View Full Version : [LFP] D&D 5e Text-Based Game Fridays 8:30pm EST

September 6th, 2016, 13:37
Link to the game in the Game Calendar: click (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/?id=2175)

FG License: Ultimate License (all are welcome!)
DM Time Zone: Eastern Time US
Game Calendar: Fridays, 8:30pm ESTTerm: Short term with the possibility of extension (see below)
Voice or Text: Text only

Game System: D&D 5e
Game Description: A tribe of goblins are raiding travelers on the Long Road, and our heroes decide to help. Sounds familiar, huh? And yet, there might be more to the evil that lurks beneath the Long Road.
We're going to play through a few low-level modules from the DM's Guild (specifically: Temple of the Nightbringers, Terror at Triboar, Shadows on the Long Road, all of which have consistently high ratings on the store). Depending on the group's fun, enthusiasm, and commitment, we might then transition into a longer official module. The point of being in a text-only game is that, though these games tend to be slower, for some of us the medium offers more immersion. Thus, we strongly encourage roleplaying. Proper spelling is desirable, a flawless knowledge of the Forgotten Realms is not necessary (your DM knows the setting, but it's going to be a relaxed game canon-wise).

Moderators, please close the old thread (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?33916-D-amp-D-5e-Checking-interest-for-Text-Only-game) to avoid confusion.

September 6th, 2016, 14:29
I love text based games, They're slower, but the immersion is so much better, and in my situation it works even better. The night/time isn't ideal for me though (would be perfect if I wasn't on the west coast!). That being said, I'm going to put my name in the ring so I get a chance to play, and try to arrange things at my end to work. If I can't I'll withdraw it.

September 6th, 2016, 14:36
The time of the day will be chosen to accomodate as many players as possible. 8:30pm seemed to work for everyone in the previous thread, but do apply through the game calendar! You never know.

September 6th, 2016, 18:35
I have several character concepts that I can play so I'll be interested to see if others have a preference as to what they want to play before I decide on which one.

September 6th, 2016, 18:40
I'm leaning towards warlock or cleric. I too am waiting for those with strong preferences to declare.

September 6th, 2016, 22:46
I'll most likely go with a half-elf rogue if nobody else is dead set on playing one

September 6th, 2016, 23:21
I should probably mention (for those who haven't read the description) that this game is set in the Forgotten Realms, not too far from the Sword Coast - the region is actually called "the Savage Frontier", and incidentally it's where most of Storm King's Thunder takes place. All common wisdom to make a character in the Forgotten Realms applies.

September 7th, 2016, 01:50
I'd be fairly interested in this, though I know next to nothing about making a Forgotten Realms character.

September 7th, 2016, 02:10
I've applied to the game, looks like I can clear my schedule to start that early, however, I am going to go out on a limb and say I won't make the session on the 9th due to knee surgery that day. If it's early enough and I'm not feeling too rough I may show up. If you'll still make room for me in the game then I'm good to play anything - seriously!

September 7th, 2016, 02:41
Hi SheerAnon. If you've read D&D 5e's Player's Handbook, you'll be fine. The Forgotten Realms are pretty much the assumed setting (well, not the only one, but certainly the most preminently featured). So, as long as you follow the Player's Handbook descriptions and guidelines you will be fine.
(And if you really, badly need to know more about the setting there are wikis around - I don't really suggest buying the Sword Coast Adventurers Guide).

Emerald, that won't be a problem. As long as I have your character ready to go, you can hop in the game. You can either do the character on your own and then send it to me (which I suggest), or I can keep the server up for character creation. Even better, since I realize that the 9th is right around the corner and not everyone will be ready by then, we can elect that date to be "Character Creation night" for everyone.
I hope your surgery goes smoothly!

September 7th, 2016, 03:30
Thanks Lukja!

Incidentally I assume you are going with standard array for stats?

I think maybe I'll pick up "the Tank", unless someone else really wants to play a fighter. I will probably make a ranger or barbarian as a "just in case".

September 7th, 2016, 03:32
The assumption is correct. :) I love rolling but for fairness' sake (and to let you people create characters without my supervision) the standard array will do.

