'm going to go checkout Roll 20... I'll check back in on this post tomorrow. Don't ask how I posted it here, it's complicated.


Moon Wizard
October 31st, 2020, 16:49
We provide a 30-day money back guarantee on anything purchased through our web store, so please take advantage of that if you are not satisfied with your purchases.

The pricing of products other than the core software is up to the publisher of each DLC book; and publishers have not approved providing books on subscription.

There is a user manual for the product that you can find here:

And there is a group that provides classes for new users as well:
