View Full Version : 3.5 Karvosa Campaign Home Brew followed by The Curse of the Crimson Throne

August 23rd, 2016, 13:45
FG License: GM has Ultimate License
Game System: Pathfinder

Time Zone: Central Time USA,
Day of week and time: Saturday starting at 10 PM until about 2 AM Sunday.
Game status: Started

Planned Frequency: Weekly
Term: Long term keep playing for a while, expect campaign to last 3-4 years+

Text or Voice: Text & Voice - Team Speak & Syrinscape.

Roleplay & Combat mix: 25 RP /75 Combat +/-
Number of Players in game & needed: One or two, to take over a 8th level ranger or 7th level, almost 8th level barbarian.

Character starting level & equipment: --

Available: Cleric Female, Level 8

Character restrictions: For consistency prefer to stick with pre-generated characters in game (players will be allowed to customize character). If character dies may choose to re-roll a new character. This is an adult game. Not Kid Friendly (18+)!


Scario: The world is Golarion, on the continent of Avistan, country Varisia. The party is back in Korvosa drunk, sleeping it off in the Three Rings Tavern, all accept Egric - that one is heading home to see his wife Yovan.

Warning: Spoiler Alert do not read if you plan to play this adventure.

August 24th, 2016, 14:31
Session 1:
The druid Aldbear woke up one morning from a nightmare about the fishes. The fishes were dying, after some divination help from his mother he discovered that the problem was in a City of Korvosa. His mother flew him on an eagle several days North East of Korvosa. She left him in a clearing, and flew back home to the druid grove.
The Aldbear soon encountered a wolf-dog that he befriended. The wolf-dog and the druid met a Ranger by the name of Crow in a clearing by a fire. Crow is traveling to Korvosa because his father also named Crow was murdered while on duty. The father was in an Elite company of Rangers in Korvosa. Crow has a letter from Commander Endrin expressing his deep regrets. Come to think of it Crow says, all of his ancestors going back 10,000 years were named Crow, going back to a Crow that saved his ancestor’s life during the Starfall (at least that what he knows).
Meanwhile, Egric the rogue is camping under the starts. He left Korvosa due to girl trouble. Her father is Egric’s employer. Egric is taking the time to think; while he is lost he is not worried. He is feeling someone, his girl kissing him gently, he opens his eyes it is dark, but he sees five giant mosquitoes on top of him. Egric yells and starts fighting, the druid and ranger hear the noise and come running. The three of them make quick work of the mosquitoes.
Sitting around the camp fire, they exchange their goals and make travel plans to Korvosa. In the morning they journey on. They see signs of violence; they come upon a dead horse carcass. Orc tracks move off toward a near by ruin. They hear guttural sounds in a language they don’t comprehend. I girls voice is asking someone to let her go. They decide to attack and rescue the girl. After a violent fight, where the druid entangles a group of orcs, while his companions pin them down with missile fire. The girl is rescued. Her name is Katlin, she is a fighter. She was on her way to Korvosa to hire a group of investigators. Her village by the name of Anlira has been having a rash of murders by some orcs. She invites the adventurers to speak to the Mayor and the Constable

August 24th, 2016, 14:34
Session 2:
The group travels South West to Anlira. Anlira is North East of Korvosa. They met the Mayor and the Constable. They are hired to investigate the murders. They think the villagers are a bit strange. The village serves the farmers of the surrounding area. The church in Anlira caters to neutral and good worship of several gods. Salistra is on among them, the drunk God is the other. The murders happened after most villagers were in the church. After accepting the job and being paid. The adventurers attend a funeral of the latest victim of the Orcs. A cleric of Shelyn gives the eulogy. The constable owns the funeral home. His employee Gilderoy and his wife Angelina run the funeral home.
After the funeral the constable takes the tired adventurers to the Inn. The adventurers meet the people of Anlira, the constable’s wife, Jackaline, priest Jacob’s sister, the comely tavern wenches that are worshipers of Salistra and ply their trade in the inn. Angelina comes to the Inn and asks her husband when will he be home, he tells her that he is on official village business and he doubts it will be any time soon. While the druid and rogue stays below and talks to the constable, Crow goes with one of the girls upstairs. He comes down and they here Fire, Fire, Fire!

August 24th, 2016, 14:35
Session 2.5:
After the ranger comes down stairs, the group hears fire, fire, fire! The fire is outside. After the group rescues a farmer and his wife from a burning house, they find out that the guards captured an Orc. The clerics are trying to get information about where the Orcs are.

August 24th, 2016, 14:37
Session 3:
The adventurers, the constable and two guards go north east to the Orc camp. A battle is fought and against great odds the adventurer’s win. The problem is solved, but they find a note in camp that links Gilderoy to the plot. Gilderoy hired the Orcs to kill villagers. The constable is very upset, he knows where Gilderoy the Wizard lives, and also he knows the mayor is with him.
The adventurer’s head of to the Wizard’s tower on the South West side of Anlira, and start knocking ion the door. They hear screams inside the tower, and a voice. Go away; we don’t want any at this moment. A dwarf by the name of Doman comes by. He is a dwarf fighter from Jenderhoff a dwarwen city north of here. He offers his help. The adventurers knock down the door, and see a dusty 1st floor of a tower. Wizard’s legs in a robe run up stairs. As the character’s give chaise a bunch of skeletons and zombies pile down the stairs. After a long fight, the adventurers stand in a pile of rotten flesh and bones. The go upstairs and see the mangled but still alive body of the Mayor. They also notice Gilderoy running along the outside of the Village wall toward the Cemetery.

August 24th, 2016, 14:45
Session 4:
On top of the wizard’s tower, exhausted, the adventurers get ready to give chase to the wizard Gilderoy. The mayor was taken to the church for treatment. The dwarf did not feel well, so he went with the constable and the guards to the church.
As they descended the stairway, they realized that the ground floor looks different. Gone is the wide open space, it is replaced by two separate rooms. The small chamber has a ladder that goes down. After shining the light from a lantern, they descend into the towers bowels. The wizards' tracks are here and a box that he must have left in a hurry. After looting the box, the adventurers pursue him through a side cavern that leads outside the village wall. Along the wall they moved swiftly to the cemetery, it has been a long day, the sky is a bit darker. They arrived at the cemetery, it is a gloomy place fog tendrils and darkness depresses the grass and the tomb stones alike.
Near a slab of rock that is obviously a crypt, they saw five red skeletons dancing around a huge fire. After a desperate struggle against the undead, the group finally entered a tunnel through a broken entrance in the crypt floor. In there they run into undead. Fortunately for the group the cavern walls and luck seems to be on their side. In an alcove in the cavern they find a bag with a note and a portrait,. Gilderoy professes his love for the innocent Angelina, the constable's wife. Gilderoy wishes to kill the constable. The elf ranger blows a newly found horn, the party feels safe. The party rests. Then follow Gilderoy's tracks out of the cavern. They see a large previously undiscovered house.
As they enter the vestibule the doors slam behind them. To the east there is blood on the floor. They explore several rooms and find several secret doors, including one that leads into a privy. They find a note that speaks about a wife acquiescing to be sacrificed by her husband to his deity? They finally find a large hallway through one of the secret doors. Once in a while they hear odd sounds, "the rattling of chains" or "moans of spirits"?

August 28th, 2016, 15:49
Session 5:
The Ranger Crow, felt odd in this unfriendly house. He looked around, and observed the party spread out to much. He called everyone over back into the study, then the party proceeded through the east secret door. They went down a curving corridor to a skeleton that has been here a long time. Katalin the fighter found another secret door in the north-east wall. After Egric the Rogue checked the door for all necessaries, the door was opened. They saw a triangular room with a empty coffin having inside it the gear of Eliera the Cleric of Shelyn, this was perceived by Katalin that knew her most of her life. They also saw a portrait of three children, Katlin said the children are: Mortimer, Angelina and Eliera. Egric checked the east door, and opened it.

They saw the ravishing, scantily clad Eliera kneeling on red pillows uncomfortable, teary-eyed, and bound by a series of manacles and chains strung through rings in the hilts of scimitars embedded in the room's floor. At first her eyes showed shock at seeing others, then she asked am I to be sacrificed? If not please free me. Crow liking the site never the less covered her up with her own cloak. While Egric worked on manacle locks, Aldbear the Druid, Katalin the Fighter and Crow questioned her on how she got here. All she remembered is while treating the Mayor, she fainted, and then here she was bound and helpless. After a long time Egric opened the manacles. Katlin helped her get her armor on, and Egric checked the north door, it is locked, and I can't open it. When Eliera saw the portrait she realized where she is, she also though the house burned down years ago, and that when she played here as a child, a spare key was kept in the kitchen ovens.

They proceeded to the kitchen, Eliera saw a door, she remembered the room to be a chapel of Shelyn. After opening the doors she realizes that it is a temple to Zon Kuthon. After the rogue almost fainted from touching the skull on the alter, the party proceeded to the kitchen After a dangerous spider encounter, the group found the key in the ovens. They went back to the hallway and opened the east double doors with the key. They see an octagonal large room Crow proceeded to the skeleton in the northern part of the room, and is ambushed by some phantom suits of armor. After a brutal combat, the group proceeded up the northern stairway to the 2nd floor.

They came into an large oddly shaped room. They see Constable Mortimer saying ritual incantations over the Mayor's body lying on a sacrificial alter. He turns toward the party and gloats, than he sent the undead and other minions to attack the party, and teleport'ed out of the room. A fight starts, as soon as the wolf ventured on to the room's carpet half the group felt the overwhelming urge to participate in a blood ritual and proceeded toward the sacrificial alter. [To be continued.]

September 11th, 2016, 16:17
Session 6:
They continued to fight in the sacrifice room on the 2nd floor. Slowly, ever so slowly, they took the lead and killed the creatures there. As soon as the last sacrifice tool was destroyed, the sacrifice alter disintegrated. They decided to go to the 1st floor to rest and heal. The group settled on the music room, after resting they went north. They came to a hallway, where they saw a bunch of portraits. Eliera thought that one of the portraits was a spiting image of Constable Mortimer, but it may also be a portrait of his father. They moved into a tower. They went up, found that up doubled back to the sacrifice room, then they went down to the basement.

In the basement they found a room with a pool of shallow water, in the middle of the room they saw a stone platform. They observed corpses in the clear water. A coffin like box with a glowing dragon symbol rests on top of the pedestal on top of the stone platform. Eliera thought that those bodies are maybe undead ghouls. Egric and Katlin asked her if she could turn them, she tried and most of the creatures started moving toward them, accept two. The weeds grew out of the pool of water, and Aldbear cast his entangle spell. This allowed the group to engage most of the undead in some safety. Between the cleric devastating use of positive channeling powers, the druids lightning and the bows twanging it was soon over. The druid took his entangle spell down, and out of the gloom came the one remaining ghoul. It attacked Egric with great ferocity. Then poor Egric was paralyzed, before they dispatched the foul creature. Concerned the group try to revive him, then a miracle happened. Egric moved his finger, soon he was able to move his toes. With great relief he said look what I can do!

They saw a ghostly womanly shape come toward them. She explained that they need to follow her south. Egric tried to near the coffin but was nearly blasted. They followed her south to a room with a small pool consecrated to the Goddess Shelyn, the water will heal their wounds and destroy the evil around the coffin and inside it. Egric took his boots off and filled them with the water, he pored it inside the coffin. The body of the high priest dissolved, and they found un-identified items in the coffin. [To be continued].

October 10th, 2016, 12:12
Seesion 7:
In the bowels of the haunted house, the adventurers stood by the coffin of the high priest, wondering what they found and where is Constable Mortimer. The ghost of Mathilda appeared in front of them. She told the group with the destruction of the sacrifice alter she became free to contact them, and advise them on how to open the sarcophagus and destroy the body within. She said that they may have the treasure within. She revealed that the properties of the: armor being a suit of elfin chainmail plus one and resistance plus three, the longsword being a magic blade plus one that Crow was very interested in. She revealed that the ring is a ring of invisibility, and the ruby pendant has natural armor properties plus 2. The rogue Egric got those.

She left for a breath moment, and then re-materialized. She brought back a letter in her son's Mortimer's hand that may prove something possibly his guilt. It was written in another language that no one in the party understood. Katlin thought that someone in town may be able to help them, a scribe of sorts. The ghost said that her misguided son is not here, perhaps he is in the village?
The players proceeded to scribe Wills residence. Once they left the no longer haunted house, they felt instant relief. They walked through the verdant forest and strolled into Anlira. At th home of Will the Scribe, the discussed the letter, and Eliera advised summoning Barrister Selmov before the letter is open and interpreted. In the presence of the designated village official, the letter was opened and Will read it. It said: "GL, my friend. You have supplied me well with necromantic components. I am eger to learn more of your contact's plans. I am finishing up here in Anlira, my plans are almost a success. Today I sent the Mayor's assistant Katlin, to Korvosa for help. She will never get there the orcs will kidnap her and make it look like an accident. I have been harvesting souls in Anlira, with great results. Please inquire for me if there is anything I can do for his lordship. Mortimer".
Has anyone seen Mortimer? I think he is in the funeral home, said Selmov. The party proceeded to the funeral home. At the door to the home they heard argument between Angelina, Gilderoy and Mortimer. Mortimer yells "Madam, you disgust me, Gilderoy has foiled my plans. I will kill both of you before I am done, Madam, and dance on your bones!"

As you enter the parlor, you see the Wizard Gilderoy facing off against Constable Mortimer, the Constable's wife Angelina is by Gilderoy. Crying and imploring her husband Mortimer to change. Gilderoy has told me what you have been doing, killing villagers, converting them into soulbound dolls and other servants, selling their goods to pay for their funeral costs. All I wanted was your love, all you can think of is where your next bottle of booze is coming from. Your gloating lets me know that Gilderoy has told me the truth. You never loved me, I am leaving with Gilderoy! After the parties plies of surrender are ignored by him, the party engages Mortimer. Surprisingly, Angelina is able to summon the aid of frying pans that she tosses deathly at her ex-husband.

Hurt by this barrage, Mortimer summons black tentacles hopping that the party is snagged by them and crushed. All but two escape the grip. Aldbear and Crow are being crushed, but the rest of the party closes and kills Mortimer. His body is burned in the front yard, and everyone heads to the Inn to celebrate.

At the Inn Barrister Selmov settles the bill with the adventurer's. Crow, Egric and Aldbear get paid the contracted sum. Eliera and Katlin decide not to stay, and are also rewarded for the current and previous service to the village. Doman the Dwarf became the new village constable, his bowels seem allot better. The girls at the Inn approached the adventurer's as the deputation from the Church of Calistria. Jackolin, priest jacobs sister then she says: "To bad we did not hit it off that night we saw you for the first time. However, the girls have asked me to find you an appropriate reward for your services, and I have prayed to Calistria for guidance. Aldbear for your wisdom I present to you this gift, she removes her comb and becomes Priest Jacob. I will miss this hat, but it may serve you better I think".

Aldbear, looks slightly sick, but gains his composure and accepts the gift. He turns to Egric and says "we really need to leave this village soon". Egric says they do dance to their own tune here, even though there is nothing wrong with that. Angelina and Gilderoy sneak away. Silfedel the Elvin beauty takes Crow upstairs. She comes down and gets a special drink for Crow and with a smile goes upstairs. They are not seen all night.
In the morning the group picks up the wolves armor, sell unwanted gear and identify discovered items. Egric and the group discuss Korvosa.
The city is ruled by a monarchy. It is a highly rigid society, with rules for everything. The punishments for violent crimes are tough and severe, most likely due to the Chalixian heritage of the Korvosan's. Egric thinks that GL in the not stands for none other than Geodron Lamm, the notorious child theft ring leader. He unsure who the lordship refers to in the letter. The group is in good spirits, as Egric remembers his love Yovan Bedlid. He is home sick and wishes to leave for Korvoas soon...[To Be Continued].

October 10th, 2016, 12:13
Session 8
The group left the Village of Anlira on the on a moderately warm winter's day on their way to Korvosa to find the man named "GL", and who is behind his evil ways. They head South East down roads through farmland and forest. In the forest they spot a man, Egric recognizes him as a Korvosan pickpocket. The group makes the man keep away from them. The man is heading to Anlira. He tells them about Blackjack, a known vigilantly in Korvosa, and Katlin throws him a gold sail. He tells them about Korvosan laws and Origins, and warns them to be careful. The party moves on.
By noon the party runs into a half naked man, the wolf runs over to him and sits. Indignant Egric yells that is our wolf. The man turns out to be a druid of some ability. He recognizes Aldbear as the son of the Arch Druides of the Grove and gives him some advice about Korvosa. Egric tells him that he will marry a Varisian Gypsy Girl in Korvosa, and asks for advice. The old man says that he eschews women in general, but as long as she is not a mantis you will do fine. He cooks the party lunch, and then is summoned by a rabbit, he says his goodbye's and heads back into the forest.
After another four hours a party of thugs blocked the parties path, and demanded their money. A fight started, and before you know it three brigands were on the ground dying and two were wounded. The two surrendered. The group wanted to take the brigands to Korvosa to trial, and Crow thought that they should die, because they can't be redeemed, but he gave in to the group's wishes even though of his religious believes. After the brigands paid restitution the group, they were tied up by the cleric Eliera, she mentioned Hojo Jitsu.

Come to a small river the party made camp. Eliera ask the group: " I feel like I need to pray. Will anyone join me in the water? " She removes her plate armor and gets into the cold river water. The group feels something mystical in her prayer to goddess Shelyn. The agnostic Egric, says "Amen!" After the prayer she gets out of the water, Katlin helps her with her armor and Crow cooks dinner. They eat, feed the prisoners and setup watch.
By morning they realize someone is approaching their camp. Egric recognizes the uniforms, they are discovered by the Korvosan Guard. Watch Sergeant Grau Suldano recognizes Egric, there is much camaraderie. Suldano remembers that "Ersta Bedlid has left word with me that he and Yovan have been looking for him. I saw them a few days ago. Grau said that he thought that they were worried about him.

This troubles Egric allot. He wishes to travel to Korvosa forth with. Suldano assigns three guards to lead the group to Korvosa, but right before they reach the safety of the city walls, they hear a wolf howl. They see ten dire wolves come out of the woods and surround them. Before blood could be spilled Eliera walks toward the wolves, things happen so fast, one moment they are hostile, the next moment they are frolicking at the priestesses' feet. The Korvosan Guards are in awe. The group is shocked. Eliera hugs the wolves and says something, the wolves take off into the woods. The guards rush to Elira's side and kiss her hands. Egric said to her with a smile: "My lady you should pray naked more often!" He also says to her: "Milady is your Surname Stark by any chance? Not knowing why she said it, she answered with a smile: "Winter is coming!"

The group with the guard escort came around the bend in the road, in front of them they see a sight beyond their imagining, Korvosa the Jewel of Varisia in the full midday sunlight! [To be continued...]

October 10th, 2016, 12:16
Session 9,
The adventurers stood on a hill overlooking the City of Korvosa. The city guards that guided them to the city, explained the different parts of the city and some of the interesting local holidays such as the Breaching Festival held at the Academia annually. Tolac the guard said that no one has won the Fastival in over 200+ years. The prize must be over 100K gold sails by now.

Over the North Bridge they went, the guards at the city gate questioned them and let them go on their way. The guards with them invited the group to a local tavern, but Egric wanted to know see his bride to be. Once they got to the home of Ersta Beldid they found that no one was home. Egric took the group to the Temple of Cayden Cailean, where Ersta and his friends normally drink. He was not there. The guards drank to the group, and most denizens of the temple welcomed them, accept a thug that was thrown out of the establishment.
After the group left the temple, they proceeded back to the Drudgespades house where the Beldid's live. At the house Egric found Ersta but no Yovan. Ersta handed him the kidnap note, it appears the Duster's of East end kidnapped her. They devised a plan, the group would seek Merlessa the alleged leader of the Duster's and Ersta would go to deliver the ransom.
At the Shoreline Tavern the group find a Carrulian Society officer, that pointed the group toward where Merlissa lives. Their plan complete, the group head to Marlissa's flat in the East Shore District near the north wall by Thieves End.

At her home Egric goes invisible while the rest of the group keeps lookout. Some man go buy, and Crow starts kissing Eliera to full them in thinking they were a bunch of young lovers waiting for a friend before they head to the Shoreline Tavern. After they passed Eiera slapped him, what the hell was that for she whispered. Crow said, it was not half bad really. Meanwhile Egric scoped out the 1st floor through the windows. The Right most window was open, once Egric got inside he saw the old shopkeeper asleep. Egric opened the door. The others came in, while Eric swung his sword and removed the man's head from his shoulders. Feeling better, Egric stuffed both halves in a barrel. Katlin smirked and whispered, you are an absolute horror. Then they ducked, as the patrol passed the windows. Egric went upstairs first invisible. He starts to hear splashing from behind the door. He manages to open the door and sneak into the room, before the girl in the room reacts. He puts his short sword by her throat and tells her to be quite. She is beautiful, but his anger galvanizes him. This has to be her, he starts to doubt himself, but the Carrulian Society Officer Identifies her.

After not so gentle persuasion by Egric, and a detect Evil by Eliera, they know within a shadow of doubt that she is Merlessa. Her stuff is found on the bed. Merlessa says even though she is the Duster's of Trails End leader, her boyfriend, Kynndors Thok is a bit dim. He recognized Yovan and decided to kidnap her, all on his own. Merlessa decided that arguing with Egric was fruitless, agreed to cooperate [To Be Continued...].

October 16th, 2016, 07:17
Session 10:
At Merlessa's the group and the Guild Officer are standing around a naked woman. Eliera the cleric is frowning, the woman is evil, but the guild officer is evil too. Eliera knows that Egric, killed a man down stairs in cold blood, she does not want any more blood spilled here tonight. The rest of the party feels the same way, they are nervously standing around, looking at the angry man, there companion, all accept the Guild Officer.

I am Merlessa, I was taking a bath, I was not expecting visitors. I was caught off guard, it appears you have me in your power. I realize that you may kill me if you wish, but if you wanted to do that I would be already dead. Please tell what you wish of me? Egric says: either we kill you or not depends largely on you. Merlessa, listens to what Egric has to say, and suggests, that if she was guilty of kidnapping his girl friend, she would have been guarded by more than a shop keeper. She tries to re-assure Egric of her honesty, and he almost believes her, but then something changes. He comes close to killing her right there and then, but Katlin and Eliera encourage him to listen to her. Meanwhile, Merlessa says: Thok is ambitious and is short-sited, than having me as a hostage will help., but how can you trust the Dusters of East End to do what I order? There may be a way, you hold several elixirs of truth, they are yellow potions. If we both drink, you will know I tell the truth.

The guild officer yells, enough of this kill the bitch. Egric says may I kill her? But rest of his companions wish to hear her out. Before they can react, the guild officer reads a scroll. He summons many assassins and a wizard. A fight ensues. They attack Merlessa viscously, she soon goes unconscious. A long fight starts, valiantly they fight the assassins. The cleric heals Merlessa, and the group. Slowly, the party kills off the enemies. They find a note and an amulet on their bodies. The note proves that Thok was duped in kidnapping Yovan, and the medallions have two letters on them in Chalixian that say "ГЛ".

Merlessa spits on and kicks the guild officer's unconscious body. Then looks in shock, at Egric. Egric's sleeve is turn on his armor. She says "where did you get that birth mark, because I have the same on my left shoulder". I was born with it, says Egric. After 12 years of cruel separation, brother and sister are re-united in a rush of hugs and kisses. They part, she says my men or I can take you to Thok, but first I would ask you to give me my items back. Eventually Egric agrees. Merlessa talks to her brother, and extracts a promise from Egric not to harm Thok. Merlessa proposed a double wedding. Egric is eager to have Yovan released.

With Merlessa the party ventures to Trails End and come to the duster hide out. Thok is summoned and the situation explained to him. He is asked to fetch the traitor Mihail. Egric, Merlessa and Thok slay him in the yard near the Duster's Head Quarters. Thok dispatches men to clean up the body here and at Merlessa's home. Yovan is released, unharmed and well. [To Be Continued]

October 23rd, 2016, 07:30
Hanma Gennsuke arrived in Korvosa Midland district, and proceeded immediately to question strangers to the whereabouts of his relatives. Seven years ago, Hemiko, his niece arrived here with her father. Her father died, soon after their arrival. She met a nice young merchant named Pavo Strabo, and they were soon married. They had a daughter named Katory-Sylva Strabo.

Hemiko, kept writing home for seven years. Then six months ago, the letters stop coming. Hanma Gennsuke decided to come to Korvosa to find his relations.

After meeting some guards, he was directed to the New City Hall, where a magistrate received him. Hanma told their story, and after a scribe verified their names on the city register, it was determined that both Pavo and his wife both reside in the Gray District. What does that mean asked Hanma. The scribe left, and the magistrate asked Hanma to sit. He offered him a drink, and proceeded. He said that they used to live in the Midlands district, at a shop at the Aodred’s Walk, which is now called the “Doom and Gloom”. The place has a new owner, because the city reposed it after their death. They are deceased, and are interred in the Everyman’s ward in the Gray district. The child Sylva has been put in one of the five Orphanages. You may wish to check the Highbridge Orphanage first, because that is the closest Orphanage near that area. Thanking the magistrate, Hanma left and proceeded to Aodred’s Walk.

After wondering around a bit, he asked directions and found it. At the walk he asked the guards where may he find the “The Doom and Gloom”. You are standing by it said the guard. Hanma looked up and saw the sign. He entered the shop, an Old Varisian woman by the name of Rhodia greeted him. At first Hanma suspected foul play, but the woman easy demeanor and the harrow cards on the table assured him the all was ok here.

Hanma touched the cards, Rhodia said, sit, since you were the relative of the diseased I will do a free reading for you. She shuffled the cards and had Hanma draw the cards, and read the Past, Present and Future. Things look dire, but she took his hands and told Hanma “You are a crusader”. I am no crusader said Hanma. You are when it comes to family, go find her or avenge her only the gods know.

Hanma left on his way to the Highbridge Orphanage. At the Orphanage, the Orphanage Mom, took pity on Hanma and let him talk to Sylvas roommates. The kids told him that Sylva ran away, when a man by the name of Geodron Lamm promised her candy. They said she used to talk, that she met him near one of the Midland’s taverns. Unhappy, Hanma left the Orphanage and preceded to the last Tavern he saw.

At the tavern, Hanma yelled: “Gedron Lamm!” A guard called him over, that name, that man is reputed to be a kidnapper of children, a thief and a murderer. Where one finds him, asked Hanma. I don’t know said the Guard, but now he will find you, me thinks. Have a beer stranger.

Hanma left the tavern. Hey you he heard from a dark alley, you seek “Geodron Lamm”, He sends his love foreigner. The would-be-assassin draws his blade. Hanma wastes no time, he starts cast spells and attacks with his katana sword. The fight is short and brutal. Wounded, Hanma barriers his Katana, in the man’s guts. As he withdraws the katana the blade looks black, it says “Where am I?”

Surprised and trembling Hanma drops the blade. Five men come out of the shadows. We saw what you did to Borris, now you will die. The Blackblade says: Pick me up!”. Hanma, still hurt from the recent fight, but angered and resolute, picks up the blade [To be Continued].

October 23rd, 2016, 07:31
Session 11:
Merlessa and Thok give Egric money for Ersta and a wedding rings that belonged to Egric's father and mother. The group head off to deliver the news and money to Ersta Beldid, the father of Yovan. On the way there the group runs smack dab into a party of assassins that are attacking an oriental man. Oblivious to their danger the assassins close on the man, and the group surprises them from the rear. The fight is short. Two assassins are captured. The oriental man's name is Hanma. He is in Korvosa to rescue his Causin Sylva, that is what the group finds out when he tells them his story.

They head to the Drudgespades Headquarters, where they meet with Ersta, tell him what happened and sleep it off before the wedding. Egric presents his ideas for the aliance of the two families, and Ersta impressed with his future son-in-law asks him if he will become his special advisor. He asks his daughter if she will manage the urchin home that the family will astablish, and the party agrees to become the venture's patrons.

Everyone goes to sleep. They dream of the mysterious woman that left the Temple of Cayden Cailean. In the morning Ersta wishes that he could go with them to the wedding, but he cant the need for secrecy . Aldbear grins and puts a hat of disguise on him. Ersta now looks like a gorgeous young girl, with all the womanly charms. Ersta threatens to gut Egric if he says a single word about this, and Yovan kisses her father. Ersta gives Egric his parents wedding bands for Merlessa and Thok.

The party head to the appointed spot outside of the City. The Ceremony is conducted by Eliera.

The Ceremony:

Friends and Family of the BRIDEs and GROOMs, welcome and thank you for being here on this important day. We are gathered together to celebrate the very special love between these BRIDEs and GROOMs, by joining them in marriage. All of us need and desire to love and to be loved. BRIDE and GROOM, your marriage today is the public and legal joining of your souls that have already been united as one in your hearts recognized by gods and beings alike. Marriage will allow you a new environment to share your lives together, standing together to face life and the world, hand-in-hand. Marriage is going to expand you as individuals, define you as a couple, and deepen your love for one another. To be successful, you will need strength, courage, patience and a really good sense of humor. We live in special times, let your marriage be your rock in these dark times.

Today there will be no dearly beloved, no betrothed, and no ancient rhyme of the married. Today there are no dead languages to solemnize vows that are very much alive and will remain so for a lifetime. Today promises become permanent and long standing enemies become friends and family. However, this day is not about the words spoken or the rings exchanged, nor is it about grand pronouncements and recessional marches. This day – the day of BRIDE and GROOM’s wedding – is about love. One of my favorite authors once wrote, “If love is not all, then it is nothing: this principle, and its opposite, collide down all the years of my breathless tale.” BRIDE and GROOM, your breathless tale is about to begin. If love is not all, then it is nothing.

Its opposite – If love is all, then it is everything – is going to be the basis for every aspect of your relationship. All you have to do is simply love one another and that love shows through in everything you do for one another, how you treat each other, in good times and bad. Love isn’t just a word; it’s an action. Love isn’t something you say, it’s something you do. Love is genuine, honest, and open, compassionate and kind, passionate and blind, love doesn’t know space or time, nor look through jealous eyes. This kind of love will go to Hell and back to save the beloved ones soul. Love never dies.”

There are many different kinds of love, almost if not all of which are represented here today. There is romantic love, the love of parents and children, of brothers and sisters and family, and love among friends. Not only do BRIDE and GROOM love one another romantically – and they do, you can see it in every look, every touch, every moment they’re together – they also love one another as friends. In fact, they’re best friends, constantly giggling and taunting and teasing and very plainly and obviously having fun together. That love and enjoyment of each other as best friends will sustain them through this marriage.

You are promising, in front of all these people you love, that you want to be with each other and only each other for the rest of your lives, and that you will do everything in your power to honor the promises you are making here today. For their part, the people who love you will also do everything in their power to try to help you hold up your end of the bargain.
The ceremony is long and beautiful. The rings are exchanged. Eliera pronounces the BRIDEs amd GROOMs - men and wives, and the wives are kissed by their husbands.

The gathered cheer.

There is food, drink and dancing. Thok almost steps on Merlessa's foot, but Merlessa manages to avoid her husband's misstep. Merlessa offers her flat to Egric and Yovan for their nuptials. The themselves take over the Duster's Headquarters. Merlessa asks Ersta to meet tomorrow. Ersta agrees, the newlyweds go to their respective houses. The rest of the party head back toward the Drudgespades Headquarters. It is the Mid-Day of the 7th of Abadius, 4708, and everything is well? [To Be Continued Next Week....]

October 29th, 2016, 21:42
Session 11.5
After the wedding the Egric and Yovon left to his sisters flat. The rest of the party and Ersta traveled to the Drudgespades Headquarters (DS HQ). While at the DS HQ, the party troughs around some innuendos, and Eliera starts looking at Crow with interest. Crow is looking at an old wrinkled letter. What is it says Eliera? It is a letter says Crow from my father. I am sorry (whispers) Crow. What are you sorry about, asks Katlin? I am sorry I could not save him. Crow gives the letter to Eliera.

We regret to inform you that Ranger Crow lost his life in the service of the City and Monarchy of Korvosa. There is no easy way to bring this up, your father's life was cut short. He was investigating reported criminal activities, dockside in the Midland District when last he was seen alive. He was found floating in the Jeggare River with a stab on his back. His arm looked like it was chewed off by some large beast. Ranger Crow was an excellent ranger marine. He was my friend. Yours, Commandant Marcus Thalassinus Endrin.

We should find this Commandant, maybe Ersta knows where we should look. Ersta says, Hmm Commander Endrin, try either the Endrin Military Academy or The Great Tower. Try the Academy first he is usually there.

The group took a trip through the city. Hunma told them his tail, and the Blackblade had more questions, which startled Hunma every time. They finally enteed Old Korvosa. They near a small castle. At the castle a guard admits them to see the Commandant. The Commandant, a young human Ranger greets Crow and his companions. He regrets that the killer is still at large, and he wishes that something could have been done, but the red tape is tying his hands. He does admit that he thinks it is Lamm, but finding him and convicting him Disappointed, the group leaves. The guard tells them if they find Lamm, make sure the sharks eat him.

The group dejected head the Temple of Cayden Cailean. There the group drank and ate. Then Hanma found a card under his tankard, and then the others did.

On the front of each card it said: I know what Gaedren has done to you. He has wronged me as well. I know where he dwells, yet cannot strike at him. Come to my home at 3 Lancet Street at sunset. Others like you will be there. Gaedren must face his fate, and justice must be done.

November 4th, 2016, 11:54
Session 12:
The group met up at the Drudgespades headquarters. All of them except the druid received Harrow cards inviting them to attend a clandestine meeting, that promised to reveal the location of their mutual enemy Gaedren Lamm. They proceeded to the location, north past the Citadel Volhyenek. Finally they arrived at the home, to find it occupied by another adventurer. They greeted her, she introduced herself as Sivath.

As always Egric was the most suspicious. After exploring for a while, he came back to the table in the main room and stood behind the head chair. Finally a woman arrived, she greeted the visitors one by one, ad introduced herself as Zellara. She set down and asked Egric to sit, as she talked she skillfully shuffled a deck of cards and asked the PCS to remove a threat from the city and recover her deck of Harrow Cards, that Gaedren Lamm stolen. She relays the Lamm killed her son, it took her a year, but she was finally able to locate his hideout.

Upon the groups agreement to accept the mission, she proceeded to read their fortune. Each player drew a card in turn, and Zellara read their fortune, in the past, present and future as described by the Harrow cards drawn. After the reading the group went to the location provided by Zellara.

There they found an old fisher. The place was occupied by thugs, murderers and thieves. After a long fight with these murderers, the few enemy survivors chose to or were thrown into the shark infested waters around the fishery. Soon they went underwater, and even the bubbles were gone. The group rescued 8 Lamm's Lambs, and Sivath cleaned their faces up. The group proceeded around the fishery down a treacherous dock to the boat docked behind the old fishery. [To Be Continued.]

November 6th, 2016, 07:35
Session 13:
The group got on the ship docked near the walk way. Hanma and Sivath fell through the rotted wood boards into the hold of the ship. The spiders inside attacked. As Hanma and Sivath fended off the spiders, the rest of the group descended the stairs. The group eventually killed the spiders. After a long search of the ships boxes and barrels, Katlin found a secret door that led onto a walkway between this level and the Old Fishery above.

The group saw some very fat sharks swimming lazily in the waters here. Ignoring the sharks, the group made it to a door south of the ship. They opened the door, and were greeted by Gaedron Lamm's insults. The group fought Gaedron's henchmen and Gubblegut his alligator, while Gaedron confessed his foul crimes, and derided them. He tried to bribe some, he threatened others, and most of all he confessed that his Lord would have been pleased by the meal that Gubblegut recently had. His numerous crimes. Sylvia, Hanma's cousin, Sivath's mother, who else has he killed, and why? Gaedron confessed about his Lord. Who is this man?

After killing the henchmen and Gubblegut, the party broke down the door and killed Gaedron. The found his treasure, among them a Harrow deck and a precious broach. The proceeded upstairs, and found more things and rescued the kids. The they heard noise outside and smelled smoke. The went outside and saw pandemonium. Korvoas on fire!

While the party was inside killing Gaedron, the King Eodred Arabasti II passed away. The Queen Ileosa Arabasti, ascended to the throne. The city is rioting, the city is burning, the government implemented martial Law it seems. Hellknights, Korvosan Guards and The Sable Company are trying to re-establish order, Egric remembered that his wife went shopping. The party rushes south past a group of Hellknights very efficiently putting out a riot. Soon the party get to Zellara's home. The place looks abandoned, Zellera materializes out of thin air as if she is a ghost. She tells the group that Gaedron killed her, just like he killed her son. She asks them if they have her deck, they show her the deck, and Eliera accepts Zellara's Harrow Deck as her charge. After identifying three items, the group get ready to rescue Yovan, after Egric confesses that he sent her shopping. Katlin says, how could you have known this would happen. No one could have foreseen this. [To be Continued]..

November 13th, 2016, 09:21
Session 14:
The adventurer's were at Zellera's home. Egric was eager to find his wife. Finally they decided who would carry the Zellara's Herrow Deck somehow stayed with Sivath. Zellara suggested that the urchins stay with her while the group journeys to find Egric's wife Yovan.

They proceeded to the Eodred’s Walk. A short 10 minute walk south through the desolated streets the party arrived at the market mall. In the distance they heard screams and violence. Looters everywhere, the King's death has destabilized the city. Egric hopes are answered when he saw his wife, he implored the citizens to be peaceful and disperse, but Gennosuke decided to attack a rioter. Gennosuke remembered the Doom and Gloom, the rioters were in the way. That started the fight. Egric said oh no, and began to fight, to his horror he was not in control. He began to attack friend and foe alike, as if berserk. The worst part about the fight and the best thing was that Egric was unstoppable. He almost killed Aldbear, the Katlin shielded the group from his rage.

After a while he was dazed by what has transpired, but at least he was himself. All the rioters were dead. The party proceeded back to Zellara's got the kids and went to the Drudgespades HQ. On the way there they met Watch Sergeant Grau. drunk as a skunk. He was depressed about the king's death. He recognized Egric and wanted to get another drink. The group offered to take him with them. Grau obliged, and came along. Soon they party ran into a Korvosan Guard patrol. First Grau was taken to the Citadel Volshyenek. Then the guards escorted the group to the Drudgespades HQ.

At last safe, they ate and discussed Ersta's drug business, Egric's predicament, the kids, the queens broach and what to do next. Finally suspicions aside, they went to sleep. Egric with his wife, Gennosuke with the child like Blackblade, and others where ever they could find space. Indeed Doom and Gloom descended over the Fair City of Korvosa. [To Be continued]

December 4th, 2016, 07:13
Session 15:
On Abadius 9, 4708 the party met at Ersta's home. Katlin asked Egric how his night was, then scrunched up her nose. A remains of a skunk like odor emanated from his person. Eliera and Katlin asked Egric about what he planned to do about his companion ghosts. He has confessed about being possessed. Eliera suggested that the clerics of Shelyn may help him, exorcise the ghosts.

Egric and the group traveled north through the rioting city. They ran across a mad prophet. That dribbled and wheezed, making doomsday predictions about Korvosa and the Eye of Groetus. He almost touched Crow, but he deftly stepped aside and the old mad prophet fell on his *** in the muddy street into a pile of horse dung. Mad, he yelled you will all Die! Die! Die!

They traveled on to the Sacred Shrine of Shelyn in the North Point District. Where the clergy of Shelyn agreed to conduct the Ritual Exorcism on Egric, on behalf of Eliera, a cleric of Shelyn.

After extensive preparations, per ritual, the ritual was conducted. The ghost left the host and started attacking the Sacred Guardian of Shelyn, because she was in charge of the ceremony. He cast Quickened Wind Wall and Repulsion. Separating most clerics from the rest of the group. After the 2nd round, the Ghost of Hilda Meyhovi started convincing her husband that the curse was over, and if he killed the mortals she would leave him. The Ghost of Peter Meyhovic eventually agreed. The clerics needed to rest. The Following morning Sivath suggested that the group leaves this pious house and head to a Pub and drink till they puke out a lung! Egric not happy with the idea, but not having any better ideas Egric agreed. Happy that the curse is over, he decided to go along with that plan. [To be continue].

December 4th, 2016, 07:14
Session 16:
The group left the Shrine of Shelyn heading to the Three Rings Tavern. On the way there they were attacked by Devil Imps. The Devil, Imps surprised the group out of no where. The fight was short, some Pseudodragons came to help. With their help, the group chased the Imps away, but Katlin and Crow fell puking to the ground. After Eliera examined the pair, she determined that they have been poisoned. The closest location was again the Shrine of Shelyn.

The group went back assisting their poisoned companions to the Shrine. The Sacred Guardian of Shelyn agreed to neutralize the poison and restore Crow and Katlin for 300 gp ea. Each paid the sum, and were refreshed.

The group went trudging back to the Tavern. There they met the staff. The Theandra Darklight the Owner, Tauk Par the Shaonti bouncer, and Esmarelda a very friendly wench. The place was empty due to the riots.

Tauk was so happy to have guest that he introduced the group to a fun drinking game called Toss the Golden Sail. One tosses a golden sail into a cup of ale, if one hits one names a drinker, if one misses on drinks. One drinks, unless one says Chance, the one can toss again. On e goes on until a miss. The rules may be changed. The first time Eliera made the drinker say Germane, or one would drink a penalty drink. Later on Tauk changed the word to Me Barbarian. Egric tried playing dagger throw, but did not do so well against Tauk, and decided to eat Clams. Gennosuke set in the corner and did not drink a drop. Eventually Sivath went unconscious, and the group continued playing Golden Sail Toss.

The Crow heard the screams from outside the door. About sixty feet from the Tavern it seems that two Otyugh got loose from the Sewer? According to Tauk Par, Queen Dominia brought these to Korvosa to take care of the cities garbage problem. When the city maintenance is not done, the Otyugh get loose and go on a rampage. After eliminating the Otyugh threat, the adventurers and Tauk went back into the Tavern. Theandra Darklight wiped their tab clean, and they went to sleep. All but Eliera, she ran to the table with the glass and demonically laughed at the offending drink. Egric sais what? Tauk asked Eliera if she would like to play some more with Me Barbarian, and Gennosuke said that is majorly f*ck*d up, tonight. Egric said Great! Tauk laughed out loud. Egric said she will sleep it off. Egric and Gennosuke supported Eliera and took her to her room on the 2nd floor.

Egric went to a window, opened it and smelled the air. [To be continue].

December 11th, 2016, 08:25
Session 17:
Egric smells the air earl in the morning. Fresh air, he almost forgot what it is like to smell fresh air. Could it be the riots are over? Eliera and Sivath woke up with a hangover. What a weird evening, I got drunk with a barbarian, each one of them thought? The party wondered down to the first floor and had breakfast. It was on the house. You can pay an adventurer, but give him breakfast and you have a friend for life.

Egric suggested that the group sees the queen, but they look well dusty. Tauk Par came to the rescue, he suggested baths in the underground bathhouse. Bathing in an underground bathhouse, what a thrill. While Sivath, Eliera and Katlin washed in the heated water pool in what looked like an ancient temple full of erotic reliefs in the most contorted positions, Crow and Egric rubbed the Elephant ears. Gennosuke was disgusted with the prospect of the perverted ancestors and the demon ancestry of the Korvosans.

