View Full Version : I ordered one complete core pack. Got charged for 2. Received neither.

the Dregs
September 16th, 2016, 01:58
Just like the title says. I got two confirmation emails, one for $49, and one for $99...I only needed once copy. I went to settings and logged in and did the update. Nothing. Do I need to buy a license, and get off my free month demo?

I can tell you I am really leery to do that, since I have been charged 2 or 3 times for the first product i ordered.

Edit..I tried to activate a monthly subscription, but I guess I have to wait until my free trial is over. just want to make some characters, guys.

September 16th, 2016, 02:15
Email [email protected] and explain your issue. They'll sort you out.

In the meantime, you should have received an email with your license key - assuming you've signed up for the month trial and not just installed the demo client? If you have signed up, you should have received an email to the address registered to the PayPal account you used to sign up to the trial. You need to have a licensed FG install to be able to download (via the update system) the PHB you've purchased.

the Dregs
September 16th, 2016, 02:19
I went and checked just in case. I entered the code for the original monthly subscription, but it said my account is already activated. When I try to download it in settings, i get a message saying that it failed to create a vault, and to please check my license subscriptions.

September 16th, 2016, 02:25
Have you added the license key from your original monthly subscription in the top field ("License Key") in the settings screen?

Now that you say "original monthly subscription" I'm a bit confused what license you have? Do you have a 30 day trial or a currently active subscription?

the Dregs
September 16th, 2016, 02:29
I have the free 30 day subscription. I had to enter the key somewhere when I joined the site, but I figured out from reading your post that I had to add it in the settings as well. So I did...and it downloaded. But..when i go into the little test campaign I made, it still doesn't show up in the library. This process is so arcane.

September 16th, 2016, 02:37
Where did you purchase the PHB from - this site (fantasygrounds.com) or Steam? If from this site, enter your user name and password in the Settings -> Fantasy Grounds Store Purchases section. After you enter your user name, click the "update" button and enter your password and click "login". The store purchases window should show a few products, one of them WOTC5EPHBDELUXE. Click the "OK" button and then "Update" - this will download your purchases and then the PHB should be available to activate in a 5E campaign.

the Dregs
September 16th, 2016, 02:46
I got it here, and I did all that. Still not showing up in my library. Support got back to me and had me send them screenshots. Hopefully they get to the bottom of it!

the Dregs
September 16th, 2016, 02:57
AAAAAANNNNDDD...it's all fix. A combo of a bug in the ordering process, the multiple hoops you have to hurdle to get an account going here, and the fact that the paypal account is tied to my wife's email, so I never even knew there was another key. What a mess.

I have to hand it to Doug though, he was fast with the support!

September 16th, 2016, 02:58
Cool, glad Doug got you squared away.