View Full Version : LFP - Storm King's Thunder - Tuesdays 6-9 pm cst

August 29th, 2016, 02:44
FG License: Ultimate
Game System: 5th edition D&D
Time Zone: CST
Day of week and time: Tuesdays 6-9pm cst
New game, planned start date: Tuesday, September 6th
Planned Frequency: Weekly
Text or Voice / Voice software used: Both, using FGs Teamspeak server for the game's voice
Roleplay & Combat mix: Hard to say, since I prefer 50/50 mix but since its a prepublished adventure, that tends to override things somewhat.
Number of Players in game & needed: Have 1 player, prefer 3 more, possibly 4 more.
Character restrictions: I tend to be fairly flexible, and am even allowing some of the playtest stuff published by Unearthed Arcana. However, no third party stuff yet, and I may have to decide on a case by case basis. Final character approval is necessary.

Details of your scenario:

I currently have a thursday game where i'm running Rage of Demons: Out of the Abyss. My wife has a gamer's spirit, and loves those kinds of board and card games that gamers normally love. However, she has never had a chance to be in an RPG - but has always wanted to, even before we had met!

So, real life issues had made it impossible for her to join in my games, in large part conflicting work schedules, but things have finally worked out where she can make a game... but only if it's tuesday nights, and only from 6-9 pm.

So, that's what I'm going for. I'm looking for 3-4 other gamers who can make it for that time slot. Since my wife is a newbie, however, there are a few things I must insist on:

1: you must be reliable. I've had the gambit of players who are constantly missing the game or running late for some reason. Real life happens, and I understand, but you MUST BE CERTAIN you can make it on a regular basis, barring unforeseen circumstances. Only reason I'd miss is if I get sick or if my work place sends me out of town; that happens once in awhile, but luckily only once in a rare while.
2: If you are an experienced player, that's great, I'd prefer that, but you must be patient with new players, since obviously we have at least one.
3: I generally prefer people who play more heroic types, even if its the reluctant hero such Han Solo. Villains and the like tend to cause problems.
4: We all have our own view of how a D&D game should be run. i try to be accommodating, but if we have different views, accept I am the game master in this :) LOL What I mean is, we may have a different understanding of the rules. I'm always willing to listen to opposing opinions, but in the end, when i make my ruling, please be willing to accept it.
5: The Implied Social Contract: This last one i hate to bring up, but again, considering our new player (MY WIFE lol), and considering a very recent event in my Thursday game, I feel it necessary to make sure we are on the same footing before the game begins. The Implied Social Contract, here, is that we are all here to have fun, and as such, don't make a character or play your character in such a way that you know is going to ruin someone else's fun, just for reasons like "It's in my character."

For example, in my thursday group, one of the PCs is about to murder one of the NPCs in the group just because, as he put it, his character hate's that NPCs race, even though they've traveled together for several game weeks against serious nonstop life threatening dangers, fought side by side, and are still in great danger. That other player didn't care, and furthermore, he made the mistake of announcing it out loud rather than keeping it between him and me, and it's cause some in-group tension.

While I have no problems with in party conflict when it makes sense, I do have a problem with intentionally contentious characters, or otherwise making choices or actions that will harm the group or upset other players without good reason. In other words, consider the Implied Social Contract and don't make a character that's going to stir up trouble just because.

And if you ARE going to do something contentious, DO NOT ANNOUNCE IT TO THE GROUP! :)

Basically, its the "play nice rule." Try and avoid party conflict if you can. Especially with one or more newbies in the group :)

Beyond that, really, I'm going to run Storm King's Thunder. I'm going to buy it next week with plans to start running it the week after.

I havent set up the calendar yet, but really, I prefer people emailing me and rather than applying by calendar anyway. So... if you are interested, email me; I want to know more about you as a person. Tell me about yourself, your gaming experience, what kind of gamer you are, but also what kind of person, mature 40something, college 20something, married with kids, whatever.

I will select from those I think will be the best fit, but if it ends up being a tie, first come first serve, but since we all know sometimes a group doesn't work out for every member, I'll keep those second-comers for potential follow up should one of the first-comers not be a good fit.

Thanks in advance, and I look forward to hearing from you!

August 29th, 2016, 03:06
I would be very interested, timing looks good. I'm very new to FG but have a game session under my belt. Watched hours of YouTube instructions. Please consider my coin in the pot. Can I PM you tomorrow afternoon with more details?

