View Full Version : Funny Fantasygrounds Repurpose

September 12th, 2016, 20:52
So, I thought some of you might find this amusing. At the small, growing startup company I work at we are expanding from about 2,700 sq ft of office space into 4,000 sq ft with 15 ee's and a couple independent contractors. For those that have been through new offices, expansion, etc, you know that seating charts can be a huge pain! So, as I've been looking at the space plans and trying to figure out the easiest way to show where I want to put everyone, I decided to upload the space plan as a jpg into fantasygrounds. I then added all the employees as NPC's and dropped in some furniture tokens I own to show the cubicles that are being built. I threw down a grid and added all of the employees into an encounter for the "current" space and an encounter for the "future" space to show where employees are now and where I expect them to be in the future. It's a simple, but very effective seating chart reference for me! Easy for me to move people around and try out different combinations.

I realize there is a ton of software out there for this type of thing, but frankly, it was quick and easy to do and allows me to review it much easier than penciling on the small architecture drawings.

Now, which employees should show up as "green" friendly or "red" hostile! :)

September 12th, 2016, 20:58
Do they have to roll for initiative and fight to the death for the best spaces?

September 12th, 2016, 20:59
Hex or square grid? :)

September 12th, 2016, 21:03
Do they have to roll for initiative and fight to the death for the best spaces?

It's always roll initiative!

September 12th, 2016, 21:03
Hex or square grid? :)

Square. Hex is way too complicated for me... :)

September 12th, 2016, 21:20
Throw in a couple of ogres when you show it to your team. Pretend it was an accident an then tell them you have some consultants coming in next week...

September 12th, 2016, 21:36

September 12th, 2016, 22:49
The next step is to have them battle it out to determine who should come out on top. There can be only one CEO!

September 12th, 2016, 22:53
The next step is to have them battle it out to determine who should come out on top. There can be only one CEO!

Exactly. The next company meeting will start with me saying, "Everyone roll initiative!".

Paranormal GM
September 12th, 2016, 23:51
Do they have to roll for initiative and fight to the death for the best spaces?

It's all about the persuasion. The back stabbing comes later.

September 13th, 2016, 02:25
whenever they ask for a raise place a giant hand icon on the screen and tell them "bigby's interposing hand disagrees and blocks your standard action to ask for a raise"

September 13th, 2016, 02:35
They can calculate the distance to the coffee machine by drawing an arrow.

September 13th, 2016, 10:24
They can calculate the distance to the coffee machine by drawing an arrow.

I would totally set up a hotkey to roll for coffee.

September 13th, 2016, 13:20
I don't envy you with the reconfiguration. I did one of those a few years ago designed to account for a headcount increase in capacity from ~ 50 to 70 and everyone was a whiney little child about having their space disrupted for a week and the possibility of having to share a workspace sometime in the future.

Still, interesting use of FG!

September 13th, 2016, 13:40
Monday morning. It's been a rough weekend, what with the newborn baby and too little sleep. You pull up in the company parking lot in your beat up Buick Century, facing another grueling week in the Axiom Corp grindfest. Just thinking of the pile of reports you left unfinished last Friday is enough to get you on edge. Pulling your badge trough the card-reader, the little LED flashes from red to green and the front door slides open.

The chaos that enfolds before you hits you like a well-swung two-by-four. Mike from accounting is bludgeoning some hapless pencil pusher with a red Swingline stapler, and behind him in the office savanna people are milling about, fighting over what look like new cubicles. Your hands are slick with sweat, adrenaline is rushing its way trough your brain and your stomach is a cold pit churning with bile. This crap is gonna take some coffee.

You duck behind the Xerox copier and quickly dart towards the coffee urn in the corner. Almost there, but not quite. A gremlin-like figure spots you and bares its teeth. In its clawlike hands it has the cutting arm of a paper cutting machine, which it wields as a cleaver. It has murder in its eyes as it lunges for you.

Roll for initiative.

September 13th, 2016, 22:35
Mark me down as yellow neutral.


I spill coffee on the floor.

"Who's gonna do anything ABOUT IT!?"

P.S. I don't drink coffee.

Paranormal GM
September 13th, 2016, 23:09
Mark me down as yellow neutral.


I spill coffee on the floor.

"Who's gonna do anything ABOUT IT!?"

P.S. I don't drink coffee.

Rob... gimme a deception check with disadvantange

September 13th, 2016, 23:19
Mark me down as yellow neutral.


I spill coffee on the floor.

"Who's gonna do anything ABOUT IT!?"

P.S. I don't drink coffee.

