View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Game EST US Time Zone D&D 5E

September 28th, 2016, 19:04
FG License: Working with the Free Demo version for now.
Time Zone: Eastern Time USA
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I'm available any day after 2:00 PM (14:00) with the exception of Tuesday evenings.
Term: Ideally long-term, but I'm willing to join for one-shots and the like.
Voice/Text: I can use voice chat (I have both Skype and Discord), but I would prefer a more text-based run.

Game System Preferred: I prefer D&D 5e, seeing as how it's what I have at least some experience with. But if you're willing to put up with me asking questions I'm willing to try out others.
Game System Experience: I'm currently in a D&D 5e group. It's my first time playing, but we've been going for several months now (close to a year).
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I'm sort of familiar with the basics of Fantasy Grounds such as Character Creation and combat.

Character Type Preferred: So far I really enjoy caster classes, but I am completely willing to try out any character type that's needed.
About me: I love to roleplay, it's probably one of my favorite things to do and is what sort of sold me into D&D in the first place. (I've done done a lot of text-heavy roleplaying in the past.) So some of that is ideal. And while I didn't think I would? I also really enjoy the workings of combat. So a mixture of the two, or even if it leans a little more towards combat? That's fine with me! ^-^ When it comes to Out of Character stuff? I do like to make a joke here and there, but it's not something I have to do. It just seems fun, y'know? To be able to look in from the outside and remark about the personalities of our characters.

October 1st, 2016, 05:01
Hi xlicnhearts sign up for a game or 2 (maybe try some other systems and genres too) at FG Con 9 and you will meet other players and GMs which could lead to more longer term gaming opportunities.