Katlin thought that a Journey to the Castle would be the very thing. The group went to the castle and left their weapons in the court yard. They proceeded to the throne room, escorted by Sebina Marin. Sebina introduced the players to the Queen Ileosa Arabasti, and she professed her love for the city and then rewarded the PCs.

The queen asked the PCs to work with the Field Marshal Cressida Kroft in the difence of the city, because her guard is stretched thin. The Field Marshal assigns them a case Verik and All the World's Meat!

The group uncover a cannibalism food selling ring at the All the World's Meat!. [To be continued]

December 18th, 2016, 17:19
Session 18:
The group stood on the killing floor of the slaughter house. They just recently fought a battle here with the "Butcher Beasty Boys", as they started to call the renegade guards. Crow found humanoid bone remains by the gory hammer used for breaking bones in the northwest corner of the room. Egric started to check doors and open them. Egric hear a definite bovine "Moooo" through a barred door. Cautious as ever, Egric opened the door to a cow pen, and saw a lone cow awaiting slaughter in this area. Still checking doors, ever so careful and in control, he moved on into the pig pen, followed by Sivath. Exploring this smelly room, observed by Sivath, Egric barely missed a big pile of pig ****. Egric opened the doors to two animal watering rooms, and then found a meat processing room no less gory then the killing floor.

After the exploration of the 1st floor, Egric went upstairs invisible, he entered a room with a table and several chairs. He noticed that four bedrolls were stacked in one of the corners, he moved to the door on the south wall. He found the door not locked, opening it ajar he observed a man in chain mail in the livery of a sergeant of the city guard sitting behind a desk drinking. The man, assembly Verik Vancaskerkin, is muttering something to himself. Egric moved to the men's side and using his saps proceeded to pummel him into submission. Egric achieved total surprise, but Verik Vancaskerkin took the damage and attacked Egri but missed, while both man yell at each other. Egric yelled "you are under arrest, and accused Verik of murder and cannibalism. While Verik Vancaskerkin yelled at Egric protesting his innocence. By the time Sivath, Crow and the rest of the party came up stairs, they saw Verik surrender.

While some of the group wanted Verik tied up others wanted his crimes explained to him. Egric, taking on the roll of "Special Agent Egric", intimidating as ever, continued to dominate the now defenseless Verik. At this point Crow said to Varik, "Do you know that your guards below killed humanoids and sold them as meat? Varik said, "all meat here is given away to feed the hungry, but show me this evidence and I will come willing with you. The party take all of Verik's items and a very fine silvered dagger from a stand on the west side of the office.

After showing Verik the grizzly evidence below, it is as if all air is deflated from the already battered Verik. The group proceed to the Citadel Volhyenek to see Field Marshal Cressida Croft. After entering Field Marshal Cressida Croft's office, Egric said, special agent Egric reporting. At first the Field Marshal was a bit irritated with Egric's presumptuousness, but unexpectedly Verik Vancaskerkin came to his defense. The Field Marshal glad that the Verik matter is at an end, ordered the guards to take Verik away and rewarded the group with Verik's items and 1000 gp on top of that. She said to go rest at the Three Rivers Tavern, as discussed before the city will flip their bill there, because the crown will soon have need of them.

The group proceeded to Eodred’s Walk to sell their loot. On the way there, a little man bumped in into Gennosuke. The man apologized, and then moved on. By the time Gennosuke figured out that he is 600 gp lighter, the pickpocket was gone. Gennosuke did get a good look at the little mousy man though. In Egric's friends shop, the group sold their items for a tidy sum of over 10k GP, and browsed the magic shop's wares. All the items here were way to expensive for their tastes. Sivath whispered to Egric about pulling a heist on this shop, while Egric talked about skunks, skunk smells, and such. Egric said that he did try exactly that. Smiling, Phaeton Skota blurted something about not having any work yet for the group to Egric and that his shop is well protected against robery, as Egric deduced on a previous occasion, I am not worried about being robbed. At that Sivath said, What?! Who said anything about robbery?!?! Phaeton Skota laughed and said "I would not indeed. The group left, and proceeded to the archery adventurer shop where Egric proceeded to buy out the store. [To Be Continued.]

January 8th, 2017, 17:03
Session 19

Over breakfast at the Tree Rings Tavern, the group were talking to Tauk Par, he was telling them that a friend of his in the Midlands District by the name of Costa Serimus, the owner of the Bookmaker’s Shop. It seems that he was putting in a stairway, the workers heard noise and ran off. Before Tauk could finish, a Korvosan Guard came in, he delivered a message that Field Marshal Cressida Kroft desires their presence at the Citadel Volshyenek.

Breakfast finished, the group headed off to the citadel. On the way there, Hanma Gennosuke noticed the same little mousy man trying to pick another one of his companions pockets, he grabbed him. The man squalled, and after being pressured, returned the money he stole the other day and then some. He told them his name is Jan, and that he is an honest pickpocket, he really was having a very bad day. Thanking the group profusely he left.

They got to the Citadel, and were ushered to see the Field Marshal. The field marshal invited them into her office, with her Vencarlo Orisini, an instructor of the Orsinini school of swordsmanship. She related that even though the Vencarlo has been a critic of city government in the past, he has been invaluable to her as an unofficial advisor on various matters especially when it concerns the leanings of the common people.

After much genuine small talk, mostly on Vencarlo's part, ever a ladies man and a gentleman, Cressida cut him off and got right to business. It seems that Darvayne Gios Amprei an ambassador of Chaliax has been causing problems for Korvosa, Cressida had news from Vencarlo, that there is an important document that may persuade the ambassador to be more cooperative, but it is being held Devargo Barvasi, the proprietor of Eel's End, a den of sin on the waterfront in northern Old Korvosa. She said that he is a dangerous man, but at the same time, you are dangerous. Cressida prefers this not to be a bloodbath, if you can get these letters by bribing Devargo so be it. After negations a sum of 1500 gp, was transferred to the PCs. Cressida showed the PCs where Eel's End was located.

Leaving the citadel, and not being able to use the guise of City Representatives, Egric came up with their cover, revenge! The ambassador it seems has been dilly dallying with Egric's sister. That is why they wish to acquire said documents.

On the way to Eel's End, they talked with Vancarlo. He told the PCs that Sergeant Grau Suldano is on the mend thanks to them. He confesses that he used to be one of his students, but he did not go in to any specific detail. Some of the PCs thought there may be more to the story, but they could not breach the subject. Soon they got to Old Korvosa, and Vencarlo pointed them toward Eel's End.

On arrival at the dock they heard and saw all manner of lasciviousness, remarkably this area seemed to be free of the damage associated with the recent riots. The two guards at the shore forbade the entry of Wolf onto the pier deck, but after the group offered them an honest bribe of 100 gp, they agreed that the dog policy may be changed.

They proceeded straight ahead toward the warship, Eel's End the home of the spider king. They had no problems gaining entry to his office. After explaining the situation to Devargo in his spider fastness, the group were able to convince Devargo to listen to them. A bribe of 900 gold and an additional 100 gp for the Psedodragon were offered and accepted.

With the "Letters" in hand, the group went back to the Citadel. On their way there they noticed Jan the pickpocket crossing the street, Hanma said Jan join us. Jan said important business have to go, thank you, and he was gone.

At the Citadel Volshyenek, they again saw the Field Marshal. She was ecstatic to see them back so soon. She awarded the group with an additional 500 gp, for their trouble. Then she called the Guards, and asked them to bring them lunch. Hanma breathed a sigh of relief, while Cressida told them that it is simple soldier's fair. The group joined Cressida and ate lunch, after which she walked them to the Citadel gates and told them as soon as she has more work she will send for them.

The group remembered that they are close to the Bookmaker' Shop, in less then 10 minutes they were there. Costa Serimus greeted them at the front door. He told them that workman ran into some noise trying to dig out a basement for his shop. He asked them if they would consider taking care of his problem. The group agreed for the price of 50 gold per person, plus salvage.

The proceeded below and after removing some rubble, found an old rusty gate. Egric tried to pick the gate but almost broke his lock picks. Katlin looked at the rusty gate and suggested that he oil the lock. As soon as he did, he heard a click. Egric opened the door and rushed in. Two insect like monstrosities rushed him, and bit him from both sides. Before he went unconscious he drank one of his potions of cure moderate wounds and lived. His companions came to his rescue, a battle was joined with two Ankhegs.

After the fight, Crow found twenty of the creatures eggs. The party decided to destroy the eggs. Katlin thought that if Crow can remove the creatures carapace they may be able to sell them to the right buyer. They went upstairs and were paid by Costa Serimus, he was so happy that his problem was gone, that he gave Egric a replacement potion.

The group headed back to the The Tree Rings Tavern for well deserved Rest and Relaxation!

January 15th, 2017, 16:01
Session 20:

It has been about three days since you visited Eel's End, and almost several weeks since King Eodred II’s death, and things are finally starting to get back to normal in Korvosa. The group has have noticed that the streets of Korvosa thrum with unrest and wild rumors, also it seems that crime seems to be on the rise, with pickpocketings, robberies, and assaults skyrocketing. Some still hiss “usurper” and “murdering harlot” at the mere utterance of Ileosa’s name, and more shockingly, rumors that the king’s death was not of natural causes increasing.

You have not been called back by Field Marshal Cressida Kroft. Through Vencorlo Orsini the group has been able to locate the Copper Baeteers, in Old-Korvosa where you were able to sell the Ankheg Shell for a total of 1,000 GP, minus a city tax of 10%. Which came out to 900 GP. The tax went straight to the city, there was a minor Megistrate at the copper beaters by the name of Magistrate Syk Gar. You have been getting bored and started listening to rumors in the Three Ring Tavern. It is Abadius 17, 4708 AR the following sign goes up: Wanted Trinia Sabre, reward 500 GP Dead or Alive. Anyone having information leading to the arrest of this regicidal maniac, will be rewarded with a sum of 50 gp.

The outcry of the people is universal! In no time, Trinia’s name becomes a household word, and once again riots threaten to erupt in the streets. This time, however, the cries are not for the queen’s death, but the death of the king’s “true” murderer—Trinia Sabor.

In the morning of Abadius 18, 4708 AR you are eating breakfast, the PCs see Korvosan Guard enter the Tavern. Field Marshal Cressida Kroft asks everyone to join he in a the tavern's kitchen. She summarizes recent developments with Trinia Sabor, and issues a warrant for her arrest, in order to prevent a possible riot and to find out if Trinia Sabor is indeed guilty through the use of magic. She offer's the PCs 1,000 gp, if they bring Trinia back alive and well.

The PCs immediately leave the tavern, even though Crow is still a bit hungry and hung over. On their way to the Midland District they encounter some unruly citizens carrying on in the streets. At 42 Moon Street the ran into the Hellknights about to quall a bunch of rioters the only way they know how. A hellknight approached the group and asked them what is their business in the area. Being quick on their feet, the group told him that they are here to serve the warrant on Trinia Sabor, on behalf of the Korvosan government. They show him the official warrant signed by Field Marshal Cressida Kroft. Satisfied the hellknight lets them pass.

The group enters Trinia's tenement building, immediately they encounter what seems to them like uncooperative neighbors. They keep getting the same message, "She lives upstairs, but I am too busy to help, as if the residents like the girl and are protecting her?". On the 3rd floor they encounter a mandolin player, he stops playing and questions the PCs. Then he starts playing a bit louder " A bear there was, a bear, a bear! All black and brown, and covered with hair. The bear! The bear! ......" After a while he points toward the second South door.

Ever a mistrusting soul, Egric opens the North door, Crow becomes frustrated with Egric's mistrusting nature, because it seems this is not Trinia's apartment. The group open's the South door and finds Trinia sleeping in bed. The group enter the small studio, Egric stands by the girl's bedside and hits her with his saps twice. After the second hit the girl disappears, meanwhile the group hears noise outside on a roof, as if someone landed harder then intended after a jump. The roof chase begins.

In many ways, the Shingles is like its own sub-ward of the city of Korvosa. Here, in shanties built atop roofs, on the upper floors of otherwise abandoned tenements, and amid jungles of chimneys, peaked roofs, and eroding gargoyles, are vagabonds, thieves, monsters, and perils to match those found in the most dangerous slums. The group chases Trinia Sabor relentlessly through the Shingle rooftops.

At first the Wolf caught up to her and tripped her, but Trinia used a wand and dazed the dog. Then Egric caught up to and tried to reason with her by asking that she surrender. Trinia insisted that she was innocent. Then she stopped, and pointed west and said to Egric: "Who is that?", and Egric looked. Trinia cast a spell, and Egric started laughing. More chasing Trinia, more falls by the PCs, eventually Egric stopps laughing and catches up with Trinia. He asks her to surrender, but she casts a spell and he hits her with his saps, and knocks the poor girl to the roof top. Eventually the rest of the group catches up to Trinia and Egric. Eliera is appalled at the damage Egric did to the girl, even though she does not see that he had another choice. Eliera heals the girls wounds. Through out all this Trinia begs the PCs to let her go, she professes her innocents, she accuses them of being mercenaries, but Egric and the group assure her that she will be safer in custody. They tell her about the Field Marshal, and if she is innocent she should have nothing to fear.

Under the disguise of the old mandolin player, the group bring Trinia into the office of Field Marshal Cressida Kroft. Cressida told them: "I send you after a young girl, and you bring me an old man?, are you blind!" They smile and grin, and Egric takes the hat off the girl. Cressida gasps and congratulates and rewards the PCs on a job well done! The group gets assurance from Cressida that she will try to protect the girl if it is in her power, if she is truly innocent. Cressida promises to summon them as soon as she has another duty for them, and gives them gold medallions with the Crest of Korvosa, making them official agents of the Crown!

January 22nd, 2017, 09:40
Session 21:

Field Marshal Cressida Kroft summoned the heroes to her office in the Citadel . The group came there missing breakfast. From Thousand Bones, they found out that a Skoan-Quah Shoanti boy by the name of Gaekhen was killed and sold to a necromancer named Rolth. Thousand Bones requested that Korvosa recover his grandson's body to prevent a war with the Shoanti tribes. Apparently a simpleton named Elkaris sold Gaekhen's body to Rolth. Elkaris was interrogated by the guard and revealed the location of the Dead Warrens. The group accepted the mission to retrieve the boy's body.

They traveled to the Dead Warrens, and found the marker stone in the Potter's Ward. They entered the old Shoanti burial ground, and fought undead skeletons in the Ossuary. Egric went ahead to explore, his hooded lantern attracted , Stirges. While he was being drained of blood, he and the dog came under attack by the arrows. A dark region of was to the south of him, from there came arrows and spell attacks.

Egric and the poor dog got waylaid in a cross fire. Egric cried "Help" and continued fighting. Slowly the group entered the room through tight passages. They took out the Stiges and then the Derro.

Then the group proceeded to the west and south, and ran into an room full of corpse, it seems this is a dump. An Otyugh in the room yelled in Common "Warm Food" and attacked. Eventually the group killed him, and found Gaekhen's hips and leg's. They figured out that the parts may be transported in a wheel barrow. After Identification by the Harrow Deck, in Egric's possession the group found: Bracer of Armor +1 and Elixir of Vision. A silver dagger and an Amber Neckless was also found. [To Be Continued....]

January 29th, 2017, 07:46
Session 22:

The group rested in the Corpse Dump room, then found a secret door to the North. Crow's arm felt worse. They entered what appeared like a resting area for off duty derro. The derro cast darkness and a fight ensued. After the fight they used a tunnel and entered an area with trapped skulls and skulls with spinal columns. The splashed acid and hit with all manner of weapons. A long fight ensued. The necrophedusis (skull things) mesmerized Egric and Hanma. It was lucky that the rest of the group managed to kill the skull things. Igric recovered, deactivated the acid splashing device after Sivath showed him the possible switch.

The entered a ruined laboratory, and fought derros and a nasty carrion golem thing. The golem's arm was actually the dead Shauntie's arm part. They proceeded eats and south to a prison. There they fought an ogrekin named Cabbage Head, who was not as tough as he thought. Sivath thought he was rather stupid and defiantly ugly!

The group rescued two emaciated prisoners, and decided to take a rest.

February 5th, 2017, 08:11
Session 23:

The group escorted the civilians from the prison to the poppers graveyard, then proceeded north. They came to an golem assembly room, where another creature was being made. They encountered an Ogre, and after a short but brutal fight they were triumphant. The head of Gaekhen was recovered here.

They proceeded east, and encountered a Mimic in the library. After dealing with the chest like creature, the group found some scrolls. The proceeded north, and then east to a very dark area. In here ensued a long fight. Eliera dispelled the darkness with a light spell, the group rushed in to the room and encountered an Owlbear, skeleton and his derro friends. Another darkness was cast by the derro. The biggest obstacle the party faced was the darkness. Eventually they won, but the party really hates darkness now.

The body parts were delivered to Field Marshal Cressida Kroft, and she called Thousand Bones to collect the youths remains. After receiving their reward, the party were sent to the bank of Abadar to get cured (low cost subsidized healing) for Crow and Katlin. [To be Continued].

February 12th, 2017, 09:47
Session 24:

On Abadius 20, in the evening the members of the party saw signs announcing the the Execution of Trinia Sabor on Abadius 21. In the morning the group ate breakfast and discussed the upcoming execution. Egric thought that Trinia is none violent, and most likely innocent. A street urchin delivered a message to Egric, with a cryptic message of caution.

The party left the dogs at the Inn and proceeded to the execution. At the castle courtyard, where a festive atmosphere prevailed. Vendors, magic item vendors and nobles occupied the space. Mercival Jeggare asked Egric and the group to meet him after the execution, because he had a mission for them. After talking to several of them, the group was sickened by the festive atmosphere. The field marshal, could not offer any help either, neither did she hinder the group. The queen and her small army of sycophants showed up. Trinia Sabor was brought in by the executioner, and the queen gave her speech to the resounding acclamation of the crowd. Then the queen said "Off with Her Head"!

Before the executioner could lope off her head, he gasped, and the crowd gasped "Blackjack"! Blackjack spoke out against the execution, and the queen left. Then things got a bit confusing, the press of nobles was too great and the guards could not apprehend Blackjack. Trinia Sabor and Blackjack escaped.

The group visited the noble Jeggare at the Mesium and received a mission to visit a Herbalist with a bad temper. The party went north of Korvosa into the woods. Near the woods they ran into an orc ambush. Then after searching the area, the party saw webs. Then Egric walked into one and the spider attacked Sivath. After a short fight, the party found three humanoid cocoons. One dead, and two live ones, the cleared healed the living villager and pig farmer. The villager wanted to come with the party to visit the herbalist. The group agreed. [To be continued].

February 20th, 2017, 20:55
Session 25:

Toward Evening on Abadius 21, 4708 the group came to a small ravine, that was deceptively deeper then first thought. Aliera amazingly jumped first over it, then a silk rope was tossed and tied off on apposing trees and to Katlin. Katlin did not think she could jump, and sure enough she did not make it. Too bulky to be pulled in by Aliera, Katlin climbed up the rope to the opposite bank. Everyone else crossed uneventfully, accept Hanma. He jumped the breach between the two banks, and fell short and was swept by the swift current down stream. If not for Crow, he would have drown.

On the other side the group saw a gargantuan 20-foot spider on top of the cottage roof. It would not leave the roof, but started to make a threat display as the group got closer. Crow tried to communicate with it, without much success. The group spotted a deer, and Katlin, Egric and Crow brought it down with arrows, and tossed the still living body closer west of the spider. Unable to resist, the creature crawled on its large eight hairy legs off the roof and on top of the deer still twitching, but alive body to feed.

Skirting the spider, the group got near the cottage that was wrapped in webs and tiny spiders. Aliera entered it first. What she saw was a wrapped husk on the floor and after hearing a noise, she saw a half-woman and half-spider near the ceiling of the abode. The rest of the group entered inside. The half spider said: "The husk on the floor is my mate. The marauders attacked few days ago and killed him. I put my spiders to guard the approaches to my abode. The some marauders were killed. Other innocent by standards would be released, once I could examined their story. Don't worry about my spiders they will not harm you, as she turned into a strikingly beautiful human woman.

The group entered, they asked the half-spider woman if she is the Herbalist. She said yes. The villager asked her for a potion to guaranty a safe birth for his wife. The herbalist said yes, and sold it to him for 1000 GP.

The she turned to the group. I am the Herbalist, the call me Aranea. Egric told her that they were here to buy a old map. She said, ah, I just happen to have one here somewhere. She said that: I need 1000 GP, to repair the roof on the cottage. I also need to make children any male seed will do, one night is all I ask. If you help me, the map is yours.

The group elected Crow to help the Aranea with her small problem, the rest went outside to chop wood, while Crow came to her bed chamber. The Aranea cast several spells. Crows clothing flew off him, and he felt suddenly very passionately and aroused. In a husky voice she said: this may sting. To his credit Crow did not cry -out. For hours they stayed inside the cottage, what happened no one knows except the Aranea and Crow. Meanwhile the group chopped wood and wondered, if they should rescue their friend from unimaginable torture? They decided on chopping wood. Finally deep into the night, the Aranea exited the cottage. A half-hour later an exhausted Crow came out. She said smiling, your friend is very strong! The group purchased the map from her for 500 GP, and staid at the Cottage till morning.

After breakfast, they journeyed back to Korvosa. They ran into the same Hermit they saw on the road earlier in the month. The spoke of the virtues of goats and ate a pork lunch with the strange man. Then they proceeded back to Korvosa. In Korvosa they ventured to the Jeggare Mesium in the Highland District. Upon delivering the strange map to Mercerville Jeggare and talking to him about it. They met a wizard by name of Agustus that joined them. The only thing that they could tell about the map, is that there was a side note written in a cryptic language that said "Thassilonian or Thassilon". They found out that the queen is seeking the whereabouts of Trinia Sabor. They herd a story about wondrous sword artifacts, and headed off to the Three Ring Tavern to drink.

There they drank and spoke to Tauk Par, about Korvosa's recent events, all but Egric that is. The jovial barbarian bouncer and the group whispered quietly, about Blackjack, the queen and the events of resent days. They were careful and discrete not to be overheard. After getting drunk, they went upstairs to sleep it off. [To be Continued]

February 21st, 2017, 09:23
keep up the good work dellanx

February 21st, 2017, 12:05
keep up the good work dellanx

Thanks for your support damned. I have FG/Pathfinder withdrawal all week. Finally have 7 players, 2 persons from Chicago, 1 in Scotland, 2 in Australia and 2 somewhere in the USA. This is great fun, thank to FG this is possible! If only FG was 64 bit, I have the whole adventure in one area, if I was to do it again, I would break it up.

Slowly learning the FG software, learning about extensions, and learning more about pathfinder. Few months ago added TS3, now we are adding Sound thanks to DOE Sound extension and Syrianscape. Awesome!

February 26th, 2017, 07:47
Session 26:

The city guard have not found the fugitives as far as you know. Over the past 8 days the events have unfolded before. You have rested, but are tired from long days of helping the needy. Sylva has been buried next to her mother, and Katlin has returned home. The group has not been summoned by Field Marshal Cressida Kroft in over eight days. It is evening close to midnight, you are all going to bed. It has been raining in the streets and the wanted signs for Trinia Sabor have been getting wet, and quite hard to discern.

The night of Abidius 30 near Midnight. The group hears thunder. The thunder repeats over and over again. Katlin wakes up and turns over. Crow wakes up and cuddles Esmarelda, she kisses him, turns and goes back to sleep. They all go back to sleep.

In the morning, they go downstairs. Crow wakes up alone, he looks around. Then there is a knock on his door. The others come down stairs, they hear rumors of a ship sunk in the Jeggar river. Crow opens the door and sees Esmarelda he tugs her near, and she says there was a ship of pirates sunk last night in the Jeggar river near midnight. That was not thunder that was the sound of trebuchet missiles. The others learn that: A pirate ship full of raiders was sunk last night, and Magnimar sent a ship full of raiders, it was sunk last night in the river.

After deciding to search for the truth. The party learned that:

A sinister-looking ship refused inspection as it sailed into the river. When it neared North Bridgeand still failed to make its intentions known, the watch fired upon and destroyed it.
None of the guardsmen who signaled or shouted out to the ship received a response. Some say that no one was on board at all.

In the Three Ring Tavern, they see some Korvosan Guards, excited about last nights events. They are clapping a young guard on the shoulders. The young guard, Jakkem apparently sunk the ship. After a late dinner and ale, and more ale, the party turned in for the night.

In the morning they received a visit from Grau Suldado. He asked the group to come with him to take a look at his niece, apparently his niece Brienna has fell sick. Her mother hired a herbalist to cure her, but Grau does not put faith in such remedies. He asks the group for their help. The part head out of the city, and run into two Yeth hounds. The hounds manage to initially disparage some of the PCs. Katlin, Egric and Augustus run away scared. The rest of the group attack the foul creatures. After a brutal fight, the hounds die, but they almost killed Shadow. Eliera cures Hanma and Shadow, and the party travel the rest of the way to Tayce's home.

Grau knocks and enters the small home. Grau says this is my sister's home. Her name is Tayce. Her children are Charlo, Relo and Brienna. Charlo and Rello are playing quietly in the living room. Grau says: Tayce must be upstairs with Brienna. You hear spasm of ragged coughing fills the house from above. There is noise in the kitchen, as if a pot is boiling. As you look in the kitchen, a man is in there steeping and brewing some herbs. He looks at you and says, hello I am Ishani Dhatri, an acolyte from the Bank of Abadar. The concoction that smells of cinnamon and anise. Upon seeing the man still there, Grau is obviously displeased and goes upstairs.

The part find out that Ishani cant cure the girl, because the Suldado's can't afford his churches fee. Katlin is furious, she tries to intimidate the priest, but he gently reasures her that if there was a way he would do a such a thing. Meanwhile Eliera asks to see the girl when Tayce comes down. Eliera follows Tayce, with Ishani close behind. Katlin is furious with the priest. Eliera tries to diagnose the affliction but fails. She the studies it further and recognizes it for a very virulent disease. She attempts to cure the girl but fails. She waits 8 hours and tries again. Then she studies 8 more hours and finally manages to cure her.

Brienna wakes up and looks for her Mommy! The mother and daughter cry with joy. The mother hugs the group, and goes below to cook a feast in there honor. The feel at the Suldado home is that of joy and gratitude. Isshani suggests that some of his more charitable work sometimes requires the aid of those outside his church's rigid hierarchies, and asks if the PCs might be amenable to him contacting them in the future. He tells you that he can be found at the Grand Vault of Abadar should they have any need of his god's services. Isshani bows to them and goes.

Egric asks Tayce, if they may use a room upstairs. The group proceed upstairs, and Zellara appears. She does a Harrow card reading, and provides dire warning about the past, present and future. Zellara finishes and disappears.

Soon after Zellara disappears, and Tayce comes in. Katlin asks her, dont you bother knocking. Tayce blushes, I usually do, but this note may be important. She hands Karlin a not that says:

Note: My good friends, come tonight to Orisini Academy. I have several important matters to pose to you. Vencarlo Orisini.

March 5th, 2017, 08:37
Session 27:

The group left Tayce's home close to Midnight on Friday, Calistril the 1st of 4708 AR, and proceeded to the Orsini Academy. After entering the city of Korvosa, they found a dead body bear a fountain, and were attacked by gargoils. After killing the gargoils, they found a large purse on the corpse. They notified the guards near the Northbridge Gate that they found the body, and after showing the body to the guards, they proceeded to the academy.

At the academy they were greeted by Vencarlo Orisini, he brought them into a parlor, and introduced his guest Trinia Sabor. He told them the following:

"You were all at the Queen's debacle, so I don't doubt you recognize this charming young woman. I had only just reached my home the night of Her Majesty's morbid gala when that rogue Blackjack and this startled woman arrived at my doorstep. The people's hero and I have had some dealings in the past, but still, it's been some years since I've seen the scoundrel. He was quick with his words, and soon swooped off-doubtlessly to right some other festering wrong-but not before entrusting Miss Sabor into my protection and care. Although I don't know Blackjack's motives or politics, I trust his judgment and have seen much right done by his blade. He says the girl is innocent of the crime she's been accused of, and I'm more disposed to trust a hero of the city than the tantrums of some bloody-minded harlot playing at queen.

"The matter is simple: Korvosa is no longer safe for Miss Sabor. I've arranged for friends in Harse-a couple of wellrespected ranchers-to take in our beautiful renegade until this whole 'assassination' foolishness blows over. Its the first leg of the journey where we find our problem, though. Both the Korvosan Guard and the Sable Company have been searching for the young lady tirelessly-they've stopped by here three times so far, and each time I've only just barely been able to turn them away without inviting a search. My most reliable contacts have gone to ground in light of the recent uprisings, and Her Highness's considerable bounty for Trinia's capture makes the use of new agents inadvisable. Thus, after some time to let her trail cool, I turned to you resourceful lot. Care to escort a lady home?"

After some trepidation, and the cleric Eliera verifying Trinia's story with a zone of truth spell, the group agreed to disguise Trinia to lead her out of the city. Egric wanted to know if Vencarlo is actually Blackjack, and Vencarlo said he is not. Trinia was disguised as an Elf and led to Trails End to Egric's sister' gangs hide out, where Egric's father-in-law Ersta was waiting to take the girl to the Village of Harse.

The party went back to the Three Ring's Tavern. At the tavern the group notice more and more people coughing, it is quite alarming. As they are drinking and having breakfast, a Cleric of Abadar comes in asking for them. The cleric wishes them to come with him to see Ishani Ditri, the priest they met at the little girl's house. The group goes to the temple, only to find out that a mob is around the temple demanding healing. Quite upset that the clerics of Abadar are refusing to heal the sick, the group is afraid to go through the crowd. The priest wants them to push through the crowd, the group is not so sure. Eliera wants to heal them all, Katlin does not wish to start a blood bath. Egric wants to know what to do, it is a mess, pandemonium really. They send in the raven to talk to Ishani, the raven returns and says Ishani wishes the group to help him get to see Field Marshal Cressida Kroft. Eliera casts detect evil, that when the crowd notice and presses against them. Finally this priest with them convinces to push through the crowd.

On the other side, they get to see Ishani. He says that he will pay them 200 gp each for escorting him to see Field Marshal Cressida Kroft. Egric says "Are you kidding, are we so cheap". The priest convinces the group that it is a fair deal. After some grumbling, they take him to see the field marshal for the money. Katlin asked Ishani to use her share to heal a child. On the way to Castle Volshyenek, the party runs into three Skeletal Champions. After a fight, they defeat them, and journey to the Castle. The "Blood Veil" plaig rages through Korvosa, the city looks doomed! [To be Continued]

March 12th, 2017, 09:36
Session 28:

After the fight with the skeletons, reaching Citadel Volshyenek poses little problem, despite Ishani's fear to the contrary. As you noticed on the way, many in the city attempt to conduct life as normal, stilted mumbling and quiet conversations replace the raucous chatter of any normal business day, as if noise might attract the plague's lethal notice.

Ishani the cleric of Abadar was so happy that he gave the group an additional 350 GP. The guards at the gate told the PCs that some sort of parade meeting was being held by the Field Marshal in the southern court yard.

The echoes of forcefully spoken but still just-missed words resound off the imposing granite and iron walls of Citadel Volshyenek's outer curtain. Dozens of red-and-silver-armored guards stand in assembly upon the pitted stone mustering ground here, mumbling in hushed, somber tones.

Before them, atop a weathered wooden platform, paces Field Marshal Kroft, her eyebrows arched sternly as she momentarily tolerates the crowd's murmurs. Behind her upon the scaffold stand three grizzled veteran guardsmen at attention, as well as an ominous-looking group.

These men wear cowled robes of oily-looking leather, supple gloves, and wide black hats. Some grip heavy canes, others dark satchels. Each of them, though, wears a dark-goggled mask tapering to a pointed beak. Among them stand two others. The first is a middle aged gentleman in a simple black overcoat with streaks of white gracing the sides of his short dark hair. He watches the gathered guards with a soft, concerned expression, his hands tightly clasping a heavy-looking doctor's case. The second figure is an imposing one indeed-a woman dressed in full-plate armor, a longsword and shield at her side, and her blank-faced full helm sporting a bright red plume.

The Field Marshal's fierce tone cuts through the rumble of whispers. "You will escort Doctor Davaulus and his men in their royal duties wherever those might take them. Furthermore, you are to consider orders from any of the queen's new order of Gray Maidens to be as binding as any superior officer in the Korvosan Guard or Sable Company. You are guardsmen of Korvosa. You will not balk. These are dire times and your city needs these healers. Your city needs you. Your patrol leaders have your assignments. Dismissed!"

As the assembly ends, the guardsmen gathered in the courtyard break up into groups, many reporting for various duties while others loiter for a few moments to quietly gripe about their new orders. The armored woman, one of the queen's aforementioned Gray Maidens, quickly organizes the guards, silencing bickering words with harsh commands and assigning orders for the day.

Kroft and her veteran attendants begin to head into the citadel with Dr. Davaulus and his Queen's Physicians.
Ishani asks Kroft: if he might be of service in coordinating the efforts of the Grand Vault of Abadar with those of the city. She says: thank you Priest Ishani, please join us in this coordination meeting. The commander looks at you and thanks each one of you personally. If you excuse us, we have to go join the meeting. She winks at you, and says I will be in contact with you soon.

After about 15 hours, a guard is sent to the PCs waiting at the Citadel. They meet with the Field Marshal, and find out that the carters have been dumping corpses in Rackner's alley.

The PCs head off to Old Korvosa to Rackner's alley. There they engage a bunch of blood sucking fiends, in an alley and house near a stinking pile of corpses. After a long and bloody fight they stake ten vampire spawn inside the house.

March 26th, 2017, 14:38
Session 29:

The group found themselves in a middle of a carnal toy shop, with dead staked vampires all around them, as if sleeping they are. Eliera suggested that their head are cut off, and holy water is poured inside their mouths. After this grizzly task was done by Crow, and the other reluctant heroes, they searched the shop. They found gold, a pearl and a key to vault 261 at the vault of Abadar.

It is early morning, on Calistril the 3rd, 4708, the city looks a very different place. The plaig is taking its toll on the citizens of the city. They gladly leave the Old Korvosan toy shop, and head to the Bank of Abadar. At the bank of Abadar they ask the Guards to summon Ishani Dhatri, when he shows up and ushers them into the bank, they ask him for special healing for Egric and Hanma. The vampires somehow made them weaker. Ishani, shared with the group that he was writing a letter to them, and that he would be glad to help them. After an examination, he told his superior would have to perform the special healing. When he returned he was with the Grand Banker of Abadar. The high priest performed the level restoration on the two unfortunate adventurers after terms were reached.

Then Ishani shared his mission: A woman named Vendra that owns Levender Perfumery claims to have discovered a cure for blood veil. I ask you to visit her perfumery to determine if her claim is legitimate. I am offering 500 gp in payment for a full report. Ishani.

Immediately the group went of to the Highland District. On the way there they ran in to a pickpocket, after he failed in pick pocketing Augustus, Katlin tackled him. Thoroughly demoralized, the hungry man thanked them for not taking his life, after all he was hungry. They warned him not to steal, and Egric gave him few coins and told him the directions to a soup kitchen shelter.

They arrived outside the Lavender, Vendra Loaggri's perfumery. A line of 50 plus customers are outside the shop. A guard is seen through the window keeping an eye on things. After brief questioning of the crowd, the group explores the near by alley. They find the entrance to the shop, and a ladder that goes up to the second floor. The guard inside the shop refuses to let them in. Meanwhile Crow and Katlin walk upstairs and find Vendra Loaggri the proprietress living in a plush apartment modeled after a noblewoman's boudoir. They tell her who they are, and she offers them tea. She is nonplussed by their questioning, and tells them that she needs to go to change. Then she heads to the shop, to open at 9 am sharp.

Business is good, she sells Lavender's Luxuriant Liniment for 2 gp each. The party tries to question Lavender about her the cure, but a man named Solt Carmino, says: Lavender's Luxuriant Liniment not only cured my plague, but soothes the pain in my burned leg! Katlin manages to intimidate him, and he says that he was hired to say that, but his leg does feel better.

Lavender says that Solt is advertisement for a successful product, and the customers keep coming and buying the little vials.

Egric finds a secret door in Lavender's bedroom, and gets Hanma. They go in, and Egric sneaks up on a man mixing the medicine in the bottom of an old canoe. Egric hits the man over the head with his sap, and after Hanma joins them, the Thug spills the beans on Lavender.

They go back and confront the snake charm proprietress, and she caves in. They head to the bank of Abadar and report to Ishani Dhatri, the priest of Abadar with their prisoner. Vendra Loaggri's confesses to her crimes and the Abadarian thanks the PCs. The group proceeds to the Citadel Volshyenek to report to Field Marshal Cressida Kroft. She gives them their reward and thanks them for their efficiency and good judgment. Then they go back to the Three Rings Tavern for a well deserved rest.

Little do they know that two day hence, their special services will be required again. The Plaig is not over. [To Be Continued.]

April 2nd, 2017, 07:50
Session 30:

The maid at the Three River Tavern died on the 5th of Calistril, the next morning Tauk Par and the rest of the tavern staff, asked the players to accompany them to the Gray district to inter her body in to the ground. The streets of Korvosa seem to be quite, just carters bringing dead to the Gray.

At the gray in the pauper's cemetery, Tauk and Katlin dough a shallow grave, and put he body in it. Tauk said few words: "She was a joys' being, full of life, she was taken from us. I am half-shaunti, I don't believed in gods, I believe in spirits. I pray to the spirits.
Esmarelda is one of those spirits now, up there with the stars and the sun, then moon and the clouds. He took some dirt and puts it into the hole over Esmarelda's body. Then he stepped back. Crow says, I loved you in my fashion. Eliera says here here! Everyone says: "Amen!

On the way out you see the cleric of Abadar, Ishtani. He tells you someone wishes to meet you, and that he wishes to help the group find a cure. As the plague goes into full swing, disposal of the dead becomes even more problematic. The city takes to burning the dead in huge mass graves in the Gray District, and plumes of rancid black smoke become a common sight on the southern skyline. Man are digging a mass grave near by, unfortunately, one mass grave opens into a ghoul warren, releasing a nest of angry ghouls and ghasts into the city's graveyard. A fight starts, some laborers are killed, but many escape. After a while, the fight is over.

Ishtani thank the group for the help, many more would have died if not for your intervention. He gives them a wand of Remove Disease with 7 charges.

Mousy looking woman shows up and says, saw the whole thing, you are just the ones I been seeking. My name is Eries Yelloweyes. I have heard of your exploits, and would like to ask you for your help. I am worried that my kind, wererat, may be blamed for the plague. Several recent events are leading both top dwellers and lycantropes to a bloody war, if things are not stopped. Midland citizens discovered a foolish, alleyprowling wererat and publicly executed him with a silver axe because they thought he started the plague.

Their misguided violence quickly extended to a few Drunken dockworkers entered the sewers to hunt wererats, blaming their problems on the lycanthropes believed to dwell below. They found nothing was found. Used to fear and abuse, most wererats respond to the attacks by abandoning their dens and hiding elsewhere in the city. One wererat, however, a firebrand called Girrigz Ripperclaws, refuses to do so, instead calling his kin to war against the weakened humans above. I have seen much suffering in my time, including devastating government-directed rat-purges, a return of which I fears Girrigz's warmongering ways could quickly incite. I have tried to talk sense to the violent wererat and his gang having failed. I come to you beacause the Korvosan Guard recomends you, and said you may help. I am proud of my lycanthropic blood (she explains), but something must be done about Girrigz before more lives are lost.
Please speak with him and, if necessary, offer him an example of the force the city will doubtlessly employ should his rebelliousness continue. I beg you not to kill my people if it can be avoided, here are the directions to Girrigz's lair beneath Midland. In exchange for their help, I offers you the spoils of his camp and, once they've disbanded his ragtag army, information on what might be the true reason for Korvosa's plague.

After a discussion of what she is able to offer, the adventurers, this time active and willing go off into the sewer. They soon run into a shriker inside the sewer. They fight three dire rats and a shriker. The they proceed west through the disgusting place. Egric scouts and enters the next chamber. He attacked a warerat, and more come out from alcoves near by. Sivath tries to reason with them rats. Crow offers them terms and Egric. But the wererats are adamant, they insult the human race, the humans as a whole and the queen of Korvosa. They say other unmentionable words, and keep attacking.

Sivath and Egric hear words from the south: "So hungeries" and "Caught by mean rat hoomans." as they fight the wererats, a Otyugh comes from the south down another channel. [To be Continued]....

April 9th, 2017, 06:48
Session 31:

The group was engaged with several ware rats, as a Otyugh a very hungry Otyugh came from the south. It attacked the rat man yelling "Hungryyyy".

The rats fough and bit, afraid of the big garbage disposal thing with tentacles. To mak matters worse for them they were trapped by the grease that Sivath cast.

From the north came more ware rats, and there lycanthrope leader. Lycanthrope, Girrigz a very angry nasty being.

He said: I am Girrigz always hated the place of his people, feeling trapped beneath the boots of Korvosa's people above. Backstaber! Pointed Ears! More than once I have tried, the rebellious wererat snuck up onto the streets to take out his hatred on beggars and other unsuspecting humans, predations as just revenge. Now your here, filth.
Less than a year ago, I took two silver crossbow bolts from a well-equipped Korvosan Guardsman who came upon him savaging a dockside tramp, I killed him slowly, I will kill you all!

The fight became very nasty and mean, the rat man were all teeth and nasty jowl. Their leader went for Sivath, as she moved back Eliera stepped in and held off the mad fiend.

The fight lasted only a short time, but it seemed like hours. Finally the Lycanthrope, Girrigz went down, and the Otyugh wishing for more food attacked the party. It died where it stood.

Relived and tired, and some a bit sickened, they searched Girrigz and found a rapier, chainmail, and two potions. [To be Continued...]

April 23rd, 2017, 08:12
Session 32:

In the sewers below the city, the party searched Girrigz's corpse and the rest of his warren. They found lots of mundane items, and some magical items among the spoils. Katlin cut the lycanthrope leader's head off as proof of a task accomplished. The group decided to go back to the temple of Abadar with their proof.

At the temple, they ran into Ishani and Eries Yelloweyes. Katlin through Girrigz's wrapped head on the ground, and the old woman said, "I guess the negotiations were not a success, I doubted that they would cooperate.

Thank you for help you lent my people. I have come to give you the information I promised. It is fortunate, that my group has several sewer tunnels empty into the Jeggare River below the Wall of Eodred. The night a black-sailed ship was sunk before reaching the harbor, several of my brethren were watching. They saw nothing on the ship except for a yellow light, but once it sank, strange debris drifted from its hull. Tracking down some of the flotsam, the wererats discovered a few small boxes filled with dead rats and a few pouches of silver coins conveniently bound to floating timbers. Suspecting that something was wrong with the rats, and scenting some foulness upon the coins, my bretheren lycanthropes kicked the debris back into the river.

When asked if Eries thought that the ship caused the plague, she said: "I do not believe that the ship's sinking, the strange flotsam, and the advent of the plague are mere coincidence.

