View Full Version : [LFG] Searching for weekly 5E game on Thursdays after 5pm MDT or Sundays after 2pm.

September 7th, 2016, 21:31
I'd like a game that:

has <= 5 hour sessions (preferably 3-4)
fast-forwards past sex scenes
has a good-aligned party
has <= 7 people (including the DM) (preferably 4-5 player characters)
uses a grid for combat (most of the time)
requires voice chat. I'd buy a camera if wanted.

About me:

I play D&D primarily to roleplay, but I also like tactical combat.
I'm reliable. I will show up on time every week.
I won't rage if my character dies. I'd prefer death to plot armor.
I have an ultimate license and am experienced with FG.
If it's a long-campaign, I'd like to be a full-caster, but if it's short, I'll play anything.
I'm not the most experienced player. I started playing 5th edition in July. Previous to that, I was in a 3.5 game 10 years ago.
I'm currently DMing LMoP and will be running Strahd soon so ideally not those campaigns (although, I wouldn't metagame).