Sildanis Kimetry
September 7th, 2016, 05:09
Aloha all, Text games rock! The only issue at this point is the time. I am still at work at 8:30 EST. If you move it to later or to Saturday or Sunday I could make it. But if everyone goes with Fri at 8:30 EST then that's cool too. :)

September 7th, 2016, 13:20
What would be a good time for the game to start on Fri nights, from your perspective? I'm wary of moving the game to a different day, but if I can accomodate you with an adjustment I will.

September 7th, 2016, 14:48
Actually I generally roll barbarians, so that's covered. Granted, I'm more of an "attack first, think later (Read: likely to get myself killed)" type, so a backup tank or additional barbarian would be just fine.

September 7th, 2016, 15:13
Please keep in mind that discussion of the roles before character creation is purely indicative. As a DM, I won't stop the party from having 2 barbarians, 3 bards, or 5 dwarves. I will put my veto on characters that can't work together, however (which excludes most of CE and NE characters).

SheerAnon, if you plan to join, remember to write your name down in the Game Calendar. First post, first line, first link.

September 7th, 2016, 16:59
If the time holds, and there is still a need or desire for another player, I could be available for that. Haven't done a lot with FG, yet, (much to the chagrin of my former players as a DM) But I'm familiar with the basics. I have three characters more or less ready for DM approval. Bard, Cleric, or Fighter.

September 7th, 2016, 17:47
Hello! I just applied for Friday night's game as a Human Sorcerer. But I would be willing to be anything.
I will have my character ready for Friday. Let me know if I am accepted into the group. Thanks!


September 7th, 2016, 18:11
Hi Synh and Dax! Here's what we're going to do.

Synh, if you want to play, welcome aboard. You filled the last available spot.

Dax, I have accepted you on the Game Calendar, but it's a temporary situation. Let me explain.
Since Sildanis Kimetry replied to a previous thread (and this campaign comes as a first-come-first-serve thing, I'm not making any preferences), I'm considering him a priority player. He can't play at 8:30pm on Fri nights, so if he gets back to me with a time that I think will work (say, before 10pm), he gets the spot. If his timezone makes it impossible for him to be available by 10pm (that's unfortunate!), then you're on.

In any case, I'd say hold on with character creation. I don't want you to waste your time in case there's no room for an extra player. Besides, the first session will be all about character creation, introductions, and presenting the world (and the software) to those who are not familiar with it.

By the way, this also means that the game is full. We're not accepting more players at this time, thanks for your interest!

September 7th, 2016, 18:13
Ok, sounds good. Thanks Lukja. Let me know!

September 8th, 2016, 00:45
As the newcomer, let me know if you need the slot back

September 8th, 2016, 02:52
We have a lot of folks willing to play a lot of different things. Perhaps if I commit it'll help others decide? I'm going to play a Dwarf Cleric.

On another note, do we have an anticipated duration for our play sessions? Obviously I want the time to be convenient for as many people as possible, and I know some are hoping for a later start, but I'd struggle to make it too much past 1:30 AM EST.

Sildanis Kimetry
September 8th, 2016, 03:25
I get home at 4pm my time and that is 10pm Eastern so that is pretty late.

September 8th, 2016, 04:31
Alright, I thought things over tonight. I'm afraid we can't do it that late, Sildanis. I'm sorry that the time difference keeps you from playing with us! I hope you can find a game closer to your schedule.

I'll take this chance to reply to Umbran concerning our "curfew". I don't think you'll ever have that problem. My plan is to start playing no later than 9pm every week and to stop by 12, 12:30 at the latest (for exceptional cases). It's not the longest timeframe for a session, but I've found that my concentration tends to break after 3 hours of online gaming (be it text-based or through voice chat). Besides, if we play regularly every week, 3 hours-something is not a bad lenght at all.

September 8th, 2016, 06:43
Will there be a time we can get on the server before Friday to get out characters set up?

September 8th, 2016, 07:32
If anybody drops out, I can fill in. I'm on the west coast and will play anything that is needed

September 8th, 2016, 12:22
Does this mean I am in, Lukja?