My wife has a gamer's spirit, and loves those kinds of board and card games that gamers normally love. However, she has never had a chance to be in an RPG - but has always wanted to, even before we had met!

You're a lucky man! One day my better half might play @_@ She picked out some dice the other day and they just arrived. She has no idea what those dice can do: Make a hero or ruin all ^_^

August 29th, 2016, 03:46
Make sure you stomp on any behaviour that makes your wife feel uncomfortable! Give her every opportunity to enjoy the experience.

August 29th, 2016, 03:57
I would be very interested, timing looks good. I'm very new to FG but have a game session under my belt. Watched hours of YouTube instructions. Please consider my coin in the pot. Can I PM you tomorrow afternoon with more details?

Absolutely! PM me to tell me more about you....

August 29th, 2016, 03:57
Make sure you stomp on any behaviour that makes your wife feel uncomfortable! Give her every opportunity to enjoy the experience.

Oh definitely. I want to make sure she CONTINUES to want to play it lol! :)

August 29th, 2016, 04:50
Very interested. I'll send you a PM.

August 29th, 2016, 04:52
I have a Tuesday game that is ending soon but won't be for another 2-3 weeks. if you still need someone and have to delay start time keep me in mind.

August 29th, 2016, 06:14
Hello, I'm very new to FG, but am a dnd vet. I DM a game every sunday. I would love to join in this game if you have a spot. I am reliable, and also prefer the hero types... in fact, I love the lawful good characters. I always DM and rarely get to play, but I would love to play and learn FG with your group. Let me know if you have a spot.

August 29th, 2016, 06:36
I have a Tuesday game that is ending soon but won't be for another 2-3 weeks. if you still need someone and have to delay start time keep me in mind.

I will!

August 29th, 2016, 06:48
Sent PM

August 29th, 2016, 09:10
PM sent

August 29th, 2016, 19:56
Wow, I got a lot of responses pretty fast. Ok, let me go through the PMs, will take me a day or two what with that dreaded ReaL Life intervening

August 30th, 2016, 01:59
I must say, we got a number of excellent applicants; more than we can handle actually. I'm going to ask my wife to look over the applicants with me and see whom we are going to invite. Note that I liked everything I saw, so its going to be a tough choice; if i could accept everyone, I would. But even if i dont invite everyone, what often happens is for some reason someone doesnt work out: I've had people who discovered they couldn't handle a schedule after all, or found a personality conflict between two players, or someone who just didn't like my GMing style. So those that do not initially get invited, if you don't mind my keeping you under consideration, if someone doesn't work out I'll extend a follow up invite to replace....

August 31st, 2016, 05:46
Well, we had a TON of applicants, to my surprise... and makes me kinda sad too, is this community really that starved for GMs?

I'll be making decisions within the next two days, and will respond to everyone. Sorry this has taken so long, but thanks for your patience!

August 31st, 2016, 06:16
Well, we had a TON of applicants, to my surprise... and makes me kinda sad too, is this community really that starved for GMs?

I'll be making decisions within the next two days, and will respond to everyone. Sorry this has taken so long, but thanks for your patience!

All role playing communities are starved for GMs.
Encourage your players to think abut running a one shot next time you cant make the game.
Encourage them to think about taking a turn as GM once you finish the SKT.
Encourage them to run a one shot at FG Con.

August 31st, 2016, 09:51
Well, we had a TON of applicants, to my surprise... and makes me kinda sad too, is this community really that starved for GMs?

I'll be making decisions within the next two days, and will respond to everyone. Sorry this has taken so long, but thanks for your patience!

GM'ing isn't for everyone, it takes a solid amount of work and dedication. I would write, plan and plot for days and it would boil down to a few good hours for my Players. Due to the price point, we didn't had any modules (even our monster manual was comprised of photocopies @_@) and I have never ran or gamed in one. If I get picked, I'm curious to see how a module plays out. I have my eye on a few in the DLC page.

All role playing communities are starved for GMs.
Encourage your players to think abut running a one shot next time you cant make the game.
Encourage them to think about taking a turn as GM once you finish the SKT.
Encourage them to run a one shot at FG Con.

Pg. 269 of the DMG has a playstyle called "The Gods Must Be Crazy" (great movie) where the DM role rotates throughout the group. While that style could be challenging on many levels it could also be really fun and as the title suggests, a bit crazy.

