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View Full Version : Suddenly Lost Ultimate Access

October 17th, 2016, 20:01
I went to load FG today and my client "updated" itself back to the free version. I haven't cancelled or anything, but yesterday I did install it on an old laptop so I could bring it with me, now neither my regular computer or my laptop are working with the ultimate license. I double checked and both have my correct key listed in settings, but updating didn't help. I am wondering if registering my laptop with the same code triggered an anti-piracy program or something? My understanding of the EULA is that I can have it on all my computers. ("You may transfer the license to any private system you own.") I don't get any messages when re-entering the key, it just doesn't work. I'm stumped, any ideas?

October 17th, 2016, 20:21
Welcome to the forums! :)

Using your license on another of your own private computers won't invalidate it.

Is your license a subscription or permanent license? If your license is a subscription, check that it is still valid in PayPal. More info here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/faq.php?faq=license_and_purchasing_issues#faq_subs criptionexplaination

October 18th, 2016, 03:10
Yes, this sounds like the subscription may have been suspended and canceled. This can happen if your credit card expiration date changes or if your bank denies the charge for some reason. If you check the PayPal Recurring Payments and it is canceled, you can start a new subscription and use that new key. You will need to re-run an update after changing the key.