The next day the 7th of Calistril, Egric became sick. Eliera had to remove disease three times before she was successful. The group proceeded to the river bank. The priests of Abadar cast water breathing on them, and warned them that they had 10 hours.

After a 20 minute walk along the bottom of the slowly moving Jeggare river with Sivath being pulled by a rope, the group finally found the ship, when Egric said: "I think I see something up ahead.

In the murky water Sivath cast light, and they saw: "The front portion of the ship broke away and landed awkwardly here, revealing two splintered decks inside. Its bowsprit shattered and decks filled with debris, the vessel bears an ominous moniker along its fire-scarred hull: Direption.

They wondered what name is the Direption, and where it was from. Hanma kept heading up a rock, when an Eel attacked him. The eels came by out of the broken hold. After a short but a brutal fight, all the eels were dead.

The party thought it was strange that there was no food stores, or products here. They proceeded up to the main deck, and found a swollen grate door. Crow busted it open with Katlin's help. As soon as they did, they were beset by a shark in the hold, and another from the other side. A hag came to the aid of the sharks, and only with the healing of Eliera, did Crow not die. The sharks died, and the sea hag, tried to escape by turning into a shark and died. They searched the sea hag, and then entered an area where a hag may have lived. Several bent metal bed frames and glass-paned cabinets lie shattered across the floor of the room. The room swirls with a haze of gore, fish heads, and half-eaten eels chumming the circling waters.. Here Egric and Katlin find a chest, that Egric opens and all the precious paper floats out and is destroyed by the water. The group also find a second box, and they decide that they will open the box where it is dry.

They go outside, and find what looks like the Captain's cabin. Along with a few other bits of ruined furnishings, the scorched sheets of a canopied bed twist like ghosts above the snapped wooden bed frame. Knotted amid the linens, a drowned corpse wearing the birdlike mask of a Queen's Physician twirls in the current. He is wearing a Physician's mask. On the corpse they also find a what they think is a brass holy symbol. Eliera gasps, it is a symbol of Urgotha. [To be Continued].

April 23rd, 2017, 08:13
Session 33:

In the Captains Cabin of the Direption the party of heroes traded water around the dead body. They decided to take the items they found and the dead man with them back to shore, where Eliera could speak with dead. There Egric opened the death head's coffer and realized the silver coins and the dead rats are infected like Eries Yelloweyes described.

On shore, Egric, Katlin and Crow took watch. At first Egric heard a bar brawl, then Katlin realized that Stirges were attacking the party. They all woke up as the little blood sucking fiends attached themselves to Egric and Eliera. Soon there were eight pair of wings on the ground. After resting Eliera cast Speak With Dead and got no answer. They decided to take the corpse to Ishani the Priest of Abadar.

Late on Calistril the 7th, they arived at the Bank of Abadar. Ishani greeted the adventurers, they explained what happened [See Session 32], and asked Ishani to cast Speak With dead on the corpse. Ishani did, and the spoke with the dead man:

Ishani: Who are you?

Corpse: I was on the Direption, who is this? I sank in the Jeggare river with the ship? I am dead a corpse?


Rois Vindmel: I am Rois Vindmel, I served Urgathoa as an acolyte in the service of Lady Andaisin.

Ishani: What were you doing on the Dereption?

Rois Vindmel: I was told to bring boxes to Korvosa, Andaisin volunteered her servant for the mission. I was unable to decline the will of my cult's icy high priestess.
I, Rois oversaw the loading of dozens of death's head coffers onto the commandeered ship. I expected to land in the harbor and off load. I was never told that my journey would bring down the ire of Korvosa's defenders, or that this mission was intentionally suicidal. I realized when we entered the river that I have been had. I was alone the rest of the Red Mantis crew must have abandoned ship.

Ishani: What happened next?

Rois Vindmel: Working furiously but alone, I managed to guide the ponderous ship up around Old Korvosa, but was unable to maneuver the ship close enough to land to swim for shore. When the Korvosan Guard opened fire, I retreated below decks, where he discovered the infectious nature of the cargo and realized that he had been played for a fool. I drowned not long thereafter as the ship sank into the river.
The dead man had little else of value that he could share with the living. He closed his eyes and went to rest at last. Ishani bought the Plague Bringer's mask and the Death Head Coffer and promised to discuss these finds and the corpse with Field Marshal Kressida Croft.

The group then went to see Phaeton Skota, at his magic shop. They had him identify gear, and sold items they did not wish to keep. Then they went back to the Three Rings Tavern for some rest. Tauk Par told them that a young girl he knows, has been waiting to see them.

My name is Deyanira Mirukova, I been looking for you because I am desperate and need your aid. My brother Ruan (Deyanira) barely holds herself together as she tells you the following: Several days ago, Ruan came home excitedly, delighted that he had been personally requested to perform at a private masquerade at Carowyn Manor, home of the well-known patrons of the arts. He bought a new outfit, practiced a challenging new arrangement, and left early the evening of the event. That was several days ago and the last time that I saw him.

When Ruan didn't return the entire next day, I went to the Carowyn estate, only to find it seemingly abandoned-its entrance locked, its windows tightly curtained, and a sickly smell issuing from behind the heavy door. Next I went to the Korvosan Guard, but they proved unable or unwilling to help, their efforts being stretched past the breaking point already without the added concern of hunting down a single missing performer amid a city of plague victims. I didn't know where to turn.

Egric said: Ok Ok, the girl gratefully hugged every one of the adventurers, glad that they are truly good people, and she did not have to sell her body to raise the funds to find her brother.

The next morning she took them to the site of the mansion.

A stately, gabled manor along Shoreline Way, Carowyn Manor serves as the in-town home of Olauren and Ausio Carowyn. Built for entertaining, the estate includes the manor house itself, a smaller servants' residence, and a meticulously manicured garden-complete with gazebo and pond full of Ember Lake charigs (tiny salamanders that glow in the dark). Festooned with cinderberry garlands and bright red drapes, the limestone facade of Carowyn Manor faces Shoreline Way. The main door looks sturdy, of Bloodsworn mahogany. The door is locked.

They climbed over or jumped over the hedge and after exploring the luxurious garden, Egric went to scout the 1st floor. A massacre took place here. Upon the marble floor and heaped in the corners lie more than a dozen corpses, each clad in garish outfits of sequined velvet, revealing silk, and colorful feathers. Masks of all shapes and sizes- each competing with the last in terms of elaborateness-adorn the dead. In several cases, though, these fanciful adornments have fallen away, revealing withered flesh covered in nauseating facial tumors. Most horrifyingly, upon bloodslick space cleared at the room's center sway three couples, jerking like hellish dancers, all obviously dead.

He ran into zombies in a dining room. He went to tell his friends, but the zombies found him. The adventurers heard a woman's voice say: "New Pets Fun!" Then they fought the zombies on the tight cramped quarters, then after killing the undead dead again, and again, and again, they went into the house.

Egric found a stairway into the basement, and as they descended they heard a woman say: "Are you there my pets?"

Egric listened at the newly found door, and heard breathing. A man said, who is there? Are you alive or a thing? Or her the she devil elf? Katlin said he is not a zombie. The man opened the door, after he was convinced that they were alive. A well-stocked wine rack and several large casks line the walls of this stuffy cellar. A small wooden door squats in the southeastern corner.

"We were greeting the Westerkiers when a stranger burst in, quite uninvited, dressed as something of a harlot-harlequin. She opened fire on my guests with her crossbow, laughing all the while in the most frightful, shrill way. They sickened and collapsed with shocking rapidity-whatever venom she coated those bolts with can only be blood veil!"
Ausio inquires: What happened to my wife?

We just got here Katlin says, we will look for her. Do you wish to stay here or wish to be escorted out? This is my home, I will stay here, Ausio says.

The group went upstairs and went east into a smaller room, to encounter two more of the undead, dressed in gay festive apparel. As they fought and killed the dead things, a bolt hit Crow in the back, and the woman laughed and ran out of sight. She left the door open, and crow looked and saw more zombies in the next room. [To be Continued...]

April 23rd, 2017, 16:45
Nice sounds like a great game but I run a game every other Saturday in almost the same time slot PST. To bad be nice to play for a change again too.

April 23rd, 2017, 21:13
Nice sounds like a great game but I run a game every other Saturday in almost the same time slot PST. To bad be nice to play for a change again too.

If you ever wish to pinch hit let me know, sometimes some players cant make it, so some players run more then one character.

April 24th, 2017, 00:45
That sounds good I am running on every other Saturday with my next game for 4/29/2017 and then every two weeks after is the planned schedule. So if you need a Body PM me here and I'll give you my email.

April 30th, 2017, 08:05
Session 34:

A the Carowyn Manor, the group realized that A massacre took place here. Upon the marble floor and heaped in the corners lie more than a dozen corpses, each clad in garish outfits of sequined velvet, revealing silk, and colorful feathers. Masks of all shapes and sizes- each competing with the last in terms of elaborateness-adorn the dead. In several cases, though, these fanciful adornments have fallen away, revealing withered flesh covered in nauseating facial tumors. Most horrifyingly, upon blood slick space cleared at the room's center sway three couples, jerking like hellish dancers, all obviously dead. As they fought the zombies, Crow was attacked by a bolt from the North.

An elf dressed in a harlequin custom ran out of sight. The party chased her into a room full of zombies. She rained on them bolts and spells as they fought the zombies, from a balcony above. The Elf up the stairs yells obsenities, she obviously enjoyed her work.

She yells: New play things, so nice to make more Zombies! Or I murdered the majority of the pompous fools in the great hall. Don't you love how well they dance in the the otherwise silent hall? or I never made a wolf into a zombie, lets try! She tried to kill Crow, and yelled An elf zombie, now that is an Idea.

Crow ever a gentleman ran upstairs, Hanma right behind him followed by Egric. Crow was attacked by his friend Hanma after he ran for the Elf in a Harlequin outfit.

Hanma hit his friend and then Crow said, Hey!, and Egric tackled Hanma. Crow then tackled the Elf, whose name he later learned was Jolistina Susperio. While the party tried to tie up Jolistina Susperio and Hanma, Jolistina Susperio made remarks about the Elf being on top of her as she tried to trough him off the balcony with her hips. While she tried to get him off, she asked him if he rode all his ladies this persistently? Crow managed, to stay on top of her.

After the group caught up to them, they eventually tied Hunma and Jolistina Susperio up, but not without blushing a few shades of red at the language that Jolistina Susperio used. She was obviously a raving lunatic. Crow got up, and shook the dust and muck off. Jolistina Susperio glared at them, she thretened to tare their private parts out and asked to be released. She raved and scremed, and only after Katlin threatened her with incarceration did she listen. Jolistina Susperio tried to ask to be freed after she told them all she knew, Sivath promised to free her on behalf of the group, and the others mumbled.

Finally, Jolistina Susperio seeing little choice decided to tell it all.

Jolistina Susperio : I am here on Rolth's oreders. He sent me to kill several "rich bastards" who were scheduled to attend the party here- the others (including the manor's servants) were just bonuses.

Katlin: Why did he want them dead?

Jolistina Susperio: I don't know why he wanted them dead, but she suspects it is something his new employer wanted, as Rolth wouldn't have known any of these sorts.

Katlin: Who is his employer?

Jolistina says: I don't know who Rolth's employer is, but I don't like him, as he, or she-an infuriating possibility (you see the anger in her eyes), has kept the necromancer holed up in some hidden laboratory somewhere in the city, away from my tender loving body.

Katlin: Where is Rolth's laboratory?

Jolistina Susperio: I have no idea where it is, I have barely heard from Rolth for weeks except for a brief visit the morning after she crashed the party.

Katlin: Was Ruan here, a Varisian lad, red hair, actor?

Jolistina says: I don't recognize his name, but can you describe him?

She giggles as she admits that Rolth asked to capture any young, healthy-looking Varisians she might run into, and to keep them under wraps but alive for Rolth to collect.
Ruan was the only Varisian at the masquerade, and I dutifully restrained him until Rolth showed up to assess her work.

The necromancer seemed very pleased and had the two heavily armored women with him carry the youth off to who-knows where.

Then Jolistina Susperio asked to be released, but Egric and Crow refused, even though Sivath argued for her, the group finally decided to take her to the Field Marshal Cressida Kroft.

They brought poor Ausio Carowyn to the shelter, the poor man lost his mind when he heard about his wives death. Then they proceeded to the Citadel Volshyenek to meet with the Field Marshal.

At her office they tell her about what transpired at the Carowyn Manor. On and on they told of the horrors that Rolth and his Harlequin pet lover Jolistina. The field Marshal listens and has the guards take Jolistina into custody. She then says this to them:

Field Marshal Cressida Kroft: As you are aware, the Korvosan Guard, the Sable Company and the Order of the Nail, of the Hell Knights have been busy dealing with the effects of this plague. Ishani Dhatri of the Church of Abadar has delivered to me the items you found on the wreck of the Direption.

Field Marshal Cressida Kroft: The death's head coffer means this plague is not divine origin, but orchestrated by mortal hands. The plague bringer mask implicates, enough said who it implicates. I don't know who to trust in the Korvosan Government, therefore I turn to you. You have never failed me yet.

Field Marshal Cressida Kroft: There is no official budget for this mission, I hate to asks another task of you, you who have saved thousand's of Korvosan lives by your brave deeds. However if you succeed you will save thousands more.

Field Marshal Cressida Kroft: I am not accusing anyone, I wish you to investigate "gently" or "in force" Dr. Davaulus and the Queen's Physicians. I have information on their headquarters whereabouts. They operate out of "The Hospice of the Blessed Maiden" in Midlands.

Field Marshal Cressida Kroft: If they are really physicians or not, I would like to know. I am sure the Queen would be generous to anyone that brings this plague to a swift end.

She identifies the location of the Hospice on the city map, and the party head of to the Three Ring Tavern, for much needed rest.

May 7th, 2017, 08:02
Session 35:

The group met up at the Three Rings Tavern. Eliera rested and tried to heal her friends, but it took 6 casts to actually remove Hanma's and Crows Blood Veil, which used up two charges from her wand. Then she rested to regain her spells. On the evening of Calistril the 8th, Deyanira Mirukova visited. She asked the party if they found her brother Ruan. They told her no, but neither was he there. The did not tell her that a Varisian youth matching his description was taken away by Rolth and and possibly the Gray Maidens.

Next morning, they went to Pheton's shop, sold some items and Katlin with the help of the group bought a Belt of Giant Strength +4. Some potions and a scroll of raise dead was also acquired.

The headed the Hospice of the Blessed Maiden. They observed patients going in, but none coming out. The stinging scent of alcohol and medicine floods this dingy reception room, an odor typical to hospices, morgues, and battlefields. Across from the entrance sits a long wooden desk, beyond which a stained leather curtain covers an open archway, muffling moans from beyond. A burly nurse sits at the desk. She is wearing three scarves over her mouth and nose, and wearing heavy leather gloves. Therly nurse, that would not let them in, even when they said they were agents of the crown and showed their official badges.

They went outside and decided to comeback disguised. They got a plaguebringer mask from the Field Marshal, and Hanma were his new glamoured armor which made him look like a peasant, even Egric used his best disguise skills to make himself and Hanma look sick. They walked inside and the nurse challenged them, but this time Katlin rounded on her and the nurse pissed herself with fear. They tied her up with her own scarves and went inside through the curtains.

The warehouse's vast interior has been converted into one gigantic convalescent's ward, the stench of alcohol, sickness, and waste choking each breath. Tight rows of low, stained cots cram the stone-floored hall. Every bed is filled with a pitiful story-men and women of all walks groaning and wheezing as they're consumed by blood veil, their sufferings multiplied by the echoing chamber. Amid the sick hover four dark-robed Queen's Physicians, their avian masks giving them an unnerving resemblance to crows waiting to feed. The closest Gray Maiden moves up toward you and asks you to leave, since they were coming in the Gray Maidens from above started firing their bows.

Eliera was hit, then things happened very fast. As the arrows rained down and missed, the patients were hit by them. Several miserable beings died. The maiden and the queen's physicians died first in the main area. Hanma found a warehouse through the north curtain. Sivath cast Silent Image to make a bridge, which blocked the Gray Maiden's view on the balcony. One maiden stepped on the bridge and fell 20 plus feet below. The others yelled that they could not see. Eliera healed the group, while the party killed the maiden that fell from above. They then started up the stairs. [To Be Continued...]

May 14th, 2017, 06:34
Session 36:
The group raced upstairs to the catwalk, there they encounter two Gray Maidens. After killing them, they stripped the corpses of their enemies and laid their equipment in the warehouse on the first floor. They tried to gain entry into the room on the west side of the stairs up, but no luck.

They proceeded up the stairs to the 2nd floor. Egric tried to open the door leading inside, but he just could not pick the lock, so Katlin with the help of Crow broke the door down. Crow ran into the room, and was attacked by the Gray Maiden. Soon the group was embroiled in another bloody fight with Gray Maiden's and Queen's Physicians. Crow though he heard a door to the North of them open then close, and after the fight Egric found a small room there with a panel, with two buttons and one missing button.

They went south and found a room full of cots, and an operating table, gore, yak and lots of blood and filth. All the beds in this room, are full of patients happy and oblivious, but very weak. A censor in the center of the room puffs out gentle gray smoke. Crow smelled the smoke and became very happy. Egric found an office all the way to the south. While searching the office Egric found a note, describing that a certain number of the Varisian population may be immune to the Blood Veil. Egric pocketed the Note, then proceeded to the small room.

Egric carefully examined the panel and was able to remove one of the buttons, and when everyone was inside the strange little room, he fitted the button in the other hole, and the cubby moved down.

The doors opened up into a large room. All the doors in the room have skeletons with scythes on them. Egric investigated the door to the south, and a Queen's Physician opened the door. After a short but brutal fight, it was over. What to do next? [To be continued...]

May 21st, 2017, 09:20
Session 37:

The group stared at the skeletal double doors, Egric decided to check them for traps, and got scythed by the skeletons for his trouble. A green gas entered the room and green Katlin and Crow started to choke. After a while they felt better, but more reckless. Eliera realized that her companions were poisoned. She also realized that they were not getting worse.

Egric looked into the room to the east, and saw: dozens of the living dead line the walls of this chamber, their rotting faces sneering and broken fingers clawing at each other. A layer of rotting bodies lines the floor, the shattered forms twitching in vain, bones and splintered appendages grasping hopelessly. Yet, rather than some massive, nightmare grave, this horror-show seems instead to be a stomach-churning attempt at art, as the mangled living dead lie trapped behind walls and beneath a floor of thick glass.

Egric checked for traps on the north door, and was able to dodge the scythes this time. They entered a room with masks and robes out on the table and cubicles in this room. They each took a mask and a robe, except Hanma, he glamoured his armor to look like one of these robes. They proceeded east and came to a barracks, in here were several queen's physicians, priest of Urgathoa and skeletons. Egric snick in the room and attacked. After a short but brutal fight, all the group's enemies were dead.

They proceeded south into the room with undead in walls and floor, and rushed through double doors, into an operating room, where zombie like creatures and several still living man languished in pain and misery. Here they fought Rolth and Dr. Davaulus, and their minions. Crow fell to the floor laughing, as the combat was joined. Even though the Urgathoans put up a great fight, they were soon slaughtered. Soon only Rolth and Davaulus remained. Rolth really taxed the party with his spells, but eventually both were defeated, and bound and gagged. The heroes found two yet living man that Eliera healed. They told the heroes that the Temple of Urgothoa is the source of the Blood Vail plague.

They found a prison room to the west that held eight Varisian man and woman, which were resistant to the plague. The party freed them from their cells, and sent them with the two sick man to the Field Marshal Cressida Kroft. They the locked up their prisoners in the cells tied up, and headed north and west to a room with double doors.

They opened the doors to a room with ten foot high catwalks and vats of green goo. Three priest on the catwalk were quickly dispatched, and the party entered the north room.

An elegant operating table dominates the center of this grim laboratory. Crossed with iron restraints and encircled by a gore-encrusted gutter, the macabre device sprouts various cranks and levers, and is large enough to accommodate an ogre. Along the walls stand several tables strewn with all manner of alchemical accoutrements, their contents appearing old in the extreme, with rusted iron tools, beakers of purpled glass, and deep pools of wax from countless melted candles. A young and unconscious man, barely older than twenty winters, lies upon the operating table, bound by its heavy restraints.

The man thing says, Although I seem a monster to you, I have no interest in fighting you. I bears no love for the cult of Urgathoa, the Red Mantis, or the Gray Maidens, if you will leave me be, I will reciprocates the favor, as long as you leave my laboratory immediately. I would rather not relinquish my newest subject, however I will offer to sell the youth to you and leave quietly for the price of 2,000 gp.

Katlin and the rest of the party disagreed, so the nosferatu said: I will welcomes a counter offer, accepting no less than 1,000 gp in coin, magic items, or useful future favors. Katlin said, no you will pay us 2000 GP and give us the boy, and we may let you go.

The nosferatu acknowledges that they are at an impasse and waits patiently for the party to make the next move.

June 4th, 2017, 07:59
Session 38:

The nosferatu Ramoska Arkminos parleyed with the group, they agreed not to fight for his notes, Ruan and the promise that his notes will lead toward an eventual swift cure for the Blood Veil plague. Ramoska Arkminos gathered up his items and teleported out.

The group tied up the doctor and Ruan and left them in the secret room. They went out into the room with catwalks and Egric found a storage room full of zombies. He and Eliera began to fight them. Then they heard a voice of a woman, "Kill them"!

Four demons entered the room, followed by a very sultry Lady Andaisin. She yelled "And so you have found your way to me, hopeful heroes. Know that you stand before the architect of your city's death. You call this sending blood veil, yet I know it as the gentle kiss of the Pallid Princess. Your reward shall be great-choose of the seven scourges to become one with the goddess. Those who drink, I shall only cripple, leaving you alive to enjoy her as she quickens inside your flesh. Those who abstain are fools, not fit to house the divine gift. You may prostrate yourselves at my feet and I shall make your end all the more swift for it. Swifter, in any event, than this delightful end your lovely queen has enjoined me to create!"

A fight ensued, which eventually killed all the demons in the catwalk vat room, and drove Lady Andaisin out of the room. Katlin chased her out into the next room, where there were three more Priest of Urgathoa. Katlin's companion's joined her there one by one.

The reek of burning wax wafts through this morbid chamber, with several tall, misshapen candles being the apparent source. Workspaces strewn with tall beakers of foul-colored liquids, parchments covered in insidious symbols, and cages of whimpering rodents fill large alcoves in both the northern and southern walls. A pair of huge stone doors hang ajar to the east, revealing a long hallway leading further into the dark. At the room's center stand four large, cylindrical glass vats, each filled with a bubbling emerald fluid that tints the chamber's light a noxious green. Within each suspension floats a malformed abomination- something part man, part angel, and part horse-things of half-formed muscle with dead, fleshless equine skulls. Three of the forms are motionless and still, but the fourth twitches now and then with life.

A priest broke the glass cylinder and a horse faced demon stumbled out of it. It cast a spell on Katlin and the red head screamed. Menwhile the high priestess cast obscure mist, and began healing self. Sivath cast gliterdust and the demon and the Lady began to glow.

The horse face demon did more damage and more damage was dealt to it by the party. [To be continued.....]

June 11th, 2017, 08:56
Session 39:

The group found themselves in a fight of their life against two very nasty adversaries: a Leukodaemon that was freed from column of green goo and Lady Andaisin, the High Priestes of Urgothoa. The Leukodaemon opened its mouth and flies pored out. The members of the group moved out of the cone of flies, but the cleric of Urgothoa staid, he died eaten by the myriad of flies.

Finally the Leukodaemon and then Lady Andaisin were killed by the group of Korvosan Heroes. A short time later Lady Andaisin Transformed into a huge monstrous being. The fight was short but brutal. After she was killed for the second time, the party breathed in relief, they backtracked and found an empty room and rested. Augustine was noticed leaving and returning to the group during the rest period. He said he had to relieve himself. He asked Eliera to cure his Blood Veil, and she did.

The group found what looked like the inner sanctum, in which they found more evidence of the Urgothoan's misdeeds. The group were cautious in approaching each of the seven basins evenly spaced alcoves that circle the room. Each is filled to the brim with a unique liquid corruption-blood, bile, milk, or other unidentifiable fluid. Each fills the air with its own distinct reek, creating a noxious, eyewatering bouquet. They also found upon the floor around each basin lie several small, empty metal boxes, each carved with images of skulls.

At the room's center, rising from a wide pool of crystalline water, rises a golden statue of a sight both erotic and horrifying. The statue is that of a beautiful nude woman, human above the waist, but below this the figure is nothing more than a skeleton. Egric found a latch in the statue there. He was a bit scared of getting into the water, then Hanma entered the water, only then did Egric enter the water and open a hidden compartment in the statue. More items were found there in. Egric wanted to destroy the chamber, but others though to report their findings, including the notes, the boy Ruan and Dr. Davoalus to the Field Marshal Cressida Kroft.

Finally they left the Hospice and went to see the Field Marshal at the Citadel Volshyenek. The Field Marshal was happy with their performance. The good doctor was taken away for questioning, a messenger was sent to the temple of Abadar and to the Queen Ileosa Arabasti.

Ishani Dhatri Cleric of Abadar cam, and met with the Field Marshal and the Heroes. He took charge of the notes, and promised to start working tirelessly on the cure. The messenger from the queen came, and said that the queen will have a public ceremony to reward the heroes on the morrow at Aodred's Walk.

The next morning the Queen Ileosa publicly acknowledge their work, and gives a short and grudging speech in their honor, praising their work and actions and granting each of them a 5,000 gp writ in reward for their services. This writ is good for any purchase made within Korvosa's walls.
I can't take credit for their success, all I can be thankful for is that providence and the gods led them and Sabina Merrin to meet a month ago. It was she who brought them to my attention. We would owe them much. I wish to thank the Field Marshal Cressida Kroft and the Church of Abadar for stearing our "Korvosan Heroes" to their eventual exposure of the plot of the Church of Urgathoa and the capture of Doctor Davaulus. We are still not out of the woods, but steps will be taken to stop this plague.

We honor honor and praise their work and actions, and we grant each of them a 5,000 gp writ in reward for their services. This writ is good for any purchase made within Korvosa's walls. Marcus Thalassinus, commander of the Sable Company will pnow present the award to each "Hero of Korvosa".

Marcus Thalassinus, commander of the Sable Company, issue the award.

A Notice from the Field Marshal: After interrogation of the good doctor, the queen's magistartes judged that the charming doctor and the physicians (formerly known as queen's pysicians) duped the queeen.

The Gray Maidens involved in the hospice were also interogated and it was confirmed to have had no knowledge of the true goings-on in the chambers below.
Field Marshal Cressida Kroft send you an official letter inviting you to the execution good Doctor Develus.

Davalus, and the remaining captured physicians, begin their walk of shame from the Citadel Volshyenek, they are pelted by eggs and rotten vegetables. The physician's are boiled alive in Eodred’s Square. The good doctor is taken outside the city and dismembered, with four horses pulling his skinny body apart.

Soon a letter comes from Tayce Ssoldano: Your honor is requested for a feast at the Temple of Cayden Cailean in Middlands, at 7 this evening on Celitral 10. The group arrives, the once vibrant temple is a bit more subdued, then you remember. All people are smiling and laughing. They are very happy to see you. Here and there you see the signs of the blood veil scars on happy faces. A woman thanks you for saving her and her daughter. She asks Eliera to say prayers for her son and husband. A priest of Cayden Cailean says a prayer and the feast starts being served, by young man and women.

The next day the streets are dull and muted, the group hears noise of people bartering quetly at market ahead.

Then the heroes hear marching in the street. Looking out the window you see Hell Knights, The Order of The Nail is marching....out of the City? They are not telling people what to do, they are just Leaving? People are standing on the streets dumb founded. Some are saying they are retreating to Citadel Vraid for the first time in Korvosa's history.

The group does some research and finds that Dozens of Hellknights perished or failed to uphold their charges during the recent events. Than Lictor Severs has recalled his troops to punish them for these failures.

Near the Academia: A sign says: Keep Out! No admittance. The Academia is Closed!

You see a cart, moving toward the Gray District slowly down the street. A covered body is in the back. A priest is walking near the cart. You see several priest of Pharasmas walking into a tenement building. From inside you hear muffled crying.
You see Ishani Dhatri, standing with several clerics of his order. He waves at you, you notice that there big circles under his eyes, although he has not had sleep in quite some time.

A man in the Korvosan Guard uniform is trying to recruit trainees for the Korvosan Guard. A grim guard near him turns to another guard, and says this is to little to late.

Two Sable Company Rangers are enticing the passers by to become Rangers. They are yelling: "join the Sable Company and become a Ranger, learn what its like to fly a griffon" A man near by whispers to a friend, no disrespect, why would one want to fly a chicken if one can eat one.

Ten Gray Maidens are standing near a tent. A Gray Mayden is talking to several enraptured girls about joining the order to protect Korvosa.

Then on the 12th of Calistril, Egric and Crow leave the Three Rings Tavern, and then return in the evening. The group smells smoke, and Egric and Crow look tired and wet. Egric says the Bridges to Old Korvosa Are burnt. It is raining. [To Be Continued....]

June 18th, 2017, 07:29
Session 40, Part 1:

On the rainy morning of Calistril 12, the group was sitting in the Tree Rings Tavern eating breakfast. A dwarf was sitting near by, drinking his ale, a very grubby dwarf.

Thandra comes over and tells you very quietly, the following:

Queen Ileosa announces triumphantly that the plague has been defeated, although unfortunately at the cost of Doctor Davalus's life. The good doctor's body, she goes on, has already been shipped back to Cheliax for burial in his family vault, and the order of the Queen's Physicians has been disbanded as well.

Yet Korvosa remains wounded. She goes on to report that the Order of the Nail has showed its true colors and fled like cowards into Citadel Vraid. Worse, both the Korvosan Guard and the Sable Company have suffered terrible losses over the past weeks.

Neither group is fully capable of continuing as Korvosa's protectors, and thus, to shore up this fault, Queen Ileosa names her newly created order of Gray Maidens as the new protectors of Korvosa, appointing Sabina Merrin as the new General of Korvosa.
As a ripple of concerned whispers spreads, Queen Ileosa continues her speech, saying that she has decided to dissolve the Sable Company and that the remaining marines will be folded into the Korvosan Guard. At this point, she asks Commandant Endrin to step forth to surrender his badge of office.

As Endrin does so, he trembles. He reaches for his badge, but instead of handing it over, he throws it at the queen, striking her in the cheek with it. Everyone (queen included) is shocked into paralysis for a few moments, long enough for Endrin to bellow out, "Your shameful reign ends now! Korvosa will be free again!" An instant later, his crossbow is in his hands, aimed at the still-shocked queen. Endrin pulls the trigger. His aim is true. The crossbow strikes Queen Ileosa in the temple.

Yet she does not fall.

With incredible speed, she regains her composure and yanks the bolt from her skull. Before the blood from the wound has time to run all the way down to her shoulder, she's standing before Endrin. Her free hand whips out and seizes him by the throat, lifting him off the ground as she holds him up for all to see. An instant later, she buries Endrin's own bolt between his eyes with a single powerful blow.

As Endrin's lifeless body crumples to the ground and Ileosa imperiously shakes his blood from her hand, she cries out in a strong, clear voice-"This shall be the fate of all enemies of Korvosa! Mark well his death! It is only the first!" A moment later, Togomor (the fattest wizard you ever seen) steps forward, taking Ileosa's hand and teleporting her back into the Castle. The resulting riot is quelled quickly and brutally by the Gray Maidens.
Shocked by the turn of events, Field Marshal Cressida Kroft flees to Citadel Volshyenek, stunned and horrified by what she witnessed.

At this point the dwarf swung his fist at Hanma, and yelled I hate ****ing elves, and missed. The girl at the bar yells, Godun, stop that or no more drinks for you. Godun says, sorry Dillia, I am so drunk, you are not an Elf are you? He then looks at Crow, and says who is that ugly pointed eared devil? The the dwarf falls on the floor asleep.
Dillia, puts a blanket over the dwarf, he is not that bad you know.

Tauk Par, the bouncer fro the Three Rings Tavern comes in the room, with him is a Blind Girl. The girl says I am seeking the one known as Egric. I am Violeta, I dont know how he knew but he knew, as if he read our minds. She put the basket, and inside is Elena's head.

Violeta's Story:

Day 1 - When Elena and I arrived at Eel's End twe saw a sprawl of light and sound marked the first pier of Old Korvosa. Elena came up to the guards and told them that she was looking for a job at the House of Clouds, once on the ship madam Halvara interviewed her and hired her as a waitress in training.

Meanwhile I proceeded to the Eel's End and asked for an interview with Devargo. Devargo went smoothly, he had his henchman to try her out in a game of Knivesies. Violeta won by picking up more money, and thus she was accepted into the Eel's End fold.

Day 2 - During the day, Eel's End was quieter, yet the place never truly slept. As an enforcer, I observed that all manner of vices and base needs of Old Korvosa at all hours were practiced here. Soon the blood veil started to take its toll, but business was good. I sent reports to Elena that Devargo stayed in his hold like a spider in his nest.
On her off hours Elena would sneak away from her work, and report to a nearby Lofty Sister.

The lofties would deliver the massages to Egric.
Then she would return and walks the long pier back to the House of Clouds. It seemed easy.

Day 3 - I am not sure how aur mission was compromised, maybe a Thug saw us speaking to often. Or someone recognized us, or maybe Devargo had magical aid. All I can tell you is that Devargo is a suspicious sort, he must have spied on us while we thought everything was ok.

Day 4 - The next day Devargo summoned me to go to the going the Marbledome Theater in the evening. I saw our chance and reported to Elena. I suspect that was a red hairing, but neither I or Elena knew that. Then I was sent to collect protection money at a nearby market.

When I arrived, I was summoned to Devargo, in the Captain's Cabin there was Elena. She looked like she has been tortured and raped. She must have not confessed yet, Devargo had me watch while each one of his man took turns, she does not reveal a thing. He then came up to her and said, I will release you both.

But before I do, he wanted to know why are you here, so I told him that I would tell him if he released Elena.

Then when he prommised I told him that he killed my brother Carlo you bastard and I wanted revenge. He smiled and said I admire your strength, and with those he nots and a man named Xrust cut off Elena's head with one swing of his blade and puts it in the basket.

Devargo then said "Thank you for your honesty, he took my eye with his dagger, and gave the basket to me and said you may both go. In pain I was lead blinded to somewhere.

Day 5 - I wondered thought the streets carrying Elena's head .
Behind me I heard fire , someone yelled I ignored them and stumbled faster something was burning.

Then I heard a familiar voice, it was Tauk Par, he washed my face and dressed my wounds. I told him I had to find Egric, and we must have come from the Three Rings Tavern here.

A summons come from the Field Marshal Cressida Kroft to join her at the citadel. The group went to the Citadel.

Things have indeed taken a turn in her city-a turn for the worse.

"Korvosa is dying. No, strike that. Korvosa is being murdered. Killed by our queen. The evidence you've uncovered that links her to the plague is damning enough, but this recent display at her address Endrin is dead. She's more in control now than ever. I dare not move against her-my Guard would be executed to the last man by her Gray Maidens by sundown. She must be stopped. And I know of no one else but yourselves to do this deed.
"Whatever foul magic the queen has wrapped herself in is obviously of the highest order. Endrin's aim was true-his shot should have dropped her. I had feared he was going to take matters into his own hands like this, but I had hoped he would find it within himself to find a better route. If only he could have waited.

"You see, just this morning, new information came to me. I have received a missive from my friend Vencarlo Orisini, the first I've heard from him since Queen Ileosa cut off Old Korvosa and put it in quarantine. A message that gives me hope. Vencarlo speaks of discovering something of vital importance regarding the queen-he mentions something about dark magic and a pact with a devil, but until the events of this morning, I found his claims difficult to believe. Yet now… if Queen Ileosa has entered an infernal pact of some sort, we must tread carefully indeed.

"Vencarlo asked for you in the missive. You've made quite the impression on him, it appears. He remains in Old Korvosa now, but has asked that I send you to him, to his home, to hear what he has discovered. Ironically, you should be safe in Old Korvosa-the queen's quarantine has cut off the island entirely, and word on the street is that she plans on leaving it to rot. She won't think to look for you there if you maintain a low profile and avoid confrontations with the Gray Maidens.

"Once you find him, you'll need to escape Korvosa, I fear. This city is no longer safe for you, or for those associated with you. As Field Marshal, I suspect that as long as I comply with the Queen, I shall be safe-and I will do what I can to ensure those friends and family you might leave behind are protected. By remaining in this city, I fear that you put them into more peril. Go to Old Korvosa, find Vencarlo and hear what he has to say. He has contacts in Harse-he'll be able to help you lay low. I shall be in contact with you when I can, at which point our plan, I hope, shall be clear.

She also gives the party some potions and wands to help them geat across the quarantine into old Korvosa.

June 18th, 2017, 07:29
Session 40, Part 2:

Then the Zellara appeared, and prompted the group to do a Harrow reading. The part went back to the Tree Rivers Tavern and heard a dire reading.

Zellara says this card represents the Positive Past: The Rabbit Prince (chaotic neutral, Dexterity) is a quirky fellow who represents the vagaries of hand-to-hand combat. The Prince is battle personified and nothing if not capricious. As his broken sword symbolizes, any combatant can fall in battle, no matter how brave or skilled. This card sometimes stands for younger members of royalty or other powerful households.

Zellara says this card represents the Neutral Past: The Winged Serpent (lawful good, Wisdom) is a powerful being. Knowledge and prudence are separate keeps bridged by understanding. The couatl represents this bridge, knowing whether now is the time to strike. Misaligned, this card means either not seizing a moment or doing so ill-advisedly.
This card is more or less the knowledge of where you have to cross to strike your enemies.

Zellara frowns and says this card represents the Negative Past: The Beating (neutral evil, Strength) signifies coming under attack from all sides, but it can also indicate the dissolution of the self—mentally. Whether the strength is of the flesh or the mind, it dissolves under the relentless attack. Misaligned, this card suggests that during the assault, undiscovered strength is found.

Represents the assault of the Queen and her allies taking on the city from multiple angles. If we cannot stop her, it will be dire for Korvosa

Zellara smiles and says this card represents the Positive Present: The Unicorn (chaotic good, Charisma) is a card that generously offers that which the subject seeks, just as the charger in the picture offers up its fruit. When misaligned, the card means betrayal, poisoning, or a false friend.

This card represents the groups current actions, and we will succeed. It also speaks of a possible ally that may not be what we might expect. The enemy of my enemy...

Zellara says this card represents the Neutral Present: The Cyclone (chaotic evil, Strength) is a force that tears through whatever it meets. This disaster does not come in the course of natural order but is one that comes from the plots of intelligent beings. The Cyclone signifies war, arson, or other plans that destroy everything they touch. Misaligned, this card can indicate renewal after a blustery trial.

It's as if the plague was like a cyclone that hit the city. It may be stopped for now, but it's not gone.

Zellara frowns and says this card represents the Negative Present: The Avalanche (lawful evil, Dexterity) is disaster. It is an unthinking, unreasoning thing that overruns all who get in its way. It can represent physical disaster or the disaster that comes from a panicked crowd or other unthinking group or entity.

Perhaps when you head to old korvosa, we'll meet this and determine what needs to be done.

Zellara smiles and says this card represents the Positive Future: The Keep (neutral good, Strength) is a symbol of quiet strength, one that can move when necessary, yet stand firm through the greatest hardship. Those represented by The Keep are not shaken by any force. If The Keep appears misaligned, it can mean giving way to temptation or falling in the face of greater strength.

This card represents the group, the rock that will weather the coming storm to save Korvosa.

Zellara says this card represents the Neutral Future: The Mountain Man (chaotic neutral, Constitution) signifies an encounter with a physical power outside of one’s control. The giant could personify an authority, an army, an earthquake, or even a desperately needed rainstorm in a parched land. Acceding to the force might be wise, but surviving it is paramount.

This could be what we'll face in Korvosa, perhaps an ancient magical adversarry.

Zellara frowns and says this card represents the Negative Future: The Betrayal (neutral evil, Charisma) is selfishness incarnate. Envy twists the spirit and leads ultimately to devastation. It can also indicate a person whose loveliness hides an evil heart. Misaligned, the card means self-sacrifice or turning away from the material world and its temptations

This is something you'll face, perhaps in Old Korvosa. Beware of betrayal.

Then the party decided to put the cleric Eliera in the Portable Hole, after she casts Water Walking and the party becomes invisible. On a dark, dreary, night the Group crossed into Old Korvosa. [To Be Continued...]

June 25th, 2017, 08:41
Session 41:

The group proceeded in the rain towards Eel's End.

The group saw the sign "Bacory", a man in his night clothes standing on the balcony above the shop, he is yelling something. As you get closer, you hear him rant: In a high-pitched giggle voice he yells What will Queen Ileosa do about bridge repairs. How long will the quarantine persist, and what will the queen do about all the mobs in the city?

They walked further, and saw a old woman shambles along the edges of the streets, doing her best to continue her living selling not-so-brightly colored fungi for pigments. She mutters and sobs periodically. She yells "Pigments, buy your pigments here". Egric gave her a gold piece.

The finally they got to Eel's End, and the found the pier is silent, dark in the foggy night. The silhouettes of five ships are only just visible.

A dead headless body of a woman on the ground, it is the Elenas headless body. Egric went to scout the wet dock and the ships. He almost stepped on a lying Eel's End enforcer, and just barely dodged him and landed on the deck of the ship while invisible.

For some reason Hanma and Katlin walked on to the pier, and an enforcer shot at Katlin. The fight started on the wet decks and pier of Eel's end. Once it was over, the group went to the captain's cabin. Egric looked inside and began to choke, he quickly ducked behind the door and realized he was alright. He saw Devargo and a woman inside. Once Eliera opened the door, Hanma ran inside and fell to the level below.

Hanma looked around and saw a bunch of spiders and the Ettercap. The fight raged above, and below then the woman was killed by Crow, Aranea Devina came through a door in the hold, and Devargo died, after Riris made him fall asleep and Sivath killed the Ettercap.

The group gathered in the Captains cabin to discuss the days events. [To be continued...]

July 2nd, 2017, 08:08
Session 42:

Night of Calistril the 13th, 4708, after the fight at Eel's End, the group took over Devargo's operation. They secured the Captain's cabin after getting rid of the bodies in the Jeggare River. The rain was beating on the wooden deck above, and the party decided to rest inside the cabin. Riris wanted to study the spell books that Hanma carries. Hanma and Egric took turns talking with Aranea Devina. Then they all settled down for the night.

Crow and Devinia settled down for the night. Riris and Katlin woke up with a start, the rest woke up also, as they heard Crow yelling from far away "Esmaralda, is that you, I am coming, Asmeralda!"

After waking up, they ran out on the wet deck, but found no sign of Crow. They searched and searched, yet they found no tracks or sign of his passing. The spoke with the ladies of the night inside the House of Clouds as well as other proprietors of the Eel's End Complex, while they found out the nature of the financial arrangements between them and Devargo, they did not found Crow. The informed the proprietors that the End is under new management, and that their agents will be arriving here to take over operations. They also informed them that the Rent is 40%, but food will be provided as compensation as part of the bargain. The proprietors agreed.

