View Full Version : [5e] Seeking a reliable long-term player for weekly game on Saturdays at 3pm MST.

August 26th, 2016, 01:14
We are 2-3 sessions from wrapping up Lost Mines of Phandelver and are looking for a reliable long-term player. After LMoP, we'll be playing Curse of Strahd or homebrew (depending on what the group wants).

Game Info:

Sessions are weekly at 3 pm MST time on Saturdays.
We're using Fantasy Grounds. You only need the free demo version to play.
Sessions are 3-4 hours.
New players are welcome. If you have any questions or need help making a character, just ask.
I try to DM like Matt Mercer (from Critical Role) except that he has been doing it for 10 years, and I've been DMing for 2 months.
I try to enact realistic consequences. Expect stupid behavior to lead to terrible results and ghouls to feast on unconscious companions.
I will fade to black anything resembling a sex scene.
I try not to stray far from the official rules.
We're playing with "More Difficult Magic Item Identification" (DMG 136), Feats, multi-classing, and variant races/backgrounds.
We're also playing with flanking except that it gives +2 instead of advantage.

Character creation guidelines:

27 point buy attributes.
Homebrew and Unearthed Arcana content must be approved by me before you can use it (and I probably won't approve unless it's a popular change with the greater D&D community).
Non-official backgrounds will be approved unless they give you an unfair advantage.
PHB races plus Genasi and Goliath. No drow.
No characters from published works that aren't your own.
Spells from official campaigns are ok.
No guys playing girls.
Level 4
Please pick a class we don't have already. We have a ranger, barbarian, druid, and rogue.


You understand you will be replaced immediately if you miss a session without giving a prior reason or a prompt great excuse.
You will attend most sessions.
You will tell me if you have to miss a session ahead of time.
You want to roleplay and talk in character.
You will make a character that won't kill innocents or do other stuff that would seriously derail the campaign.
You will do a reasonable job at staying on topic and paying attention.
You will use voice chat.

If you are interested, please reread the expectations before stating your interest.

August 26th, 2016, 01:57
Hi, I'd love to play, im available during the times stated and am looking to play with a reliable group. I can message you with a character and backstory for approval by tomorrow, just want to get my name on the list.

August 26th, 2016, 03:37
I'd love to join! I an a new player but have all the required tools (books, dice, sheets, FG license, imagination) Saturdays are perfect too. just let me know what I need to submit to apply and I'll respond in kind. I will need help with character creation. I utilize youtube and my books as best as I can so I'll only need a little help.

August 26th, 2016, 03:39
We have enough apps now. Thanks.

August 26th, 2016, 12:00
Damn, too late (again)!