August 31st, 2016, 10:26
GM'ing isn't for everyone, it takes a solid amount of work and dedication. I would write, plan and plot for days and it would boil down to a few good hours for my Players.

(This is not a shot at you by any means just a general observation)
It shouldnt be the same person having to do all the prep work week after week and the players just turn up for a good time week after week.
Even if not confident at running as a GM players (in my opinion) should all give it a go - even if they feel they are not good at it - even if its just to give the GM a break and a turn on the other side of the table.

August 31st, 2016, 11:16
(This is not a shot at you by any means just a general observation)
It shouldnt be the same person having to do all the prep work week after week and the players just turn up for a good time week after week.
Even if not confident at running as a GM players (in my opinion) should all give it a go - even if they feel they are not good at it - even if its just to give the GM a break and a turn on the other side of the table.

Wholeheartedly agree. GM'ing was/is great fun but if the toech didn't pass, there was a high risk of burn out. We had a group of roughly 6 and myself and another player would GM, if we as a group had rotated then there would have been some valuable experience gained by all. Every GM needs a start somewhere and players that GM would gain an invaluable perspective.

August 31st, 2016, 12:56
How about you fellas start a new thread for this discussion and not pirate this one? Just sayin'.........

August 31st, 2016, 17:00
Seriously. Some of us are following this to see if we get into the game or if it fills up.

August 31st, 2016, 21:07
While I may be too late, I just send you a PM. Hope to hear back from you but regardless, good luck and all the best with the campaign :)

September 1st, 2016, 01:06
All role playing communities are starved for GMs.
Encourage your players to think abut running a one shot next time you cant make the game.
Encourage them to think about taking a turn as GM once you finish the SKT.
Encourage them to run a one shot at FG Con.

I've never run a one shot myself. I just dont know how to make something designed to run for just a few short hours. I mean, I start thinking about gaming and the next thing you know I have some big evil bad guy, all his minions, plots, etc. I know it may sound stupid, but I dont know how to design a small one shot that should last only a few hours!

September 1st, 2016, 01:49
Its a reallly good point Morfedel and for a lot of us it is hard to pull off.
A good guide is:

3 encounters that will/might result in combat - no more.
Start in the action - dont start where the players still have to make a choice about whether they are going to get involved (I still mess this one up often).
After the action reveal the bulk of the story.
The second encounter reveals more of the story or the vital info to get to the boss and it softens the party up and uses some of the valuable spells.
The final encounter where its all on the line. Its ok if not everyone survives or even if it TPKs as its a one shot.
Possibly some last piece of the puzzle or twist is revealed at the end.

You dont need a big back story. You dont need too many minions. You dont need too many scenes. A good twist is fun though.

And dont aim for more than 3 hours of game time. You need pre-gens and 30mins intro and getting people across their characters and the system (you will often have new players or new to FG players). So allocate a 4hr window and try to finish in 3.5hrs or less.

September 9th, 2016, 02:19
Hi everyone!

For those still reading this, I thought i had a group, but lost one on the day we were supposed to play. One reason why I didn't send out PMs to everyone yet. Soon as I think we have a solid group, I'll let everyone know so you don't go forever wondering. Sorry about that in the meantime.

September 9th, 2016, 16:27
Are you still looking for players for this game? I would love to join, and I'm available on Tuesdays during this time slot.

September 10th, 2016, 20:40
Hello Morfedel, I've been wanting to play Storm King's Thunder since it's announcement. I currently am looking for a game to fill the void of the end of one of the other campaigns I played in. My name is Michael, I'm 27, I usually play clerics or warlocks who are very charismatic and love to talk and interact with the party and npc's. Characters who are emotional who become easily attached to those he is partied with, and begins to see them as family. I've even played a Blood Hunter Lycan, I enjoy using voices, and usually isn't sure of who the character is until the first words escape his mouth. I've been playing 5e for quite awhile, roll20 and P&P, as for fantasy grounds I have about 10 sessions under my belt. I prefer 50/50 75/25 mix of rp/cb. Well I hope this information is sufficiant enough for your consideration, and if not! I wish you, and your players the best of luck, and great adventures.

September 28th, 2016, 22:45
I would be very interested in joining the game, I play a fighter or a cleric... my nephew would like to play with us as well. Please let me know what I need to do.