September 8th, 2016, 13:21
Will there be a time we can get on the server before Friday to get out characters set up?
The server will be up and running from 8:30pm ET. For our first session, I'm planning to dedicate at least the first hour to those who couldn't make a character or are unfamiliar with the software - if your character is ready to go and you only need to import it or rebuild it inside the server, you can show up late as long as you're done with preparations by 9:30pm.
For our next games, the server will always be up by 9pm (usually a few minutes earlier) and it'll usually shut down at 12 or whenever session ends.

Thanks for the interest, Jackological. I'll contact you if anyone drops out, but I'm not making a real "waiting list". As I said, the campaign is now closed. :)

Dax - since Sildanis can't attend, you're in!

This is our lineup as it currently looks:

1ifeblood - Half-elf Rogue?
Emerald_wind - ?
Umbram - Dwarven Cleric (Life): Tildigg Ambermane
Synh - ?
Dax777 - Human Sorcerer

Sildanis Kimetry
September 8th, 2016, 18:30
Likja, no worries it's all good. I am DOing at a brick n mortar now.

September 9th, 2016, 05:55
Looks like I'll be a Dwarven Fighter. Have my character ready

September 10th, 2016, 05:18
A really fun and satisfying first session! As always, Fantasy Grounds proves to be great.
As an added perk to text-based games, here's the complete log of the first session, start to finish, for those who've asked.
See you all next Friday!

September 11th, 2016, 17:20
I had a really great time and an excited to see where this party ends up. I've left a couple notes on the game calender for everyone to read. I hope to learn more about the companions I'm traveling with.

September 12th, 2016, 10:50
If you have room for one more and do not mind a complete noob I would like the opportunity to play.

September 12th, 2016, 13:16
The group is full at this time.

September 15th, 2016, 17:04
Hey everyone, Here is Malcer's backstory:

Malcer's Background (Half-Orc Ranger)

Malcer was enslaved by Orcs at birth, in the town of Many-Arrows. As a slave he did menial tasks and hard labor making him strong as a boy. He has a half-moon scar on his bicep that the Orcs branded on him. He escaped as a teenager, but because he had been beaten and was hungry he was near-death after a few weeks in the forest. A compassionate human Ranger found the boy teaching him the ways of the Ranger.

His enslavement accounts for his short temper and distrustfulness. But somehow, miraculously, he held on to his sense of humor.

Also because of being raised by Deen, the human Ranger, Malcer does not have any real prejudices against any race except for full-blooded Orcs.

He worships the god Malar, especially believing in Malar's dogma Survival of the Fittest, and the religious belief of tasting the blood of those he slays.


September 15th, 2016, 18:02
That's excellent, Dax. Malar's followers tend to be... interesting, to say the least.
See you tomorrow night!

September 15th, 2016, 20:05
Hey everyone, Here is Malcer's backstory:

Malcer's Background (Half-Orc Ranger)

Malcer was enslaved by Orcs at birth, in the town of Many-Arrows. As a slave he did menial tasks and hard labor making him strong as a boy. He has a half-moon scar on his bicep that the Orcs branded on him. He escaped as a teenager, but because he had been beaten and was hungry he was near-death after a few weeks in the forest. A compassionate human Ranger found the boy teaching him the ways of the Ranger.

His enslavement accounts for his short temper and distrustfulness. But somehow, miraculously, he held on to his sense of humor.

Also because of being raised by Deen, the human Ranger, Malcer does not have any real prejudices against any race except for full-blooded Orcs.

He worships the god Malar, especially believing in Malar's dogma Survival of the Fittest, and the religious belief of tasting the blood of those he slays.


Good stuff, man! I'll be interested to see how the character grows and develops through our adventures. I'll go ahead and post my back story here as well.