The group moved out to Vencarlo's home through the soaking rain. A flock of incongruously happy children sing a rhyme as they gather around something in the middle of the street "Headless, headless, that's what you'll be, brand new dolls in the Emp'rer's ceme'try! Choppy, choppy, chop, the tall knife calls, waitin' for the day for Korvosa to fall."

The group noticed that one of the children has fashioned an odd object from sticks and pegs-a crude guillotine that the children are using to behead a collection of dolls.

They got there by 10 in the morning. They scouted the house through the window on the 1st and 2nd floor, and Egric opened the front door and explored the first floor of Vancarlo's home. Then he proceeded upstairs. He entered a large room with a fireplace, then more party members came in the room on the 2nd floor. Egric went into a bedroom and found another door, as he looked at the door, all hell broke loose.

Two red armored humans threw some flasks at the fire place, and the floor began to burn in bright red flames. The red armored man, who could only bee Red Mentis Assassins, began fighting the party in the area at or on the fire. The fire spread and became dangerous, slowly the group killed the Red Mantis Assassins. As they did Egric informed group of a door in Vencarlo's bedroom. They opened the door and found a wooden chest, that Hanma grabbed, They ran out of the fire outside.

While they were standing outside the building, They saw a young man standing by the corner of the alley, he backend to you. You recognize him as the young man that you saved from a mob months ago.

Do you remember me, I am Amin Jalento, I remember you. Follow me the streets have ears. He walks to an abandoned tenement near by. He enters the building through the front door.

I will tell you my story. I was attending classes at Vencarlo's Academy when the quarantine hit, and after I was unable to escape back to the mainland, to my home, Vencarlo was gracious enough to allow me to stay at the Academy as a guest. That stay ended not long after, when several Red Mantis assassins invaded the building. Vencarlo confronted them and took one of them down, but there were too many. The master was forced to flee, and I assumed that the assassins burnt down the academy as a warning as much as anything else.

I don't know where Vencarlo has gone, but I do suspect who might know. In the days after the quarantine, while I was Vencarlo's houseguest, I noticed that his teacher seemed restless and distracted. Vencarlo regularly left his house at odd hours in the night, sometimes not returning until the morning. After one such return, Vencarlo's clothes were bloody-he said he had to fight off a thief, but I am sure there was more to it than that. Furthermore, in the days before the Red Mantis attacked, Vencarlo had a singularly strange houseguest visit several times-a man with paint-stained hands, wild hair, and a jittery habit of looking about. Vencarlo introduced him as a friend, but I recognized him as a somewhat notorious local artist named Salvator Scream. Vencarlo and Salvator always met behind closed doors, three times in all, and on that last meeting I swore he heard Vencarlo's voice raised in anger.

Unfortunately, I have little more information than that. I have been meaning to try to track down Salvator to ask him if he knows what happened to Vencarlo, but has not, of yet, worked up the courage to brave Old Dock, the place where Salvator's home is located.

The followed Amin Screm's home and Egric gained entry into the home. You see an elven woman in the room, she is dressed from head to toes in spiked chain armor. She appears to be bussy talikng to six skulls currently sitting on top of the desk. She looks at you and says: please come in, I expect you are looking for someone?
I don't think he is one of these skulls, please meet - Jeonia Chirco (a seamstress), Boathar Kaay (a toymaker), Velaka Hoon (a writer), Maxtel Erns (a sculptor), Yvos Tanguany (a tattooist), and Imon Vernell (a poet) - do you find it odd that they all died by taking their own lives?

Hanma aks Who are you?

I can ask you the same question, very well, she giggles, I am Laori Vaus, a Cleric of Zon-Kuthon investigating the goings on in Korvosa. Don't you find all this a bit too much of a coincidence?

What are you doing here?

I suppose I should ask you the same question, but I think you are here for the same reason I am. Is it not so?

I was investigating these string of suicides, which lead me to Salvator for last in my search. I got here Although she was disappointed to find that Salvator had gone missing by the time she tracked down his address.

The unlike the other six artists, Salvator remained alive and is the captive of the Emperor of Old Korvosa.

I have been trying to decide on the best route to confront the Emperor and gain access to Salvator to interrogate him, spending the last few nights here at Salvator's home meditating and attempting to discover any prospects for my missions success, and I found none, the only hope to learn more for me is to by speak with Salvator in person.

As Eliera realizes who the good the elf worships is, Eliera also realizes that Laori displays her allegiance to Zon-Kuthon openly in her choice of weapon and armor (a spiked chain and hook-studded chainmail), yet her demeanor and attitude are anything but grim. Laori is chronically cheerful, always brimming with delight and quick to laugh. You would imagine that Laori can be unsettling to be around, for both her fellow worshipers of Zon-Kuthon and those who see her faith as a horror to be stamped out. [To be continued ....]

July 9th, 2017, 08:28
Session 43:

The group was Salvator Scream's house talking to Lauri Vaus, the Cleric of Zoun Kuthon, Egric asked her what does she wants to do with Salvator?

Laori brushes the very concept off with a good-natured laugh: "Why would I want to hurt him? He's a talented artist! I would just like to ask him where his inspiration comes from." It is clear that we are looking for the same Salvator, I propose that I and the "Group" team up to find Salvator. Dis I mention that I already found out who took him, and suspect I know where he is. To further sweeten the deal, she insinuates that she found something here, I suspects, the "Group" would be very interested to know about.
Laori shows a fragment of cloth. I found it in Salvator's bedroom. I assume that a bloodstained fragment of a politician's uniform is of interest to the "Group", though. She hands it over to them if they agree to an alliance, and she also reveals that Salvator is held by the Emperor of Old Korvosa.

Then Katlin saw a man with green face paint in plate armor attacked by some huge Otyughs. The party and Loari came to his rescue. They killed the things and rescued Kraul the Barbarian from being eaten. Turns out Kraul is seeking an audience with the Emperor of Old Korvosa so he could kill him. The party told him that they need to deal peacefully with the emperor if possible.

They rested overnight in Scream's house, and then decided to find the emperor. Again that night they had bad dreams, this time, Katlin and Kraul woke up fatigued. They moved toward the Emperor's Palace led by Kraul.

Before the palace they saw debris and bodies everywhere. A gang of thugs first asked them for their weapons, and then attacked them, then another one did too. The next group of thugs invited them to visit the Emperor.

They proceeded to the Palace, if you could call it that. A group of hedge podge buildings, converted into a mockery of royal semblance, or what a palace should look like. The throne room had macabre paintings of executions, wars, and so on. The group was escorted on to a rooftop converted into a stadium

The large, flat roof of this long building has been converted into a strange sort of marshaling yard or game field. Two large square areas have been marked with what could be blood, while to either end to the west and east, small cages of wood have been set up to the side of a hole in the roof that drops into the upper floor of the building below. Flights of stairs lead up from the roof to a balcony to the north and the gently slanted roof of a building to the south.

The balcony itself contains two major features of note. The first is a high-backed throne that looks like a poor man's version of the Crimson Throne itself, a thing of blood-red cushions and silks and spikes. Directly west of the throne stands an intimidating device, a tall guillotine of carved wood and bone, its base depicting grasping demonic feet and the housing that holds its glittering blade a leering demonic face.

In the Guillotine the party members saw Crow. The Emperor introduced himself as Pilts Swastel, Emperor of Old Korvosa, and these are my subjects. He looked at Crow and the group and said: He is your friend? He was drunk an disorderly and nearly killed three captains before he fainted from all the booze he drank. He is sleeping of in there. Best sleep of his life, don't you think?

The Emperor offered the Group Crow's life for the chance at playing the Rousing game of Blood Pig. In answer, Katlin stepped forward and killed the pig with her Bardiche, not realizing that by doing that she sealed Crow's fate. The emperor gave an order, and the blade came down. Yet, yet Crow yet lived. The blade failed to sever his neck stuck in his wondrous armor. The Emperor's man rushed in a swarm toward their enemies. The Emperor danced and sang, while aiming a wand at the heroes. Even though the group greatly evened the odds with the barrage of spells they released on their enemies, after at least four successive hits, and considerable effort by Eliera to heal him, Jebbyr the Loyal finally killed Crow.

Now the fight rages to recover Crow's body, while the Emperor of Korvosa sings his mad song. [To be Continued....]

July 16th, 2017, 08:31
Session 44:

The fight against the Emperor of Old Korvosa continued. Crow just died and the group was fighting toward his body. The Emperor used his wand casting Stinking Cloud that denied the center, and sent several members of the party running scattered. Egric faced Jebbyr the Loyal and was almost killed by him. Egric managed to retreat, and that saved his LIFE! The Emperor of Old Korvosa cast rain from the wand, and in the cold air it turned to snow. The snow fell on the roof, and covered it with a white blanket. The emperor was so upset that he broke the wand.

Sivath killed Jebbyr and then Eliera and Laori and the rest of the group surrounded the emperor, and Eliera cast Hold Person on the emperor. Then they put the Emperor in guillotine and they executed him the way he executed many Old Korvosan's.

Laori Vaus cast raise dead on Crow, and cast a Restoration spell on him. Crow opened his eyes, and took his first breath since he died.

The Egric brought up the Eel's End issue to a head. Eliera wanted the current operation to be converted to a charity, and most wanted the operation to deal in Vice as is. A vote was taken, and the majority decide to secure Eel's End the way it is. Egric will provide muscle to secure Eel's End. [To be Continued...]

July 30th, 2017, 07:33
Session 46:

At the Emperor's Palace the group drank the bottle of Brandy, all except Egric and Hanma. They all slept peacefully, but they could not memorize spells. Early in the morning Lauri Vaus, Agustus, Amin and Selvatore Scream left for the mainland. The group woke up on the morning of Calistril 16th, and proceeded to the Palace Arkona.

The closer they got to the palace the prettier the surroundings became. Ahead they saw the Palace Arkona. Palace Arkona is perched at the highest point atop Endrin Isle in Old Korvosa. The grounds are generally open, decorated here and there with tiny copses of trees, exotic topiary animals (elephants, cobras, and tigers being the most common), beautiful flower gardens, and exquisite fountains. The palace is a breathtaking structure built in the Vudran style, with golden pillars, high windows that rise to tapered points, minarets, and domes decorated with slender spires. Inside, walls are made of ebony and carved with depictions of elephants, tigers, monkeys, and pea****, all with shimmering mother-of-pearl eyes.

The group met several Arkona Guards, when they told the guards that they were looking to speak to the Arkona's, the guards escorted them to the palace. Soon after you are greeted by a tall, pleasant man who wears an eyepatch. I am Carnochan, the palace majordomo. He took them to a waiting room, and went to gets master.

Five minutes later Glorio Arkona showed up. A very handsome looking man comes in the room. He looks at you warmly and says I am "Glorio Arkona, I am very pleased to meet you. Glorio Arkona, gently reprimanding Carnochan for not supplying the guests with wine and cheese to enjoy while they waited. As Carnochan scurries off to rectify this faux pas, Glorio invites the group to sit on one of the room's couches.

How may I be of service? Soon Carnochan returns with some survents bringing bread, cheese, fruit and wine. The woman begin to dance while Carcorhan plays a rhythm on a small drum and some of the women play string instruments.

As the music played and the girls danced, Glorio Arkona talked. I have done what I can with his limited resources to keep Old Korvosa from falling into complete anarchy, but he admits there could be more done. I believe with all the deaths the queen had no choice but to quarantine Old Korvosa, however, I hope that she would be able to lift it soon. However, some may think, not us of course, but some that the queen is driving Korvosa into the ground and that she needs to be removed from power.

The group soon figured out that Arkona does not care about the queen, infact he wishes to remove her from power. Meanwhile, Egric told Glorio Arkona what the group knew about wishing to speek to Vencarlo and Neolandus. Glorio Arkona, asked the group to take care of his Emperor problem. When he found out that they already have, he smiled and took them upstairs to his Bath Room.

As Glorio lounged in his hot tub, he gave the group a nice ring of Protection +1, with evasion properties, set with a beautiful ruby. Then, he give a rueful smile, then goes on to explain that simply handing over these guests to the PCs may be a "trifle complicated." He goes on to explain that both these guests have been sent into the Vivified Labyrinth. They were sent there to protect them from the assassins.

Glorio apologizes for the complication, and won't retrieve either "guest" for the PCs, but he will do the next best thing. Use the elephant statue in area Garden (D4). Use the command "Chamidu is blind." on the elephant statue. Using the elephant will give you access the caverns below the palace, and where to seek the secret door that leads down to the entrance to the labyrinth. He'll even tell you that the labyrinth can be adjusted by pulling key levers to rotate the four sections. I promise you that both the people you seek are hidden therein for their protection.

The group rested in luxury, regained their spells and descended into the labyrinth. As they descended, they walked among three Garden Guardians. Egric released his Owl, and it was killed for his trouble. A fight started, soon the Guardians were dead, but the group noticed the slime on these creatures slowly restore them. They tried to burn them? But thy would not burn.

While Egric though that the group should push them in the water, the majority said that they would rather not do that. They decided to go below via the rope bridges. [To Be Continued...]

August 6th, 2017, 08:18
Session 47:

Calistril 16, 4708, afternoon, the group descended to the level below using rope levels and found a large secret pier, what use could Arkona's have for a secret pier? They also found a room north east of the pier with a bunch of really nice and valuable figurines. They also found a bed in the room. Egric searched the room for secret doors, but found none. Eliera suggested that he search underneath the bed, but he definitely did not find any secret doors there.

The party proceeded by another wooden bridge south, then west to another platform that lead to 15' tall double doors. There Egric checked for traps, and remembered his childhood, and decided to relive the time he peaked through a key hole as a youth in Lamm's service and saw Lamm counting his ill begotten money. It was then that Egric decided to run away from Gaedren Lamm, and become Good!

Egric peaked through the key hole and saw a tiger man and two giant snakes eating something. He told this to the party, and the group decided to cast fireballs into the room, nefore attacking. When they opened the doors wide, they just saw the two giant snakes. Sivath cast a fireball and Hanma cast his lightning bolt. The badly harmed the snakes, and Egric went into the room invisible and sneak attacked a snake. Egric hurt the snake, but the snake hurt Egric back and poisoned him. The other snake was attacked by Katlin, and it attacked Katlin.

A tiger shaped man attacked Sivath with a spell, somehow the guardians from the upper level came down and attacked Kraul. The guardians tried to bypass Kraul, but the big barbarian taunted them and they all three guardians started to attack him. It was then that Hanma realized that the tiger man thing was a Raksasha. He heard stories of Rakshas in Tian from his grandparents, he never thought that he would see one, but there it is.

Rakshasa cast at, and the group started firing arrows back at it. Slowly they hurt it, then the last of the guardians was dispatched, and only the Rakshasa was left standing. The group melee types: Egric, Crow Katlin, Kraul and Hanma joined combat with the Rakshasa. They took it down slowly, then Egric killed it.

Katlin notice a guardian thing dead on the bridge. She pushed it off into the water below.

A sword and a wand was found after the group , and some GP. The sword and wand were found to be magic. The party decided to rest. The room was secured. Egric tried to play with the sword by picking it up. and got damaged by an evil force. He dropped the blade but not before he realized that is the most expensive single item he has laid eyes on. [To Be Continued...]

August 13th, 2017, 07:57
Session 48:

They decided to rest in the Arkona Family temple, they also secured the temple door handles with the giant snakeskin. It felt odd there, surrounded by tiger like statues. The party rested, and when they woke up, Egric shared with them that he contacted the Field Marshal Cressida Kroft.

Egric reports that with the help of Riris he was able to contact the field-marshal. She was suggesting that they should secure the labyrinth and the manor; somehow get the guards on their side and have them guard Arkona warehouses. She suspects that there may be enough supplies there to feed Old Korvosa? She will be in contact with us for further information through Grau Suldado, which Egric said would contact Tauk Par.

It is close to midnight on the 17th of Calistril, Egric opened the temple doors and proceeded to search the rest of the grotto. He found a secret door which led into a winding passage that led them to a dungeon of the Arkona Family?

He saw that the tunnel curved sharply to the north here, ending at a pair of large bronze double doors, each carved with images of tigers chasing other tigers in four adjacent circles. At the center of each circle of tigers, a snarling tiger head looks out. Riris was right on Egric's trail, she called the rest of the group forward.

Egric opened the door after carefully searching it for traps and proceeded into a oval shaped room, with tigers in two alcoves. He entered the oval shaped room, and found a lever in one of the further alcoves. Just half the group entered the room, when Egric pulled the lever. To the amazement of all, the room rotated. Kraul and Katlin almost lost their noses, and Egric realized that the room kept rotating. He brought the room all the way around. The people outside the room told Egric that they saw several pools here in the rotation block.

They all got in, and Egric rotated the room once. They entered a room, right behind Egric and Egric checked the door for traps. Finding none, he entered the room, and saw a image of crossed swords, and doubled over in pain. Risis came up behind him, and double over as well. Egric proceeded south through a door, and the party found Vencarlo Orsini.

Vencarlo Orsini said: Am I glad to see you. Egric asked how did you get here? Vencarlo Orsini said: I been hear several days, and just managed to get out of my cell. I assume you got my message and are looking for me?

He also said, you came here? You trusted Glorio Arkona? This is foolish I think Glorio Arkona wishes you dead. I trusted him, and I think Neolandus did too, wish I knew where he is. I think we should find Arkona, and make him tell us where Neolandus is, he is not here that I am sure off.

Arkona has a powerful sphinx guarding the dungeon that placed deadly symbols here. Arkona has an item that controls the sphinx named Sivit. I suggest if he does not surrender the item we should eliminate Arkona, get this item, and find Neolandus.

The group agreed, they gave Vencarlo his items, and then Egric asked him of where did we meet you first? After a short pause, Vencarlo smiled and whispered quietly to Egric, "the Citadel". Egric said, correct answer and they went back up to the Garden.

As they exited the elephant statue. This chamber hardly seems to be part of a palace-it seems more like a clearing at the heart of a vast jungle, teeming with life. The sky above is a deep, cloudless blue, while in the distance, hazy towers of distant structures rise above the verdant canopy. Exotic bird calls fill the air, the scent of dozens of unfamiliar flowers and plants assault the nose, and everywhere a riot of color demands the eye, be it the wing of a tropical bird, the petals of a brightly hued flower, or the glittering multicolored tiles that make up a round fountain to the north, its central plume a stone pillar around which entwine two cobra statues that clutch green gems in their fanged maws. Opposite the fountain to the south stands an immense, life-sized jade statue of an elephant, a howdah perched on its back, its tusks and trunk raised high in greeting to the southeast doors-doors that, from inside the room, look more like gates set into a wrought iron fence that encircles the garden. Other gates set in this fence doubtless lead to other arts of the palace, and after a bit more observation the somewhat static nature of the jungle and landscape becomes apparent-the walls of this garden are in fact an incredibly realistic and clever painting of a Vudran junglescape.

All of a sudden the elephant attacked them, by charging through their ranks, with two Rakshasa on the elephants back. Soon after the fight was initiated, Eliera prayed, Egric still in pain attacked, and Sivath cast Grease. The elephant fell prone, and the Rakshasa's fell out of the basket, which had to hurt. Combat started. Riris joined the battle, only to find herself standing next to a huge water elemental.

The party slowly killed the elephant. Even though the Rakshasa were tough, the heroes assault wore them down. The water elemental died soon after, and then the Crocodile like Rakshasa. The final Rakshasa fell to Riris slumber hex and Katlin's Coup de Grace.

They found two blood stones in statuary. They also found two wands of magic burning hands and a elephant figurine of wondrous power, which Sivath and Riris identified. Egric pried out the stones and Riris and Elier healed Hanma. [To Be Continued...]

August 20th, 2017, 07:41
Session 49:

The party was standing in the garden, after a very tough battle. Eliera cast dispel magic on Riris, and Risis sighed with relief. The pain was gone, finally gone. They decided to search the first floor. For a while they found mostly storage rooms, and supply rooms. Then Egric found a room with a huge mahogany table, clearly a dining room of the Arkona family. Then they found a room full of Vudran Soldier statues, which Egric searched and found on each a javelin with a bloodstone head.

Then in a glass case, inside the Trophy Room, they found some magical exotic weapons, very impressive armor, and a bloodstone heart. It was all put into the portable hole, even though it was magical and looked quite expensive. Then in the next room, that looked like a comfortable lounge, that smelled of aromatic tobacco, they found a box with bunch of precious tobacco and cigars, and four hookahs, which they again put i the portable hole. Egric was aspecially skilful at disabling traps here. In the library they found half-dozen grotesque paintings depicting torture, murder, cannibalism, and even necrophilia. Two glittering chandeliers hang from the ceiling, providing more than enough lighting for anyone sprawled on the dozens of cushions strewn about the room to read by. In the hall near the guest room, they found a statue, who's bloodstone eye Egric pried out from its mounting.

They then proceeded up and Egric tried to scout a room at the top of the stairs. While he was doing that, two Rakshasas came behind the group and attacked them. It was a long fight, during which Sivath used grease and webs to great effect. The Rakshasas were slowly beaten into the ground by their onslaught.

After they died, Egric, Katlin and Eliera went into the room the Rakshasas were in, which looked like their resting room. They search it and Eliera found a box, that Egric opened and got a poisonous needle in his finger. He asked Eliera to suck out the poison out of his finger, but Eliera refused. Then Egric felt much better. He saw gold in the box and a bag. Egric said he put the box and its content into the portable hole. As soon as he did, the portable hole's content evacuated and was lost for ever. Everyone, including Egric were speechless.

After a short mourning period, Egric moved to a double door. He checked for traps, and locks, and found none. Egric opened the door, and looked at Glorio Arkona. Glorio Arkona said, Egric is it not? Egric said nothing. Glorio said friend Egric did I not tell you where Vecarlo and Neolandus are? Silence. Glorio said, I see you idiot. Ok, if you will no come in, I will come out.

He came out, and flew over the center of the area over the garden. Glorio said: Friends did I not tell you where Vecarlo and Neolandus are? Then he looked at Vencarlo, and said there you are, but wait it is my sister not him. Cant you see through her false form?

Vencarlo said, what are you talking about villain?

Glorio said you are my sister Vimanda. I was hoping to take down Queen Ileosa Arabast, with your help. Can we still be friends?

Eliera said, can you return all the items from our portable hole. Glorio said no it is lost, I laughed very hard indeed. I guess not, I answered that question did I not. Glorio turned into Bohor, a very sophisticated tiger shaped humanoid and Vencarlo turned into Vimanda, a very sexy and swarthy humanoid female with a foxes head, she starts hovering above the stairs. [To Be Continued...]

August 27th, 2017, 08:25
Session 50:

The group stood around the balcony looking over the garden below, above which Bohor was flying. Standing by Hanma was the voluptuous and foxy Viominda, otherwise known as Melyia Arkona. Bohor just called her his sister, but in truth she has been masquerading as his consort.

Vimanda looked at her brother then at all of the party members, she looked angry at being revealed, but directed it at Bohor. Gracefully she says: I am not sorry that I brought you here, now you know who I am, does that change what you wish to do? Infract if it was not for me Vencarlo or should I say Blackjack would have lost the tools of his trade. He may have them back, if you will listen to me.

Consider my offer, help me remove my brother, make me the head of the Arkona family, then you may retrieve your friends from the labyrinth. Unlike my brother, I have no desire to rule Korvosa, just the family. Do this, keep my secret, and I will help you defeat my brother.

You have to know that I do not rule the labyrinth, he does. Even if he is gone, the labyrinth is dangerous. I am unable to physically help you there; all I can do is provide information. Just know your friends are being tortured in the labyrinth on his orders. She points at Bohor.

Bohor roars, she lies.

Vimanda purrs, do we have a deal? Then Bohor attacks Egric with a lighning bolt, but the deft rogue evades it. Egric summoned a giant owl. The owl flew at Arkona patriarch. Ivar moved toward Eliera, while raging. Sivath cast haste. Eliera cast the prayer spell. Riris started hexing the flying Rakshasa. Katlin lined up and began hitting Bohor with her Adamantine Bardiche. Sivath threw everything, even Haste to aid the group and damaging thunder like spells at the evil outsider. It seemed the group did everything besides throwing the bathtub in the room across from her. It seemed this creature was impregnable.

Then Egric did a triple summersault and dropped on top of the giant owl, right into the saddle. He began attacking him. Spells flew, Bohor taunted the Ivar the Barbarian. Vimanda damaged him with a spell, but then no more. Bohor's spells weekend Ivar considerably. Then Bohor focused his attacks on the Giant Owl. The Owl took damage, and right before it went unconscious, Sivath stretched a web across the balcony opening. Then Hanma ran across the web, and began attacking Bohor with his dancing blade. Then he engaged with his katana. Bohor was slowly weakening. Even so he killed the Giant Owl. Eliera just could not get her heal off on-time.

Bohor taunted Crow and Ivar to join him on the web, when they did not oblige him, Bohor attempted to burn the web, but was stopped by Hanma when Hanma's Katana entered his side and disrupted his spell. They did more damage to Bohor, but they were not fast enough, he cast a spell and vanished.

Then the group began discussing if they will turn on Vimanda or agree to her deal. Egric and Eliera for once agreed that she should be destroyed, while the rest of the party members decided to honor the bargain with the silky smooth Melyia Arkona (still in fox form).

Vimanda gave Katlin Blackjack's items, and told them that they are welcome to Bohor's treasure room, but that her room is off limits. Egric checked the door for traps and found none. He tried to open the black ebony door, but instead broke the Thievestools.

The group decided to rest, and Riris wanted to take a bath. She went into the room with bathtub, the everyone else heard Riris scream and ran into the room. Riris was standing next to the ice covered bathtub. Riris decided to be brave and touched the ice, the ice became water once more. Hanma touched the water, and it stayed water. Riris realized that she was doing it, and decided to take a bath.

Then Ivar began chopping at the door with his Adamantine Greataxe. Once he chopped through the door, they saw:

The plain ebony walls of this chamber seem to glisten with moisture. Above, the chamber rises forty feet to a domed ceiling set with eight wedge-shaped windows; to the north, east, and south three additional tall glass windows rise up from floor level to the dome. The room itself is empty, save for a thirty-foot-tall tree with sparkling gold and green leaves, its roots burrowing in and out of the floor. A breeze tickles the branches above, and as the leaves waver, the sound of crystal bells filters through the room.

Sivath approached and cast detect magic. Egric saw a tree in the room, while Sivath saw treasure on the floor. Egric shrugged and went inside, and was thrown bodily out of the room badly bruised. Sivath summoned an Unseen Servant to remove the treasure out of the room.

They found a Holy Crossbow +1, and a bunch of gems. Ivar got the crossbow. Igric asked Riris to relate the events surrounding Riris conversation with Field Marshal Cressida Kroft (the patron of the group). Eliera was a bit surprised and indignant that Egric and Riris communicated with anyone without the groups knowledge. Riris just said, please Eliera, what I do for Egric is in the best interest of the group. The Cressida Kroft is a friend of the Jeggare family for many years, if he trusts her, then I trust her and I recommend you do too. Whether you listen or not is between you and your deity.

Crow quickly lost interest in the squabbles between Egric and Eliera, and asked Vimanda (Melyia Arkona) if she has any thing stronger then water. Vimanda came back with some food and wine which she shared with the party. She showed a bottle of fine brandy to Crow, took his hand and led him into the bath chamber and locked the door behind them. Soon animal like noises and moaning could be heard through the door. A woman's voice moaned do it harder to me my love elf! Katlin and Eliera just shook their heads and began to rest.

It was a tough fight, they made allies, strange bedfellows with a Rakshasa Lady Arkona. [To be Continued...]

September 10th, 2017, 08:21
Session 51:

The party woke up from resting after the battle with Bohor. Some of them had a hard night. Katlin kept hearing Crow and Lady Melyia Arkona (Vimanda) in her room screaming in ecstasy all night long. The Lady Arkona would yell, come on love me my love elf, and crow would laugh. Then all was quite. Riris fell asleep near the bathtub, where she froze and unfroze the bathwater water. Egric, Ivar and Hanma slept in Bohor's room, Katlin, Eliera and Sivath slept in the room where the Rakshasa guards slept before the group killed them.

Egric woke up and started searching Bohor's room. He found some items there that were quite valuable. He examined the loot from the treasure room, and together they made quite a killing. Then Hanma saw footprints, they all started seeing footprints. Crow and Katlin were very tired. Eliera cast Lesser Restoration on each of them, and they felt much better. Crow checked out the footprints, they were of humanoid variety on the smallish side, and he was able to determine that the footprints came in through the East exterior wall, they went into each area where each party member was resting, stopped, and then exited through another exterior wall. The strange thing was that the dirt was not from around Korvosa.

They questioned Lady Melyia about the dungeon, and she told them this....

As I said before there are symbols in the dungeon. They were placed there by Sivit, the rogue should atempt to find them and disable them. The dungeon has many difenders. Please destroy them, I am unable to take over the rulling of this family without their diestruction. Anything you find below is yours.

When you rescue Vencarlo Orsini, seek an Illusionary wall near the dungeon entrance, it will lead you to the Seneschal. He is also protected by one of his creatures. If you go there first do not destroy the elephants, they power the dungeon.

The grotto and the dungeon are full of dangers, creatures, poison and traps. A nice place to visit, but not a place for long stays.

Egric wished her to be more specific what she will do for them and the city, and Eliera wanted her to come along with them, but Lady Arkona was clear that she is unable to deal with them on monetary matters, she will only deal with the future government officers of Korvosa, and that she will stay top side. She does however have a boat and warehouses, and if they have a crew, things may be discussed when they have time after they accomplish their mission.

For some reason Crow thought that everything is better with alcohol, even an Evil Rakshasa babe, but that she can literally change into any female shape totally blew his mind. Finally they agreed to go into the lower level, when there, they were crossing a suspended bridge over the water, when a Giant Reefclaw attacked them. They quickly took care of it, and it sank into the water. They proceeded into the dungeon, and Egric spotted the Illusionary wall that The Evil Spawn of Hell (according to Egric) told them about. Grudgingly Egric though, what is the world coming too, next we will be allying with Devils? Instead of going North through the rotating rooms, they decided to head East through the Illusionary Wall and they found a passage that led to a set of double doors.

Egric checked out the doors, and opened the lock. Ahead was a Torture Chamber. In the room were two state of the art racks, apparently to double the pleasure of the spectators? A fire pit and what seemed like a bed of nails. A table full of torture implements was near the east wall. Eleven cell like cages are on the south wall. A creature of terrifying visage, fangs and multiple arms bristling with weapons was in this room. Crow decided to charge at her. He swung and missed at the Senshiir, Beatific One. That is what they thought it was, a long fight ensued, finally they were able to defeat it.

They through its body in the fire pit, and began looking around. In one of the cells they found a magical suite of Full Plate. Sivath identified it and, it turns out to be Full Plate Mithral +4. Ivar got the armor, while the Seneschal Neolandus Kalepopolis was healed and given Half-Plate made of Mithral, a Darkwood Shield +2, and a Heavy Mace +1.

Neolandus told them that Vencarlo needs to be rescued. Besides describing how he got here, his flight from the Red Mentis, his stay at Selvator Screams's, and his eventual coming here. Then Egric found a room, a huge room, no a Cavern. Cautiously Egric explore the chamber, and up ahead he saw Undead Elephants. He quickly left the dark chamber.

They went out of this part of the dungeon, heading west. [To Be Continued.....]

September 17th, 2017, 08:20
Session 52:

The group stood at the entry into the dungeon. Egric, Katlin, Crow, Riris and Senishal Neolandus stepped into the lever room, and Egric pulled the lever. They heard a rumble and a muffled pop. While Sivath, Ivar, and Hanma saw a creature with horns, wings on four legs appear in the room. The room became dark, and Ivar moved toward it protecting Sivath. A fight ensued. While that was happening, Egric tried to disable the symbol of pain in the room they were in. Katlin and Neolandus stepped in with him, while Crow and Riris took the turning chamber around to pick up the others.

Meanwhile spells were bouncing of off this thing. Ivar was beating on it, even though he felt strange. The haste that Hanma cast was being counterbalanced by a slow spell on Ivar. Meanwhile in the other room Egric managed to disable the spell, and he was checking doors for traps, Back in the other room, the fight continued. Eliera dispelled the darkness, and finally Riris and Crow arrived. Riris cast Slumber on it, it worked, but it was still alive when Ivar did a coup de grace. Finally it was killed Eliera with her holly Glaive. The found a bunch of items on it that was split among the party members. Crow got the amulet of health, while Eliera got the ring of protection +2. The evil kukri went into Eliera's backpack.

Egric was looking at a clear pull of water, when he felt the need to move. He stepped into the adjacent room, as the wall rotated. Egric checked a room to the south and found a huge tiger there. The chose the top door that led to a room with three empty boxes. The right box had a gas type poison, Egric said to self I better do better. The center box had a cobra and a gem, while the third had contact poison. It was bashed by Ivar, and was empty. Eliera said all along this was a bad idea, but the last chest was open and empty.

The group eventually took it out, hoping for a pelt, but found it was a big clay statue.

Egric found a secret door, he opened it and went in the room with a statue with some halberds. The statue started spinning the halberd blades, and Egric started doing, somersaulting. He jumped over the blades, ducked, scooted, and jumped on top of the statue, and touched the statue's nose. The blades stopped. Then Ivar hit the blades with his adamantine greataxe and broke them.

Egric, Crow and Ivar proceeded down the hall, planned the future and became bogged down in. Crow, Ivar and Egric tried to run, past in to the room with images of mosaics of bees. Crow ran into the room to the left and decided. Meanwhile, others decided to run it. Haste was cast by Hanma, and Eliera assessed the situation and cast blessing of Ferver. Hanma, Neolandus and Katlin ran for it. Hanma stopped in the hall with minor scratches or broses, but Neolandus and Katlin were worse off, Neolandus was deathened and stunned, while Katlin was stunned. [To Be Continnued....]

September 24th, 2017, 09:47
Session 53:

The party was strung out before the corridor, in the corridor with the statues, the bee room, and beyond. As Seneschal Neolandus Kalepopolis, Eliera, Ririsand Katlin ran by the whaling maiden statues whaled, and spikes shot out of them. Meanwhile Crow kept searching in the room next to the bee room for secret doors, he was looking for another lever. Egric was looking for a shutoff switch in the bee room. Egric and Ivar were being probed by tiny needles whenever they touched the walls or walked in the room.

Eventually Egric deactivated the bee sting needles, and asked others if he should deactivate the traps in the hallway. Eliera and Sivath said yes please. Egric proceeded to deactivate the whaling maidens one by one. He deactivated all maidens, except one. Sivath ran by it and took some more damage. Everyone looked like they been poked and prodded by 1000 needles. Eliera healed the group by channeling her healing energy.

Egric found a room to the north. A six-inch-tall bronze dais on the floor in the middle of this otherwise empty room supports a polished column of black marble. The black stone seems to be vibrating softly, filling the air with a faint hum. He checked for traps, and found none. He asked Sivath to check the room out and became interested with the pedestal. She eventually stood in it, and found her Haste spell returned. Eliera had her Prayer restored, while Hanma also saw a magic missile spell restored.

Then Egric found the secret door that lead to the discovery of another lever that would rotate this particular room counter clockwise. They found another room to the north with four alcoves in the walls of this room contain floating spheres of mist, each floating three feet off the ground. Each sphere is a foot in diameter—one is black, one white, one green, and one gold. Just north of the strange floating spheres, two levers protrude from opposite walls. Egric checked it all for traps and found none.

Sivath, Katlin and Crow stayed in the room, while Egric and Neolandus rotated the room to get the others. While Sivath investigated the green disc. Then she went to the gold disc, and then she put her hand and torch in it. She disappeared, and teleported into a room with murky pool of water. She used a blink spell and started walking through a wall of stone, and then she was shunted into a neighboring passage. She came back to the group, and explained what happened.

They decided to rotate the room again. They found Crow and Katlin gone. They rotated the room again, and saw Katlin laid out sleeping on the floor, while Crow standing over her trying to wake her up. Sivath and Egric tried to drag them in the rotating room, Sivath fell asleep too. They eventually got them in the room, and they decided to rest while they waited for the sleeping party members to wake up. Egric fell asleep a few more times while he tried to deal with the symbol. Finally it was deactivated, and started doing a dance. I deactivated it he yelled.

He then proceeded into the next room while invisible, all they heard from him was "I am stuck". Katlin came to help him, but became stunned herself. Hanma managed to get them both out. Egric went back into the room after he had a rope tied to him, just in case. He managed to get the stun symbol deactivated and started doing a dance. I deactivated it he yelled.

They rated the room, and found themselves looking at a great green throne atop a dais in the northern end of the room. To either side stand statues of a tiger-headed man-each holding aloft a pair of chains from which manacles dangle. Dried blood spatters the walls, floor, and even the throne and statues, filling the room with its stale reek. In the left corner they found Vencarlo Orsini, or what they thought could be him. They questioned him, they looked at his hands. He told them that he is glad they found him, they must have gotten his note?

Eliera said the note the Red Mentis gave us? No you should have got the note from the Field Marshal Cressida Kroft he said. After a while they verified the Vencarlo Orsini was not an Rakshasa. When asked if he was Blackjack, he denied it, until they told him about what they found in his house. Then Vencarlo said, okay, you caught me redhanded, I am Blackjack. Neolandus recommended that they should leave Old Korvosa as soon as possible, and asked them if they have a way to do it. The party told him about Vimanda (Lady Arkona), Neolandus said that she was not present when he was imprisoned by Glorio Orkona (Bohor). When asked if he trusted her, he said, no, but he would hear what she had to say.

They backtracked up through the dungeon and the lower level, and came up in the garden. They found Lady Melyia Arkona (Vimonda) in her human form, looking at them. She was happy to see them, especially Crow.

After exchanging greeting and formalities, she got right to business. Neolandus made a stipulation, even though you have an agreement with Lady Arkona reference her brother, I feel that it is prudent not to say much in her presence about the groups plans.

Lady Arkona said: I understand, however I do have some information and a deal that may save Old Korvosa. It will require the signing of special contract.

I have a Keelboat, and a Master Siege Engineer with Siege Engine Crew. If you can muster a complimant of 15 Crew to sail the ship, then I have warehouses Nisroch, Nidal. Having my man Peter with you will allow the crew access to the Warehouses.
The Government of Korvosa would have to pay for this food, the delivery to Old Korvosa.

Are you interested? Are you able to supply a crew?

After much discussion, the following stipulations were added:

1. Lady Arkona would be unable to harm or kill the future Korvosan Government
2. The future Korvosan government nor its agents would not be able to harm her, or her family
3. Payment will be negotiated by the future Korvosan Government if the "The Avengers" are successful in their mission.
4. The Arkona family would help police Old Korvosa.

After more discussion, everyone present signed the contract, and made a circle and held hands around the elephant. Their hands glowed and the contracts burned up.

Lady Arkona, then spoke to Crow, she thanked him for helping to secure the rule of her branch of the Arkona family, while putting her hand on her belly. She took a Sawtooth Saber and Ioun Stone and gave it to him. [To Be Continued...]

October 1st, 2017, 08:02
Session 54:

In the basement of the Arkona palace the party rested. During the night, you witness Riris get into a dream trance. After she wakes up, all she says is. They are coming.

It is midnight on the Calistril the 20th. Lady Arkona, her man, the "Wild Ones" and the "Smugglers" join you in the lower level. The Aranea Devina says that the rest of the crew will join the smugglers on shore, when they drop you off.

The boat was pulled up to the dock, and the party and the crew got on. With the darkness around them and the darklight lanterns lit, the keelboat ventured out of the Arkona hidden cave, and set course northward. After about an hour the boat landed the party on the Korvosan shore of Palin's Cove. They were informed by Verncarlo that they are heading to the Blackbird ranch, which is owned by a friend of his.

On the first day out, they ran into a hermit, that they met before in and around Korvosa. They questioned him, and found out that refugees have been leaving Korvosa in droves, but recently the queen has sealed Korvosa shut.

Then the party encountered some ants and killed them. Ivar tried to eat them, later because he thought erroneously that they may taste like chicken. Dueing the night Ivar killed a elk, and the party had it for breakfast. They camped about 2 miles from an inn, but decided to stay inconspicuous. Hanma thought he saw some farmers walking on the road, however they did not see their camp.

They moved on the next day, the 21st of Calistril, and around mid-day they ran into some Ankhegs. Ivar and Crow wanted the dead insect's carapases, but they were too bulky. They moved on, and later in the day they skirted Harse and arived at the Blockbird Ranch. Vencarlo introduced them to Jasan's family, and Jasan brought them below to the basement. There Vencarlo asked Jasan for an amulet of proof against Location/Detection for Nrolandus. His friend gave it to him.

Then Riris asked Vencarlo, How do you two know each other?

We were in the Blackbirds together. The Blackbirds broke up more than 2 decades ago over an unfortunate conflict involving the rights to treasure looted from a dwarven tomb. Jasan and I wanted to return the weapons recovered from the haunted tomb to Janderhoff, but the others in the group wanted to sell the weapons in Korvosa. The argument came to blows, and in the end Jasan and I opted to retire from the adventuring business entirely.

We found out that the remaining Blackbirds vanished without a trace in the dungeons below Kaer Maga not one season later. Jasan and I counted ourselves lucky at the time to have gotten out when we did. Although we took wildly separate paths in life, we remained good friends. As you, I trust Jasan with my life.

Then Neolandus told his Story:

When I confronted Queen Ileosa about King Eodred II's death, her response was to send Red Mantis assassins after me, which is-proof enough of her guilt to me. Through a combination of luck and knowledge about the castle's layout, I barely managed to escape with my life and went into hiding with my friend Salvator Scream in Old Korvosa.

After I recovered from the attack but before Salvator handed me over to the Arkonas, I spent much of my time in Old Korvosa researching the situation by interviewing key people, poring through records in Endrin Academy, and piecing together information and rumors I heard to try to determine what caused Queen Ileosa's sudden personality change from a petulant spoiled queen to a scheming murderous tyrant.

My suspicions grew, but until Queen Ileosa's first public appearance after the plague, I tempered my suspicions with hope. I knew that Queen Ileosa had been "borrowing" the treasury key to look through Korvosa's holdings. Neolandus was also familiar with several old and obscure legends about the chambers below Castle Korvosa-chambers, it was whispered, that were old even when the Shoanti dwelt here, and that used to hide something of great power or evil. There was little more information to go on, but I did uncover mention in some documents from Korvosa's earliest days of something called Midnight's Teeth, and that these teeth were believed to be some sort of sacred relic of great import to the Shoanti. Circumstantial evidence indicates that the Shoanti kept these teeth in the chambers inside the pyramid that now serves as Castle Korvosa's foundation.

My further research uncovered an old legend that chilled his soul. Several hundred years ago, a powerful blue dragon and agent of Zon-Kuthon named Kazavon brought the orcs of Belkzen to their knees and began conquering the neighboring nations of Ustalav and Lastwall, until I was finally defeated and his remains scattered. Some of these remains, according to certain Zon-Kuthonic scriptures, contained fragments of Kazavon's essence. One of these relics was the Fangs of Kazavon.

By piecing together his evidence, I suspect that Midnight's Teeth were none other than the Fangs of Kazavon. The description of the queen's new crown sounds to me as if she now wears the Fangs of Kazavon on her brow, the implications of which troubles me greatly.

