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View Full Version : LFP for new campaign: Storm King's Thunder. RP heavy.

August 29th, 2016, 02:29
New Fantasy Grounds DM seeking players. I've played a fair bit on Fantasy Grounds, but am looking to start a new game with me at the helm!

Adventure: Storm King’s Thunder (Wizards of the Coast)

FG License: Ultimate (anyone can join the game, including free users)

Game System: D&D 5E

Day of week and time: Monday evenings, 10.30pm GMT / 6.30pm EST

Planned start date: Monday 5th September or Monday 12th September.

Planned Frequency: Weekly. Sessions will probably last about 3-4 hours.

Term: Until the end of the adventure.

Text or Voice: Voice.

Voice software used: Discord.

Roleplay & Combat mix: Emphasis more on Roleplay than on Combat, but dependant on the session.

Number of Players in game & needed: At least one in game already, I’d like 4 more. If there’s enough interest, I’ll be choosing characters and players that I think will make a good party, rather than first come first served.

Character starting level & equipment: Starting level is 1. Generation by point buy (27 points). PHB races and classes only, no tieflings, dragonborn or variant humans. Equipment as starting class/background.
As a roleplay campaign, I want to make sure there’s a difference between races in the world, so there will definitely be enmity between some races. Half elves and orcs will have to work hard with certain other races, for example.
I’ll also be using the optional encumbrance rules (PHB p. 176) so beware dumping strength completely!

Alignment: Good alignments or lawful neutral.

Details of me and the game I intend to run: I’ve been DMing for many years on and off, and playing since Advanced D&D. I try to be a constructive kind of referee. If you have an ingenious plan which isn’t too overpowered for your level, I’d love to help you see that it works! I’m happy for people to be jokey and fun when the time is right too. I’m not a huge fan of minimaxing and metagaming though, so I won’t allow multiclassing unless there’s a good RP reason for it.

As for NPCs, I’m a decent voice actor and will attempt to breathe life into as many of them as possible.

I prefer to run a campaign in which the characters live and breathe as different people. They interact with each other as more than just acquaintances who they kill monsters and gather treasure with. I intend to be liberal with inspiration, and give out plus modifiers to rolls or advantage for good roleplaying.

For party cohesion and chemistry, the first session will be a group backstory. Pretty much all the characters will know each other, and have known each other for a while. I’d like to set up a strong basis for the party dynamic with everyone having a tie to everyone else, or at least a strong impression of each other member of the party.

If you’re interested, please post here or send me a PM with an idea for a character. Then we can set a time to get together and chat about it. There’ll be a calendar link when we have the players, I’d rather recruit here or in PMs though.

August 29th, 2016, 03:37
Yeah this sounds great. I've been wanting to play Storm King's Thunder since it was announced. I enjoy heavy RP so this is right up my alley.

I would like to roll a human war cleric, I was playing one when the campaign ended early due to scheduling conflicts with the party so I want to hop right back into it.

August 29th, 2016, 06:27
I cant do 630 est.. thats the time i pick up my son from football and they are not always punctual..
I could do a start time between 7 and 715

1/2 orc ranger

August 29th, 2016, 09:37
Fatherdeath -
Sadly I think that would make the sessions too short. 6.30 is already half an hour later than I wanted to start. I'm in the UK and don't want to finish later than 2.30am BST.

Aeolus -
That's fine, always good to have a cleric on board! As I said I want the first session to be about working out a communal backstory for the party, so as long as you're flexible I'll put you on the short list. Please send me a PM about character ideas - don't worry about a backstory as I'd like to do that communally in the first session, as I said.

August 29th, 2016, 10:30

August 29th, 2016, 22:35
This sounds like a great campaign to play in! I've had my fair share of DMs over the years (I myself have been DMing for many years), and it looks like you've got the right state of mind I prefer in a DM. Personally, I'm 38, married with children, been RPing for 25 years, and love Dungeons and Dragons! I'm pretty familiar with FG as well. I'll be happy to PM you some of my character concepts I have made up. They are made to fit a story, and to grow within that story. Many decisions I make as my character levels up is based on the experiences he's had in the world. I'm really looking forward to being able to collaborate with you in this campaign.

August 29th, 2016, 23:36
Fazakerley, I would have loved to join your campaign. Unfortunately Monday is not one of my open days currently. I wish you the best of luck and good times in your endeavor my friend.

P.S. To those who will be playing in the campaign, I play alongside of Faza in another game. He is always a lot of fun to have at the table. I think he will make a good GM. Good luck to all, hope you have a good time.

August 29th, 2016, 23:42
Count me in for this.
UK as well ;)

Dm'd a bit myself over the years and have a pretty good grip on FG.

I was thinking of rolling with a Paladin.
He'd be more the "justice beats law type".
Just because your not "technicaly" breaking the law doesn't mean I wont hurt you ALOT for it.

August 29th, 2016, 23:43
I'll vouch for Fazakerley as well. He plays in a game I'm the GM for and his brilliant voice acting skills will mean you're all in for a treat with him voicing the NPC's. I'd have joined this game myself but for the fact that it's a late kickoff UK time.

August 30th, 2016, 00:01
I'll vouch for Fazakerley as well. He plays in a game I'm the GM for and his brilliant voice acting skills will mean you're all in for a treat with him voicing the NPC's. I'd have joined this game myself but for the fact that it's a late kickoff UK time.

+1 for this as well. And I'd jump in as well, but he seems to be avoiding times his DM's can play in for some reason :S

August 30th, 2016, 00:10
Haha, it's deliberate of course Nulk.

