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View Full Version : LFG: 1 Player LF Weekday Game, Tue or Wed, Arizona Time Zone, prefer 5E

September 7th, 2016, 04:29
FG License: Paid game, fully paid Standard License, and Complete Core Class Pack.
Time Zone: Arizona: currently in PDT, but when daylight savings changes, I’ll be in MST.
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I can play on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, no more than once a week. I prefer during the day, but am available from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM.
Term: I’m reliable enough to stay for however long it takes up to maybe two months. Short and sweet is fine too.
Voice: I know my Skype works. I would need to try out the other programs on my desktop and/or laptop. Willing to try any.

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E, but not written in stone.
Game System Experience: I played AD&D 2nd edition, played and was DM for 3.0E and 3.5E, and read and own the books to 4E. No experience with 5E, but would love to learn and play. Sadly, I no longer have any of my earlier books and modules; I just have 4E books. I have been reading up on 5E through the PHB in FG though.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: None. I bought this program about two weeks ago after reading the reviews for a while and stalking the forums. Since then, I’ve been playing with all of its utilities. I’ve also watched many YouTube videos, and would say I’m just about ready to get my feet wet. After a long while of many modules, I would like to start being a DM again. I enjoyed DMing more than being a player back in the day during 3.xE.

Character Type Preferred: Halfling Bard, High Elf Cleric, Half-Elf Rogue. Preference in that order, but willing to play any of them. I have made fully fleshed out characters for these three classes and (tried to) attached their .xml files. And the end of this post, I also included a quick paragraph of each of their backgrounds.

About me: I’m 39, married with two daughters. I got my Bach. in Computational Mathematics. I work in insurance. Okay, with that out of the way: I love D&D. I started playing in 1989 when I was 12. I played during my whole teenage years. I also played again in my early 20s when 3.0E first came out. That was when I took over as DM in my group, and LOVED it! Our group played a little bit of 3.5E as well. I bought the books for 4E and read them all, but never got to actually play. Since I was a young kid, I’ve also played multitudes of video game RPGs. Final Fantasy is my all-time favorite; played them all; been to their symphony concerts; loved the MMOs. FFVI is still my favorite. Presently, I am older, wiser, and I have a very stable life. Because of such, I feel the calling to play D&D again. I almost bought the books, but after some research, I found Fantasy Grounds. I totally dig the concept and want to be a part of this community. I’m hoping that I can meet some friendly people, get to know many of you, and have a good time.
P.S. I like to mildly role-play my characters.


My three characters (I used 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 for ability scores):

Halfling Bard: Vodkard Rockhard lived in his Halfling village his whole childhood. Like his father, he enjoyed music above all and learned many instruments. When he was an older teenager, a band of Half-Orc mercenaries came through town, looking for work. The town paid them to stay for a while to clean out the nearby gnolls. Vodkard was impressed by them, and felt an uncontrollable urge to travel with them. The mercs brought him along for his music. During his stay with the Half-Orcs, he created a new style of music that suited the rough men well. They called it ‘Rock’ after his last name. They also taught him the ways of a crossbow, which he picked up naturally just as another stringed instrument. After a few years of accompanying the band of mercs, Vodkard decided it was time for him to create his own adventures. And so he found himself in the local tavern, playing for the patrons and listening to their rumors.

Elven Cleric: Lysandria Softheart was born as a noble in a bustling city of many races. When she was a young child, a group of mad-men broke into her home, killed her parents and took her as their slave. For a few years, along with a few other female slaves, she was abused by her captors. When she was ten, a group of guardsmen learned of this operation and rescued the girls. With no parents, a temple of healing took her in. Here, they taught her they ways of priestly magic and healing. She grew into a young adult healing the sick and mending the local soldiers. Strong willed, when she finally reached elven adulthood, she decided it was time to leave the temple and search for her own way of protecting the innocent. Staying with a local soldier who was debt to her, he told her stories of war and taught her the ways of the crossbow. Feeling more confident than ever with her faith and spells by her side and her crossbow by her other, she set out to create her own stories. And so she found herself at the local tavern, chatting with the bartender and listening to his rumors.

Half-Elf Rogue: Jaicel Westwood had a troubled youth. Being a Half-Elf, he was never quite accepted by anyone. He was a street urchin who learned quickly how to hold his own against bullies. Jaicel always dreamt big though. He always felt the urge for excitement and adventure. When he was finally of drinking age, he met a group of sailors in a tavern. They introduced him to the captain, who all took a liking to his fiery spirit. The captain offered him a job as the mop boy, which he happily accepted. It did not take long during his maiden voyage for him to discover that his captain and crewmates were pirates. They were an honorable bunch though. The captain only stole from the wealthy and spent his money on the poor. During his stay with the pirates, Jaicel learned the arts of swordsmanship, thievery, and comradery. Jaicel’s captain taught him the pirate code of honor. One day, his captain and part of the crew were caught by the king’s guards and hanged for their crimes. He was not caught that day, thankfully. And so he found himself at the local tavern, drinking away his sorrow and looking for purpose as he overhears the patrons’ rumors.

EDIT: I apparently cannot figure out how to attach the .xml files. First world problems. Oh well, at least you can read their bios.