I wasn't able to gather much more information before the Arkonas took him, but I do not suspect there was much more to learn. Hard facts about Midnight's Teeth were sparse to begin with-Korvosa's founders didn't think it important to preserve much in the way of Shoanti culture. Yet there is still some hope. The Shoanti have very strong oral traditions, and if anyone knows the truth behind Midnight's Teeth, that truth is doubtless hidden among their historians up in the Cinderlands.

Armed with this information, the next step should be clear. The PCs must travel to the Cinderlands and establish a rapport with the Shoanti to discover what they know about Korvosa's earliest days and what they kept so hidden deep inside the pyramid. Unfortunately, rumors that the Shoanti are preparing to launch an attack on Korvosa and her holdings seem to be true-emboldened by the news that Korvosa is buckling under the effects of riots and plagues, word from the Storval Rise is that the largest Shoanti tribe, the Sklar-Quah, is preparing for war. I have a bit of advice here on where to start-the Skoan-Quah, the Tribe of the Skull.

Of all the Shoanti tribes, it has been the Skoan-Quah who have been most open to talk of peace between Korvosa and the tribes. Until recently, a large number of Skoan- Quah ambassadors dwelt near Korvosa, and peace talks between the two factions were slowly but surely heading in the right direction. I recalls one old shaman in particular as being level-headed and friendly, a man named Thousand Bones.

One of the last things I tried before the Arkonas got hold of me was to arrange a meeting with the old shaman, but unfortunately, shortly after an event involving one of the Shoanti braves during the riots, the Shoanti abandoned Korvosa.

Thousand Bones and his people have returned to a place east of Kaer Maga in the Cinderlands known as the Kallow Mounds, and their reports on the tumult and chaos in Korvosa very likely fueled the neighboring tribe's sudden need to strike while the enemy was wounded.

Yet I doubts that Thousand Bones has abandoned hopes for peace.

I know that Thousand Bones's tribe dwells in the southeastern portion of the Cinderlands; he believes the best course of action now is for someone to travel to this tribe, find Thousand Bones, and learn from him any information about what Midnight's Teeth actually were. And if they do know more-perhaps they know how to fight against an evil that apparently grants Queen Ileosa the ability to survive a mortal wound.

The group asked many questions, and decided that convincing the shanty not to attack, perhaps to reveal more information would be a good thing. Then Jasan invited them for diner and beer. The went upstairs to meet the family. Trinia Sabor was real glad to meet them again, especially she made it a point to stay near Hanma, and stay away from Crow. [To Be Continued....]

October 8th, 2017, 09:14
Session 55:

As you come up the basement stairs, Jasan calls his wife. He tells the bad news that they will have to leave the Blackbird or Jenderhoff, it is not safe here, he says. The group will head north. Cook dinner woman, tonight we feast with friends, tomorrow we accompany Vencarlo and Neolandus to Jenderhoff.

Hanma then said that his blackblade advised him to head back to Korvosa. Trinia then said she will come with Hanma. Vencarlo then said to Hanma, that he often thought looking at him that he would make an excellent Blackjack if he wanted the job. Hanma agreed. Then Vencarlo gave Hanma his gloves, boots and rapier. Hanma said that he can make his armor black. Hanma gave hos rapier to Trinia, and Trinia gave her rapier to Vencarlo.

What of them, his wife asks of Jasan? They go their own way north, while Hanma and and Trinia will head back to Korvosa, Jasan says. With tears in her eyes the good woman, gets the house moving. The boys go below, while the girs start getting the kitchen oven fire ready.

Atrica Adriel, Janas's wife and her daughters Aria Adriel and Brita Adriel are cooking and the aroma is wonderful. While the dinner is cooking, Jasan's son's bring Britus Adriel, Lentus Adriel and Grylla Adriel bring beers.

With beer in hand Jasan invites the group outside to the pasture. You observe well bread horses. Jasan picks nine horse for the group. Then he shows you where the saddles are, I am not able to provide much he says, but any friend of Vencarlo is a friend of mine. You may have to go into Harse to get provisions tomorrow if you feel you need them..

A few beers make everyone relax. The smell of freshly baked bread, meat, poultry is making your mouths water. As you observe the hustle and bustle of Jasan's wife and daughter, it is truly amazing. The light benter and laughter is welcome change of pace, even though everyone knows there are hard times ahead there are no complaints or tears.

Then Atrica says Dinner!!!!

The table is set. The family puts out its dishes and silverware. Jasan's wife set out her best for the adventurers. There is salads and sliced up vegetables. She explains that they made Roasted Mutton and Dried Watercress, Salted Duck and Buckwheat Biscuits, Stewed Chicken and Dried Lentils, Stewed Lamb and Onion, Vegetable Stew, and Pickled Chicken and Artichoke Hearts.

Eliera is especially glad of the vegetable dishes. A variety of beer, ales and stouts are here for the partaking. For desert there are sliced fruits, peach and cherry pies, coffee and tea. During dinner there are lost of smiles, the woman ask Eliera, Sivath and Katlin how they like traveling with such hansom man? Katlin says, it is alright, we are just friends.
Grylla looks at Crow and says, I like that one, he has a such an innocent smile. The girls giggle. Grylla (is exceptionally beautiful, with black hair and narrow hazel eyes).

Pay them no attention smiles Janas, we don't get many visitors around here, he smiles at Crow and says, I have a cross bow and know how to use it. Father you never let me have any fun says Grylla! Trinia says, girls, and laughs. She looks over at Hanma and says, personally I prefer dark and handsome Magus types, I think I am drunk.

After dinner the six party members go to the dungeon to discuss the ghostly visitations. And as they are discussing their nightly visitor, a ghost arrives. It is Zellara, the beautiful ghost of the deck.

She tells the group that it is time for the Harrow reading. the Harrow Reading is Done (See Session 55 Harrow Reading), after which the group asks Zellara to stick around and see if anyone comes around. The group take watch turns. During the 3rd watch, Zellara screams at the intruder. The wake up, Zellara describes a old crone of a female, and Riris guesses that it is some kind of a night hag, an Ethereal creature. So it was sent from the frozen north to assassinate one of the woman in the party?

After Eliera dispels removes Riris and Egric's fatigue, the party sleeps in. After noon they say their good buys, and head into Harse. In town they put their horses into the stable, and head of for the Green Goose Inn. At the Inn they meet the proprietor and the very friendly staff. They find out about the shops in town, and figuring that shops are already closed, they decide to eat and have a few drinks. Crow passes on some triple team entertainment opportunity, which make Ivy, Mary and Milla a bit sad, but he buys them drinks, and they head to play with the town's alchemist.

They bed down for the night in the inn's great room, and have an uneventful night. In the morning they head toward the alchemist shop, when they here a sound of breaking glass and Riris and her bird fall asleep.

The party is attacked most cruelly by a group of three bandits, their dog and two red mentis assassins. They turn the tide on their enemies, even though several times the red mentis an the bandits were ahead. Finally, Riris was woken up by the cleric Eliera's divine magic. Riris managed to put the two red mentis to sleep, one was killed by Katlin's arrow, while the other was apprehended by Crow.

They searched the dead, and dragged in their prisoner into the Alchemists shop. As they did all that the Owl started thrashing badly, they tried to get to it, but it cut its own throat with its talon and died from shock. [To Be Continued...]

October 8th, 2017, 09:14
Session 55 - THE HARROWING:

Positive Past
Zellara smiles and says this card represents the Positive Past:

The Dance (lawful good, Dexterity) is a rich and delicate framework that, like the universe itself, requires everyone within it to abide by its rules, lest the entire construct collapse. It advises staying in perfect step, knowing your place in the greater good.
Those who step out of the pattern do so at their peril. Misaligned, that pattern might be hypnotic, but not to the good of all.

This card represents the fact that years ago the Shoanti dwelt in an around the lands that are now Korvosa, they protected that for what information you seek, the Midnight Teeth.

Neutral Past
Zellara says this card represents the Neutral Past:

The Cyclone (chaotic evil, Strength) is a force that tears through whatever it meets. This disaster does not come in the course of natural order but is one that comes from the plots of intelligent beings. The Cyclone signifies war, arson, or other plans that destroy everything they touch. Misaligned, this card can indicate renewal after a blustery trial.

This card is a metaphor for time, the only thing that is contestant and ever changing. The empires of Aztlant and Thassilon, were destroyed by the Earth Fall, the Runelords were no more, the dark ages came, the world was reborn. Peace followed by war, then piece again. So it has been in the past, balance.

A member of the group has been singled out by a creature, that has been sent to assassinate her from the frozen north.

Negative Past
Zellara frowns and says this card represents the Negative Past:

The Uprising (chaotic neutral, Strength) represents being caught in the clutches of something much more powerful than you. It is an overwhelming strength that often crushes what comes in contact with it. The crown held high signifies an overthrowing of a leader of some sort. In the spread, it indicates a force much stronger than the person receiving the reading.

This card is a symbol of the evil that beings do to other beings, in the past it symbolizes the early days of Korvosa's founding and the fact the Shoanti dwelt there before the place was colonized by the Chelaxians. They came to the shore of Korvosa, devil worshipers, they drove out the valiant savage and built a great city. The Shoanti, a nomadic people were driven ever north into the Cinderlands. Yet other evil dwelt in the land before this, when tyranny takes hold, it rarely happens in an instant; it arrives like twilight, and, at first, the eyes adjust. Yet more then one tyrant may exist at same time? Varisia was a land of tyrants.

This card suggest that The Avengers have a role to play in a future uprising, and that its appearance in this part of the reading implies that now is not the time for direct action against the queen.

Positive Present

Zellara frowns and says this card represents the Positive Present:

The Beating (neutral evil, Strength) signifies coming under attack from all sides, but it can also indicate the dissolution of the self—mentally. Whether the strength is of the flesh or the mind, it dissolves under the relentless attack. Misaligned, this card suggests that during the assault, undiscovered strength is found.

This card representing the present is a metaphor for Group being fugitives, in their decision to enforce their now homeless state and that they have been turned into nomads. There are parallels between The Avenger's forced flight from Korvosa and the Shoanti's expulsion over 3 centuries ago, and that by following in the footsteps of those Shoanti and heading up to the Cinderlands through Kaer Maga is the route to resolution, it is clear. As nomads take the opportunities as they come to you in Kaer Maga and other wise.

Neutral Present

Zellara says this card represents the Neutral Present:

The Eclipse (lawful evil, Wisdom) represents self-doubt and loss of purpose. This card afflicts those with faith in the divine, as their talents can wane under this stress. It can also indicate a loss of way along a path. If misaligned, it can augur an unheralded ability coming to the fore or a concealed location revealed.

This card represents unforeseen opportunities, while at first it seems like a delay, in reality it will be of great help. By helping others you will help yourselves. Also, there is something following you, it preys on your dreams.

Negative Present:
Zellara frowns and says this card represents the Negative Present:

The Twin (neutral, Charisma) signals duality of purpose or identity. This doppelganger can also mean indecision, as a person or group wavers between very different options. It can also mean 23 divided loyalties abound. The card makes a harrower wary, as it can also mean the entire spread has a hidden or reversed meaning." "

While you are gone Queen Ileosa, will reinforcing her power in Korvosa. This seems horrible, but it will take her time to execute her plans. If not Ileosa the whom? Is there an un-named enemy. It seems you have enemies behind and ahead of you.

Positive Future:
Zellara smiles and says this card represents the Positive Future:

The Empty Throne (lawful good, Charisma) has a sense of loss that is palpable. The ghost signifies that those who are gone will always be with us. They taught us important lessons, if only we choose to listen. This card can bring information from a far-off or ancient source. If misaligned, the ghosts of the past are restless, and might require effort to set at peace.

Cards representing the future, you will travel through Kaer Maga, to the Cinderlands and beyond. You will make a new enemies, some were sent by the queen and others you know nothing about, you will deal with them.

You will encounter other forces in the Cinderlands who might at first seem enemies, but could be powerful allies

For some time to come The Avengers will be strangers in a strange land, but someday you will return to liberate Korvosa.

Neutral Future:
Zellara says this card represents the Neutral Future:

The Locksmith (lawful neutral, Dexterity) presents the subject with the keys she needs to unlock her destiny. He grants the tools to access a new location, clue, or treasure. He does not grant insight into how or where to use the tools granted. This card often represents a strange, ancient, or magical object.

This cards to implies that the group strength will be important in their immediate future, but that you are not yet strong enough to face Queen Ileosa herself.

Negative Future:
Zellara frowns and says this card represents the Negative Future:

The Marriage (lawful neutral, Charisma) can be a union of people, ideas, kingdoms, or other distinct things. The progeny of the salamander and water weird shows that a union might bring forth new power from both parties, or it might be a ruinous joining of that which should never have been united. Once wedded, the two cannot be parted. This is the card of permanent change.

This cards represents the future and paints that Korvosa and Kaer Maga are dangerous places. Yet Kaer Maga is safer for you than Korvosa, and Kaer Maga is the gateway to the Cinderlands. One of you will be swallowed alive, the fire will engulf you, at the moon house you will face a great evil, you will be finally exhausted at trial on hot fiery plane. You will be hounded by the murderous insects enemy sent by the Queen Ileosa herself, the battle will be joined in the Cinderlands.

October 22nd, 2017, 08:18
Session 56:

After the fight with the Red Mantis, the party ran into the Alchemist's Shop dragging the Red Mantis Assassin behind them. Rancis the alchemists protested, he said this is a place of business, you can take your "thugary" outside. Eliera and Sivath said, but we do have business. Oh said the alchemist, on proceeded to barter an Elixir of Swimming, Oil of Arcane Mark, Oil of Magic Vestment, Potion of Eagle's Splendor and a Potion of Invisibility to Eliera and Sivath. Rancis suggested that they take their little friend to the empty house near by, and get out of his shop. The party thanked him, and went on their way. Crow noticed that one of the corpses was gone.

In the empty house, Riris was still crying for her lost bird. The Red Mantis Assassin laughed at her pain, and insulted the party. They tried to interrogate him, and he told them that if they let him go, he will bring others to find them and kill them. He asked them if Neolandus the Seneschal was with them? After the disappointment of not getting anything useful from him, Crow killed him by crushing his scull with his boots. Sivath cast prestidigitation spell and cleaned up the blood. Crow decided to go track down the walking corpse, while the other's shopped and sold items.

They left the empty house and visited the smithy. A little boy, with hero worship in his eyes met them outside. Soon they met his parents Ferum and Rosy Armstrong. The Armstrong's told them about some of the other business in the village.

Crow tracked the dead man come to life, south then north out of the village, he realized some time later that the tracks became half wolf and half man.

Meanwhile Eliera and Sivath came to a weapon shop. Seeing nothing they were interested in, they went to a magic shop. In the shop Eliera traded for a Wind Fan and Sivath got Size Alteration Staff with the Dragonhide Breastplate and one more item of weaponry.

Crow eventually noticed that the query footprints, turned into wolf prints, then he joined what appears like wolf pack, and he ran off with them in full wolf form.

Then Eliera and Sivath went into the Armor Shop, the armor shop owner traded them a +2 mithral rallying full plate, for Plate Full of an indentified metal. The party went back to the Inn, by then Crow returned.

The quietly part ate dinner, and Crow stayed away from the tavern's working girls. Ivy and Mary tried to entertain Ivar without any luck, and Milla was sadly dissapointed at not spending time with Crow.

In the middle of the Night on the 25th of Calistril the party left Harse, and headed North.

Near the river crossing on the way to Abketh they found a man fishing. They decided to stop and talk to him. They quickly discovered that he is a Cleric of Irori, they ate fish and talked. Eliera noted that she strives for perfection in Art as well in life. The Cleric of Irori, by name of Kane, said that humans are imperfect Eliera agreed to disagree with him. Kane did say that he came here from Abketh ten days ago, he liked the village

They bedded down for the night, Crow started to meditate, and Riris went into a dream state. Then Crow said, I smell fire. He climbed a hill and realized that up ahead a village was burning? He went down the hill, and asked the group to go scout the damage and help the villagers. They voted, and it was a a draw, then Crow said, then I am going anyway, they joined him one by one, finally Katlin and Eliera had to come along, since no one was staying.

They neared the village, and they saw the devastation. The whole village was burning. Sivath explored several houses. Egric sent his owl to look at a lock. The village was devastated.

They left the village and headed North Easterly. A short while later Crow saw tracks of a small humanoid, possibly children asked Sivath? I don't think they are children As he was moving stealthily forward, when a barrage of arrows hit him. [To Be Continued....]

October 29th, 2017, 08:34
Session 57:

On a brisk sunny day on the 25th of Calistril the group encountered goblins in a a clearing as they came out of the forest. While the group was deciding weather to charge the goblins or not because they were still on horse, Crow charged while being fired upon by the merciless goblin archers. Crow and Riris understood that the goblins were protecting some hole. What hole?

Crow reached the goblin line and one of the goblins cut his horse in half, but Crow being quick managed to jump off the dead horse and started to attack the goblins. It soon was apparent to the group that Crow's charge was foolish, because he was in grave trouble. Finally Crow was reinforced by Ivar and Katlin, and Crow was able to move back. The goblin soldiers fought on, while the arrow barrage diminished. Then Riris notice a cave opening. Slowly the goblins died and the group healed up and decided to enter the cave.

It was dark and gloomy in the cave, and it stank of burnt sulfur. Egric went in invisible to explore the cave. Approximately fifty feet into the cave Egric came to a sharp drop off, which descended 20 feet down sharply. Except in the corners it was a much more climbable slope. Egric moved ahead, and Riris flew after him. Egric noticed water up ahead. Others came down the slope, until it was Eliera's turn. Eliera took a nasty spill down the rocky side of the cliff.

As this happened a red dragon flue out of the gloomy darkness, and breathed fire at most of the group piled up next to the slope. The fire was extremely hot, some used the rocks to hide from the worst of the heat, Crow on the other hand evaded all of the fiery damage. The dragon hovered in mid air and cast a spell that made the area near by smoky. Egric through a Tanglefoot bag at the red dragon, to no effect, while Riris took the brunt of the goblin archer skilled ranged attacks.

If not for Eliera's capable healing, the group would have perished. Then the unbelievable happened. Crow decapitated the red dragon, and it thudded to the stony cave floor. Several rounds later both Goblin archers were dead. They were very good archers, but they were no match for the group.

Egric saw something shiny in the pool of water, it turned out to be allot of gold. They searched the goblin archers and found more items. Crow stood near the dragon and thought, wonder if we can skin the dragon. [To be Continued]

November 5th, 2017, 12:57
Session 58:

The party decided to rest inside the cave, while Crow was skinning the red dragon and the unseen servant was bringing up the gold from the bottom of the flooded cave. While nothing happened Crow, Riris and Katlin woke up exhausted. Eliera removed their exhaustion. Then they were fatigued, Eliera removed their exhaustion and Katlin's fatigue, the others had to rest. Meanwhile, Eliera cast a divination spell, and found out that something that the group is doing leading this thing to them, because it is tracking one of them. But the description of the creature, Devourer, did not match the footprints in the sand. They made dragon stakes, all ate them accept Eleira.

They decided to cast divination another day. Crow and Egric proceeded to carve out dragon teeth, and dragon claws. Sivath noticed that the water was rising in camp. They moved the camp to the upper part of the cave, and finished resting. When they got up, they finished the dragon steaks and left the cave.

They traveled north east, toward what Crow thought the direction toward Kaer Maga. In a tight forested clearing they ran into some dire lions. Apparently the lions were not hungry enough to eat the group. After a quick fight the group moved on, but not before Crow skinned them..

They ran into the river that heads to Kaer Maga flowing down to Sirathu. About an hour away from Kaer Maga they saw a party of Orc Slavers with a chain of slaves. Crow crossed the river, followed by Katlin. The Orcs warned them to stay away, and that they are bound to Kaer Maga slave market. Crow attacked. The Orcs screamed and yelled, but the group would not listen. The fight started, one Ork tried to escape, but Sivath caught him with her ball lightning spheres.

Then Egric went toe to toe with the with an Orc, and he had to withdraw and heal. Soon the enemy was dead or fully unconscious. The slaves came back. The slaves went back home with non magical Orc's gear.

After that, they road a bit, and discovered a base at the bottom of the Starwall Rise cliff, that from this vantage point looms over them with the weight of the ages. [To be continued....].

November 12th, 2017, 08:35
Session 59:

Calistral 26th, at about 6pm. The group approached the outpost, and was met by the local merchant. He offered to buy their horse, and by accident gave the platinum instead of gold. They met the duskwardens and they heard about the need to traverse the underground passages to get to Kaer Maga. After selling their horses they were a bit overloaded, and decided to exchange their gold for platinum to reduce encumbrance. They also sold some of their bulkier items. Ivar actually got rid of his torches and trail rations to drop the weight.

During the night Riris began the familiar summoning ritual which cost a pretty penny. Then they continued to rest. When Riris got up she talked to Egric, and Egric told the party that, his wife said that Vancarlo and Neolandus have arrived in Janderhoff. When they woke up, Katlin and Crow were exhsted. Eliera had to cure their ailment. Then she cast a divination spell, and got a misleading response. Riris new familiar cast a commune. From the images that his familiar shown, an did a commune they realized what ever it is it was after Riris, but is confused, and that Riris mother is still alive.

In the morning the party ascended a stairs with the duskwarden guides. They climbed a stairway, and found it blocked, and decided to explore a passage that opened up. They found a large room with some very pitiful dwarf types, that attacked them, before it was over, it was done. In the far end of this room were some demon dancer statues, pushing down on a man as if they wanted him to go to hell, but in exotic ecstasy? Crow felt air drifting in from the east. Crow ran around the corner into some very surprised goblins. After a short tit-a-tat the group let the surviving goblins go.

Egric wished to explore the cavern. The group found an old shrine, the cleric Eliera looked at it but could not identify the deity. All she knew was that this is what happens to gods that are not worshipped any more, maybe this shrine was pre-starfall in age?

On the walls of this area they also found many niches, filled with ancient bones those that appeared to be bleached in what looked like an ossuary. They voted and decided to keep exploring. [To Be Continued]

November 19th, 2017, 08:11
Session 60

Egric took the lead and found a room with a shrine of some beautiful goddess with multiple arms. He checked for traps and a fireball went off. Egric docked and it missed him. He got up and began disarming the trap, while Crow the ranger came near him. The fireball went off again. This time both Egric and Crow dropped to the ground. Crow got up feeling all dirty. Egric said you better back up. Crow backed up and Egric continued to work on the trap. He began playing with the left breast. Bang!!!! Another fireball went off. Egric dropped to the ground, then he got up. He checked the right breast. Another bang, Egric got off the floor, and started playing with both breast. He looked back and said, this does not give me any pleasure, then a Click!!! It is disarmed, he said. In the bottom of the statue, in the pedestal he found 5000 silver pieces, a sable mask and a potion of Enlarge Person.

Egric found a rotting stinking corpse with a War Prayer Book, and Sivath left an unseen servant at the plug, and the part went south west. They moved on and found a room about ready to collapse and a room that was partially plugged. Egric found a room where he had to jump over a scythe. He went in further and read an inscription that someone has scrawled "The Foxes of Antun killed a hydra here" on the west wall. After that, they found a stone plug and Katlin began hitting it with her Bardiche, Ivar tried to help. After ten hits it was still up, and Sivath said let me try. Sivath withdrew a Staff of Size Alteration and cast Shrink Item. The stone block became a tiny winy block of rock.

Egric went inside and saw a snake-like creature go invisible. The group tried to move in the room, but the snake-like creature cast a fireball. Egric yelled it is a Spirit Naga, and attacked. Crow and Katlin joined the fray. Sivath and Riris too. Riris tried to Hex the Naga, while Sivath haste on the group. Eliera through a spear of light at it. Katlin would have used the kitchen basin on it, but decided the Bardiche would do. The Naga hissed, "Stoppppsssss, don't killlllssss". Sivath said "you better have something to offer". The Naga said, I have 100 platinum and two scrolls and a location of a plug just like this one. She gave them the items and led them to the plug.

At the plug, Sivath shrank it, and Egric followed by Crow moved up. Crow was oblivious to the danger, while Egric saw it and quietly entered behind it. Crow stumbled on a roper thing, and was bitten by it for his trouble. Katlin ran into the room and try to attack it, and was grabbed by its tentacles and was pulled toward it. While Eliera healed the party, Ruhiel, Riris' familiar kept casting Sanctuary as before in the Naga room. Riris hexed it to sleep, and Katlin killed it with a regular blow.

They found a pearl and a potion here, as well as 600 gold. They searched the rest of the catacomb, just niches with more burial alcoves, and more unsafe rooms. The pearl was a Pearl of the Pearl of the Sirines and the potion was a Neutralize Poison variety.

They found many more collapsed and about to be collapsed rooms, they decided to see what the statue was, and Eliera figured out that this is a ancient statue of Lissala possibly.

They went toward the breeze and came out in a big cavern. The Duskwardens took the lead and they ran into some mushrooms like Violet Fungi. The duskwardens were attacked by the fungi, and engaged the fungi, and the rest of the group came behind them. They quickly managed to kill all three fungi.

They came to a chasm, and Riris flew across the span, and Egric secured the other side. The group and the two duskwarden guides crossed the chasm. The continued on until they closed another chasm and entered Kaer Maga [To be Continued.....].

December 3rd, 2017, 08:57
Session 61:

It is Calistril the 28th, and the group is in Kaer Maga. As you exited the cave you are dumped into a city like no other. As First-time visitors to Kaer Maga, you find the city both disorienting and disconcerting. It is very different from Korvosa, the buildings go up and one cant's see the sky. The Duskwardens lead you up and down up and down staircases and ladders to their headquarters. They thank the group, and reward them, the Duskwardens also find a guide for them to take them where they wish to go in the city.

Egric asked the guide to take them to Phaeton Skota's place. The guide urchin said, follow me. They traveled through the district of Bis. The guide said that Kaer Maga is roughly organized into 11 districts, eight in the Ring and three in the Core. Many of the
districts are controlled primarily by one faction or the other, the borders between them are not political but rather geographical - simply names for neighborhoods that may date back thousands of years.

As you were traveling through Bis you looked up and saw a gargoyle perched on a rooftop, calling down its less-than-positive opinions of passersby by and occasionally pelting them with roof tiles. The group moved on.

Further into Bis, the group saw Three prostitutes leaning out a window to display their wares—one beautiful, one scaly, and one clearly undead. Egric wanted to know what race was the scaly one? Ivar did not thing the undead-one was beautiful.

As they were leaving Bis they saw some smiths, the guide said ah those are Ardoc family members. They are golem makers those, and they tend to be the Rulers of Bis.

They walked into Cavalcade district, up and down they went. What is that Egric said? Oh that? the guide said is the Rubdown, it is a very best bath house in Kaer Maga. You can get the best massage there as well.

They moved into the district of Bottoms. The guide says this is where the Freed Man live and rule. The guide explained about the supply and demand of slavery here in Kaer Maga, and that the Freed Man buy them from the slavers in Down Market, to keep the piece. The group saw some Weird Things as they were passing, and the guide told them about Uri the builder of Gliders that can be used to fly from the city. They went into the Common Room ran by a priest of Cayden Cailean, a tap room and the center of government for the district. They asked about the mission of the Freeman, Slavery and other related matters. One of the questions discussed was if Kaer Maga is defensable? The freedman told them about an 45 year old attempt by Korvosa's King Chadris Porphyria III to annex Kaer Maga failed, he soon died and Queen Domina Arabasti, made sure to eradicate his noble house from Korvosa. Crow bought several rounds of drinks, and then they left on their journey.

When they crossed into Tarheel Promenade, they saw Priesteses dancing under a executed corpse of a thief and murderer getting him ready to become useful again as a zombie. The group found the practicality of things in Kaer Maga very different from Korvosa. They entered Phaeton Skota's shop. No one in, a bell rings as they enter. A short while later, Phaeton Skota comes through the door in the shop. He says: Hello my friends! Egric and the group are delighted, in seeing him. Some how the conversation turns to burdensome money, and weight, etc. Phaeton Skota asked, what happened to the Portable Hole I sold you? Lets not talk about that said Egric. I am delighted to see you too, especially since you still owe me that mission you promised me. Egric said if my friends are willing that is. Of course said Phaeton Skota, my friends are at the Temple of Abadar we can discuss business later, after business. Oh we have to go there too said Egric.

They sold their loot and bought Handy Haversacks, all accept Riris who carries the Portable Hole for the group(Egric already has a Handy Haversack). Egric asked if he had a Corset of Dire Witchcraft, Phaeton said no. Crow asked about magical Snag nets, but he did not have any either. He sent the guide to get one for Crow. After the guide returned they went to the Bank of Abadar.

In the Bank of Abadar they were introduced to Wen Histani. She dismissed Phaeton Skota, and asked the group to follow her into a meeting room. Wen says: While the Church of Abadar is strong, there are times when brute force is less useful than guile; when the needle works better than the hammer. And more, there are times when to further your ideals you must look not to true believers, but to those who can make whatever compromise is necessary to get the job done.

The group says, are you able to be more specific? She explained the mission:

Long ago, the region known today as Varisia was part of a single great empire called Thassilon. Seven wizards wielding almost godlike power ruled this empire, and indeed many of their vassals worshiped them as deities. Each of the wizard-kings styled himself after one of the seven different Virtues of Rule: wealth, fertility, honest pride, abundance, eager striving, righteous anger, and well-deserved rest. Yet disputes between the seven rulers, dubbed Runelords for the powerful sigils used in their spellcasting, were common. Rather than wage war on each other, conflicts were settled via champions wielding magic blades, each tied to one of the seven virtues.

Over time, the power and decadence of Thassilon's expansion corrupted its rulers, and the seven virtues became twisted mockeries of themselves-fertility became lust, abundance turned to gluttony, and so on. When a mysterious, cataclysmic event finally brought the empire to ruin, the swords and their creators disappeared. At present, most of those living in Varisia have forgotten all about the empire of Thassilon, looking on the immense monuments peppering their landscape with ignorant awe. The lessons of the past live on, though, in parents who instruct their children about the dangers of the seven deadly sins.

Recently, however, a power-hungry enchantress named Tirana has begun unearthing and gathering together the lost swords of the Runelords, blatantly stealing them from vaults where wiser minds concealed them. If allowed to proceed unchecked, this usurper could soon wield a power second only to the ancient Thassilonians themselves.

How do you know Phaeton Skota? Egric asked. I explained this before - said Wen.

The terms reached are: 10000 GP, one sword if six are recovered and two if all seven are recovered. The group has concerns about bank security. Wen says that the previous head of the bank is scrubbing privies in an undisclosed location. Egri asks if there will be repercussions for killing the Tirana. Wen gets some parchment an writes the Warrant Tirana Dead or Alive, the sighs very quietly "Korvosan's so orderly". She does say that keeping all the swords after the mission will not be tolerated. Egric says, I believe that was a threat, lets be nice, but Wen says nothing more on that subject.

They ask if the bank has sketches on the blades, and she produces them: Asheia (Lust), Baraket (Pride), Chellan (Greed), Garvok (Wraith), Shin-Tari (Sloth), Tannaris (Envy), and Ungarato (Gluttony). The legend behind Asheia is that Runelord Sorshen went into her harem with Asheia, ran it through her favorite concubine, and said who ever brings this blade to me will be my champion!

They agreed to the terms, and requested banking services [To Be Continued....].

December 10th, 2017, 08:46
Session 62:

The last thing that Wen says is "We aren't certain what she plans, but it's easy enough to see that it bodes ill for Varisia. If she were to succeed in actually taking control of all the swords, the power she would wield would be immense. Cities could burn. Rivers could boil. Churches," she finishes with a grim smile, "could crumble. "That's where you come in." Do you know where she is, or anything else about her they asked? Wen said, the church has discovered that Tirana lurks somewhere within Kaer Maga, but the trail ends there. As the outlaw city is famous for its ability to make people disappear, the church knows that any sort of direct response on its part would tip off Tirana and send her to ground, burying herself in the tunnels beneath the city and out of the church's grasp. I suggest you make an you make an inquiry on your own, perhaps The Lyceum. What is the Lyceum asked Katlin and Ivar, it is a library of sorts in Oriat.

The group left the Bank of Abadar and proceeded toward the hospice. They asked their guide if the child knows of a good inn in Kaer Maga? Yes, how about the Sorry Excuse, it is a descent enough brothel. "Hmm" said Sivath maybe some place else. Then they saw a goblin working on a clockwork to earn money.

They saw a magic weapon shop called The Flame that Binds, a really fat human ran this place. As soon as the group entered the place he fawned over Katlin, Ivar, Crow and Egric. He asked them about their fighting styles and was fascinated with their weapons. He offered them a 10% discount and was a jovial fellow. They asked him about Tirana, but he did not know anything. He did promise to let them know if he heard anything.

They moved on and the guide, made more suggestions, after hearing about a brothel serving ladies only called the Strapping Lad they settled on a Brothel/Inn called the Canary House. The place seemed to be an epitome of class, this five-story inn and bistro containing the most expensive and exclusive accommodations in town—an irresistible experience for those with means, and a simultaneously opulent and discreet place for the covert assignations of the wealthy. The waitresses, entertainers and courtesans in the establishment are called Songbirds. Inside Canary House, pheasant is a specialty of the kitchen’s famed culinary artistes and the walls are elegantly decorated in avian themes representing the birds of A’kaan’s native Garund, yet these are not what give the inn its name. Rather, the moniker comes from his famed Songbirds—slave girls chosen for their talent and trained from the time they could speak to sing in unbelievable harmonies, each word a chord with a dozen voices spanning several octaves. These girls, while carefully cared for as the investment they are, swing from trapeze perches in gilded cages, and lest the audience be fooled by their elegance, thin chains around their ankles provide a constant reminder that the golden bars are still very real.

On the way to the Canary House the party ran into a streetwalker with a zombie in toe, we are a team she said. At the Canary House the group got rooms, had a meal, and drinks. They discussed Riris situation, and how to find Tirana. One thing came after another the many courses, the beautiful girls, the singing. Riris went to the bar tender and possibly ordered a drink, then everyone saw her wink at the Bartender Alaeh A’kaan. Alaeh provided the songbirds for a private one on one massage session for each person, all accepted accept Ivar. Then later they heard moaning and bed creaking from Crow's room. Then they heard snickering from Egric and Riris room. Eliera got a such a nice message, that she had the girl stay with her all night, and her a tip. Calistril 29th, in the morning a Songbirds left Crows and Eliera's rooms. They met at a corner table and had breakfast.

Riris reveaed to group that she was able to get a hold of her mom, and her mom revealed that: The creature must travels in the ethereal plane, and cast psychic magic that is somewhat different from ours. The hag tracks it's victims through tendrils of their signature power. While in the ethereal plane they have a hard time locating its victim. If the hag has found you, it must be something you do regularly, that the hag is honing in on, perhaps a combination of power use and action. To kill one you will need to either be in the ethereal plane or see invisible and have weapons that may hurt it. Force spells may also do the trick. Beware it may try to trap your soul, or the souls of your allies. This speeded up the need to discuss a permanent solution.

On the way, they walked into a establishment thinking it was a tavern, instead you realize it is a brothel. Then as they entered Oriat they witnessed Two screaming men knife-fighting in the center of a bustling market, with bystanders simply walking around them. Then they got to the Lyceum, and met Thaddeus Giovée and several clerics of Shelyn, this was a house of Elieras' religion. They talked to Thaddeous about Tirana, and he told them to seek Gadka’s Magical Oddities in the Tarheel Promenade, he heard about Gadka knowing something.

Gadka listened to Riris problem, and said he ma be abke to help. After discussion, finally it was decided to have the cleric Eliera use the Rod of Metamagic, Ectoplasmic, Lesser to cast a Glyph, that is tripped and casts a Magic Circle against evil. Also Riris would need to be able to cast see invisible, and a spell called force sword. They went to the Lyceum.

They saw a two horses and a centaur waiting to be shod. Egric asked her about centaurs, but she did not share much. Near the Gadka's shop they saw: Two gnomes sprinting at full speed with rope leads, the ends of which are tied to a third gnome strapped to an enormous kite.

They headed to Gadka's and were greeted by a him. He told them where to find the Split Street gang connected to Tirana. The went to a nearby market and quickly took care of the Split Street Gang. Then they returned to Godkas, and were well rewarded. They bought Rod of Metamagic, Ectoplasm, Lesser, Scroll of See Invisibility and Scroll of Force Sword [ To Be Continued.....].

December 17th, 2017, 09:06
Session 63:

Gadka told the party that Tirana makes her home in a handful of abandoned tunnels and laboratories that once belonged to a scientific conclave calling itself the Council of Truth, which dissolved years ago. Located between Cavalcade and the Bottoms near the outer wall that overlooks the cliff, the entrance is marked by the ruins of an old water mill in a nearby stream. Its wide double doors, cast from bronze, bear the engraved image of a large-eyed owl-the Council of Truth's symbol. In addition, Gadka recalled that on his one venture into the complex, he noticed a large shaft used for ventilation opening into the cliff face high above.

The party journeyed to the mill, and crossed a broken bridge. It was a dangerous crossing, and they used ropes to cross so they would not be washed over the side, down to the bottom lands of Varisia below Kaer Maga. They eventually got across, walked to the wall, and started climbing down the wet rock wall to the cliff side. Egric went first, followed by Katlin. The split street gang attacked. Ruhi and Riris came in next. Sivath learned the location of the cave, climbed up and dimensioned door the party down. They eventually killed the four thugs, whose heart were not in the fight. They found a peep hole, and the room the gang were hiding in.

To the south and east, they found an air mephit, that was blasting them with electrical energy from a circuit of somehow. The little guy wanted their armor, and they decided to leave it for now. They went North, at least Egric and Crow did while the party lagged behind. Egric, then Crow spotted a wall with a pile of gold near the wall. This small stone room is dominated at the north end by a massive pile of treasure. Gold coins spill from open coffers draped with fine silks and furs, and glowing swords stand propped against barrels and crates holding gem-encrusted armor. They by passed it, but Riris got too close and was blasted. A gray creature came at her, and hurt her bad. Crow and Ivar gave it a target rich environment, and eventually the group killed it, after Crow cut off it's leg.

Egric proceeded down the hallway and saw this: twisting passage is full of debris. Broken scythes protrude from the walls, shattered arrows and darts line the floor, and in several places it appears the stone itself has been pitted and scarred by some sort of acid. Where the passage widens at its southern end, the mangled corpses of three goblins hang impaled on a cluster of metal spikes protruding from the floor.

Then they ventured into a grand room, the acrid chemical smell of sulfur and burnt earth fills this chamber, the smooth stone walls covered with an oily black film. Near the center of the room stand a fire-scarred black cauldron and three ominous bone pillars. Atop each pile of bones rests an open skull from which emanates a steady bubbling sound and a soft, colored glow. This strange radiance illuminates three oil paintings hung at intervals across the north wall: a skeleton with a red apple, a blue jaybird, and a golden ring in its chest, a dark castle being shattered by a tidal wave, its highest tower marked with the shape of a rose; and a demon drinking from a golden goblet while holding a heart. A shelved alcove to the south lies in shadows. Then Egric found blue, red and yellow powders. They focused on the task at hand. They tried blue and red liquid, and with the red powder and the room exploded around them. Then they tried the blue liquid and blue powder. Nothing at all, how strange. They decided to take the powders with them.

They went south and came to a room, as Egric backed out of the room, Crow thought he came in and was ambushed by some raptors and their goblin riders. Then he realized that going in alone would be a really a bad idea [To Be Continued...].

December 24th, 2017, 08:24
Session 64:
Crow thought he came in and was ambushed by some raptors and their goblin riders. Then he realized that going in alone would be a really a bad idea, he told the others about his premonition. They looked closely through the door and saw some goblins in the room. Crow and Katlin charged in, while Egric moved in invisible. Ivar noticed that he was slowed again, by his armor, because it glowed? The goblin chivalry unlashed its fury on the group, while Sivith cast her magic missiles. Ruhiel cast sanctuary on lead melee types and Riris while the battle raged on. Slowly the tide turned, as slumbered goblins and raptors succumbed and eventually died.

Egric got closer to the green portal and heard sounds of wild life and fungus like smells, and felt that he should get away. Ivar got close to the southern black portal and took damage, and moved away from it. Egric decided to check out the west door. He heard a whirring sound. After checking it for traps, he opened the door. Egric went down the hallway and found a duct with fans to the south moving slowly. To the west they saw a door. The group decided to open the door, after Egric did all the necessaries.

The walls of this enormous chamber stretch twenty feet upward before arching five more feet to a peak, buttressed at ten-foot intervals by narrow pillars of the same white stone. In the center, the smooth floor has been cut away to make room for a massive pool of cloudy water that eddies and glows with bursts of faint green phosphorescence. On a stone bridge bisecting the pool at the waterline squats a massive conglomeration of gauges, tubes, and drive belts, all whirring together with a mechanical hum that fills the room. Static around it causes tiny blue sparks to leap from its frame, particularly around the pipes that lead into the pool. On the north side of the chamber, a platform raised five feet off the ground contains a metallic console overlooking the pool.

Egric went invisible to the machine then the council on the north side of the room. Crow went to the west side of the room. Sivath was on the east side. The others came in behind them, and then the squid attacked Crow. They fought it with mostly ranged weapons accept Katlin, Sivath fire balled it twice, and then Riris slumbered it. Crow gave a rope to Ivar and Katlin and went after the squid. As soon as he did he took a nasty shock, he thrashed in the water’s electricity with his teeth chattering, and Katlin and Ivar pulled him out. Ouch said Crow, and Eliera healed him. Eliera had taxed her healing abilities and decided to use her wand instead. Everyone needed some healing. Crow gave safety ropes to Eliera and Ivar. Crow cast his snag-net at the squid creature, and managed to snag the giant beast with his net. He pulled up and found himself going down below the waterline. He took more damage from the electricity, and Katlin was able to pull him out.

After studying the machines panel, Eigric started flipping the switches. Then the beast came up again from the depts., this time they were ready for it, and Katlin damaged it, in a spout of blue ink it went below.

Egric played a while with the buttons, finally after taking a few blasts, Egric turned off the sparks but after several round the sparks came back. They did that several times, and timed the onn/off timing, and Crow went below, stabbed the creature in the eye, and grabbed its tentacle. Katlin, Crow and Ivar pulled it up, and Katlin killed the Squid. Calamari Crow exclaimed!

They played with the circuit bored to tears, as Egric dodged electrical bolts. Then he managed to turn it off, and they opened the door, and Egric proceeded down the hallway. He peered at the air mephit, and rushed through the circuit. He dodged the energy arc, as he came he found himself behind the little defenseless creature. He mechanically and without emotion slew the defenseless creature without even a by your leave. He hit the red button, and found he had to dodge another bolt, and then he clicked the green button and the buzzing stopped. They found a mithral breastplate +1, frost kama +1 and a heavy steel shield +1, and a few other items.

Then Egric suggested that they try their luck at the alchemy area. They mixed Yellow Liquid and Red Powder, the brew rippled, then suddenly changed to show a brief glimpse of a darkened landscape covered with sharp-edged mountains that bite at a starless sky before distending and congealing into the gaunt shape of an ooze-covered babau demon, called against its will from its home plane. The demon immediately attacked Egric. Eliera yelled die demon spawn, as a light ray merges from her hands. It screamed and tried to get away, but its spell fizzled, and Egric killed it.