Shadow Wrath (Lawful Good Half-elf Rogue Urchin):
As a young teen, he spent most of his time on the streets; hiding in the shadows, watching from rooftops, observing the people as they went about their business. He was not a poor orphan boy, but rather a protector of Neverwinter; her eyes and ears and hands made to watch over her and protect her from ill intent. Maybe it was a child's game of pretend, but it saved him from the harshness of the truth...that he truly was a poor orphan boy that nobody cared about. Oh, he had his “contacts” as he referred to them; the barmaid, the butcher, the guard that patrols that one part of town. Shadow Wrath was a very easy boy to like. Something about the manner in which he talked, like he was wise beyond his years and so full of heart, many took pity on him. And the kids at the orphanage really looked up to him, though it was not always so. He had to prove himself on several occasions...that's just the way it was on the streets. Your place was determined by besting your opponent. He didn't always win, but even when he didn't, he still earned the respect of those watching because he never gave up. Which is why he was able to secure himself as the leader of a small gang, made up of only a handful of orphans. And they called themselves The Shadow Clan.

The Shadow Clan was not a group of preteen trouble-makers or law-breakers, but rather a family born of hardship and survival...fighting for the city that had nurtured them. They all adopted the Shadow name in one form or another; Shadow Watch, Shadow Reaver, Silk Shadow, and Shadow Blade. Shadow Wrath picked his name to represent the fury he held in his heart for those that would do ill will to his beloved city, and though there was little he could do at such a young age, it didn't stop him from preparing for the time when he could. They met every night with the guard Shadow Wrath had befriended, gaining basic tutelage in martial knowledge. He found quickly that there was a certain instinct he felt with sword and bow, and he swiftly surpassed his peers at such. After several years of this routine, the captain of the guard came to realize their true usefulness and he made them agents of the law. The Shadow Clan patrolled the darker corners of the city, where the worst of dangers lurked. It was hard for the guard to patrol such places but none knew the streets as well as the Clan, so they became the city guard's eyes and ears in such places of darkness and turmoil. They were paid coin for their endeavors, which helped to further their growth, and were considered employees of the city, even if there were only a select few who knew of them. But it didn't matter, he had made a purpose for himself and within that purpose he only hoped that he could make the streets a safer place. Because even though to some, it may only be a path to travel upon, this was his home...and damned be to those who would dare bring ruin upon it.

After several years of working with the guard, the Shadow Clan has gone from a group of kids who just wanted to be more than poor orphans, into a formidable team of shadow operatives, each with their own specializations. Wrath specializes in social infiltration into criminal organizations, becoming one of them in order to gain sensitive Intel of underground movements. There has also been circumstances that required him to take out a criminal operative from within, or in other terms, assassinate them. To date, he has been a major influence in a decrease of crime throughout the city of Neverwinter, and even though he will never get recognition for it, Shadow Wrath knows that the city and her people are safer because of what he does, and that's more than enough for him.

September 17th, 2016, 20:41
Hi Lukja, whenever you get a chance this week, can you post the complete log from last night's session 2 please? It was so much fun!


September 18th, 2016, 04:08
I'm deeply fond of Forgotten realms in the older editions, haven't played in 5e, would love the chance to do so. Which races are available in your setting? If you need resources as well I have great map as well as a whole file on the under dark. I have played a bit of normal 5e but all home-brews.

September 19th, 2016, 23:09
Hi Dax! I haven't had a chance to do it yet, I'll try and remember.
We should definitely talk about viable days as soon as possible. I'd like others to join the discussion here as well. I'm thinking Sundays and Mondays will work best for me if we can't do Friday, but I'm flexible.

AA, unfortunately the game is full at this time!

September 20th, 2016, 02:38
Assuming Fridays remain a problem for someone, my preference from best to worst day is as follows: Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Thursday, Wednesday. Tuesdays could be difficult.

September 20th, 2016, 15:49
Sundays are impossible for me. Any other night will work great for me.

September 20th, 2016, 18:04
Then I'll switch our next game to a tentative Saturday night. We'll see how it goes. If it doesn't work out, we'll have to go back to Friday. Let me hear from you!

September 21st, 2016, 01:03
Only problematic days for me are Tuesday and Thursday, because my daughter has marching band, but grandma just looves school activities, so I got her a ride covered. Saturday works just fine for me.

September 22nd, 2016, 23:24
Saturday will be fine with me too.

For some reason this thread didn't let me know there were new messages.

