View Full Version : D&D 5E Rolls need to at least equal 1?

October 15th, 2016, 06:28
Saw this tonight a couple of times on my game. I'm attaching the game logs for perusal...

When a modifier is subtracted from a roll, FG will spit out either 0 or -1, but in most cases the minimum roll would be is 1, no?

For example, I have a mod of -5 for an attack roll, and the lowest I can roll is a 1, but FG applies the mod, and says that I rolled a -1.

Or I rolled a critical tonight, and the damage rolled ended up being 0, twice. That's a heck of a critical!

October 15th, 2016, 10:48
There's no minimum damage in 5e so if you roll a 0 then you get zero damage.

I'm not sure what difference it would make if you roll a 1, 0 or -1 to hit you are still missing.

As far as I can see it's all working as expected.

PS: I can't find anything in the log which is on point; it seems to be for a PFRPG game I think

October 16th, 2016, 01:41
Okay, I didn't know about the new rule, I seem to have been mixed up with 3.5 :)

In this case, we had a critical hit deal 0 damage. That's a nasty critical lol