1ifeblood and Venares - don't worry too much about backstory. As I said, I want the group to know each other and have grown up together. So in the first session I'd like everyone to get to know each other a bit and we can roleplay a communal history for the party. I'd like to find a time to chat with everyone who's applied to the game before the first session though, to see who might be a good fit.

I'm thinking that everyone will have spent their youth or be living in Goldenfields, North East of Waterdeep.

August 30th, 2016, 00:59
If you still have any openings I would love to get in, Sep12 would be the best start day for me.

August 30th, 2016, 01:06
I would like to play a wizard or rogue. I have also thought about a monk. I have been playing D&D since 1979 and love it. I have played a lot on FG in the AL.

August 30th, 2016, 03:53
I would be interested and available for the appointed times. I played 3.5 in high school and also did a lot of theatre so I really enjoy connecting and getting into a character.
I just finished my first 5e game a couple months ago (LMoP) played a Bard I really enjoyed. I was wanting to finally try playing a Half Elf Paladin. I wanted to play one in 3.5 but the LG always thing always seemed to cause conflicts in the groups I played in with paladins back then. I'd really be open to playing either character and don't mind dealing with in game discrimination from NPCs. I think adversity like that makes you work hard to prove yourself to the people.

This would be my first FG game my last one was on R20. So I might need to get used to the software but I was going to watch some youtube videos and play around with it this week to try not to be too much of an inconvenience.

August 30th, 2016, 10:49
Yes, yes please!
This suits me going into 3-5 months of low work time. If there is still slots I am most definitely interested but would only be able to start the Monday following the 12th. Let me know if that's ok

August 30th, 2016, 13:44
Hail and well met Fazakerly

I have been skulking around this forum for a while trying to find some kick butt 5th edition nonsense to involve myself in. I have a busy schedule so I want to make sure any game that I commit to will have priority during that time slot in my life (read as Wife-supported re-occuring obligation). I have downloaded the trial of FG and am a complete noob when it comes to that, but hopefully with yours and the communities help that will be trivial to overcome.

I have been playing DnD so sporadically its almost nonsense to call it having played it for almost 20 years now. I got into a first edition game one weekend with a boyhood friend and we started playing 2nd edition as soon as we could afford our own books. Throughout school I played a lot more, but only a few one off sessions and at attempt to play through POTA when 5e launched is all I have. But I do sit with my PH and dream of the characters I would like to play. I am fairly anti-min-maxing and enjoy characters with good chinks in their armor I will most likely do standard point-buy characters (15,14,13,12,10,8). I would say I enjoy a closer to 60-40 combat/roleplay. As long as the roleplaying is exciting, all the better, and I love the idea of our characters already knowing one another at the start cause sometimes tying that thread can be challenging and loose at best.

I prefer martial characters over magical, as I tend to have more bravado than mysticism -also my games tend to die out before those magical characters can shine (1st level 2E fighter with a great sword shines like a diamond). A couple of characters I have wanted to breathe life into include:

A monastery trained human fighter who believes he is a katana wielding martial artist that taps in to his "ki" for action surges and superiority dice. Folk Hero background LG

Halfing fighter, wanderlust-stricken ex-horse thief known for luring horses to blind spots with a pocketful of pastries turned honest. Spends his time as a scout and traveling woodsman. Criminal Background CG (could be a rogue as well)

A nihilist human or half-elven Ancient One Warlock currently serving as a field missionary for the Cult of the Nameless One. Acolyte background LN

*although you said something against Multi-classing and I stated I am against min-maxing but..
A dual wielding human Ranger who eventually swears an oath of vengeance against the Undead and Demonic entities of the world (Ranger-->Paladin). Would work a lot more in a Ravenloft adventure setting, but when you get to day dreaming and you've been chain watching Supernatural on Netflix...

Obviously some of those could mutate and grow before we start or I would be happy to fit a role that the party needs that isn't filled by the above. Thanks and if we don't end up gaming together, happy rolling.

August 30th, 2016, 14:39
Hey Fazakerly,

I'm playing with you in Gagsmith's OotA campaign. I'm really interested in playing Storm King's Thunder. Need a Druid with a pirate background?

August 30th, 2016, 18:47
Thanks for all the interest guys, I'll be in touch with everyone over the next few days.

It seems I haven't been clear enough about the party and characters in this game.

For those of you who have come up with backgrounds for characters I would stress that I don't really want this yet - all the characters will have grown up or lived in the same town for a number of years. I want the party to be a dynamic group as much as possible by the end of the first session, in which there will be no combat. So having an idea for race and class is fine, but if you're absolutely set on a specific background that you've written, this isn't the game for you.

Please read the whole of my proposal and my answers on this thread, so that you're properly informed when we chat about it if you're (still!) interested in joining.

August 30th, 2016, 23:18
Could everyone who is interested please PM me and tell me when they might be available for a voice chat? I'm free Wednesday day or evening, Thursday/Friday/Saturday daytime, Sunday any time (that I'm not sleeping!)

September 4th, 2016, 22:01
I'm still trying to link up with the last couple of people, so we're going to start on the 12th. I'll let everyone know as soon as possible.

September 11th, 2016, 11:44
Hey Fazakerley, any news from the last few you where waiting on ?

September 11th, 2016, 12:01
Hello all

The campaign is full now. I think I should have messaged everyone in Discord, apologies if you didn't see it.

I'll post here again if any slots open up.
