View Full Version : DM looking for a group - 5th Ed D&D

August 30th, 2016, 23:43
Hello Everyone,

****UPDATE I have enough submissions for consideration at this time. I will repost if I need more. Thanx to all for your interest.****

Long term 3.5 and Pathfinder DM making a run at 5th Edition DnD. I have heard some good things about the system and from what I read so far, I am intrigued about the fun potential. With all the books in 3.5 and Pathfinder, the games can get to be a bit of a grind to prep and run.

First some particulars:

FG License: Ultimate - I will pick up the full gear once we get a group

Game System: D&D 5E, Adventure is TBD, not sure yet.

Time Zone: EDT (GMT -5), EST starts back in Nov.

Day of week and time: Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday at 7pm EST to 11pm, give or take. We'll decide upon the best day, depending upon player availability at the start and stick with that.

Planned start date: mid-late September. I need time to fully learn the system and the software, plus get a party together.

Planned Frequency: As agreed with players, every week if possible with expected misses for vacations and life.

Term: Until the end of the adventure, possibility of moving on to another campaign.

Text or Voice: Voice

Voice software used: Skype, but I can be convinced to use something else.

Role-play & Combat mix: Depends on the party, but I expect it to be around 50/50.

Number of Players in game & needed: 3 or 4, I have one player already.

Character starting level & equipment: Starting level is 1, we will use the 27pt buy option, unless I change my mind. PHB classes and races.

Some things about me, I am 47 though young at heart. Rule #1 is to always have fun. I tend towards the cinematic in games, so if it moves you, there are probably rules to make it so. I want a group that works together, so no hidden evil agendas. I do like some mystery and if you give me some rope in your background you can be sure it will come back to haunt you, in a good way...mostly. I go where you go, so I am very much an on the fly kinda DM. We need to stick with the module, for the most part, but if you figure out a new way to storm the keep, I will keep up with you. I make the voices, most of the time. My wife laughs at me, but too bad, an Ogre just has to sound like one, amiright? And no, my wife isn't the other player. I am looking for players that are of like mind, dedicated, can form coherent sentences, and can work well as a team. The game rises and falls with the quality of the players, as the game is what you make it. I am just the story-teller of your story, though I do have some editorial privileges.

If this sounds interesting to you, send me some details about you, what you want in a game, a bit of an idea about your character, best times of the choices I gave, etc. I will be chatting with you before I decide to pick, to make sure we gel, so it is not firsts come, first served.

You can send email or PM. Looking forward to the responses.


August 31st, 2016, 00:04
This is right in my wheel house. I will PM you more info......

August 31st, 2016, 01:49
I suppose I misworded the title, I am a DM Looking for players for a 5th Ed game.


August 31st, 2016, 01:56
sent PM

August 31st, 2016, 02:13
Howdy Breezly, the PM is sent and the game sounds just right.

August 31st, 2016, 16:23
PM sent

August 31st, 2016, 18:37
Sounds great -- I will pm you. And by the way, I recently played in a campaign with Dawgzilla and he was great -- learned a lot from (as I am pretty new to RPG).

August 31st, 2016, 19:33
Hi Breezly,

I am an experienced DM of 5th Edition looking to play as a player for a change. I have 2 other players who would love to game with me and have common backstories to show past ties. I currently DM several games and our availability would be Wednesday nights at 7 PM ET. We don't care what module you pick to run. We just want to have a good time, so if you're still looking for players, I have 3 ready-to-go people for you.

Let me know if you're interested. We're experienced with the system and can pretty easily help out with any questions.


August 31st, 2016, 19:40
Hey Breezly!

I PM'd you some particulars if you're still looking to fill out your group :)

August 31st, 2016, 20:51
Greetings Breezly, I also sent you a PM and while I hope to get picked to play, I wish you all the best with this campaign!