View Full Version : [LFG] 1 Player - Bi-weekly 5e Published Adventure

August 23rd, 2016, 14:00
Hello, everyone! I'm a 31 year old working adult with a shift schedule that rotates every two weeks. As such, I need to join a campaign that happens every other week on a day that I'm off so I know I can always make it.

It barely matters what time of day I play. Any time from like 10am to 7pm EST would be a fine starting time as long as the game is every 2 weeks. The days I'm open to playing are earlier Monday, earlier Tuesday, earlier Wednesday, or any time Thursday. I play another campaign Monday and Wednesday nights (switching off every week) and DM Friday nights and prefer to keep weekends open.

I'm looking to play a published adventure that isn't Lost Mine of Phandelver or Princes of the Apocalypse because I already have experience with those. I'm highly interested in Curse of Strahd but very willing to play any of the others. I want to play in a group of 4. Why? Because the game is built around that assumption, and it runs smoothest that way in my opinion. Thus, I want to join a group of dedicated players so we don't have to worry about the smaller group size affecting our ability to play as much.

I'm the type of player to crack jokes but also enjoy doing roleplaying. I'd like to find a group that doesn't play like it's a video game they are trying to beat but rather actively participates in telling the story with the dm. That doesn't mean I need a try hard super serious group, not that I mind. But I've been in many groups over the last 10 years and the ones I enjoy most are ones where everyone gets involved in creating the story and the dm is on board for random tangents of player- created content like drunken nights full of pranks at the tavern that accidentally last for the whole session or random ideas to solve problems that are completely out of the box.

As far as what class I want to play, I'm generally pretty open. I love creating characters. So much so that if mine dies, I chock it up to a good story element and am happy to reroll. Not that I want to die, but I suppose it's a good mentality to have in a difficult campaign, lol. I've played all the classes besides druid, sorcerer, and wizard I think, and gotten plenty of enjoyment from each. Oh, and I love rolling dice to determine stats. I've even rolled to determine race and class before lol. I like having to build around the RNG and make an interesting character out of my 6 INT or STR or whatever :P

I would apologize for the long post, but if you don't have the attention span to read it, I'm probably not looking to play with that type of player anyway. If my schedule and playstyle fits your group, I'm happy to meet you! Happy to use voice chat. Don't have a webcam, though, sorry! Thanks for your time and consideration, and happy gaming!

August 26th, 2016, 01:03
Figured I'd give the thread a bump as I'm still looking for a group. If a group wants to change the day of the week back and forth every other week like my other group, I could do it that way as well and play weekly. It's just hard to explain, lol.

September 7th, 2016, 16:59
Still looking for a group. One I found feel through.