September 23rd, 2016, 00:14
To follow along the backgrounds given above, here is a brief synopsis of Auric Trueforge's Background:

Auric was born in Citadel Felbarr shortly after King Emerus retook it from the Orcs. For many years he grew in the relative peace of the rebuilding Dwarven kingdom.

At the age of 20, he began his life as an apprentice smith, learning the ways of the forges that blazed day and night in Citadel Felbarr. Here he served for nearly 50 years before the Citadel came under attack by a warband of Orcs again.

When the orcs took the citadel, Auric was wounded in a fight with an orc, and his father Hammer Trueforge was killed by an orc arrow. They did manage to secure the supply of Mithral to prevent the orcs from seizing it.
Later after regrouping and gaining help from the Battlehammer Clan, they reseized the Citadel from the orcs, driving them from their halls and once again, the forges were relit, and armour and weapons began to roll out once again.

After many more decades of working the forges, Auric was commissioned to create a weapon for a heroic warrior who apparently had lead a battle to slay a White dragon in the Spine fo the World.
After nearly 6 months spent forging the weapon, Auric put his heart and soul into the work. It was a masterwork, far beyond that of an ordinary weapon, which became apparent when he handed the weapon to the warrior. The arrogant warrior grasped the weapon and attempted to raise it, but he couldn't. It became apparent that he was struggling inwardly, and after a few moments, he simply collapsed at Auric's feet - dead. At that point Auric knew he would need to find someone worthy of the weapon.

For nearly a decade, he continued to work the forges, but every night looking at the weapon hanging on his wall, he became bothered that he would never find anyone worthy of it. Finally, he bid his friends and family goodbye, and set out into the world to search for someone worthy of this weapon.

He travelled many days until he ended up in Neverwinter.

September 23rd, 2016, 04:55
Just a FYI: the reason I haven't posted the session log yet is because I'm in the process of migrating from my laptop to my new computer (which is sweet). Don't worry, I've already setup everything and Fantasy Grounds works flawlessly, but I've been busy with that. I'll get around to doing it before we play.
I see you've all been following both the thread and the game calendar, which is great. It seems that Saturday works for everyone, so we'll try a few games on this schedule and see if it lasts.

September 23rd, 2016, 18:30
Saturday will be fine with me too.

For some reason this thread didn't let me know there were new messages.

It hasn't been notifying me either. So i just saw that the game got moved to Saturday. I wont be able to make it but I CAN play tonight. So if everyone is up for it, I'd love to play.

September 23rd, 2016, 22:38
Would Monday night work for everyone instead of Saturday (tomorrow) night?
I can do either night at 8:30 or 9 pm...

September 23rd, 2016, 23:12
My best days for playing in order are: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Thursday. I could make Monday work, but my attendance would be questionable. Tuesday and Wednesday are impossible for me.

September 23rd, 2016, 23:59
So how about tonight?

September 24th, 2016, 00:12
1life, I thought we were switching from Fridays at your request?

September 24th, 2016, 00:54
1life, I thought we were switching from Fridays at your request?

This is true. Because I won't be able to make it every Friday due to my daughter's volleyball games. But I don't go to her away games because I'm not hauling a 3 year old and a 1 year old to sit in the bleachers for 2 hours. Tonight is one of those nights.

September 24th, 2016, 01:49
I've set the game on Saturday at 8:50, as you can see in the Game Calendar and in the thread as well! While I'm generally ok with moving games, I won't be doing it more than once per week or everything will be confused. It's staying Saturday for this once, and we'll discuss whether it should stay that way or revert back to Friday tomorrow. :)

September 25th, 2016, 01:50
Please note that the server has a new alias (visible in the Game Calendar).

September 25th, 2016, 01:53
do you still have room I would not mind joining a Friday game

September 25th, 2016, 18:38
I'd like to apologize for getting everyone 'killed'. I tried to use good strategy, but after it failed I got a little impatient, and everyone paid for it. I moved 1 space further than I intended and made stupid assumptions, and you all paid for it. Sorry.

