View Full Version : Connection issues - Got it working but?

September 12th, 2016, 01:03
I when I first downloaded FG, I couldn't connect until I opened port 1802. Everything was working fine for the last 3 weeks. I had the game open so my players could update some character info on Wednesday night. I shut the game down that night and went to work. I got home the next day and fire up the game. No one can connect.
I ran the test and it failed. I visited a few port test sites and port 1802 was closed.
Reboot the computer, modem, and router.
I run IPConfig, IP is valid, Run a Ping to a local machine and and everything works.

So I opened up the router settings and 1802 is still forwarded, so I deleted the rule and remade the rule.
I restarted the router and still nothing. I was getting frustrated by this time and plugged right into the modem.
I had confirmed that my ISP has all of the ports open previously, they said they don't close ports. I tried another computer, Port closed. ANd on the 3rd? Port closed.
I turned off windows defender.
Reboot all the things again.

With my computer plugged in to the modem, I ran the test again, still no joy. I could access the internet just fine, but the port was still closed.
Ok, now what?
I went and got my hotspot and connected to that.
I added a port rule on my hotspot and tried to connect.
Still nothing.
Reboot. Nothing.
So now I'm on a completely different ISP and have everything configured so it should work.
Still nothing.
At this point we have gone a half hour past our start time and I finally apologize and tell everyone we will pick up next week.

I hit the search here and find a few suggestions. I try one or two to no avail.
Then I see "turn of DMZ"
So I try it and sure as heck I can connect.

Now keep in mind I had people connected to the game less than 24 hours previous with zero problems.

What gives? Why would I suddenly have issues connecting?

Is there a FG server that we have to connect to or is it a P2P server type of thing?

P.S. I was able to get everyone reconnected and the people that were at my house turned around, we were able to start, only an hour late.

September 12th, 2016, 01:59
Can you post some screenshots of your routers settings?
Do you mean "Turn OFF DMZ"? If you have DMZ turned on this forards all ports to one computer nominated in the DMZ settings - this is generally not the best way to do it.
Im happy to look at your setup with you.

September 12th, 2016, 02:43
Yes sorry, I did turn DMZ on. Here are the security settings.