View Full Version : Tragetting

October 9th, 2016, 21:06
I am working with one of my players to try and learn the system. What I am not having any luck with is when <Player> targets a token on the map, the Combat tracker does not capture that, even though the token indicates the same creature (name changes health indicators).

What are we doing wrong?
As I don't want to have to manually mark/target the creatures in the combat tracker for them...

October 9th, 2016, 21:14
For what ruleset?

For most rulesets both the character's token and the NPC's token must be placed on the map from the Combat Tracker. So place the PC and the NPC on the Combat Tracker and then drag them from there onto the map (or if you are using preplaced encounters the NPCs will be placed on the CT and the map via the button on the encounter).

Now when it is the character's turn the player can hold down CTRL and click on the target either on the map or on the CT.

October 9th, 2016, 21:26
I am in 5E, just a random map and encounter, using 3 badgers and 2 PCs.

Target Enemy Units button allows all badgers to be targeted Target friendlies works also, but PCs are unable to target individual badgers.
(All badgers and PCs were added to the map from the combat tracker).

The CTRL-Click works though. Thank you.

October 9th, 2016, 21:43
You may find this (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Combat_Tracker) useful if you are just starting out. It's a bit mind blowing getting it all sorted but once you know you know. You can also access a tutorial campaign from the start screen' Click on Load Campaign and from the list click 5E Sample Campaign. There's also a number of videos here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Videos)which you may also find useful.

October 10th, 2016, 02:39
I am in 5E, just a random map and encounter, using 3 badgers and 2 PCs.

Target Enemy Units button allows all badgers to be targeted Target friendlies works also, but PCs are unable to target individual badgers.
(All badgers and PCs were added to the map from the combat tracker).

The CTRL-Click works though. Thank you.

As a player I tend to only use the CT as reference. Once an enemy is CTRL+clicked on a player can do whatever they need done (attacks, damage etc.) with one or two exceptions.

I'm sure the link that Zacchaeus provided will have all the information on this but I just wanted to give you that nugget of info from a players persepctive.

The REALLY cool thing with FG is that it's so freaking clever that it works out hits and misses so let's say you cast a spell that you need to target multiple targets... your player CTRL clicks on all the targets. When they roll to hit it will keep targeting the creatures it hits, and stop targeting the ones it misses so your player can rest assured that they can roll to hit then roll damage without needing to keep track of all the dice.

Clever eh? Well done to those clever programmers

October 10th, 2016, 03:38
Info on targeting (token based) in the Wiki here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Tokens#Targeting