Then they mix Red Liquid and Yellow Powder, and Egric submerges his sword into it, nothing happens. Then he submerges his mask, and it turns to gold. Then they put copper pieces and nails into the liquid that they re-mixed and the items turn to gold. The final mixture they mix Yellow Liquid and Blue Powder, Egric licks the new liquid and feels better. After Crow drank a dose and felt much better, Egric put the rest into his empty water flask.

Meanwhile Crow sneaked a peak down the north hall. [To Be Continued….].

January 7th, 2018, 08:39
Session 65:

The party moved into the hallway and went east. Egric opened a door and they saw: a rectangular room is bare save for a ten foot- wide chasm at the southern end, which drops down twenty feet into a roaring fire, beyond it, a large cauldron filled with glowing molten stone bubbles softly. The air in the room is stiflingly hot.

Egric, Katlin, Ivar and Crow went into the room. Egric took a running jump, and landed near the cauldron. He started taking damage from the heat. As the big lava balls near the cauldron started hitting around him, the door slammed down. Katling, Ivar and Crow tried to open the door, while Egric got hit by a lava ball. On the other side of the door Sivath, Riris and Eliera tried to open the door also.

Egric jumped back, exhausted from the heat, but went to work on opening the door. Meanwhile Riris was knocking on the door yelling “Open Up! Opwn Up!”, and it opened. Reris said “I did it!”. Ivar looked at Egric, and said “Thanks!” in a subdued tone. They went north and Egric found a dead end with a bunch of rubble, with no end in sight. Egric opened the double door to the east, after checking it for traps.

What he saw in the room confused him. This large, open room is fifteen feet tall and covered in square stone tiles five feet to a side. Set into these tiles on the floor and ceiling is a forest of standing metallic spikes and nails, some nearly a foot long. Opposite the two sets of double doors leading into this room is an alcove. Within are ornate stone lintels set into the floor, framing the mouth of a steep shaft filled with stairs. He walked in and stepped on a pleasure plate, he flew up and down, sometimes hitting spikes and sometimes not. A electrical creature attacked him, so Egric decided to leave the room.

They went west, and found a door to the north. Egric opened the door and they found: an oddly shaped room is packed with bookshelves, arranged both along the wall and in a freestanding island in the room's center. Each is crammed to bursting with tomes, scrolls, and loose papers. On the floor, several books and charts lie open, their leaves in disarray and covered in handwritten notes. They studied the books, and Riris said, hey look, I think I understand. She told the group the following:
Long ago, the region known today as Varisia was part of a single great empire called Thassilon. Seven wizards wielding almost godlike power ruled this empire, and indeed many of their vassals worshiped them as deities. Each of the wizard-kings styled himself after one of the seven different Virtues of Rule: wealth, fertility, honest pride, abundance, eager striving, righteous anger, and well-deserved rest. Yet disputes between the seven rulers, dubbed Runelords for the powerful sigils used in their spellcasting, were common. Rather than wage war on each other, conflicts were settled via champions wielding magic blades, each tied to one of the seven virtues.
Over time, the power and decadence of Thassilon's expansion corrupted its rulers, and the seven virtues became twisted mockeries of themselves-fertility became lust, abundance turned to gluttony, and so on. When a mysterious, cataclysmic event finally brought the empire to ruin, the swords and their creators disappeared. At present, most of those living in Varisia have forgotten all about the empire of Thassilon, looking on the immense monuments peppering their landscape with ignorant awe. The lessons of the past live on, though, in parents who instruct their children about the dangers of the seven deadly sins.
Recently, however, a power-hungry enchantress named Tirana has begun unearthing and gathering together the lost swords of the Runelords, blatantly stealing them from vaults where wiser minds concealed them. If allowed to proceed unchecked, this usurper could soon wield a power second only to the ancient Thassilonians them elves.
They found some books, which they put into the portable hole. They rested and rememorized spells, they decided to get ready for their visitor, but Riris and Eliera needed to rest. The attack happened swiftly. When it was over, Egric, Katlin and Crow were exhausted.

Katlin cast lesser restoration, and Egric, Katlin and Crow felt rested. They went back to the room with the spikes, and Egric entered it, and tried to disable traps. Ever so slowly, and while under the attack of the invisible electrical creature, they were slowly overcame it, once Sivath cast glitterdust. Egric cleared the preasure plate traps, that drove him bunkers, and they entered the next level.

The stairs here lead down through a steep, straight shaft eight feet high and barely wide enough to contain the stairway. The sides and ceiling of the tunnel are bricked with white masonry that matches the steps, giving the overall impression of walking through the inside of an enormous bone. At the bottom, the passage opens up and freestanding stairs descend the final ten feet from the ceiling to the floor. To the south and west run straight passages of the same gleaming stone.

They found double doors to the south, and Egric cleared it for traps and entered. A large, gleaming steel apparatus takes up the southern half of this room. All over its surface, tubes and cords emerge from sections of the machine's chassis, only to plunge back into valves elsewhere, and a pair of levers and numberless gauges festoon its metallic bulk. To the west, a spigot protrudes over a rack of empty glass beakers and flasks. In the center of the machine is a large recessed door several feet off the ground, above which glows a small amber light.
They tried to figure out what the machine did, but were not successful. They left the room, and traveled southe to the next set of doors. Egric listened at the door, and thought he heard snoring. He told the group and opened the door very stealthily. He saw an odd seen in this room.

This immaculately clean room is set up like an operating theater. Near the west wall, a freestanding steel table with an inch-high lip around the rim contains the splayed and mutilated body of a dog-headed man, his skin flayed in long flaps and held open by metal hooks and clamps to reveal the organs within. Along the other walls, tables hold trays of gleaming knives and strange, barbed utensils. The room stinks of chemicals and blood. Egric snuck into the room and attacked the men looking in his direction.

A fight started, the man while hurt, cast a spell, that panicked Egric, Katlin and Riris. While the three effected heroes dropped their items and ran, Ivar and Crow joined the fight. Sivath and Eliera also attacked it. Ivar felt fine, after his armor glowed. Then the mad doctor touched Ivar and used some dark necromancy on Ivar. But the good doctor could not stand up to their combined force of the heroes facing him; they slew him and his little familiar too. They found a stone and a spell book on the good doctor’s corpse. Riris got both, she put the Scarlet and Blue Sphere Ioun Stone on and was very happy with the result.

Riris said “I know engineering!” She went into the room with the machine next door, played with it and said it is some kind of a juicer, lets put the good doctor’s body inside. Look at this, she put a glass bottle under heath the spigot and they weighted. An hour later a clear liquid poured in to the potion bottle. Riris looked at the vial and said this is a Potion of Cure Serous Wounds [To Be Continued….].

January 14th, 2018, 08:59
Session 66:

Calistral 29, the group leave the familiar of the good doctor in the juicer, and open the door to the south in the doctor’s laboratory. The stench in this hallway is horrendous. Two rows of steel cages line the center aisle, their bars thick steel lattices that glow softly in the half-light. Inside each cell languishes a different monstrosity, slumped carelessly in piles of straw or its own filth.

In Cell 1 they find a Huldra, at first Egric thought she was human, but she had a foxes tail, red hair and blue eyes. In Cell 2 there was a Cerynitis, a maiden with golden antlers like a stag and hooves of bronze. Cell had an Encantado, a fey with leathery wings, long fingers and pointed shoes. Cell 4 had a Tulpa, a naked blue creature with white hair, as if made of fluid. Cell 6 had a Witchcrow, a part crow and part man beast. Finally, Cell 8 had an Uraeus, a snake like creature of golden scales, red torso, black head and eyes, and green jade neck hood. The creatures stayed put, even after freed from their cells. Before they were healed they just wanted to die, now they curled up on the straw of their cells.

At the east end of this room, Egric checked out the door. It was not trapped, he opened the door and stepped in on the green carpet of plants, OUCH, that hurt. Hundreds of planters and flowerpots in stacks and rows dominate this room, obviously once carefully organized but long since overgrown and neglected. Thick mats of thorny green vines climb the walls and ceiling, and a carpet of moss and roots covers the floor. A fountain on the east wall is carved to resemble an owl's head belching a stream of glowing blue water into a basin, and a squared ring of trenching filled with the same water dominates the center of the floor. Both are choked with lilies and other, less identifiable plant matter.

Egric came out of the room, and Sivath attempted to burn the “sharp grass” with burning hands,.flaming sphere, and fireball. After the first two spells the grass blades grew back. Meanwhile a shambling mound attacked the party. He eventually grabbed Crow, and tried to pull him into the acid below. They killed the mound and Sivath saw a box in the water. Sivath levitated it out of the pool of estr, and they pushed it into the next room. Egric opened the box, inside they found a pair of gauntlets of Ogre Power.

The outer walls of this room-within-a-room are smooth and featureless. In the center sits a second, smaller structure: a massive block of stone that rises nearly to the ceiling. Across its sides flow horizontal bands containing thousands of miniscule engravings, reproduced larger on the two sets of bronze double doors that lead into the stone block from the east and west. Egric opened the doors to the next room. Inside the smaller room is darkness, interrupted only by a faintly glowing sarcophagus apparently constructed entirely out of gold. Runes like those on the outer doors cover its surface, but these appear to skitter and dance across it.

Egric spotted runes on the sarcophagus, and called Sivath to assist him. Sivath and Egric studied the runes and Egric popped the lid on the sarcophagus. And Ivar in the next room ran the other way after dropping his sword and moving away from the mummy he saw. After a short but brutal fight they killed him. Buried among the flood of beetles are a deep blue sapphire worth 1,000 gp, a gem-encrusted crook worth 750 gp, and a golembane scarab. The sarcophagus itself is worth 10,000 gp for its gold alone, but removing a half-ton box from the complex is no easy task. Fortunately they had a portable-hole.

They moved back to the Good Doctor’s Laboratory, and made camp. Crow, Ivar and Riris took the first watch. The doors parted and they were under attack from three. Sivath, Katlin, Eliera, and egric found themselves on a cool winter nigh attacked by a Hag. She kept cackling and wanting to meet Riris. Hopefully for dinner, she cackled. After more fighting they defeated the hag, as the hag said “This is ONLY a Dream!

January 21st, 2018, 08:08
Session 67:
The group questioned their prisoner, while they juiced the first dead mercenary in the instamatic juicer machine, as Crow called it. Ivar got all intimidating and trough his height around, and the man decided to cooperate. He told them that he was hired by Terana’s familiar who was invisible, to come here and kill them. That is all he knows, so Crow not feeling any remorse from the mercenary ran him through with his blade in the name of Sarenrae, The Dawnflower.

The took a rest, while the watch continued juicing the remains of their enemies. They got three more potions of Cure Serious Wounds for their trouble. They woke, ate of their trail rations and proceeded north and then west. Egric found a door that lead to a room, which he entered. He saw the portals on either side of this room are filled with a roaring wind that seems to come from the stones themselves, blowing from north to south through small antechambers. Inside the room itself, two large cylindrical glass tanks stand with conduits running into the ceiling, one filled with swirling orange liquid, the other empty and shattered partway up its face. Several tables and bookshelves stand along the walls.

Egric then craw came into the room. Egric was invisible, and crow not so much. Crow was attacked by a swirling swarm and bitten, then the swarm disappeared. Shortly after that a man with a sick pallor attacks Crow. Others come into the room, and the fight starts in earnest. The man that looks like a Splitstreet thug, seems to be invornable to their weapon attacks. Between Sivath’s spells and Riris force swords, they manage to kill it, but not before the creature hurts Egric quite a bit. Crow runs to Eliera and hieratically begs to be cured of his granular infection. Elier cures Crow, and they search the room They find a +3 mithral agile breastplate, Boots of Elvenkind, Potion (Cat's Grace), Potion (Cure Moderate Wounds), and Silver Rapier +1. They divided the loot, Ivar has the cleric cast Remove Curse, and gladly removes his Plate Mail and puts on the new breastplate.

They move into the next room to the east. This chamber is dominated by a large pool of crystal-clear water in an ornate stone cistern. Egric checks the room for traps, and then finds a keyhole. He manages to pick the lock, and a watery pseudopod rises from the pool of water. Egric sticks his head in and thinks of the Queen Ileosa Arabasti, and gets thrown across the room from the pool. Then Crow thinks of Lady Arkona, and he sees her lying with Aranea Devina in bed naked. Crow wishes he was home. Eiris gets a glimpse at her mother, before mom says, don’t do that. Then Egric looks in on Terana, and finds her in a ritual over a pentagram of candles.

With a new sense of urgency they headed south west to a body of water. The steady sound of gently flowing water fills this massive underground chamber. In the center of the cavern, a large pool of dark water separates dry shelves of rock to the east and west, with a rotting wooden bridge leading from the eastern shore to a small rocky outcropping jutting from the pool's surface. To the north, a wooden rowboat bobs slowly within arm's reach of the eastern shelf Egric sent his Owl to scout in the darkness, and it disappeared into the gloom.

Egric shrugged, and proceeded south west into a room. This large cavern is hewn directly from the natural brown rock, its stone floor rough. Above, its ceiling climbs in steps like a ziggurat, angling up to a twenty-foot-high apex. Throughout the chamber, dozens of slender, age-blackened longswords fall from narrow slits in the ceiling, only to be reclaimed by a similar slot in the floor, immediately appearing again at the top. The sound of steel hissing against stone fills the room. A Creature was at the far end of the room. It was not willing to negotiate or retreat. Their weapons could not harm it. Sivath’s spells and Riris magic seemed to do the trick, as the vampire fell; it swirled into the gas and journeyed out of the room. In their excitement they did not realize where he went. They found one magical looking sword. They all needed healing, Eliera observed [To be .Continued....].

January 28th, 2018, 08:15
Session 68:
The party realized that the vampire went gaseous and warmed away into some hole below the ground. They found a magic bastard sword, and proceeded toward the boat where Egric’s Owl was eaten by something in the water. The steady sound of gently flowing water fills this massive underground chamber. In the center of the cavern, a large pool of dark water separates dry shelves of rock to the east and west, with a rotting wooden bridge leading from the eastern shore to a small rocky outcropping jutting from the pool's surface. To the north, a wooden rowboat bobs slowly within arm's reach of the eastern shelf
Egric moved to the bridge and the rock beyond it. He found some flat rocks, and just shook his head. Crow saw the same rocks and decided to skip them on the water. Then the party got into the boat, all except Riris and Ruhiel. They stroked across the water smoothly, and then the boat was pushed by a Large Water Elemental, and Crow, Egric, Eliera, Sivath and Ivar wound up in the water. Crow and Ivar had a very bad feeling and they began to flee from a dreadful Black Dragon. Crow began to swim easily, while others attempted to swim and succeeded, Eliera started to sink. If not for Crow, she would have drowned. The dragon used its acid breath, while the water elemental began to spin and churn the water.
The group made it to shore and began fighting the water elemental, while Sivath cast the stinking cloud spell. The drogon started coughing and puking, and it flew west out of sight. The group focused its fire power on the water elemental. Riris used her enervation spells effectively against the water creature, and haxed it, over and over, again. The water elemental tried to withdraw, but with the stinking cloud to the right of it had nowhere to go, so it died after Crow and “Jumping Ivar” got to it.
Sivath sent a silent image of the stinking cloud toward the dragon. It is then that Crow took off like a dolphin toward the black dragon. The rest of the group had no choice, they had to get into the boat once again and row for the opposite shore. How bad could one dragon be?
Crow got there first, he began to fight the dragon, one on one. The dragon roared at Crow “ليس التسليم هو ديجورنو”, and Sivath and Riris heard “Thanks for delivering a tasty treat to me o foolish elf.” Buffeted with its bite, claws, wings and tail Crow tried to penetrate the Dragon’s defenses. Even though Crow was very hurt by the black dragon, he was able to cut off the dragons Right claw with a deft stoke of his longsword. Meanwhile the party kept rowing across the underground lake in the boat. Ivar jumped across the water, and charged at the dragon, his attack missed however.
The dragon caught the group in its breath weapon, and almost slew Ruhiel. If not for Riris the loyal familiar would have died for sure. Not long after that Katlin joined the fight, and Sivath cast glitterdust. The spell worked and the dragon was blinded. Even though the dragon felt Egric was invisible, and the dragon was blinded by Sivath’s spell, the black dragon attacked Egric, but missed. Egric responded in kind, and the dragon flew toward the water and safety, while the group’s arrows mercilessly hounded it.
The dragon roared “سوف تموت بسبب هذه الإهانة”, and Sivath and Riris understood that it meant سوف تموت بسبب هذه الإهانة”; “You shall die for your insolence”. While Ruhiel tried to cats evil eye, and Sivath cast call lightning, which was mostly ineffective. The dragon flew toward Riris, and grabbed her, and plummeted into the water. It had Riris in a death grip, while Crow, Ivar and Egric attacked the dragon. Before Riris ran out of breath, the repeated blows of the allies killed the huge magical creature.
When it died, it reflexively let go of Riris, it mouthed “حرية” which Sivath understood to be “Freedom”. Crow and Ivar saw a longsword on the bottom. He got it, and went back searching for more loot. Crow found more gold and platinum [To Be Continued….].

February 4th, 2018, 09:21
Session 69:

Crow swam toward the slave dragon, and tied a rope around him. They then pulled it into the shore and skinned it. Sivath cast prestidigitation, before they place the skin into the portable hole. The group decided not to rest in the dragon’s room with the big lake.

Egric checked out the next room. The rough stone floor of this room is bisected by a ten-foot-wide channel barely containing a torrent of dark, fetid water that ripples with oily colors and occasionally emits tiny sparks. At the western end of the channel, a waterfall plunges from a hole in the ceiling, filling the channel before rushing out through a dark opening in the western wall. The room is thick with mist, and a thin sheen of pale fungus coats every surface.

After checking the room out, he turned invisible and moved into the room. He saw a river running through it, a dark river. He had a rope tied to him, while he tried to jump. He failed to reach the other side and fell in the fast moving water. Two Chuuls attacked him. Egruc and the group tried to extricate him out of the water, but the Chuuls kept attacking him. One of the beasts goy its tentacles around Egric, while Riris slumbered the other and it sank. Riris slumbered the other one, and Egric would have sunk below with it if not for Ivar. Crow and Katlin jumped into the water and killed the Chuuls.
Eliera the cleric healed up the group and and cast restoration spells on the swimming enthusiasts, because they constitution. After casting the spells she had, Eliera decided that she needs to rest to do the restorations on Egric and Crow. After resting the group woke up fatigued and/or fatigued.

Eliera had to restore the group to full capacity, then they opened the door to the south, after Egric checked out the next room. The door here opens into empty space within an enormous cylinder twenty-five feet across. Narrow stone blocks float magically in the tube's center, unconnected and unsupported, creating a spiral staircase to the floor sixty feet below. He went all the way down and came back up under the effect of Invisibility. I did not see anything.

It started when they came half way down, Katlin and Ivar were attacked by some air force. They were eventually pushed down. Some of them were on the stairs, while the tanks were below, and something was attacking them from above. They moved down, Ivar tried to open the door below, a wall of fire sprung up, which Egric eventually disabled, and the door slammed shut again. Sivath was casting evocation spells at the Invisible stalker that Riris spotted, while Riris the witch was tanking it.

They were trying to open the double doors by any means, but finally Egric opened the door with his rogue skills.

They moved into the next room and Sivath cast glitter dust on it, and they saw a wall of flame. They started taking fire damage from the heat, and the fight migrated here. The invisible stalker entered the room, and after a while the invisible stalker was killed.

About same time Crow the first to cross a wall of fire and encountered a fire elemental. Ivar, Egric and Katlin joined him.

Sivath cast Haste. Riris researched the lever, and decided pulling them was a good thing. She informed Egric, and he informed the party. A second one was killed, Sivath pulled the 3rd lever, and the group focused their might on the last remaining fire elemental, and it died without a purpose, at least that is what Crow thought as he made flipper imitations. They found a ring of the ram, that they put in a portable hole [To be Continued….].

February 11th, 2018, 09:24
Session 70:

Egric checked for traps, and moved into the next room. This plain stone room is unremarkable save for a dark rectangular pit that occupies the center of its tiled floor. A thick metal grating coated with a thin veneer of rust covers the top of the shaft, leaving only a few inches between each bar. Crow followed him, they looked carefully through the room, and then they heard a “swoosh”, and several blobs popped into the room. Crow must have stepped on an electrical plate, because the shock hurt. Riris cast a lightning bolt, and instead of dying the blobs split, into four. Egric figured out that these were Ochre Jellies. In fact splitting them made the easier ti fight, they soon killed the disgusting creature.

Egric tried to clear the room of electrical plates, but Sivath still stepped on a pleasure trap, which sprung an electrical trap. Ouch said Sivath, I thought “You said these is clear?” Yes, said Egric, I thought it was.

Egric checked out the door to the East, nothing, nothing at all. A dark, roiling mass of blood-red clouds and a barren landscape of bone-colored, sun-scorched earth can be seen through the flat portal dominating the center of this room. A maelstrom of wind and dirt spins rapidly around the edges and sends a choking cloud of dust continually spiraling upward about the chamber. In the four corners stand statues of strange, forearmed humanoids bearing bladed weapons and covered in bony spikes. Egric and Crow walked into the room, not much, and then a sonic blast hit them. While the casters stayed outside the room and tried to cast spells that were not working. Ivar and Katlin attacked the Xill. This fight lasted a while, when it was over both creatures were dead, but bit before they did more damage.

Egric checked for trapes at eastern, finding none he opened the door. They saw two Bralani which did not wish the PC to enter the room. Finally the party member decided to come back later.
Egric checked for traps at western doorway, finding nothing. They took a second look, and beyond the door's arch, a yawning crack in the stone floor slices a jagged scar across the chamber's stone floor. Acrid yellow smoke billows from the depths of that strange abyss, while tongues of black flame flicker from the edge of the crevasse. Across the chamber, against the west wall, two steep staircases extend to the edges of a large stone balcony. On the stairs and balcony, a half-dozen black-robed cultists stand with arms raised to the heavens, chanting a monotonous litany of profane pronouncements. Each casts furtive glances in the direction of the yellow smoke, where an unusual winged shadow begins to take form.

The smoke solidified, and a bird like creature attacked Egric. It seemed very tough, but Sivath observed it, and targeted the cultists on the stairway and balcony ahead. Sivath targeted them, and cast Stinking Cloud. It worked; the cultists stopped chanting, and tried to head down stairs. The demon was killed.
As the cultists, left the stairway, they still puked at the characters, but soon their misery was over. After a while the group finished then off. They found an amulet and a agile breastplate, which was nice, but neither Ivar nor Crow wanted to wear it [To Be Continued….].

February 11th, 2018, 12:32
Session 70:

Egric checked for traps, and moved into the next room. This plain stone room is unremarkable save for a dark rectangular pit that occupies the center of its tiled floor. A thick metal grating coated with a thin veneer of rust covers the top of the shaft, leaving only a few inches between each bar. Crow followed him, they looked carefully through the room, and then they heard a “swoosh”, and several blobs popped into the room. Crow must have stepped on an electrical plate, because the shock hurt. Riris cast a lightning bolt, and instead of dying the blobs split, into four. Egric figured out that these were Ochre Jellies. In fact splitting them made the easier ti fight, they soon killed the disgusting creature.

Egric tried to clear the room of electrical plates, but Sivath still stepped on a pleasure trap, which sprung an electrical trap. Ouch said Sivath, I thought “You said these is clear?” Yes, said Egric, I thought it was.

Egric checked out the door to the East, nothing, nothing at all. A dark, roiling mass of blood-red clouds and a barren landscape of bone-colored, sun-scorched earth can be seen through the flat portal dominating the center of this room. A maelstrom of wind and dirt spins rapidly around the edges and sends a choking cloud of dust continually spiraling upward about the chamber. In the four corners stand statues of strange, forearmed humanoids bearing bladed weapons and covered in bony spikes. Egric and Crow walked into the room, not much, and then a sonic blast hit them. While the casters stayed outside the room and tried to cast spells that were not working. Ivar and Katlin attacked the Xill. This fight lasted a while, when it was over both creatures were dead, but bit before they did more damage.

Egric checked for trapes at eastern, finding none he opened the door. They saw two Bralani which did not wish the PC to enter the room. Finally the party member decided to come back later.
Egric checked for traps at western doorway, finding nothing. They took a second look, and beyond the door's arch, a yawning crack in the stone floor slices a jagged scar across the chamber's stone floor. Acrid yellow smoke billows from the depths of that strange abyss, while tongues of black flame flicker from the edge of the crevasse. Across the chamber, against the west wall, two steep staircases extend to the edges of a large stone balcony. On the stairs and balcony, a half-dozen black-robed cultists stand with arms raised to the heavens, chanting a monotonous litany of profane pronouncements. Each casts furtive glances in the direction of the yellow smoke, where an unusual winged shadow begins to take form.

The smoke solidified, and a bird like creature attacked Egric. It seemed very tough, but Sivath observed it, and targeted the cultists on the stairway and balcony ahead. Sivath targeted them, and cast Stinking Cloud. It worked; the cultists stopped chanting, and tried to head down stairs. The demon was killed.
As the cultists, left the stairway, they still puked at the characters, but soon their misery was over. After a while the group finished then off. They found an amulet and a agile breastplate, which was nice, but neither Ivar nor Crow wanted to wear it [To Be Continued….].

ooooeeer - cultists and pleasure traps - a classic combination!

February 13th, 2018, 02:08
ooooeeer - cultists and pleasure traps - a classic combination!

I never thought that I would play RPG again, and then I heard about FG!

February 18th, 2018, 09:03
Session 71:

Pharast 2nd, 4708, Noon: the group looked around the rift room, Egric on the north side near the door and Katlin in the south. Katlin found a secret door to the south. They finally decided to move into the room to the south. They found this hidden chamber simple but elegant, the walls covered in minimalist reed-mat paintings and tapestries. A high four-poster bed with a canopy rests at the far end, and a bookshelf, claw-foot bathtub, and desk covered in documents round out the furnishings. From the items and documents on the desk they figured out this is to be Tirana’s room.

They tried to decide if they should rest and lay a trap for the witch or hag that has been haunting their group when they rested, but then Eliera discovered that her Magic Circle against Evil was already dropped due to a heal spell she spontaneously cast earlier. They rested, and Katlin, Egric, Riris and Ivar woke up exhausted in about two hours. They went back to rest, and when they woke up, with Katlin, Egric, Riris and Ivar fatigued. Ivar sloughed off his fatigue, Eliera invigorated the others with her lesser restoration spells.
They moved north, and Egric careful as always checked for traps before they rested. He now opened the door and found a row of everburning torches along the west wall of this large chamber illuminates a pathetic scene. Two immense stone pillars stretch from floor to ceiling near the center of the room, each wrapped tightly with a taut chain connected to the wrists of a hulking giant in dented half-plate armor. The fire-haired brute hangs limply, almost on his knees, his eyes to the floor. The sound of heavy, belabored breathing fills the room. They were about to close the door, when the giant mumbled something, maybe it was “Help.” Sivath asked did he say “Help?” Shrugging they entered the room.

Eliera asked him who are you and something in the gentleness of her voice got through to the torchered insane mind of the fire Giant named Gruenar, he sobbed and said Tirana, torture plaything. Egric said “You know Tirana?” Gruenar said, yeah, but you will never reach her because she is guarded by a force field, and Only Upar the Kobold knows how to disable it in the generator pool room. Maybe it was the questions, or Egric’s pungent odor, but Gruenar went into a rage and brought down the columns on top of them. After a short but brutal fight, Gruenar was dead, and they were headed up to the generator pool room on level 1. They tried everything they could figure to deactivate the infernal machine, but nothing worked. They went down stairs and proceeded into the next room to the west.

There the corridor was lined with alcoves containing statues of different breeds of humanoids, their faces contorted with horror. Many of the statues are missing limbs and other protuberances, and the floor is littered with cracked and shattered bits of stonework, as well as entire statues pulled down from their pedestals or seemingly deposited on the floor without ever having an intentional placement. Egric opened the door, and Crow entered first. Two birds attacked him. The Bralani whirled and stirred up dust, and trued to save the birds, but the party pressed them, and the birds died. One Bralani went unconscious, and Sivath tricked the other by convincing her that the Birds were alive. Sivath used silent image spell, and made the birds run out of the room, and the one standing Bralani ran after it yelling “Stop, stop!!!”
They went north, where it soon got very hot. This massive, thirty-foot-tall cavern appears completely natural, save for the ornate circular cistern in its center. The stone lip surrounding this pool is several feet high and made entirely from jade carved in intricate and fanciful swirls, and appears to be the head of a well shaft drilled down into the cavern rock. Inside it, glowing lava bubbles and froths sluggishly, casting a blood red light on the stone walls and occasionally spattering over the sides with a hiss.

Ivar saw an Efrit and ran into the room, he was feeling warm all over. The efreeti attacked Ivar, then a dragon red dragon popped out of the pool and attacked Ivar. The efreeti cast a wall of fire, which separated Ivar from the rest of the group. Riris cast enlarge on Crow, and Crow ran into the dragon’s reach, then the unthinkable happened, the red dragon killed Crow. With the group nicely lined up the Dragon breathed it’s cone of fire. Riris started climbing the wall near her above the wall of fire. Katlin ran into the room earlier, and now she unleashed fury on the dragon, so she thought, but there were too many misses. Eliera moved through the wall of fire, she channeled energy on the group as she prayed and protected the party. Sivath cast her Bolt Lightning spell, this was the beginning of the end for the dragon and the efreeti. Egric threw his last thunderstone, and defended the efreeti, Soon the efreeti was killed, and the dragon was fatigued and dazed. But not before the dragon was killed by Katlin, the dragon took his attacks on Katlin, and then Katlin killed the dragon and it fell in to the molten lava pool. Unfortunatly the Lava splashed the and hit Katlin. Still alive and stabilized, the dragon started to gain consciously as Sivath’s ball lightning spell killed it.

They took Crow’s body back into Tirana’s secret bedroom, and brought back Crow to the land of the living and healed up. [To be continued….]

February 25th, 2018, 09:13
Session 72:
The party finished resting in Terana’s bedroom; it was the 3rd of Pharast some time past midnight. They ventured back toward where they fought the dragon and Egric scouted around the corner. He saw what is in the room. The floor of this large natural cavern is composed of two rocky shelves separated by a subterranean stream that flows gently from north to south. The passage into this room opens onto the western shelf, which is bare and flat save for three stone outcroppings. These stones are several feet high and so smooth as to be shiny, twisted into strangely organic bulbs and swirls that make them look like solidified liquid. On the eastern side of the shelf, an arch of stone spanning the stream leads up to the second shelf, which rises an extra five feet above the stream. Unlike the rest of the area, this arch has obviously been worked, crafted into a set of beautiful stone stairs. A low hum fills the chamber. He also spotted three piles of soil that he recognized as elementals.

He went back to the group and told them about them being in the room, and they made a plan. Sivath fire balled the room, but the rocks in the room absorbed the spell. The party charged in the room and started attacking the earth elementals. Eliera and Riris cast in the room, but the stones absorbed them. Egric found a Kobold in the room by the name of Upar. He held a knife to his throat, and the little Upar pissed himself. Upar told Egric that he will do anything, just please don’t hurt him. Egric said tell me how to disable the generator and we will let you live. Upar agreed, and gave Egric a piece of paper with letters and code. Riris went to the generator room and typed in a “OFF” and nothing. She typed in “Shut Off”, and nothing then she looked at the sheet of paper saw “P”, “W”, “E”, “O” and “R” on the sheet circled, and typed the zeroes and ones in the order of the word “POWER”, and everything shut off.

Riris returned, they buffed where they killed the birds, and they moved in to the elemental room. They saw across a span of water and up a short flight of stairs stretching a long flat ledge, pocked in several places by geysers hissing steam. To the north stands a waist high stone altar, and on the bare stone in front of it a seven-pointed star glows blood red, a lit candle at every point. In the air above each of six candles floats a sword, point down and faintly radiating the same red light. The space above the seventh candle stands noticeably empty. Cords of bright red energy occasionally reach out, tentacle-like, from the glowing lines and stroke the swords languorously before falling back into the seemingly solid stone. Terana was waiting for them.

Itrana cast a fireball, followed by a disintegrate spell aimed at Crow, and then she said “Some-times these things don’t work”. They fought her pet bats, while Ruhiel made two bats calm. Tirana cast a magic missile at Crow, followed by Baleful Polymorph, “turn into a pig she said” and nothing happened. Offended Terana smiled nicely at crow, then sneered at him and said “some-times it does not happen either”. It was a long battle; Terana withdrew spells from the stone and used them against the group. A random geyser randomly erupted, dousing them in steam adjacent to the geyser. Rvery time they hit her they took damage from Terana’s fire shield spell. They also realized that she was immune to fear and movement effect.

Eventualy they killed her and the floating blades dropped to the ground. The found her gear and the seven sword of sin. Crow got Asheia, Sword of Lust. Ivar got the Tannaris, Sword of Envy. Of other items found: Bodice of Resistance +3 was chosen by Eliera. Bracers of Armor +6 went to Sivath. Headband of Vast Intellect went to Riris. The Ring of Freedom of Movement went to Katlin, and Ring of Protection +3 went to Ivar. They discussed how long they plan to stay in town, and Egric suggested week, then they must depart into the desert [To Be Continued…..]

March 4th, 2018, 09:29
Session 73:
Pharast 3, 4798: The group delivered the blades they found below Kaer Maga to Wen Histani, the head of the Abadar order in Kaer Maga. She rewarded the Avengers and they assured each other that the knowledge of the blades must stay secret and secure. She offered them hospitality, and Crow a dinner date, which the elf graciously accepted, even though Wen was not his type.

They sold and shopped for magic items at Phoaton Skota’s shop in Kaer Maga.

On Pharast 3rd Riris had a conversation with her Mother that did not yield much new information, accept the likely hood that someday she may meet her mother.

Pharast 4 Egric’s Conversation with Yovan yielded that from Jenderhoff, Mercival Jeggar’s group went on foot between Runtash and Falcon rivers. The roads are dangerous we have been in several fight along the way. Ersta, Egric’s father-in law has passed away. He said that his dead mother will help.

Pharast 5 Egric’s Conversation with Aranea she has done well by proving herself a compitant as the unofficial administration leader. The elders of old Korvosa decided unanimously to have Aranae as the the new Old Korvosa governor.

Pharast 6 Egric’s Conversation with Hanma revealed to the group that the queen’s minions were doing quite well, until Hanma’s group paid them a visit. They found a note from their leader and her daughter:
“I am Shistemal, a Gilded devil imposter masquerading as Opal the leader in charge of Drudgespades gang warehouse, how clever am I. I was assigned by the "One" that in Korvosa to serve serves Asmodeous, the ruler of Nine Hells and promised such services to the Queen Ileosa Arabasti. I hope to be the darkness that serves her loyally. The "Forget Me Not" water that I have developed released in small quantities in the local water supply keeps our operations anonymous.

The church of Asmodeous has openly come out for the Queen. The church of Abadar has done the same, all but one priest by the name of Ishani Dhatri Cleric of Abadar. The fool has told his leaders that he will defy the queen; the Abadarians have informed the queen's servants that the man is a fool and is not connected with their church. We expect many churches in Korvosa to support the queen soon. We have no reason to believe that the church of Pharasma will break their neutrality; all that church cares about is that the dead are buried. The church of Saranrae is too small to give us trouble.

The Field Marshal Cressida Kroft and what remains of the Korvosan Guard are becoming less and less necessary because the queen's Gray Mayden's will soon be ready to secure all of Korvosa. In my opinion the Field Marshal has a huge yellow streak on her back, instead of defying the queen like the late Commandant Marcus Thalassinus Endrin of the Sable Company, that one will lick the queen's boots all day and all night.

There are rumors of a rebel leader in Korvosa. Is there a connection to the party that left Old Korvosa around the 20th of Calistril? When I discovered through the visiting Lofties of a resistance cell in Old Korvosa, I decided yo investigate. If I can eliminate them it will bring my operation notoriety with the Queen Ileosa Arabasti, and if I discover they are the rebel leadership we will come there in force. If I should perish there, Shiblla my daughter in evil pretending to be Ezisha, will return here and continue my work. The queen has sponsored our operation at the Drudgespades warehouse. The "Forget Me Not Water" is of great help in making new recruits for the queen. If the trials go well here, then we may be able to do more to convert into more Gray Maidens and Red Mantis Assassins for our queen.

By the Grace of Asmodeous, her will be done.
Later Entry in a different hand: Returned from Old Korvosa the cell in Old Korvosa is just a gang of Thugs, dangerous but inconsequential. I will continue to look for the rebel leader. Ezisha revealed that Thieves Camp and Trails End are emptying out of its mongrel Varisian and Shaonti residents faster than expected. That with the news that Ishani Datries leaving the Church of Abadar the group, an that he may defy the queen.

They found an Urn Trinia recognized the name Sevika, Ersta’s (Egrics’s father in-law) mother’s ashes?

Pharast 8 Egric’s conversation with Field Marshal Cressida Kroft: revealed that she is under surveillance and can’t talk.

They proposed a deal to the Korvosa church of abadar.
1. The Swords is Sin are to be kept save by the bank of Abadar in perpetuity
2. The groups banking operations and visits to the banks are to be kept under strictest secrecy (all branched), in Korvosa.
3. Sanctuary and escape clause.
Finally after hours the Bank of Abadar agreed to discuss provisions’ for sanctuary and confidentiality to all agents and representatives of Avengers’ for a fee of 10,000 gp guaranteed by the Korvosan Government.
Crow entertained the ladies in Kaer Maga, and then he noticed a rabbit accompanying Riris [To be continued .]

March 11th, 2018, 10:18
Session 74:
On the morning of Pharast 11, the group traveled through Kaer Maga to the standing market near the gap in the Warrens district. They bought horses and a cart there, and began the journey out into the wilderness of the surrounding desert. They traveled by day at first, the heat at first seemed pleasant, but the horses got tired fast.

They stopped during the day and rested, and made lunch around the camp fire. They fed the horses and watered them. A creature came out of the sky, Sivath recognized it as a sphinx. It asked if she may join them. They agreed, and the sphinx set next to tiny little bunny, Dusk Briarthorn. The two made eyes at each other, the sphinx was flirting and joking with the bunny. What is your name asked Sivath? Echidna the sphinx, said the sphinx. Then Ivar asked it are we going in the right direction to get to the Skoan-Quah, Kallow Mounds? The sphynx said, I will answer if you guess the answer to my riddle. They agreed, and the sphinx asked: What can elephants make that no other animals can make? Egric answered Baby elephants? Yes said the sphinx, you are going the correct way. Ivar asked is Thousand Bones there? The sphinx asked: What time do the ducks wake up in the morning? Katlin answered, at the quack of dawn. Yes, said the sphinx.

When the heat died down, they said their good buys, moved on. Ever east the vent, Crow and Ivar kept them moving in the right direction. To the Skoan-Quah, Kallow Mounds they went by night. They saw animal tracks, the desert was alive all around them. It started getting windy, so they decided to get near a large rock and made a wall out of the cart by tipping it over. It kept the majority of the sharp obsidian glass from cutting them to shreds.

In the morning befire they moved on. Ivar proposed that they try to attract the Hag by slumbering him. Riris said, sure let’s do that. The Katlin said, lets slumbered the Horse. The glyph of warding and the magic circle against evil were cast by Eliera, and the rod was passed to Sivath. They waited for the hag to show up, but nothing happened.

Very disappointed they were as the sun came up. Crow heard something, he woke them up. They looked around, when suddenly a blue dragon attacked them with his breath weapon. After Ivar fired some arrows and missed, Sivath cast a stinking cloud around it. The dragon became nauseated, and turned and ran away.

They again traveled until it go to tiresome, made camp, and moved on when the sun went down and the stars showed up. They traveled during the night, and before morning they encountered a blue dragon. The dragon breathed a line of electrical breath, that Eliera and Ivar found very painful. Sivath summoned a Cloaker that was a bit confused, because at first it was confused. After casting stinking cloud, Sivath realized that this is a different dragon. Crow ran at the dragon, a yelled I am going to kill you ugly beast. Then Katlin and Crow became shaken from the dragon presence.

Sivath’s Cloaker moaned and nothing happened, it should have been paralyzed. The dragon hit people left and right, Katlin was still moving. Crow attacked with the sword of Lust and the ordinary magical blade that was given by Lady Arkona. Ivar came at it from the west. Sivath cast haste and Ivar attacked it, however, they switched tactics without being able to intimidate. Eliera began to pray. Then they converged for the kill. Over and over they hit, before. The dragon died, but not before it hurt Ivar very badly. [To be continued….]

March 18th, 2018, 09:16
Session 75:
It was night on the 13th of Pharast, and the group just finished killing the dragon. Crow was skinning the corpse; it was the biggest dragon skin he ever skinned. After stowing the skin in the hole, very nasty indeed, they moved on.

As they moved, Crow said Kallow Mounds that way, and they road on. Finally they got in among some natural stone formations, and Katlin said, I think we are moving in the wrong direction. Then Crow looked around and saw some footprints, that Riris was the first to recognize belonging to a rather large dragon. She said so to everyone. Crow tracked the footprints to a large cave opening.

Egric scouted the opening and reported to the party that he saw two orc guards inside. They went into the dark cave, and Egric snuck up on the first orc and tried to kill him, but that Orc started screaming like a pig. Riris Slumbered the other orc, and Egric killed the first orc, then Coup De Graced the second orc.

They heard more noise from inside the cave, as they moved inside. Out of the gloom came a mass of orcs organized in a troop of orc soldiers. Ivar moved to the front, and was confronted by a desert giant. Egric moved forward too and was also confronted by a giant too. The desert giant on Ivar knocked the barbarian’s sword out of his hand, and it flew north. A bunch of medium sized orange monsters swarmed on the sword and started adding digestive juices to it.

Ivar’s nodachi started to dissolve. Ivar fought the giant with his claws. Sivath hasted the group and Eliera blessed the group, all but Egric who was too far ahead on the left flank. Egric was hurt badly and Ivar was enraged as he watched his sword digested, all he could do was take it out on the desert giant. After the sword dissolved, Sivath released her fireballs on the little varmints, and destroyed them almost to the last one. Soon they defeated the troops and Sivath magic missile killed the last living rust monster, and Crow dominated a desert giant that attacked them, and a little while later the group failed to kill the giant, and it was prone until they managed to kill it a few rounds alater.

Eliera finished healing the group and they started exploring the cave. They spotted lots of bones in the cave, and Crow found a few gold coins. They followed the coins, and found more and more gold. A huge pile of gold, with a glass tube with a greatsword inside a glass case. As Ivar approached Crow and neared the blade, the greatsword turned into a very large nodachi inside the case. After Egric looked at the case and said “It has no traps you may open”, Ivar went away from the gold and busted the case, and took out his new Nodachiand held the nodachi lovingly. Riris spellcrafted the nodachi and found out that it is: +3 furyborne keen silver nodachi. They quickly counted all the gold and loaded it into the portable hole. Short while later they were on the road again toward the Kallow Mounds. .

