View Full Version : Images in Post Question

October 20th, 2016, 20:53
How do I go about embedding an image to a post so that it is viewable in full without having to click in it ?

October 20th, 2016, 21:02
It's a little fiddly, but here's what I do:

Click the "Go Advanced" button and upload your image as an attachment.
Click the attachment button on the right-hand side arrow and insert the file link in the post.
You'll get an link in the post with code like this: [ATTACH=CONFIG]XXXXX where XXXXX is the attachment ID - remember this for step #4 below.
Paste the IMG code from the attached TXT file into your post, change XXXXX to be the attachment ID from step #3 above. (Sorry I can't put the code directly in the post as FG then thinks it's an image).
Delete the XXXXX code from the post.

Or, you could substitute steps 1-3 with the "Insert image" -> "From Computer" option - it essentially does the same with a couple less clicks.

October 20th, 2016, 21:02
Click on 'Go Advanced' and then on 'Insert Image'

October 20th, 2016, 21:06
Click on 'Go Advanced' and then on 'Insert Image'
That only displays a thumbnail of the image, you have to click on it to get the full image - which is specifically what Talen didn't want.

October 20th, 2016, 21:06
Thanks both for the swift response! Im aware of the insert image option, but I think the explanation Trenloe provided is what I'm looking for. I'll try it when I get home.Thanks again.

Hector Trelane
October 20th, 2016, 21:24
It's a little fiddly, but here's what I do:

Click the "Go Advanced" button and upload your image as an attachment.
Click the attachment button on the right-hand side arrow and insert the file link in the post.
You'll get an link in the post with code like this: [ATTACH=CONFIG]XXXXX where XXXXX is the attachment ID - remember this for step #4 below.
Paste the following into your post, where XXXXX is the attachment ID from step #3 above: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=XXXXX
Delete the XXXXX code from the post.

Or, you could substitute steps 1-3 with the "Insert image" -> "From Computer" option - it essentially does the same with a couple less clicks.

Okay I just tested Trenloe's method:

Aaargh, ye scaliwags! Listen to yer handsome cap'n...

...but I have another method:

"Insert image" -> "From URL"
Un-click "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" (or "untick" the box as our Commonwealth English speakers would say...)
Paste a URL to a public share directory for files or photo sharing (I use my "Public" subfolder on my Dropbox account).

Not sure my method is any easier, but it works.

October 20th, 2016, 21:30
Un-click "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" (or "untick" the box as our Commonwealth English speakers would say...)
Paste a URL to a public share directory for files or photo sharing (I use my "Public" subfolder on my Dropbox account).
I used to do that, but then dropbox cancelled public sharing on my account because it was getting too much traffic. And if you ever re-arrange your dropbox files the link could get invalidated.

The process I've outlined above stores the file on the FG servers, so it won't affect your public sharing and avoids the accidental deletion of shared files/suspension of file sharing on accounts.

October 20th, 2016, 21:40
That only displays a thumbnail of the image, you have to click on it to get the full image - which is specifically what Talen didn't want.

Ah, right. I just assumed :)

October 21st, 2016, 12:29
Ok - Im able to get what I need with the URL link Hector referenced so thank you all. Having said that -I'm doing something wrong with the solution Trenlow]e referenced. When I get to steps 3-5 I don't see the code he references - just the image I uploaded when i click the arrow on the attachment button.

October 21st, 2016, 12:50
I use the method that Trenloe writes above all the time...

EDIT: I often host them externally but when I upload them here I use that method.

October 21st, 2016, 13:53
I insert the image url between the tags.

October 21st, 2016, 16:26
Ok - Im able to get what I need with the URL link Hector referenced so thank you all. Having said that -I'm doing something wrong with the solution Trenlow]e referenced. When I get to steps 3-5 I don't see the code he references - just the image I uploaded when i click the arrow on the attachment button.
After uploading the attachment, close the manage attacments window, and click the down arrow on the right side of the attachment button and the name of the attachment you've just uploaded should appear just under the button. Select that name link and the [ATTACH] code will appear in the post.

October 22nd, 2016, 00:33

Thanks! I needed to right click on the file to get the attachment id. And I used the img tags.