September 25th, 2016, 19:08
I'm not sure what exactly you are talking about. I had a great time last night and thought our goblin battle was good fun. I don't mind dying (or getting captured in our case).

My only D&D turnoff is pointless arguing, especially with the DM.

September 26th, 2016, 01:20
You are way off! No apology necessary! I thought we had a blast, especially considering we were short two members in our party. We were totally outnumbered; and so a fun and exciting bloodbath ensued. :) It was so much fun!

September 26th, 2016, 14:53
Well, for me it was a really great battle, but I shouldn't be speaking, right? :D I'm especially pleased with the fact that despite the odds at some point it really looked like you could make it. A really balanced battle, in which I rolled a bit too well. Next game is definitely off to an interesting start.

By the way, I created a Google+ community (https://plus.google.com/communities/115897106433688540869) to declutter these forums. Players, be sure to check it out.

1ifeblood, it seems that 4 players out of 6 (me included - Synh didn't show up yesterday) are way more comfortable playing on Friday nights than we are on any other night of the week. It's unfortunate, I know, but I'll probably have to revert to that day to ensure that the games run smoothly and we don't start skipping weeks when my own SO starts reclaiming me for Saturday nights.

September 26th, 2016, 17:29
My apologies for being unavailable this weekend. Last minute unforeseen circumstances and all that.

September 26th, 2016, 18:14
By the way, I created a Google+ community (https://plus.google.com/communities/115897106433688540869) to declutter these forums. Players, be sure to check it out.

I may be a total idiot, but I can't seem to figure out how to join the community.

September 27th, 2016, 02:24
I may be a total idiot, but I can't seem to figure out how to join the community.

Perhaps I'm the total idiot. Retry now, you should be able to apply and I'll approve you.

September 28th, 2016, 15:07
Hey Lukja, I don't see any post on G+ ...did we decide on a night and time for this week yet?

September 28th, 2016, 19:42
We haven't, but see my previous post:

1ifeblood, it seems that 4 players out of 6 (me included - Synh didn't show up yesterday) are way more comfortable playing on Friday nights than we are on any other night of the week. It's unfortunate, I know, but I'll probably have to revert to that day to ensure that the games run smoothly and we don't start skipping weeks when my own SO starts reclaiming me for Saturday nights.

I'll edit the game calendar now.

October 1st, 2016, 00:02
Well, for me it was a really great battle, but I shouldn't be speaking, right? :D I'm especially pleased with the fact that despite the odds at some point it really looked like you could make it. A really balanced battle, in which I rolled a bit too well. Next game is definitely off to an interesting start.

By the way, I created a Google+ community (https://plus.google.com/communities/115897106433688540869) to declutter these forums. Players, be sure to check it out.

1ifeblood, it seems that 4 players out of 6 (me included - Synh didn't show up yesterday) are way more comfortable playing on Friday nights than we are on any other night of the week. It's unfortunate, I know, but I'll probably have to revert to that day to ensure that the games run smoothly and we don't start skipping weeks when my own SO starts reclaiming me for Saturday nights.

I believe Friday nights will no longer be an issue for me...apparently my daughter has decided she doesn't like volleyball and would rather focus on softball.

October 1st, 2016, 01:44
All's well that ends well! I didn't mean to force your hand, it's just that Friday really works better for everyone involved.

October 2nd, 2016, 18:55
Please note that if Synh (Korlieth) fails to show up again next Friday, I'll remove him so we can add a new player!

October 8th, 2016, 22:18

We are down to four players from the initial five, so I'm accepting one new player into the group. Read the description below and comment or contact me if you're interested.

This is a text-only game. No software other than Fantasy Grounds is needed, and the game is open to those without a license as well.
We play on Friday nights, from 9pm to 12 (EST). This schedule fits everyone at the table and we've never skipped a game so far, so be sure you're ok with it.
We're currently playing unofficial modules from the DM's Guild, but we will eventually transition into a published hardcover (TBD).
The game is set in the North (the Savage Frontier, Forgotten Realms) and the party is currently at level 2.

