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View Full Version : Another open FG table for character creation...

August 27th, 2016, 09:35
I'm taking inspiration from Brynnan and opening my FG server for character creation as well from now until 3am PDT on Sunday, so about 26 hours.

I have all legal sources available. The PHB, EE, and SCAG will all be there for you to use.

This is not a game, but a chance for people to build characters.

In addition, there are some quick reference guides if you like.

* Background Proficiencies
* Feat List with Benefits
* Race Ability Modifiers
* Spells Known

Open them and have a look, they're pretty self-explanatory.

I have the Ultimate License so any license can join including the demo.

I will most likely NOT be on the table to answer questions, but if you get really stuck, you can PM me and I'll try to get back to you, or you can always ask questions on these forums, and someone will usually answer very quickly.

Instructions will pop up when you join the table on how to export/import your character after you build it. If you don't see the pop-up, look in the "STORY" section.

My Fantasy Grounds server is located at "cold wand crazy castle"

If interested, see my step by step character creation here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?26320-Opinions-on-character-creation-steps).

Enjoy guys!