As you approach the Kallow Mounds, these cairns grow more and more frequent. About a half a mile out, the camp, they are intercepted by a group of four Skoan-Quah boneslayers-warriors who patrol Shoanti burial mounds and are trained from an early age to be particularly effective against the undead. This Ivar tells the group later. The four boneslayers are somewhat surprised to see tshamek, but greet them nonetheless. Their demands for what the PCs are doing approaching their campsite aren't completely rude and hostile, and as long as the PCs state their desires plainly, the boneslayers agree to lead them into their camp. Ivar mentions all this to the group later.
They arrived in the village [To be continued…]

March 25th, 2018, 07:07
Session 76:

It was noon on the 13th of Pharast, and the group road into the Shoanti settlement of Kallow Mounds under an escort of many Shoanti, and accompanied by Skoan-Quah Boneslayers. Many Skoan-Quah surrounded them.

Skoan-Quah are pushing and pulling, a young brave is asking what are tshamek doing here? Ivar realizes that Skoan-Quah are referring to them as “Strangers”. He quickly says we are looking for Thousand Bones.

The chieftain of the Kallow Mounds, and of all the Skoan-Quah, is a quiet and gaunt man named One-Life introduces himself and introduces an elderly woman known as Ash Dancer, she goes to get Thousand Bones.

Although the initial contact with the Skoan-Quah could be tense, these tensions fall away once Thousand Bones arrives on the scene. His ready smile and welcoming calls do much to set the other Shoanti at ease, and their initial hostility gives way to curiosity-many of the Skoan-Quah have never seen an honest-to-goodness tshamek before.

Crow ask Thousand Bones about the Queen Ileosa, but Thousand Bones waves aside any talk of Queen Ileosa or Kazavon for now, telling the PCs that he has similar worries of his own but that such a discussion should be held at the proper location and time-in this case, Thousand Bones suggests, during the evening's Bone Council fire.

Until evening, Thousand Bones arranges for a guest yurt for the group to rest in. He has plenty of food and water delivered to the tent.

Then they hear commotion outside your yurt. As they step outside the yurt they see a dozen or so barbarians leading a travois with a bundle on it. Thousand Bones arrives and tells them: that is a Sklar-Quah named Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills. Krojun, along with an honor guard of a half-dozen Burn Riders. He has arrived at the Kallow Mounds for the same reason every other Shoanti visits-someone important has died. In this case, they bring the body of Berak, a Sklar- Quah hero known for leading many successful attacks against orc aggressors from Urglin.

He warns that Krojun is a hero to the Sklar-Quah, and that blood spilt here would undermine the already shaky situation between the tribes.

When Krojun does arrive, he spends a few moments sizing up the PCs with a sneer before turning to address Chief One-Life:
"Why do the Skoan-Quah harbor tshamek trespassers?"
As Chief One-Life struggles to find an explanation that won't further enrage the towering visitor, Thousand Bones nods at the giant's words as though considering them carefully, but then responds sharply, "Tell me, Krojun, when did the Sklar-Quah become judges of who trespasses on the Kallow Mounds where the ashes of our fathers lie?"

"Your words change the question, Thousand Bones," answers the Shoanti hero with a snort. "These ones bring trouble to the Cinderlands, and you know it. The coming days shall reveal to us all who is right about them."

"Perhaps," answers Thousand Bones. "But not today, and not here. Would you have word of Berak's burial tainted by bloodshed get back to your Sun Shaman?"
Krojun pauses, the cords in his neck straining, but then he exhales and grins.

"You misunderstand me, Thousand Bones. My grief has wounded my words. But see to it that no tshamek defiles our memories here."

His smile broadens as he pulls a thin leather loop from one of his packs.

"Certainly, though, guests of the Skoan-Quah must be brave to come this far. You wouldn't mind if I tested the courage and strength of your guests, would you?"
Riris realizes that the strap is for a Soanti game named "sredna.".

In sredna, two opponents face one another on their hands and knees with their foreheads spaced just over a foot apart.
The contest requires a thin cord of leather tied in a loop. One end of the loop is placed behind the ears of each competitor so that the players are bound to one another. When the game begins, each player stares his opponent in the eye while slowly attempting to crawl backwards.

The resulting tug-of-war results in extreme pain as the leather digs into the soft part of the back of the neck and skull. At some point, one of the competitors relents, acknowledging defeat by bowing his head, causing the strap to roll over the top. Sredna games typically only last for seconds, but two evenly matched opponents might duel much longer. In such cases, standoffs and ties are frequent.

When a sredna match begins, each player must spend three "breaths" (3 rounds) staring into each other's eyes before attempting to pull. Pulling before the 4th round is an immediate disqualification. Intimidation and patience are almost as important tools to win sredna matches as is strength. During these initial 3 rounds, the players make opposed Intimidate checks by growling, gnashing teeth, and spitting insults. Each time a player wins one of these checks, he gains three sredna points, and in the case of a tied Intimidate check, both players gain two sredna point.
On the 4th round, each character makes an Initiative check to determine when he moves. On his turn, a character may opt to tug or dig in.

Tug: The characters make opposed Strength checks. A defending character who dug in on his previous turn receives a +4 bonus on this check. If the tugging character wins the check, he gains two sredna points. If he fails (or if the results are evenly matched), his opponent gains two sredna points instead.

Dig In: The character readies himself to withstand his opponent's tug, he gains a +4 bonus on his next Strength check to resist a tug.

Ivar and Krojun face off and glare at each other. Krajun seems to take the lead, then Krajun begins to Tug and Ivar digs in. They went that way for more than minute, no Soanti remembered anyone being able to play that long. Then Krojun won, just by a hair. Krojun good-naturedly claps Ivar on the shoulder and proclaims, "Almost as good as an aurochs calf. Nothing to be too ashamed about”.

Krojun and the other Shoanti went away, Thousand Bones lets the Skoan-Quah guest know that the Council of Fire will be tonight. Ivar tells Thousand Bones that he felt odd during the match, and Thousand Bones looks him over. His eye fall on Ivar’s sword. He says to Ivar, is that your sword Ivar son of Takoda? Yes, says Ivar. That is a Shoanti Totem Blade of the “Tiger”, I think you fighting with the spirit of the blade Ivar, when you not run from Totem you and Totem will be one.

They go into the yurt, and Eliera casts ectoplasmic Glyph of Warding, and Magic Circle against Evil. Then they go to sleep. On Sivath’s watch the ward got sprung. The Hag retreated and moved to the prime material plane, and Sivath cast Glitterdust. The Hag and her nightmare became blind. Katlin closed distance and hit the blind hag. The Nightmare breathed smoke; it did not seem to do much good. Eliera then cast prayer, and the Bunny tried to use a scroll of haste.

Then Ivar joined the fight, and started damaging the hag. Sivath cast grease and the Hag and mount fell prone. Then Egric and Crow hit the poor, prone defenseless Hag. Riris cast force sword, and went into melee. The bunny through holy water at the mount and ride, and Sivath cast Magic Missile, and finished her off with her Quickened Ball Lightning spell.

The Nightmare moved into the ethereal plane, and healed itself in the process. Those with ability to hit ethereal creatures continued to attack it, until it got up and ran away [To Be Continnued….].

April 1st, 2018, 07:52
Session 77 (Part one):

After defeating the Hag, the group rests until the evening on the 13th, they wake up when Thousand Bones arrives and lets them know that is time for the Bone Council Fire. The majority of the camp retires to go to sleep, but Chief One-Life, and Ash Dancer join them for the council, as well as four Bonecallers.

Thousand Bones Says: "You have already done my people a great favor by returning the body of one of our warriors. I sense now you come to me to ask a favor in return, yet know that by doing this favor, you are helping us all. The Skoan-Quah are a peaceful people, yet we are also all but shunned by our kin. Our willingness to mix with tshamek shames many of my brothers and sisters in the other quahs. Only their respect for our tradition of guarding and protecting the dead of all Shoanti keep them from open hostility against us. My words do not reach their ears when I advise against war on Korvosa. They hear tales of the city in flames, of its king dead, of disease ravaging its people, and they see this as the time foretold. A time when the Shoanti can ride down from these burning lands and reclaim greener lands to the south, lands that were once ours. Yet war is not good for us. My brothers do not see that, even crippled, Korvosa remains a powerful enemy. It is best to make your enemies your friends, do you not think? Yet my brothers do not listen to these words. They see weakness, they demand action. "Yet you could not know of the coming war. You come to me with a different favor. Speak of what you wish of me, and perhaps we may find our needs are the same."

Tell us about the Shoanti who dwelt by the river before Korvosa was founded.
"This was many generations ago, yet it is a wound that has never healed. My brothers among the Skoan-Quah have forgiven, but our numbers are small. We were once a part of the Sklar-Quah, yet our readiness to forgive marked us traitors and we were exiled from that clan. In the generations that passed we grew more at peace with our role here-there is beauty in the Cinderlands, if you know where to look. We have abandoned our memories of lives below the rise in a way the Sklar-Quah have not. Those memories poison them. They do not see that this land is theirs. They only see lands that their ancestors called home. If you seek more wisdom of those times, you must seek out the keepers of words among the Sklar-Quah. You must seek the words of a Sun Shaman."

What can you tell us of Midnight's Teeth? Thousand Bones' brow furrows at this question and he appears to be deep in thought for a moment before answering.
"The name is not unfamiliar, yet I know little more than that I have heard it mentioned but twice by Sun Shamans of the Sklar-Quah. Always in reference to the past, and to what you now call Korvosa."

Can we simply walk into a Sklar-Quah camp and ask them for aid?
"Sadly, no. You are tshamek. Outlanders. Rightful or not, the Sklar-Quah will see you as the children of those who murdered their ancestors and drove them from the green lands. The Sun Clan does not like outsiders at the best of times. And less so now that war against Korvosa is on every brave's lips."

Tell us more of this talk of war on Korvosa.
"It pains my heart. Many will die, Shoanti and tshamek alike, if such a tragedy comes to pass. The Sklar-Quah talk of a great Burn Run from the Storval Rise all the way to the heart of tshamek lands, to Korvosa. The Sklar-Quah's mood is very dark. This is hard for the Skoan-Quah. We have made paper with Korvosa, agreeing that we will not make war. Yet after the Sklar-Quah raid, the tshamek will come north, led by your new queen. They will kill many Shoanti brothers and sisters, including Skoan-Quah. The winter will be harsh and many giants will be coming south to take advantage of the loss of braves.

Can you talk to the Sklar-Quah for us? You're not tshamek.
"Alas, this will not work. They would ask us why we want to know of such things. We would have to tell them. They will not give us secrets to tell tshamek."

Is there any way the Sun Clan will stop treating us as tshamek?
"You must understand. The Sklar-Quah are very certain of these things. They may come to respect lone tshamek after many days of seeing them act honorably, but what you ask is for the Sun Shaman to lay bare his quah's heart. The deepest memories of his clan. These memories are not for tshamek. Not since Skurak the Reborn have the members of the Sklar-Quah unbanished a man and welcomed him into their quah.

Skurak? How did he manage it? Thousand Bones smiles enigmatically for a brief instant before going on.
"The legend of Skurak is of a great warrior and greater traitor to the Sklar-Quah. He slew his brother, a brave of even greater courage. To the Sklar-Quah, family is purity-crimes against the family are the greatest a man can commit. Although Skurak claimed the death was an accident as he and his brother were hunting, others spoke of murder spawned of jealous rage. Skurak was declared a tshamek by the Sun Shaman and cast out. But before Skurak left he said he would be born again and return to his tribe. This he did. He went to the killing grounds of the great Cindermaw the Clan-Eater. Skurak walked up to the beast carrying only his dagger. Without fear he dove inside the beast and cut his way out. He returned to the clan and declared he had been reborn, and had left his misdeeds behind in the cleansing fire of Cindermaw's belly. The legend says the Sun Shaman accepted this and Skurak's time as a tshamek was spoken of no more."

What is Cindermaw?
"A legend, yet one of flesh and blood. Cindermaw dwells on the northernmost edge of Shoanti lands, in the place where Shoanti and orc and giant vie for life and water. His hunting grounds are known as the Feeding Grounds of the Quah-Kael, the land of the Clan Eater. The orcs of Urglin avoid this region; the giants of the north hunt only on its edges. Within, few have returned to tell tales, but those who do speak of a mountain that crawls and of fire that roars."

So this is a way for us to earn the Sklar-Quah's favor? To be eaten by and then escape from Cindermaw?
"Perhaps. Yet this route is more complex than you suspect. The Sklar-Quah would never believe the words of tshamek on such a matter, nor would they risk travel to the Feeding Grounds just to see foolish outlanders attempt to recreate legends. I could come with you, if my bones were not so tired, yet I am Skoan-Quah. My words would hold little light with the Sun Shaman, I fear." Here Thousand Bones grows silent for a moment, and Ash Dancer speaks for the first time. "They could bring a Truthspeaker, Thousand Bones."

What is a Truthspeaker?
"There are those among our people who, after living lives without lie and never speaking falsehood, have earned the title of Truthspeaker. It is a rare honor, one that requires many years of chastity, of self-control, of introspection. There are Truthspeakers among the Sklar-Quah, yet that does not help you. Were that the Skoan-Quah had one. Yet The Skoan-Quah and the Sklar-Quah are not the only Shoanti in the Cinderlands. I have heard tell that the Lyrune-Quah, who dwell in the shadow of the Wyvern Mountains far to the northwest, have Truthspeakers among them. If you could perform the ritual of rebirth at the Feeding Grounds of the Quah-Kael in the presence of a Truthspeaker, his words would be all the proof you need to secure an audience with the Sklar-Quah."

Where do we even find the Moon clan?
"The Lyrune- Quah are nomads. This time of year, they gather at a place sacred to them, a place called the House of the Moon at the northeasternmost edge of the Wyvern Mountains. Yet I fear that they will distrust you as tshamek as well, unless you bring to them proof of your honesty and need."

What can we bring them to secure their aid?
"The Lyrune-Quah are unusual among the Shoanti. They do not seek enlightenment through our ancestors, but from the Song of the Spheres. They are devotees of Desna, and they trust those who worship her. Yet that trust is, alone, not enough to earn the aid of a Truthspeaker to be witness to your heroics against Cindermaw. The faithful of Desna have a tradition of exploring distant and dangerous places as a way to honor their deity, who watches over all who travel. When they reach the goal of their pilgrimage, a priest leaves a found-mark to honor his journey. One of the Lyrune-Quah's greatest ancestors was a priest of Desna named Tanjah-their legends speak of her pilgrimage into an ancient ruin and her discovery of a potent relic sacred to Desna, a stone globe held deep within a place called the Acropolis of the Thrallkeepers. Those who follow Tanjah's footsteps and seek her found-mark upon this globe are said to be given the Spherewalker's Mark, and with this mark, the Lyrune-Quah would welcome into their camp even their most bitter rivals."

April 1st, 2018, 07:52
Session 77 (Part Two):

What is the Acropolis of the Thrallkeepers? Where is it?
"It is a ruin left over from an ancient time, a time when great powers ruled over this land. We speak of these ancient lords only in whispers today, but you may know their mark by the Sihedron, the seven-pointed star. I know not what perils await you within the Acropolis, but its location is not unknown to the Skoan-Quah. When you are ready to leave, I shall send with you four boneslayers to lead you there."

How can we repay you for your help?
"By convincing the Sklar-Quah you are friends, that you represent Korvosa, and that war is not in anyone's best interest. This will save both our peoples needless pain and grief. If you can earn their trust and respect enough to learn from them the secret of what their ancestors watched over before the outlanders drove them away, they will listen to your words and see the wisdom there. This is all I ask, and it benefits you as well."

Once the group have asked their questions and are sure of their goals, Thousand Bones tells them that he will not send them into the Cinderlands on their quest alone or unarmed. He calls forth four brave young Skoan-Quah boneslayers, introducing them as Ahalak, Hargev, Nalmid, and Shadfrar. These four are the PCs' guides through the Cinderlands, and lead them where they need to go. Further, he presents some gifts. Thousand Bones smiles and says, "I had suspected for some time you would need my help. These gifts are nothing to me, but they may be everything to you." Then he leaves the tent.

The Bonecallers bring horses to the group, and without delay they ride off north-east. They travel all night, stopping after the sun comes up in the sky in the morning of Pharast the 14th.

The boneslayers accompanying you stop and mutter and whisper at this discovery.
One of the Skoan-Quah says the head belonged to a Sklar-Quah, but was placed here by a "tshamek devil"
Another says: The Shoanti call this "tshamek devil" the Cinderlander. The brave goes on to explain that, for the past several years, this mysterious figure has stalked the Cinderlands. He never attacks large groups-targeting only lone braves with a strange "sideways screaming bow."
We believe he is the unquiet ghost of a Korvosan general who stalks these lands and will continue to slay Shoanti until his victims equal those the Shoanti took from him. Two crossbow bolts in the eyes have become the Cinderlander's calling card, but the aged condition of the head implies that the mysterious killer is long gone from the region. In any event, one of the bonecallers scrambles up to retrieve the decapitated head.
Without knowing the Shoanti's identity, his ashes cannot be interred in the Kallow Mounds, so instead, that evening, the boneslayers hold a short service of their own, burning the head, scattering the ashes, and burying the skull under a cairn of rocks.

After the funeral, the group moves on.

During the day break Riris and Egric explain that Egric just found out that his suspicions of having claim to the throne of Korvosa has been confirmed by Mercival Jeggare. Egric contacted Mercival Jeggare who is currently rebuilding the Sable Company at a secret location near the City of Magnimar, the nobleman has endorsed Egric’s claim to the Korvosan Crown. Being a planner Egric wastes no time in proposing a new form of Government in Korvosa after the war with the Queen Eleosa’s forces. However, Jeggare informs Egric about the system of government before Queen Ileosa seized power, and advise him to become elected first then amend the laws, slowly and gently. Korvosa is a fickle master, Jeggare reminds Egric to remember his grandfather fate. Look at the current queen, she is the ultimate arbiter of affairs in the city-state of Korvosa, is she not? She is running Korvosa into the ground. You will need the support of the army, navy and air force, as well as the churches of Korvosa, especially that of Abadar. With that he outlines the checks and balances system, and promises to give more detailed information later on.

Ivar asks dies Egric realy have claim to the Korvosan throne? Riris then explains that Hanma recently found Ersta’s Mother’s Memory Crystals in Korvosa, she was known as Sevika. This is their content:

Memory Crystal 1
Sevika: Your majesty, you need to leave now they will be here soon.
King: Sevika, the Portheria dynasty dies with my passing, I have heard that the Arabasti’s sent assassins to destroy this inept king. I should have never attacked Ker Maga, now it is too late.
Sevika: Let me save your new born sons, your majesty!
King: I did not announce that two sons were born to Eliza, take Vigo save him, Delnar will die with his mother. I doubt that the Arabasti scum will spare my families lives. Here are my wedding bands make sure these make it to my son, these will protect him and his wife, they must never take them off.
Sevika: Picks up the child and takes the wedding bands and departs the castle, through the darkness. A ways behind her scrams are heard as the King Chadris Portheria the III and his family are killed.

Memory Crystal 2
Sevika: Watches as Vore and Octa, it is hard to believe that no one recognizes him now. She remembers that Vigo was raised by a childless couple she found, and now she was watching his wedding, he was known as Vore ever since he came to live with the couple. It was easy to do, she placed the child in basket and put him under their door and knocked. She had known that they were childless, when the couple saw the babe they took him in and made him theirs. They were of good stock, and raised him as a good Korvosan should be raised. When the couple was about to be married, she sent them wedding bands as a gift from a rich uncle, they took it as a good omen, and during the wedding ceremony exchanged rings. A note from the uncle said: Never take them off.
Vore and Octa had two children Marlessa and Egric. Sevika kept an eye on the family. One day Sevika was delayed on other business. Later on she was able to piece it together: Vore got it in his head to catch some fish, he did not wish to drop his ring in the water so he left it at home. That night they brought Vore home dead. He fell in the water and drown. To make things worse Egric disappeared.
His mother Octa was beside herself, she gave the rings to Marlessa with the following instructions, if Egric returns these are his and his wives. Remember make sure he knows never to take them off. Octa soon lost her mind. Marlessa became involved with the Sczarni, to support her ailing mother.
Memory Crystal 3
Sevika: Ersta see that boy?
Ersta: That scrawny Lamm?
Sevika: Yes that one, offer to buy him from Geodron Lamm, that boy is wasted on the likes of Lamm.
Later on
Geodron: What do you wish of me Ersta? I wish to buy that boy off you, I need a new kitchen help. Very well that is 10 pp.
Ersta: Boy what is your name?
Egric: Egric, what is it to you?
Ersta: I am your new boss, boy to the kitchens with you. Ersta smiled, he liked the boy.

Memory Crystal 4
Sevika: I will pass away soon Ersta, I need you to promise me something?
Ersta: Anything mother.
Sevika: she whispers quietly, make sure Egric knows about me, he will make a good king.
Ersta: Sure, King, King of what kingdom?
Sevika: Take these Crystal and place them in my urn when I die, only those friendly to Egric will be able to read these.

They rest the day, and in the evening they continue traveling north-east. After midnight on the 15th of Pharast they travel on, until they see a camp dire ahead. Crow sees a Shoanti woman drinking tea around a camp fire. The woman invites them to rest near her fire. They break out their rations and Crow breaks out some of his booze. They share pleasant conversation with Mana, she tells them that she is traveling south to meet Thousand Bones she has heard allot about him, and wishes to learn from him. She tells them the dangers of desert storms in this parts.

In the evening on the 15th of Pharast, the woman Mana, packs up and starts walking south. In fron of their eyes she changes into a Brass Drago, and says “Have a safe journey!” The shoanti gasp, and Crow thinks to himself, “I should have hit on her!”

They packed up camp, and once the worst of the head departed they moved North East. As the group approaches the acropolis, the sky on the horizon begins to darken alarmingly.

A powerful duststorms filled with blasts of burning ash and cinders, these devastating storms are feared by the Shoanti for their swift speed and terrible fury- known as Black Blizzards to most tribes, the advent of an emberstorm could be taken as a bad omen, as the boneslayer companions are quick to point out. They see an outline of an ancient door.

Above ground, all that remains today is a partially collapsed tower bearing the mark of the seven-pointed star-the Sihedron Rune. Just to the side of the mark, a pair of 20-foot-wide stone doors stand ajar, leading down to a dusty flight of stairs descending down in to the acropolis depts. Walls are composed of black granite flecked with bloodred deposits of rock crystal. Intricate rune patterns of Thassilonian writing and seven-pointed Sihedron may be seen. Egric scouts ahead invisible, he sees a room with black water ahead, and doors to the North and South. He sees another Sihedron Rune on the wall near the door, he tries to open the door, and after exhausting all options he touched the rune and the door opens. Crow and he goes in, the rest stay outside. After a minute the door close. Egric puts his hand on a similar rune on the other side of the door, and says to everyone come in the north passage [To Be Continued…].

April 8th, 2018, 07:56
Session 78:

It was Pharast the 15th, and the group moved into a room to the east then north. The curved northern alcove of this chamber displays a brilliantly colored bas-relief carving of an alluring mermaid. The figure lounges upon a bed of stone seaweed while the cunning sculpt creates the illusion that her luxurious tresses of long hair float around her body in swirling rings. Tiny shards of gemstones embedded in her tail make it appear as though her scales glisten with moisture.
Riris studied the statue and realized that this is a gem-encrusted carving of Alahaniss, a servant of Lissala , a goddess of runes, fate, and the reward of service, and was once a major religious force in the empire of Thassilon. Because Riris lived with Mercival Jeggare, he taught Riris that Lissala was depicted either as a stern woman with no mouth or as a creature with a snake's lower half, a human woman's upper half, six wings, and a Sihedron for a head.

Egric decided to remove the gems from the mermaid’s tail. Before he could do that, the group saw Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills and several of his tribesman with him enter the room. Krojun snorts and hoots in appreciation of the semi-naked mermaid. Krojun asked them what they are doing here? Egric said what you are doing here. Krojun said hiding out from the storm. Egric said, same here. Krojun baits the group by snorting “You are no better than those stargazing Lyrune-Quah”, and Crow says what’s your name “Krausun?”. “Krojun” shrugs and him and his companions leave the room. Then Egric removes the gemstones from the mermaid’s tail.

They move around, Crow sees tracks all over. They go north, then double back south. They come to two double doors and Egric opens the door to the south, and Egric enters the room. The Crow enters the room, and sees Krojun and his companions. Krojun yells, Hey!!! Crow yells back Heyyy!!! At Krojun, then he is ambushed by two Red Mentis. A fight starts.

Dusk Briarthorn moves, only to find the door close, so he hits the Sihedron, and the door opens again. The group reinforces Crow, and more Red Mantis appears on the ceiling. Krojun yells at Crow you look like you’re doing Ok, this looks to be a fun fight. Then a tentacle appears, at first one, then more and more. A strange man and a female companion entered the room, and moved their way. They fought the red mantis, and the tentacles. There were so many spells and tentacles, attack and arrows flying, that most of the time both sides and the tentacles had targets.

At a certain point Krojun yelled, maybe we should not yell anymore!!! Sivath brought in a water elemental, Riris used Ice storm and Lightning bolt, the two strangers to the south fought the tentacles and red mantis, Krojun and his companion fought red mantis and tentacles, as they were.

Finally there were three Tentacles left and one Red Mantis [To Be Continued….date with the Surgeon Monday, I will be Back!!!].

April 22nd, 2018, 07:52
Session 79: Still Alive!

It was noon on Pharast 15th, and the group, Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills, his Thunercallers, the Skoan-Quah Boneslayer, and the mysterious man that said his name was Shadowcount Sial and his fearless chain covered companion Asyra were facing a large number of tentacles in the Acropolis where two dark pools were in the center of a large room. Crow and a Sklar-Quah Thundercaller killed the last of the Red Mantis Assassins. As fast as a they killed a tentacle, other tentacles took the place of the fallen tentacles. Riris felt that the tentacles were mindless, bent on destruction of anything in their way. Soon there were six tentacles at all times. Getting hit by these tentacles was no laughing matter, all of them were hurt, but the worst off was Ivar. Eliera channeled her positive energy, the Duskbunny and Riris took to the air. While Riris was above the group, the Duskbunny went invisible.

The Shadowcount Sial started moving toward the exit while Asyra kept fighting with extreme glee, she swung hooked chains at the tentacles. After a while the Shadowcount got to the exit corridor and threw something down. A 30’ high and 20’ wide Bonehouse grew in the middle of the hallway. Sial yelled move here to safety. Riris realized that the faster they kill the tentacles the more will replace them, she yelled that too the group. They were getting tired, Ivar swung his Nodachi and hit himself right on his face. As most were moving away, Asyra yelled get moving I will cover you. Crow decided to support his comrades by covering the retreat also, and on his second attack he hit himself and was stunned.

Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills grabbed Crow and pulled him with him. Egri grabbed Crow and kept dragging him toward the exit. Sivath’s water elemental was shimmering in and out of existence, one of the Skoan-Quah Boneslayer was dying on the ground. Katlin grabbed him and pulled him toward the Bonehouse.

The last one in the Bonehouse was Sivath, before she climbed off the wall she cast mirror image on herself, which saved her life as three tentacles lashed out at her before she could get to safety. Once everyone was inside the Bonehouse the front doors closed. The tentacles kept hitting the walls of the Bonehouse, while Shadowcount chanted, the walls and the door remained intact. Their host asked them to climb to the 2nd floor, there he said he prepared a Heroe’s Feast for them.
They went upstairs and had the most sumptuous food they ever tasted and drank nectar so good that it made them feel very good indeed. Shadowcount Sial told them that he belonged to the Brotherhood of the Bones, and he wished to observe the group’s adventures. He said Laori Vaus was his companion, and Sial said thet the group has made a lasting impression on her.
At which point “Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills” said you actually considering letting this man join you? After not getting a response, he said “but of course you are tshamek.” The party rests in the Bonehouse, and after the rest “Krojun Eats-What-He-Kills” and his companions leave the Acropolis of the Thrallkeepers [To Be Continued….].

April 29th, 2018, 07:47
Session 80:

Egric opened the door and saw a corridor with one wall of this otherwise plain hallway features several long narrow gaps that open into the room beyond. Egric and Riris remembered that the Shadowcount came out of this room.

Egric checked for traps and saw a room with the floor of this otherwise empty chamber contains a fivefoot-diameter hole in the center, surrounded by a ring of wavy runes. Inside the hole, a shaft filled with brilliant emerald light drops into the depths. Riris examined the runes and thought the runes pointed down.

They went through a corridor to the east, and Egric found another corridor that ends abruptly, choked off by thousands of tons of collapsed rock and sand. A short distance north they came to a set of double doors. The walls of this chamber were decorated with six life-sized bas relief carvings that depict a diverse collection of priests, each adorned in billowing robes draped in Thassilonian runes. An intricate scripture winds around each carving, coiling around them and along the walls like an immensely long tangle of ribbons.

The dusk bunny started reading the runes. He thought that reading them will require approximately 5 minutes. After a bit of time Riris decided to help, and after five minutes were done, Riris and Dusk Bunny said that the writing is denser than anticipated, requiring perhaps an hour more. After an hour, they explained that the first statue is now complete but there are five more that need to be read to piece together all the information. This will take just 6, maybe 7 hours. Everyone wanted to leave, but Riris did not wish to leave the room. She said it is vital that we finish reading this. Sivath cast dispel magic on Riris, and Riris decided that it was not that important after all.

They went back west into the room with the emerald well, and went east into a room A strange bronze statue stands in the center of the room with a statue depicting a half-snake, half-human creature with the lower body of a serpent coiled about a stand and the upper torso of a slender human woman. Her hands are crossed over her chest to clutch two objects at her shoulders-the right hand holds a large quill, while the left holds a jade-handled whip. Six birdlike wings emerge from the torso's shoulders, and instead of a head, it has a disk bearing a seven-pointed star. A line of jade runes runs down the statue's belly and along the length of its snaky lower body.

Egric took the whip, and Riris identified it and said we should not take this whip. Egric said let’s put it in the hole.

They went back to the room with the emerald well, and Egric started pounding a piton into the stone floor, try as he might, he only managed to gain the interest of another tentacle. Fortunately Katlyn heard something in the large room, and asked everyone to move toward the opposite wall. It came into the room, and explored the area by the emerald well. After about ten minutes, it left, and Egric went back to pounding the piton into the rock floor, only to wake up another tentacle. They went toward the south wall, and the tentacle came an inch from Sivath’s nose, luckily it left back into the other room and after a wile is sank into the murky water.

Egric smiled, he found a grappling hook, he tied two silk ropes to it, and started to climb down, then he realized that he was floating down. Sivath used slippers of spider climb, but realized that she was floating down. Soon everyone were below in the lower level. This wide corridor, composed of polished black granite, runs north-south. They saw a blue stone disc sitting on the floor to the south, a glowing column of blue light rising up from the disc through a hole in the ceiling. To the north, a five-foot-wide circular opening in the wall opens into a smaller chamber. The ceiling here was only fifteen feet high.

Egric found a plug on the east wall, he wanted to use brute force, but Sivath advised exploring this level first. Egri went north until he went into the next chamber and came do a stairs up. He saw the walls, ceiling, and floor of this chamber have been painted to resemble a starry sky, giving the illusion of walking through space. Here and there between the stars are painted small blue butterflies. A ten-foot-diameter stone sphere floats near the room's southern wall. Three short metal rods protrude from the lower hemisphere, radiating outward like the legs of a tripod, only the rods rest on empty air rather than a solid surface. The sphere itself appears to have been carefully carved with drawings of tiny rivers, mountains, oceans, and forests.

Egric went toward the sphere, and started thinking about the group’s quest, nothing happened. Eliera said, this looks like a shrine dedicated to the goddess Desna. She explained that Desna is a Varisian goddess often described as a beautiful elven woman, with butterfly wings containing all the beauty of a clear night sky. She is often depicted as having dark hair, silvery eyes, and a coy but distant smile, wearing diaphanous gowns and sometimes accompanied by swarms of butterflies. Riris thought about Korvosa, nothing. More thoughts, nothing, nothing, nothing, until Sivath thought about the night sky. She was teleported inside the globe, that Riris thought looked like an older Golarian.

Sivath floated in the void traveling toward the outer planets and stars. She saw a large gas giant, a triple star system, a black planet traveling fast around a large star, a star being devoured by the void and a star exploding. What a rush, Sivath thought I think I will worship Desna. Then she realized that she had a headache, she thought of Golarion and was outside the globe. Sivath told the others how the orb operates, after trying it two times. Egric and Katlyn also traveled into the orb. When each felt a headache, they left the orb as Sivath explained it.

They went back to the stone plug, and Sivath summoned an earth elemental spell, it went through the plug, and returned and showed the plug’s distance to Sivath. Sivath cast dimension door, and took Egric and Kathlyn with 40 feet in. A jumble of five humanoid skeletons lie in the southeast corner of this chamber. Stone niches in the southern wall contain a few pieces of clutter. Sivath cast light and they found many items in this tomb, where Katlyn thought something bludgeoned the occupants of this room. Sivath took them back, among the items Katlyn got the Bright Orange Cloak of Resistance +3 and Egric got the Scabbard of Keen Edges. Other interesting items were Bottle of Air, Decanter of Endless Water, and a Sustaining Spoon.

Egric noticed that the whip he found above was in his inventory instead of the portable hole, he asked Riris if the item is cursed, and Riris said, yes, yes it is.

The group went upstairs, and Egric deliberated about what to do about the whip, he finally decided to put it back into the hand of the statue of the goddess Lissala [To Be Continued….].

May 6th, 2018, 08:20
Session 81:
The group left the Acropolis of the Thrallkeepers and traveled toward the Lyrune-Quah Moon House, on the way there they saw a bank of smoke. After a bit of time the smoke went away. The group moved in, and the smoke bank went up again. Out of the smoke bank came out two snake like creatures with many legs, they breathed fire and attacked the group. Riris thought the creatures were called Behir. The group fought them, and slowly the hazy, smoky monstrosities were killed.

They traveled on until the Skoan-Quah Boneslayers thought they were close to the lands of the the Lyrune-Quah, then out of the north came running six Lyrune-Quah Moon Maidens and their wolf companions. A Moon Maiden stepped forward, an in Shoanti said I am Tekra'Kai the Leader Leader of these maidens, you are not welcome here “tshamek” these at Lyrune-Quah lands state your business quickly.

The Ivar spoke for the group, we were looking for a Truthspeaker of the Lyrune-Quah to aid us in a quest. Tekra'Kai hearing this, why should the Lyrune-Quah provide you with a Truethspeaker? Ivar answers we have those that worship Desna with us, they have the Spherewalker’s Mark to vouch for their true intantions. Upon seeing the on Sivath, Egric and Katlin, Tekra'Kai explains of her problem.

Currently, very few Lyrune-Quah have gathered at the House of the Moon. It is still early in their season, and the bulk of the tribe has yet to arrive in the area. Unfortunately, as is sometimes the case, we arrived to find that a local predator took up the ruins as its territory—in this case, a dangerous creature indeed. We were the first tribe to arrive, in the region, therefore responsible for driving out the monster and making the House of the Moon safe for the tribes yet to arrive.

Unfortunately, it provrd to be a bit more trouble than a pack of gargoyles or a few hungry ankhegs, and already six Lyrune-Quah moon maidens have perished at the monster’s talons. Tekra'Kai humbly requested aid in dealing with the creature, because she does not thing that it will leave peacefully.

The group agreed, and they approached the House of the Moon. As they went over the hills crest, they saw a silvery tower standing atop a low promontory in the foothills here. The surrounding stone has been smoothed by ages of wind, but the tower itself remains as stark and crisp as the day its final block was set in place. The structure shimmers with a slightly reflective sheen, as if an almost invisible layer of silver covered it. A thirty-foot-tall opening allows access to the tower interior at ground level, the curving sides framed by the long pea**** tailfeathers of an immense butterfly or moth that has been carved into the building's facade. The creature's wings furl to the left and right, fanning over two side towers attached to the central spire, which rises to a height of a hundred feet. Above, a silvery sphere caps the tower's peak, as if the moon itself had fallen out of the sky to become impaled upon the structure's steeple.

Coming through the Southside entry, two hallways may be seen left and right. Two identical stairways go up to the next level on the east and west sides of the House of the Moon. The walls glow as if bathed in moonlight, they are otherwise black in color, but very beautiful. If one looks closely images of stars, moon, butterflies and other celestial bodies may seen on the walls.

The group went up the stairs of the House of the Moon, and as they entered a very large room, they encountered a large creature all red and full of rage. One of the Lyrune-Quah moon maidens said Red Reaver, as the creature roared. Even if they heard her, most of them did not speak Shoanti. They moved in at the creature, as it hit them with monstrous power of its claws and teeth. Riris suggested, leave here, but that did little good. Ivar took the brunt of the monster’s fury, as they tried to deal with it. Sivath put grease under it, but it ignored it. Egric flipped over the beast and flaked it with Crow. Ivar flanked it with Katlin. Eliera and Shadowcount Sial bravely healed Ivar, as the creature punished the valiant barbarian. Then finally the creature groaned and died. By this time it was bleeding profusely from the rogues vicious attacks caused by the rogue.

Lyrune-Quah moon maidens led the group down stairs, they told the group that any say now the rest of the tribe will be here, with our Truethspeaker. The group decided to rest in the provided room, while the Shadowcount and Asyra retired to the bonehouse which they set up about 500 feet from the House of the Moon [to be Continued….]

May 13th, 2018, 08:19
Session 82:
On Pharast 16 in the evening, the group rested at the House of the Moon waiting for the Lyrune-Quah tribe to arrive. Tekra’Kai explained to them that the tribe should be here soon, and then they will meet the tribe’s Truethspeaker. While resting they received adoring glances and appreciative glances from the Lyrune-Quah maidens all around them.
The Skoan-Quah Boneslayers said their farewells to them, and left back to the Callow Mounds. Shadowcount Sial and Asyra moved off a ways from the Moon House rested in the bonehouse. In the morning on Pharast 17th, the rest of the Lyrune-Quah tribe still have not arrived. It was not until that evening, that the rest of the tribe and the Truthspeaker did arrive. Tekra’Kai introduced Truthspeaker Akram to the group, a rather old and spry man in blue robes.

After hearing the groups need to recreate “The legend of Skurak, by clansing ones soul in the fire of the great Cindermaw the Clan-Eater” Truthspeaker agreed to accompany the adventurers on their quest. Truthspeaker Akram asks the group when will they leave?, and they answer in unison “Now”.

Their journey through the desert at night on the 17th of Pharast, avoid some snakes sitting on some rocks, then ran into several Bat Swarms. Weapon attacks did not do any damage, but Sivath’s and .to a lesser degree Riries, were able to unleash the power of area effect spells.

They encountered the same Sphinx they saw when they were traveling from Kaer Maga to the Callow Mounds. The Sphinx envied the group to join it, and struck up a conversation about Mother’s Day in some distant land, it was a most incredible story of families celebrating motherhood, by giving the females in there family circle gifts and taking them to brunch (breakfast/lunch). Incredible, what a great story they thought. Then the Sphinx asked Dusk Briarthorn to accompany her behind some rocks. Dusk Briarthorn agreed, and the happy couple went to frolic behind some rocks.

When they returned, the Spinx was smoking a cigar, and handed out delicious strong brandy to the whole group. The Sphinx asked the bunny if he would leave with her, but Dusk Briarthorn said that he serves Riris, but if he is ever released from his duties he will try to find his furry love. They left the Sphinx in the desert, and the desert beige/tan sand became black stone. Riris thought the stone was Lava rock. Ahead they saw a burning pool of lave, then salamanders came out of the pool and attacked.

Egric tried to sneak attack a salamander on the group’s far left flank and missed, Ivar and Crow face the four in the center, and Asyra faced the salamander on the right. Crow and Ivar did good against their adversaries, while Egric was grappled and started taking heavy damage. Asyra was grappled also, but she was in far better shape. Sivath cast haste on the group. The Eliera and Truthspeaker Akram tried to pour all their healing into Egric, while Shadowcount Sial cast super damaging Slay Living and Harm spells at the salamander grappling Asyra. Sivath was casting magic missiles and grease at the salamander on Egric, Katlin moved to assist the hurting rogue, while Ivar and Crow finished off the salamanders in the center. Crow dominated the last salamander in the Center and sent it against Asyra’s salamander, then he moved to assist Egric. Ivar also moved toward Egric.

Egric finally broke his bonds, and moved back. Egric received more healing. Then Egric moved back and attacked, he did a lot of damage, but apparently not enough. The Salamender turned toward him and attacked. Egric was down and dying, Elira and Ekram healed him, while Katlin was facing off with the beast, and he came back to the land of the living. Eventually Egric, Katling, Ivar and Crow finished off the salamander on the group left, and then they moved on the Salamander on Asyra. Soon it was done, all six salamanders, were dead.

Then they found two magical spears, which turned out to be plus +2. They put them in the portable [To be Continued…..].

May 20th, 2018, 08:15
Session 83:

The group was on the “Ash Flats” traveling toward the location where the Cindermaw was known to hunt to the Truthspeaker Akram. They asked the Truethspeaker if he knew where to find it, and Truthspeaker Akram said that it will most likely find us. They kept moving south-east until they saw a glow of molten rock and lava ahead.

The Crow and Ivar saw something up ahead, then it was gone. They had a bad feeling about this, and discussed on who would be swallowed. Ivar, Crow and Katlin used the Red Shaunti War Paint. Ivar got the Magical Beast Bane Dagger +1 out of the portable hole, and put it on his belt, just in case.

The lava was becoming more abundant, and they soon walked on islands of land surrounded by red hot lava. The Cindermaw reared out of the lava and attacked Ivar doing grievous damage to him, if not for his rage and the Hero’s Feast it would have hurt a lot more. Trying not to kill it, Egric ran closer to the Cindermaw and yelled “Hey eat me I am a Drumstick” as he waived his hands. Nothing happened. Ivar kept insulting the Cindermaw in Shaunti, and the Cindermaw stung him back and bit him. Eliera, Truthspeaker Akram, and the Shadowcount Sial, kept healing the group, especially Ivar. The Duskbunny cast suggestion in Dragon and said “Swallow Ivar”.

Realizing that the taunting was not working, Ivar, Katlin and Crow started hitting the Cindermaw. Crow yelled in frustration, relating that he wanted to leap inside the Cindermaw’s mouth. Sivath obliged, and used Levitate spell to send Crow up. The Cindermaw swallowed Crow whole. From inside Cindermaw’s belly Crow struck out with Asheia, Sword of Lust at the insides of the beast, and felt control over it. “Spit me out!” Crow commanded. The next moment they saw Crow spet out of Cindermaw’s mouth and levitate down, while the beast swam under the lava.

Owed the Truthspeaker says, you have recreated the Legend of Skurak and Cindermaw, the Sun Shaman, and the Sklar-Quah will listen to you now. They left Cindermaw’s hunting ground toward the lands of the Sklar-Quah. They left the ash flats, and moved into the desert.

Crow spotted dragon bones bleaching in the hot sun, up ahead. He saw one good tooth in the dragon’s skeleton and pried it out. As he did, a airborne blue dragon breathed lightning and caught them off guard, it started flying away. Ivar gave chase and hit it with an arrow. The dragon screamed and kept flying. Katlin fired and hit it. Sivath cast Stinking Cloud on it, and they see it enter the cloud. Crow fired and hit it, and caused it to be knocked prone, it landed on a top of a desert column, about fifty feet from the ground, and ten feet from the stinking cloud. The dragon, got up under a barrage of arrows, and before it could take off in the air, it was wrapped by black tentacles that Sivath cast. The arrows quickly reduced its vitality; even the Duskbunny hit it with its crossbow.