I strive to find a good balance between pure roleplaying and game elements such as combat and explorations, and so far the party has been doing great. If you want to join, you don't need to be an expert on the software (new players are absolutely welcome) - all I ask you is not to be disruptive.

October 9th, 2016, 20:58
Oh, and I completely forgot about this, but here's the complete log so far.

October 12th, 2016, 18:00
We're back to a full roster. Thanks for the interest, everyone!

October 17th, 2016, 21:52
Hey Lukja,

Is it possible for you to attach the Complete Chat Log, including Friday's log, so I know about all the action that happened please? I guess you could attach it here or on our community page?

Thanks! -- Dax

October 19th, 2016, 13:23
ah, unfortunately between my first post and the update, i've a friday game elsewhere. best of luck, enjoy your adventures.

October 21st, 2016, 19:05
Hi Dax, I'll post the chat log on our community page!

October 22nd, 2016, 06:48
Not sure if I am reading the thread correctly, but looks like you might be still looking for a player? If so, I am interested. If I've misread, then sorry.

Either way, Cheers!

November 26th, 2016, 05:06
Well, after 3 months and almost a dozen sessions (close to a perfect record! I'm proud) the group has finished running through the trilogy of M.T. Black's adventures I had initially planned and is ready to transition to something else. Here are three options:

1. We keep using Dungeon Masters Guild material from the same author. These won't feel as connected (they're not part of the same trilogy) and they can be a bit wonky at times, but they're fun. This is a way to keep this game as low-investment as possible.
2. We transition into Storm King's Thunder. This is what I had already planned, so it will feel like a natural extension of the story, with recurring NPCs and locations still in their place. This is high fantasy Forgotten Realms through and through.
3. We transition into Curse of Strahd. This determines a change of pace and atmosphere, but it's been somewhat introduced already. If you like dark fantasy, Gothic novels and Hollywood horror tropes, it's a great adventure.

No matter what we decide to do, I'll have to spend a few bucks, so let me know your opinion before Fantasy Grounds' sales are over! : )

Unfortunately, I also need to do some housekeeping: our friend 1ifeblood (Wrath) has been a little inconsistent with attendance as of lately. This is not a problem in itself, but not letting me know via the game calendar, Google+ or the forums is. Life, if you're still there, let me know what's up, or I'll have to make room for someone else at the table (and I'd rather keep you as a player).
Note that, unlike the first matter, this is not up for voting. D&D is a democracy only when the DM says so. ; )

November 26th, 2016, 05:32
Players - if you have a preference dont be afraid to top $5 or $10 your GMs way and help him buy the adventure of your choice. Its very cheap entertainment!

November 26th, 2016, 06:02
I'd say my preferred choices are:
1. Storm King
2. Curse of Strahd

And yes I am definitely in favour of chipping in toward the purchase of the modules. Let me know how I can send it (PayPal works for me)

November 26th, 2016, 08:55
I appreciate the thought, but really, I don't think it's necessary. I'll get the campaign on my own for now, and perhaps accept donations to a max of $5 after we've played it for long enough to justify the expense. ; )

November 26th, 2016, 16:10
Hey guys, I'd love to play:

1) Storm King

2) DM Guild Homebrew

And I'd like to chip in via PayPal as well!


November 27th, 2016, 00:49
My preference would be Storm Kings Thunder, but I'd be happy with any of the options. I sent enough to cover the majority of the cost for an official module through PayPal the other week. Having a great DM and a wonderful group of players is priceless.

November 29th, 2016, 01:39
I also vote storm king. I know very little about it and that makes it so much more exciting!

November 29th, 2016, 21:55
I'm assuming we are continuing with the same characters, right?
(I hope so!)

November 30th, 2016, 03:19
Any room in this campaign?

November 30th, 2016, 03:57
Of course, Dax. We haven't seen the last of Roan yet!

Unfortunately we're full, KainVorador. I've just accepted a new player, and 6 players is my hard limit for text games.

December 6th, 2016, 06:35
Here's the first version of the campaign document, a brief affair. :)

December 6th, 2016, 12:09
What an a really slicky handout! I am really looking forward to this.

December 6th, 2016, 13:12
Agreed. Awesome handout!