You grab the first thing -- anything -- that can be used against the deranged office-goblin. It's someone's pokémon-themed coffee mug that has "Mornings really puffle my jigglies" in a cute font on it. You grab the handle and squeeze it like a stresstoy at crunchtime. Some of the coffee sloshes onto the floor. You try to impress your wannabe slayer with your most aggressive stance and growl "Who's gonna do anything ABOUT IT!?" in a way that would make Sledge Hammer proud. Then you fling the rest of the steaming Folgers into the creature's face as it lunges at you. Blinded, scalded and massively enraged, its swing with the office-supply cleaver misses you by a hair's breath, and you follow up with a bone-crunching uppercut with the Jigglypuff-themed coffee mug, now used as the world's cutest 16-oz knuckle-duster.

Roll 1d4 improvised weapon damage and the office goblin is blinded for 1 round.

Paranormal GM
September 13th, 2016, 23:26

September 13th, 2016, 23:48
Rob... gimme a deception check with disadvantange

Negative one.

September 13th, 2016, 23:49
You grab the first thing -- anything -- that can be used against the deranged office-goblin. It's someone's pokémon-themed coffee mug that has "Mornings really puffle my jigglies" in a cute font on it. You grab the handle and squeeze it like a stresstoy at crunchtime. Some of the coffee sloshes onto the floor. You try to impress your wannabe slayer with your most aggressive stance and growl "Who's gonna do anything ABOUT IT!?" in a way that would make Sledge Hammer proud. Then you fling the rest of the steaming Folgers into the creature's face as it lunges at you. Blinded, scalded and massively enraged, its swing with the office-supply cleaver misses you by a hair's breath, and you follow up with a bone-crunching uppercut with the Jigglypuff-themed coffee mug, now used as the world's cutest 16-oz knuckle-duster.

Roll 1d4 improvised weapon damage and the office goblin is blinded for 1 round.

Damage is a one.

September 14th, 2016, 01:10
Who the hell stole my mug?

September 14th, 2016, 11:02
The goblin shrieks shrilly and scampers away, clutching its cracked skull. The cleaver drops from its claw as it hurries off into the cubicle-strewn landscape where people are still milling about with improvised weaponry and turning on each other. "And I don't even drink coffee," you shout after it. Last time you had this kind of job satisfaction was when Power Rangers was still a thing. With the immediate threat taken care of, a memo on the bulletin board above the coffee machine catches your eye.


"Who the hell stole my mug?" comes a voice from behind you. You spin on your heel and there is John, a colleague from Customer Service.
What do you do?


Modern Floorplans Volume 1: Office Spaces by Fabled Environments. Available from drivethrurpg.com

September 14th, 2016, 13:04
I had a TSN Geno Reda 70s porn star stache mug that some douche bag stole at my last job. Damn PHDs....

September 14th, 2016, 13:15
You can have stuff printed on mugs pretty cheaply nowadays though. Was it this one (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/58/c7/d8/58c7d8df7d3216ef95e80d6fc7677732.jpg)?

September 14th, 2016, 14:07
Does anyone else think this is what working at a corp in the Shadowrun universe would be like. :)

September 14th, 2016, 18:54
What do you do?

I proceed to the office of the management and kill them. Then I look up the information about where the family lives and I go kill them!

September 14th, 2016, 21:31
There's just no work ethic anymore!

Paranormal GM
September 14th, 2016, 22:43
Negative one.

As you growl "Who's gonna do anything ABOUT IT!?"; and the shards of the mug scatter about the room you feel a dread descend upon the room. Instanly you know you should be anywhere in the world but here.

As if appearing form the shadows themselves you see the the hulking form of Carl suddenly standing 5 feet from you. The Half Orc Janator looks at you with an icy glare. Behind the cold of his eyes you also see fire... bloodlust.

You start to weigh your options... Can I make it to conference room?..... The water cooler?.... Do I stand and fight?...

You look at him, your eyes drifting downward where you see it... the steaming coffee staining his pant legs.

"I know you did not just break the mug my dear departed daughter gave me the night she died...... Did you?" The voice is surprisingly calm... quiet... little more than a whisper. To you it might as well be screamed as if it were a battle cry.

You notice the weapon in his hand... knowing from the water cooler gosip that it is surely the deadly Vorpal Mop.

Your eyes circle between the dead eyes of your opponent, the deadly weapon (now held before Carl as if it were a quarterstaff), and the door... One problem.... Carl stands between you and freedom.

"Oh please... PLEASE try and run... it will make this SOOOoooooo much more satisfying." Carl hisses at you on a tone that shakes you to your very core.

Roll Initiative.

September 14th, 2016, 23:24
You can have stuff printed on mugs pretty cheaply nowadays though. Was it this one (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/58/c7/d8/58c7d8df7d3216ef95e80d6fc7677732.jpg)?

Pretty close. I was more pissed off by the fact that it was an official product they only offer every 5 years or so and the fact that I was working with a bunch of sanctimonious smarter than everyone in the room types who should have been above that sort of thing.