The dragon begged for its life, offering its treasure in a nearby cave, for its life. After much deliberation, they voted, it was a tie. Finally the Truthspeaker cast the deciding vote, and the dragon led them to its hoard.

They left it be and continued their journey. Soon they were surrounded by Sklar-Quah Burn Riders. Ivar and Akram greet the burn riders. The burn riders listen to the Truespeaker, and he explains quickly how this group seek to divest themselves of their tshamek status, a comment that elicits a round of laughter from the burn riders.
Yet as soon as Akram mentions the groups of adventurers have recreated the Legend of Skurak and Cindermaw, they grow serious. The patrol swiftly agrees to escort Akram and the group to Flameford at the very heart of Sklar-Quah lands. The Sklar-Quah do not disarm them, though the group is effectively surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of Shoanti who are ready at an instant to defend their home from the outlanders.

They ride into Flamelord Village [To Be Continued….]

May 27th, 2018, 09:07
Session 84: Part 1

After Akram's tale is complete, the Sun Shaman retreats to his tent with Chief Ready-Klar to further discuss the implications of what this group seeks in private. An uncomfortable silence looms while the crowd waited.
Krojun crossed his arms and stares at Ivar.
Akram quietly explains to the group that if the Sun Shaman rejects his petition and decides the group are still tshamek, they (Akram included) will be disemboweled for trespassing on Sklar-Quah land.
An hour passes.
The shaman and chieftain return to the fire. He asks each of the group's members to stand before him and speak his or her name.
The Sun Shaman repeats the names in sequence, and then tersely announces that henceforth they are to be considered tshamek no more. They are free to come and go among the lands of the Sklar-Quah, as long as they maintain peace and honor and respect Sklar-Quah tradition.
Many of the Shoanti, Krojun included, and struggle to contain their fury but none openly reject the Sun Shaman's proclamation.

Akram suggests at this point that the PCs should further petition the Sun Shaman to join the Sklar-Quah. After all, now that they are no longer tshamek, there is no real reason why they couldn't.
Some time passes
The word of this request spreads quickly through the camp, and the initial shock that the have become Shoanti is replaced by this new scandal.
A look of amusement on the Sun Shaman's face. In his ever-patient voice, he explains that if the newly made Shainti can pass the Trial of the Totem, they can be acknowledged as honorary members of the Sklar-Quah, but that is the best he can offer them. He does confirm that if they pass the trial, he can speak to them of the tribe's past.
At the mention of the trial, Krojun can take no more. He shouts in protest and then storms off with several burn riders to take a long ride through the Cinderlands to cool off.
As Ivar, Sivath, Eliera, Egric, Katlin, Riris and Crow agree to accept the Sun Shaman's nebulous offer, the Sun Shaman advises that it begins after dawn and motions for everyone to disperse from the council f ire.
For his part, Akram explains that his traditions preclude him from sharing a sunrise with the Sklar-Quah and so he intends to depart before dawn. A honor guard of three burn riders takes up the charge.

Akram wishes the group luck in their trial, and as he leaves offers one final bit of advice-Krojun is an important member of the tribe, and anything the group can do to win his respect can only help them.

The group goes off to sleep, in their assigned guest tent, and before dawn the Sun Shaman arrives. He leads them to Bolt Rock.

A single ledge winds up to the westernmost flat-topped area of Bolt Rock. A plateau that sits about 30 feet above the surrounding plain. A second ledge leads up higher to a second mesa, this one 40 feet above the ground. During storms, the large quantities of iron ore in the rock here attract numerous lightning bolts, and as a result the place has become one of particular obsession for the Sun Shamans, who often ascend Bolt Rock during storms to experience the fury.

Atop Bolt Rock stand several fired-clay pylons known as sun totems. Each totem is 10 feet tall, and the sides are decorated with numerous sigils sacred to the Sklar-Quah. The lower portion of each totem is rounded. When not in use, they are stored in an upright position in square stone pods at the base of Bolt Rock.

The Sun Shaman explains that during the Trial of the Totems, each prospective clan member is represented by a specific sun totem. He directs the group members to select one totem as their own, then explains that, as a group, they must carry these totems up to the lower tier of Bolt Rock, where they must be balanced in circular depressions and kept upright for a day.

He explains further that the group has until the shadow of the upper tier is no longer cast upon the lower tier to erect the totems.

At the next sunrise, the group must then move all of their totems up to the highest mesa (again, before the lower tier is in full sunlight) and keep them upright in another set of depressions found there for an additional day.

When the sun rises on that second day, any totem still standing grants its group members equivalent Sklar-Quah citizenship.

May 27th, 2018, 09:08
Session 84: Part 2

The Sun Shaman goes on to explain that while no food or water are brought to the PCs for the 2 days they must remain atop Bolt Rock, they are welcome to provide their own. Likewise, they are welcome to use magic or whatever means they have at their disposal to aid in keeping their sun totems upright for the 2 days, as long as the magic does not change or damage the totems themselves or the structure of Bolt Rock in any way.

Bolt Rock is clearly visible from Flameford , and the Sun Shaman explains that many eyes will be turned eastward for the next 2 days.

At night, the totems glow with their own radiance, an effect of minor magical enhancements placed on the totems that allows those in Flameford to see even on darkest nights if the totems still stand.

The trial explained, the Sun Shaman transforms into a crow and returns to Flameford to rest-the PCs are on their own.

The trial explained, the Sun Shaman transforms into a crow and returns to Flameford.

Crow, Katlin, and Ivar give their belts of strength to Egric, Riris and Sivath, and the group move their totems to the lower tier. They manage to roll and lift the totems into place on the lower tier. Once each totem was lifted upright, it fit in a shallow concavity and rounded base of the totem, which helped to stabilize it, but constant hand support was required at all times to keep the totems balanced, or they would eventually topple.

They quickly found that keeping the totems upright for 2 days was a perilous task in and of itself, but unfortunately for them, several other factors combine to make the trial even more arduous heat and lack of sleep, made their muscles ache.

By noon on the first day, their muscles ached badly, it was very hot, and getting hotter in the desert. The sun was merciless; as the day moved ever so slowly Egric dropped hi totem, then Eliera, followed by Riris. The heat got a little better, and night came. During the night Katlin and Riris dropped there totems, it was good that they did not break.

About one hour before sunrise they moved their totems to the upper tier of bolt rock and set them in place. Then the morning the sun came up. They all became fatigued, one by one, and then exhausted. As they went in and out of consciousness they phased in to the realm of totem spirits, Riris was the first to receive a vision, she noticed shimmering waves of heat rising from the stone around her. The shimmers begin to cloud her vision, and a moment later Riris saw snow crane wave its wings, and Riris felt cooled off.
One by one as they became exhausted and the time dragged, they each expirianced a similar vision desert butterfly appeared to Sivath, Katlin saw a wolverine, a Lion chose Egric, the wolf felt a keen to Eliera as that time she communicated with that dire wolf pack near Korvosa, a tiger growled at Ivar, but Ivar stayed where he was secure in the knowledge that he would never run from his totem again, Crow saw a crow gliding on top of a hawk majestically last, but not least.

During mid day the group see Krojun staring at the parties general direction silently for a few minutes and then begrudgingly he says, but you are "Strong ones!" You are lucky to have one another as nalharest (brothers and sisters). He then turns and leaves.

Night comes, Riris and Egric drop their stones one more time, and a big crack runs down the middle of Riris stone. Barely they keep their eyes open during the night. The stones are so heavy, but now the totems seem to be helping them, they whisper to them, encourage them to be strong.

Then Early in the morning Crow says get ready, something comes at us. SThey get ready as eight monstrous land sharks, Bulette come at them from all sides. They could not let go of their totems, so they braced for the attack. Sivath cast Black Tentacles at the two Bulette east of her, and they were stopped by her spell, she then used her Quickened Rod to cast haste on the group. One Beletee attacked Crow, but Crow deftly cut down with his sword and cut off its head. It died at his feet.

Ivar was not so lucky, as a Bulette attacked him it bit him and raked with claws at him. He hit it back as best he could. Riris used slumber to put asleep the one on Egric, then one came at Egric from the north. Katlin tried to kill the one on her at a great disadvantage, because she had to switch the grip on her bardiche and use it one handed, while holding up the pillar with the other.

Sivath and Riris used their area effect spells to great effect. Dusk Briarthorn cast burning hands on one Bulette from his wand. Riris woke up the other Bulette on Egric. Crow dominated the Bulette on Ivar and sent it to attack the one that just broke free of Sivath’s Black Tentacle spell. The other Bulette was still bound by Sivath’s spell and taking damage from her Ball Lightning spell and fireballs. She used her quickening rod to great effect causing grievous damage to the land sharks.

Egric’s sword hit teleported a Bulette, over another Bulette. The Bulette arrived over a Bulette that was unable to get to them, and fell 200 feet down and died just missing its sister. While Crows, Bulette started attacking the one on Ivar, Riris cast Ice Storm and woke up the sleeping Bulette on him. The Bunny moved to flank that Bulette, but it attacked and bit deep into the Bunny. It fell behind the land shark, dying. Eliera could not heal the Bunny because it was out of reach. Riris feverishly attacked the land shark on Egric, while Egric attacked it with his sword. Sicath cast unseen servant, that moved toward the Bunny to get it close enough for some healing. Egric sent the other Bulette in the air, as the Bunny stabilized. The final Bellete was killed bt the efforts of Eliera, Riris and Sivath.

For four more hours they kept their vigil and managed to hold up their totem poles on their pedestals.

With the third dawn, the Sun Shaman leads the entire tribe from Flameford up to Bolt Rock in the pre-dawn hours, and as the sun rises, with their totems still intact and standing, they are greeted with a rousing cheer. These totems represent new brothers and sisters in the Sklar-Quah, an event that is cause for great celebration. Before the jubilation gets too out of hand, the Sun Shaman holds high his hands for silence, then personally welcomes Ivar, Sivath, Eliera, Egric, Katlin, Riris and Crow, whose totem remained standing and intact into the Sklar-Quah. Yet he goes even further and acknowledges that the group fought here as nalharest Sklar-Quah would, as the dead seven bodies of Bulette aknowledge this mighty feet. Crow sends away the only standing Bulette far away. It licks Crow, once, twice then sadly goes away, from the only elf she could ever love, as a loyal dog would.

They are exhausted after their trial, and the Sun Shaman suggests that they return to their yurt in Flameford to rest and recover from their ordeal atop Bolt Rock. As the Shoanti and the Avangers make their way back to Flameford, the Sun Shaman quietly tells them that he is nearly ready to speak with them about the information they seek regarding Midnight's Teeth and the great evil that the Shoanti once guarded so long ago.

Before he does, however, he must seek out the wisdom of his ancestors by traveling to the Kallow Mounds to commune with them. As tradition demands, the Sun Shaman is accompanied on this trip by Chief Ready-Klar and four of the tribe's thundercallers-the journey is made via wind walk. The Sun Shaman estimates that they will return to Flameford in but a day, and suggests that the groups take that day to rest, recover, and relax. While they are gone, Krojun is given command of the tribe, a responsibility he accepts with pride and honor [To Be Continued…].

June 3rd, 2018, 23:00
Session 85:
Pharast the 21 morning after dawn, the Sun Shaman and Chief Ready-Klar head to the Kallow Mounds to commune with the ancestors. The group took the that day to rest, recover, and relax, in a camp secured by slashrock and the Sklar-Quah Saunti, under the leadership of Krojun Eats-what-he-kills. As the goup got up hungry in the evening, they heard shrieks and roars from outside the tent. Flameford awakens quickly to the assault, but you realize, with the village's chieftain and Sun Shaman not present, the the enemy have a deadly advantage.

As the group came out of the tent, they saw battle all around them, their eye was attracted to a group of Sklar-Quah under attack from a bunch of gargoyles. Several thundercallers were trapped by the winged beasts, and they moved to intercept the winged monsters. Egric moved invisible that way, while Sivath cast haste on the rest of the group. The first to reach the gargoyles was Ivar, however he swung so hard that he hit himself in the face and became stunned. Crow and Katlin joined the fray, and Crow took the head of one of the beasts. Their efforts were bitter sweat, one of the thundercalles escaped while another died from the claws of the flying monsters.

As the group thought they were about to defeat the invaders, another threat showed up from the east. They were Red Mantis for sure, if there was any doubt that these were the Queen’s Agents, there were no doubt of itr now. The situation was chaotic, with the threat from the east, Sivath cast black tentacles on Red Mantis Assassins, but they came at them unstopped and un-grappled. The bunny used illusions to full the Red Mantas Assassins, Egric, Ivar, Katlin, Crow, Krojun and the other Sklar-Quah engaged this new threat.

The Red Mantis Assassins were hard to hit, one moment one was here and the next one was there, Riris was having problems when targeting them with her spells. She started using Evil Eye on them followed by cackling, by using her blouse special ability. To make matters worse the Queen’s Assassins were using their spells to paralyze, fascinate and make helpless some of the Allies, but by sticking together they were able to fight off even this threat. It seemed they were about to win, when more Red Mantis Assassins, a crossbow wielding plains drifter, his cat, and a half-wolf man that Sivath recognized as the human that escaped from them after the group was ambushed in the Village of Harse.

They knew then, that it was still not over, the Avengers are Sklar-Quah now and they were determined to stop the invaders [To Be Continued….].

June 10th, 2018, 08:39
Session 86:
Sivath was surveying the progress of the battle from on top of the tent. She was getting low on spells, and the third wave of assassins, with a beats man, and crossbow wielding human were the worst threat. Her stinking cloud got some of them, but not all. Her companions were spread out, and then she heard something behind her. She looked back and saw more of the assassins behind the next tent.

A woman dressed in red leather armor without a mask, got up on a tent and yelled: You are traitors to Korvosa, and queen and country! You deserve nothing better than death, like Seneschal and friend Neolendus, who we killed last week. We will bring you heads back to Korvosa preserved in pickling juice, so they may be hung on spikes next to Neolandus’es head. I am the leader in charge Cinibar, and I will show you no mercy.

Then, the man to the east of you yelled: Shaunti lovers die, as he aimed his crossbow and shot, at Crow, then yelled: you are worse than the Shaunti you betrayed your people! How can you side with these killers of woman and children? Know that I am Cinderlander, and I will kill you all.

Ivar charged toward the Cinderlander and began fighting the long fight. After the Cinderlander could not fire his crossbow, he used it as a melee club. Meanwhile Eliera was healing those around her. Egric was fighting the assassins near him, while Riris was casting as fast as she could, but she was running out of icestorm spells. Katlin, Crow, Egric and Krajun were fighting the panther Neverfail. The red mentis kept undulating, and fascinating Katlin and Riris. On Katlin the fascination went away because some of the red mantis were inside a sphere of darkness all of a sudden.

After a long time Neverfail was killed by the heroes, who did not think of themselves like traitors, and the Cinderlander yelled, you killed my ***** prepare to die.

Then Riris slumbered Cinibar, in hopes of killing her, Crow swung at Cinibar, but failed to kill the red mentis leader. Ivar was attacking the Cinderlander, when the beast like druid, if that what he was, attacked him with his fags and claws. Ivar killed the Cinderlander, and the beast, that what Ivar thought of him kept attacking him. Eliera got to Ivar’s side and began to heal him. Sivath was using the burning arc spell, to good effect, she kept thinking, to bad I don’t have my lightning bolt balls. She laughed, and cast another spell.

Then the unthinkable happened, the conscious Cinibar managed to kill Egric. The brave rogue fell where he stood, and Katlin, Crow and Krukun started attacking her. Riris still fascinated, finally woke up when the redmentis stopped concentrating, and Riris was casting evil eye on the enemy, desperate to help her friend Egric. Tears streamed down Riris eye, as she flung vengeful spells at their enemy.

Eliera brought Egric back to life, healed him and caste cure serious wounds on him and restoration. Finally they killed the rest of their assailants, never had they been so exhausted. Their magic so depleted.

A great cheer went up from the Sklar-Quah. They cleaned up the enemy, and honored the dead, there were so few dead. No one, not even Krajun-Easts-what-he-Kills could remember a more decisive victory. The party were invited to the great circle, food and spirits were served. Everyone got very drunk.

The Sklar-Quah offered to honor their new blood brothers and sister, as true Sklar-Quah greatest warriors bear shaunti tattoos named: Damkil (Orc Skull), Akmiz (Fire Hand), and Razkiv (Emberstorm). These were offered to the party members as high honor ended. Eliera chose the Emberstorm Tattoo on her Leg’s inner thigh. Katlin got her Emberstorm Tattoo on her forearm. The extremely charismatic Sivath chose to get her tattoo on on her shoulder in the shape of an Amberstorm. Then, Crow decided to get the Fire Hand on top of the right arm. The Ivar decided to get hid tattoo on the back in the shape of the fire hand, and finally Riris and Egric got their orc scull tattoos on the left leg and left arm respectively.

They continued drinking into the night, when the Sun Shaman of the Sklar Quah and Chief Ready-Klar arrived in camp. They took in the situation, and Krajun explained to them, that never in his memories have the Sklar Quah won such one-sided victory. The Sun Shaman nodded and said they will have a council in the morning under the rays of the father sun [To be continued…].

June 17th, 2018, 07:44
Session 87 Part 1:
The Shainti that traveled to the Kallow Mounds returned. Krajun-Eats What He Kills and other Sklar-Quah tell the Chief and the Sun Shaman about the recent fight. The Sun Shaman nods and says to the group, "You are true nalharest".

He then says I will call you when all is ready.

The group goes back to the guest yurt, and Sivath talks to Egric about calling Phaeton Skota here. She needs to buy a ring of Spell Knowledge, and he may have one. Egric does not mind if Riris calls him. Riris later relates that Phaeton says that there will be a surcharge, due to the danger that he may incur traveling to us. The time comes and goes when Phaeton should have showed up, finally he does not show.

Riris tells the others that she dreamt of her mother, and the need to search for something? She was very drunk last night, she does not understand.

In the morning on the 22nd of Pharast the Sun Shaman comes to the Guest Yurt and invites the Avangers to the War Council of Fire. He says that he is ready.

When the group arrives, the Sun Shaman waits for them alone to speak with his brothers and sister. Then Krojun Eats-what-he-kills and Chief Ready-Klar join him.

He congratulates you again on shedding their outlander status to become Sklar-Quah before inviting them to be seated around his personal fire.

The Sun Shaman begins: I am one of the few Shoanti who retains knowledge of the secrets held before Cheliax invaded their homelands along the coast of Conqueror's Bay.

My predecessor passed the knowledge of these times down to me, just as I plan to do for the shaman who will follow, and as I plan to now to do for you. The Sun Shaman's tale is relatively short.

He tells of how, hundreds of years ago, one of his own ancestors was called to join a righteous cause. A man named Mandraivus, a hero from a distant nation, was gathering a small group of warriors to aid in a fight against a despotic dragon named Kazavon, and the Sun Shaman's ancestor joined this crusade. He was gone for months, and when he finally returned he was not the same man-his hands shook, his eyes carried a haunted stare, and he cried out in fear at night.

He spoke little of what he saw while serving Mandraivus, but did say that they were successful in defeating Kazavon, and that the fortress of Scarwall was now under Mandraivus's control. He was convinced it would remain impotent as long as the hero managed to maintain a hold on it.

While Kazavon had been defeated, his will to live was so immense that even the remains of his body twitched. The cabal had attempted to destroy the remains, but many fragments of the dragon's skeleton resisted even their most destructive spells. Mandraivus tasked seven of his surviving followers (which the Sun Shaman's ancestor counted himself among) each with claiming one of the bony relics of Kazavon's body and ordered them taken from Scarwall.

None of the seven would communicate where they were going to the others or to Mandraivus, and they were to ensure that their chosen relics would remain hidden and guarded for all time in order to prevent the dragon from returning to life.

The Sun Shaman's ancestor told this story to his fellow shamans, and revealed that his chosen relic was the dragon's fangs. The Shoanti took to calling them the Midnight Fangs, and they chose the ancient pyramid on the shores of Conquerer's Bay as their reliquary.

After hiding the fangs in a secret room deep inside the pyramid, they took to the task of ensuring that the fangs remained safe. For generations, they maintained their task-until Cheliax invaded and slaughtered the Shoanti. Those few who survived and knew the secret of the fangs were forced to flee with their kin into the Cinderlands.

For the next three centuries the knowledge was passed from Sun Shaman to Sun Shaman, and they watched with fearful eyes as the city of Korvosa grew around their ancient reliquary.

That Queen Ileosa has discovered the Midnight Fangs and somehow tapped into their latent power troubles the Sun Shaman greatly, for he knows something of the Fangs' power. During the time they were guarded, Shoanti shamans studied the fangs and communed with the spirit world about them.

They discovered that a fragment of Kazavon's soul remained lodged within the fangs. While this fragment alone wasn't enough to work ill upon the world, it could certainly invade the dreams of those who touched them.

The Sun Shamans were stubborn and willful, more than a match for the fangs' temptations and promises, but a weaker mind-say, that of a petty young queen-would have no such defense.

The Sun Shaman goes on to explain that the fragments of Kazavon's soul are like a plant-once they find suitable soil in which to grow, they can bloom into a mighty tree. This appears to be the case with Ileosa-her own cruelty and strength had been enhanced greatly by the fangs.

Worse, she now possesses two souls-her own, and one grown from the fragment of Kazavon's. Two souls in one body, the Sun Shaman muses, would grant her incredible power over her own mortality.

Ivar asks who this Mandrovious was and what is the Serenthal?

The Sun Shaman recounts the sad tale of Mandrovious to Ivar (see Shaman’s Tale), and after this he suggests that: the Avangers take part in a ritual called the Blessing of the Ancestors. This is a rare ritual the Shoanti use only in times of great change-it calls upon a soul from the spirit world to seek guidance and advice on how to precede.
He explains that: Typically, the Blessing of the Ancestors is used before making the decision to go to war on another tribe, or to abandon a long-held campsite in hopes of finding a better home, but this situation warrants the ritual as well.
The group faces a time of great potential here, but returning to Korvosa to confront an immortal enemy would only result in their deaths. Clearly, advice is needed.
The Sun Shaman asks the group if there is a particular spirit or ancestor with whom they have a particularly strong link-the stronger the link, the more exacting the advice granted by the Blessing of the Ancestors becomes. He asks does the group have a spirit that they are familiar with?

Ivar says how about Zellara, that is associated with the deck that Egric carries?

Zellara shows up in the middle of the fire. She begins the harrowing.

She says The Marriage represents the positive past, the avengers have rescued Neolandus and Vancarlofrom certain death, Neolandus has suggested stat the Avangers seek out the Shaunti. Mandraivus and his allies long ago defeated Kazavon with the Serithtial.

The neutral past is represented by the Foreign Traider, you have quested for not so long a time for the answers that you have been seeking, while some have died during these months, many more have lived because of your deeds. You have made allies and enemies. Ages ago Kozovan defeated the Orcs of Belkezen, for the Kingdom of Ustalav, then he betrayed his masters and Built the Castle of Scarwall. The fang of Kozovan was brought to the area someday to be known as Korvosa, but the Chalixians drove away the guardians of the item that should not have been found. It waited in the depths of Castle Korvosa for over 400 years.

June 17th, 2018, 07:45
Session 87 Part 2:

The negative past the Carnival, the Queen Ileosa of Korvosa has dominion in Korvosa, like Kozovan did at Castle of Scarwall. A great evil, an ancient evil was restored onto the world, when Queen Ileosa touched the fang of Kozovan. Possessed she slew her husband King Aodred Arabasti the III, and took over Korvosa. The area suffered a great plague, following which she drove your group out of the city.

The positive present is represented by the Midwife, you have defeated Ileosa’s forces and saved Neolandus, he is alive. There is one among you that has claim to the throne of Korvosa. The war between the Shaunti and Karvosa has been averted.

Ivar asks the Cinibar of the Red Mantis said that Neolandus is dead, is he? No he is alive says Zellara.

The neutral present is represented by the Rakshasa, the issue has not been decided yet, while much has been done to save the city, many more will still die. Have you fought a Rakshasa in the past, asks Zellara? Ivar says yes, they wonder if they will have to fight Crow Jr., but she says Bahor? You have not seen the last of that one.
The negative present, is represented by the Eclipse. The spirit of Kozovan and other forces are making Queen Ileosa extremely powerful. If you do not succeed in your quest, not even Hanma’s group will be able to save the city. Beware of a great Evil that lies inside Scarwall, I am afraid so very afraid!

This card also represents Zon-Kuthon, the lord of darkness. In the Past, it symbolizes the fact that his agents are at the heart of the troubles facing Korvosa. In the Present, it symbolizes the Brotherhood of Bones and their presence in the region. In the Future, it represents the many undead that wait for the PCs in Scarwall. In any of the three, though, the dual nature of the eclipse (an object that once provided light growing dark, or a dark object changing to provide light) symbolizes that the agents of Zon-Kuthon can both help and hinder the PCs, and that perhaps this duality is inevitable.

The positive future is represented by the Lost, You must find the ancient magical weapon—the Serithtial, only it will have hope of defeating Ileosa and her Crown of Fangs. The Avangers knowledge and wisdom will be important in their immediate future, and that bolstering themselves against death magic and the undead would be a good move. Your allies of the Brotherhood of Bones will be important in the mission success.

The Neutral Future is represented by the Courtesan, Before the Avangers can brave the heart of Scarwall and retrieve the Serithtial, they must lift the curse itself and exorcise a castle that has been haunted for over six hundred years.

The negative future is represented by the Sickness, Riris looks on Zellara, and realizes that Zellara fear is palpable of going to Scarwall, if a ghost could be afraid of a place she is.

One of your party may never leave Scarwall, I am not sure who it is. At the same time the group should be careful about how much they trust these allies, the future is uncertain, they are intertwined in all this. You will be traveling through Belkezen, the Orc’s domain. Those that were made freed in the City of Strangers will return to take vengeance.

Ivar asked how do we get to Scarwall, the Sun Shaman said he will prepare a map.

As Zellara finishes the Harrowing, she looks to the group again and says that she has a tale to tell them. Without further explanation, she begins to sing, her voice clear and haunting.

Zellara's Song
Fate of steel-Serithtial
Her cage for years sustained
Four enthralled in lost Scarwall;
Undead to keep her chained.
A spirit first, red war his thirst
Still stands at post of old;
A second foe, infernal soul
Waits high in tower cold.
In kennel's grime third bides his time
Then vents his killing breath.
And on a stone 'mid ash and bone,
The final dreams of death.
The spirits worn and battletorn
And locked in their damnation,
The chained one's hold at last grows old
And ushers in salvation.
Yet hope remains amid the chains
When blade's stone cage has crumbled,
Friends to dread and the death of the dead,
Keys to Kazavon humbled.

The sudden influx of spiritual energy hits the all the group members for the following effects to remain for the trials within Scarwall, as detailed below:

Infused Weapon and Armor:
The spirit world infuses one weapon, suit of armor, or shield owned by each of the PCs (even if the item in question is not present at the blessing). If the PC chooses a weapon, it gains the undead bane weapon quality. If the PC chooses armor or shield, the chosen protection gains the ghost touch armor quality.
Infused Soul:
The next time the PC fails a saving throw against a death effect, that effect is negated but the PC is stunned for one round as the spiritual energies in his soul are burnt away. This protection can save each PC only once from a death effect.

After Zellara
Chief Ready-Klar comes forward and gives the group a Ring of Protection +2, may it protect you in the journey ahead.
Krojun Eats-what-he-kills comes forward and gives the group an Amulet of Natural Armor +2, may it guard your life when things get realy tough.
Sun Shamans Of The Sklar Quah comes forward and gives the group a ring of force shield and a belt of stoneskin, I wish his Brothers and Sisters under the Great Sun a safe journey.

The group went back to their yurt [To Be Continued…]

June 24th, 2018, 08:49
Session 88:

It was the evening of Pharast the 22nd, and the Sun Shaman and his people went to their yurts. The group also went to their yurt, and found Phaeton Skoata waiting for them.

He was all dusty and a bit peeved, as he described it, from being almost teleported into a desert cliff side. He explained that Egric that he called him here per Sivath’s request, and he was limited on what he could bring.

Theu sold the gear from their portable hole, and Sivath bough a Ring of Spell Knowledge IV, and a Scroll. This will be useful Sivath smiled. Ivar was looking for a bunch of items, which Phaeton did not have. Eventually he left, but first he wished them a safe journey to wherever they were going.

Then Ivar went to see the Sun Shaman, he spoke with the Shaman for a while, and asked him for some items, of which he was given eight Shaunti War Paints, white; and one oil of weapon blessing. Ivar thanked the Shaman, and went back to Guest Yurt. When he returned, Egric lit up his pipe, and they passed it around enjoying the tobacco, all except the Dusk bunny.

Soon after Laori Vaus and Shadowcount Sial knocked on the deer skins, and entered the yurt.

When Sial and Laori greet the PCs, the two are eager to ally with them. They seem eager to please the Avangers than each other. They explain that they have been following the events in Korvosa and the rise of Kazavon's spirit in the body of Queen Ileosa. They are aware that the group seek to overthrow Ileosa's tyranny by taking from her the power the Crown of Fangs has granted her. Since the only way to do so is with Serithtial, a weapon that neither of the Brotherhood agents can wield, they need the group. And since many of Scarwall's defenses can be bypassed by worshipers of Zon-Kuthon, you will need the Brotherhood. The situation explained, Sial and Laori would like to propose a truce.

Laori suggests that the group should be able to pick which of the two Brotherhood agents the group are willing to trust and prefer to travel with. The group chose Laori, the Shadowcount wished them much luck and left the yurt.

On the morning of Pharast the 23rd, they woke up and said their good bye to the Sklar Quah tribe they were adopted into. Accept Crow all of a sudden surprised them that he found a local girl he wished to settle with, it seems somehow he succeeded in sleeping with her in his spare time, and he loved her so much that he could not bear to be parted from her.

So Sivath conjured two Phantom Chariots and they were about to leave the village when they heard Krajun-Eats-what he Kills yell: “My Brothers and Sisters, am Krajun-Eats-what he Kills, I shall always be your friend”.

They road all day, until they ran into what appeared to be some Centaurs being attacked by a large war party of Orcs. The Orcs already hurt the centaurs, Eliera cast blessing of fervor, and Sivath cast Haste, and the group attacked the Orcs. It was a brutal fight, the Orcs had a sorceress, a cleric and a druid. The cleric failed to cast the spell slay living, while the sorceress cast fire ball and cloud kill on the group. Riris cast spells and hexes like she was possessed. Eliera blessed her friends, and Egric and the other melee attacked the orc fighters, including their chief. Soon it was over, but the Sorceress, she cried in Common, they forced me to do it. They all believed her, but Riris said I was raped by an Orc, all Orcs must die. Then Riris, Ivar, The Dusk Bunny and finally Egric attacked her, than she was dead.

I am Broxias, the biggest Centaur says, I am the leader of the Green Covenant Tribe. For decades now I has been a wise and cautious leader, ever protective of my people. Broxias tells you that he nonetheless attempts to avoid conflict whenever possible, but this time we had a trainee with us, she twisted a leg, while being chased by Orcs. We were lucky, you came when you did, thank you. He also tells you, that the tribe was on the way to the Druid grove when they were beset by the Orcs. Twenty minutes ago, the Green Covenant Tribe attacked by Orc Slavers, caught off guard the tribe was decimated. Many were killed by the Orc. Brixias is fighting for his life. Many members of the Council of the wise are dead. Urybeidon is still alive but barely, the rest are dead. When the smoke clears, Wezeus body is no where to be found. Orc tracks lead to Urglin.

Egric searched the dead bodies, they found some loot and distributed it, and Rirs told the group that she found a Staff of Power in her inventory that was given her by her mother [to Be Continued…].

July 1st, 2018, 12:17
Session 89:

The group slept in the “tiny hut”, while party members looked out onto the trees beyond the boundaries of Sivath’s spell. All was quiet, as they slept. In the morning they ate breakfast, and came out of their magical shelter.

Katlin looked around, something seemed strange here. Then she saw a note pinned with a dagger to a tree. Katlin read it out loud:

“The Price of Freedom was too high for us. Slavery was our choice; all we wanted to do was stay together. Raised to pay back out debts, you left us no choice, we had to do this. We blame the ones that freed us. You doomed us, now you will share our fate. P.S. Thanks for the 20 gp”

They looked at one another, Sivath asked if those slaves we freed before Kaer Maga, could these be them? Egric thought maybe, but he thinks that the note may be written by the two slaves him and Riris freed in Kaer Maga. They asked him more questions, and he said that they were rogues, but very odd, because, when they were free, they solved themselves into slavery, and Egric thought this not may be theit. After some deliberation, they decided to move on.

They moved at half of their speed that the chariots afforded them, but that still got them to the druid grove by the early evening of Pharast 24th. They saw a clearing. They were stopped by a driad, that mistook them for in the dusky twilight. They saw shod humanoid tracks on the way here, now they knew what that they faced Orcs.

Egric explored ahead, and he found a hidden brook After some time you get to a clearing, up ahead is a small body of water near the cliff-side, with a souring water faYou find a hidden brook.

After some time you get to a clearing. You notice tracks, humanoid tracks. Up ahead is a small body of water near a Cliffside, with a waterfall pouring feeding it. The druid grove is behind the falls said the centaurs. An arrow hits at your feet, a women’s voice says “Stop Orc, ot I will shoot.” “Fauriel Nerihorn The Dryad ?” asked one of the centaurs. “Who asked that?” Ivar said “We are no Orcs.”

She told them that Orcs came and entered the druid grove they have been here a while, I can’t leave my tree. They assured her that they will help, they entered the waterfall, and found a cave.

Egric scouted ahead, he found a side passages that lead into a chamber with several large compost piles. He moved on through more passages and found door. He unlocked the door, and found a prison cell, that until recently may have been occupied. He realized that the Prison Cell bars have been bent, many footprints on the ground here.

He moves into a large chamber with a deep body of water, and is attacked by wines. A battle is joined, as group members come into the prison cell they join the battle. Sivath finds out that electricity and fire don’t do much against these, while Ivar is 99.99% sure that these creature plants never thought a day in its life. Him and Katlin attack the vines. Riris, Eliera, and Laori bring up the rear; they get to the prison cell, as Egric withdraws from the fight. The healers rush to him, Riris cures him first, then Eliera. Then Egric rushes back in, and almost drowns before the last vine is chopped up.

They survey the carnage, there was a fight here, one does not need to be a tracker to know that. Druids and Orcs lie here in death, where they fought each other in life [To be continued….].

July 8th, 2018, 08:44
Session 90:

The group was in the cave with a dank green lake, there were cut vines all over the place, dead orcs and naked druids were everywhere. Then they heard a rumble, and the earth shook. Eliera felt pain, and dropped to the ground. A rock fell from the cave ceiling and hit the fair Eliera on the head. She looked around and said “Who are you people?”

Are you ok said Sivath and Laori Vaus at the same time. Riris looked at Eliera’s eyes, and said “You realy should get an umbrella, dear Eliera”. Laori said she must have lost her memory, if she can’t remember who we are. Laori said “how many fingers do I have?” “Two” said Eliera, looks like it is just your short term memory, you may even be able to get it back. She checks some more, and decides with a smirk, that Eliera is still disgustingly Chaotic Good, but keeps that conclusion to herself, and says “You must have your connection to your goddess, why don’t you try to cast”. Eliera did, and took up the hand that the elf cleric in spiky armor offered and got up.

Around the slightly dazed and confused Eliera stood some of the best specimens of humanity she ever seen. There was Egric the secretive rogue, his companion Riris the winter Witch and her Familiar Dusk Briarthorn. There was the fair red haired maiden in full plate armor that said her name is “Katlin”. Near her was the radiant and beautiful Sivath the sorceress. Above Sivath stood Ivar the Shaonti Barbarian, now what tribe was he from, Eliera though, “I should know this, I should know where we are going, I should know where we have been, thank Shalyn I still know that I am a cleric of Shalyn”. Her eyes turned to the forlorn elf, the black haired Cleric of Zon Kuthon, Eliera shuddered as the smiling elf said her name is “Laori Vaus”. Eliera thought “I must be here for a reason”, and said “Let’s go, after I heel us”.

Egric moved ahead of the group north and east, they found an unlocked door. Eliera noticed that Egric was very efficient at what he did, he checked every door for traps then opened it, very impressive she thought. Beyond the door was a druid training area, fire still burnt in a large brazier, several training dummies were on the north side of the room. A table with some common spell components and herbs were against the east wall. The room must have been ransacked; druid bodies were lying all over the floor. They checked the whole room, but found nothing, but a coin. They figured out that the coin had an image of Zon Kuthon on it. Laori as well as the others, especially Egric recognized the image on the coin.

Egric went west to a door, and opened the door. This must have been the druid sleeping area, the door to this area was wide open. Several cooking braziers' were still lit. In the center they saw a table and chairs for taking meals. There were several chambers with simple bunks made of wood and furs in these alcoves. Otherwise the area was empty.

They backtracked and found a storage area to the north-east. Egric and the dusk bunny explored the dark area, and saw a werewolf eating a man, possibly a druid. The beast was pulling out the corpses entrails and eating them with a relish. Egric went into the room first, but the beast came at him. Even though invisible Egric was badly hit by the beast’s teeth, to Egric the idea of having human flesh like that on the floor, seemed possibly a nice alternative for a brief second. Then he attacked the beast, and brought it up and down near Ivar. While Eliera, Riris, Sivath and Laori moved toward the sound of fighting, Katlin, Egric, Dusk Bunny, and Ivar finished off the beast. They saw it turn into its true form, an orc male. They found ring on its finger.

They moved south to the intersection and traveled east and south. At an open door they saw a room full of orcs having their way with a human female that looked like a druid. Their enemies and the druid female victim were in a well appointed apartment. Several braziers warmed the room, a mahogany desk and chairs stood on a white carpet decorated with green, red and gold flowers. The woman screams enraged Egric, that he found the nearest Orc and sneak attacked him where he stood.

Then a battle broke out. There were many orcs in this room, and a bottleneck formed at the entry where Ivar faced many opponents. Egric was somewhat preoccupied with his assailants, while the dusk bunny summoned an illusionary wolf.

Sivay, Eliera, Riris and Loari had very poor line of fire, while Katlin and the bunny tried to the cave chamber. Ever so slowly the entry cleared up, and more spells were thrown into the room. One by one their beastly enemies died, and the remainders of the orcs were squished into an adjacent chamber. Then finally the last orc tan into the west room and yelled, it was them, they did it, and died as Eliera killed it with her holy glaive.

The woman corrected her torn clothing, and the group healed themselves. They searched the orcs and found some valuable loot on them. Laori bent over and picked up something, then again, and again and again. She showed the group coins with Zon Kuthon’s image. She cast speak with dead and spoke with the dead orcs. They told her that a shadowy human and his chain devil companion, hired them and told them that they have to invade this druid grove. The gold was nice, but suffering of these druids was even better the dead orcs said. Egric and Ivar tried to appraise Laori’s intentions, and realized she had been a true ally, and upset at the actions of Shadowcount Sial.

The druid they saved from shame and even worse was Flora Nerihorn, a servant of nature, that was captured by the orcs. Flora asked them to hurry, she feared for the Lady of the Lake in the grand chamber. She explained that the way was through the plant wall to the east, she pointed to the lever that opened the passage into the next room.

They saw a large glowing cave with an underground lake. A ruined stairway, that may lead out of the cave, with sun shining through the portal? Is it not Night? They noticed a group of orcs standing near by a gagged and tied-up captive [To be Continued….].

July 15th, 2018, 08:45
Session 91:
As the great rock disappeared the Avengers saw the orcs on a platform across a great room. An Orc in a cooks outfit was cutting carrot chips and other vegetables into a huge stew pot big enough for a full grown humanoid. Nearby tied up was a blue female with green hair. By the looks of it the beasts wanted to cook her whole. Because the ground shook when the entry way was opened, the orcs turned and started moving down the stairs.

Although the orcs had deadly archers, but the Avangers had Dusk Briarthorn, who shot his “wand of hold person” and the Orc stopped in his tracks. Ivar moved toward the orcs before Sivath could get him with haste. Then an Orc archer hit him with a bunch of arrows square in the chest.

Then an Orc Cleric laid a blade barrier in the groups path, preventing passage through it, so they went around it. Sivath cast confusion at a concentration of orcs which made the ones that were not asleep or paralyzed very confused. While, Sivath, Riris, Eliera, and Laori tried to dispel the blade barrier, Ivar, Katlin and Egric went around it. The confusion in the orc ranks caused major problems, orcs mainly did damage to other orcs, sometimes they acted normally and other times they hit each other in the face. The sorceress could not use her spells continually, even though when she did she used fireball and firesnake quite effectively.

The blue skinned captive with green hair tried to put the Orc Chef to sleep, but succeeded in angering him. The Orc Chef attacked her, it was lucky for her that she put him to sleep, because he was mad enough to cut her up into little pieces.

As the cleric cast spells, Sivath counter spelled them with dispel magic, making deadly spells harmless. Ivar was feeling quite hurt, when the blade barrier was dispelled by Laori and Eliera got to him and began healing the melee group members near the western stairway edge.

As the orcs were dying all around them, they heard from where they came in Elven “Give up the one that freed us, and you may have your lives!” Katlin interpreted what the voices said, in the cave beyond the entrance to the grand cave they were in.

Wolves and bat swarms started coming into the grand cave, while Riris cast Thorny Entanglement, which entangled some of the wolves and the young boy that came into the cave, the girl was not affected. Riris used the staff of power to kill several bat swarms, while one of the bat swarms got in among them and started doing minor damage to the party members, Riris destroyed two whole swarms with a fireball from her staff. They delt easily with most of the giant wolves, soon there were three wolves left. Then the Zamufi’s closed in [To Be Continued…].

July 22nd, 2018, 07:38
Session 92:
Riris made a wall of ice that cut off the two wolves. Adisha Zamufi yelled “join us Egric, and receive your reward” after she attacked him, while her brother Simitru Zamufi moved around from the east. Egric attacked her and missed, while Katlin, Ivar, Sivath and Eliera moved to aid Egric. Riris healed her friend Egric. Egric was a bit confused why would the two Zamufis wist to hurt him, all him and Riris tried to do was save the two from slavery at a great cost in money and blood. The Zamufi behavior made no sense at all. Riris was angry, she cast Slumber Adisha Zamufi but it did not work.

Laori summoned three shadows that attacked Simitru Zamufi. Katlin and Ivar viciously Adisha Zamufi, while Eliera cast bless on the party. Laori attacked the remaining Orc, while Sivath’s ball lightning killed the bat swarm.

Surrender him and leave this place, he will be well taken care of Egric yelled Simitru Zamufi, as his sister went down from their blows. Devoid of allies, but not intimidated by Ivar, the youthfull looking male Zamuthi went down from Egrics, Katlins and Ivar’s blows.

Then they saw Adisha Zamufi get up and vanish from sight, so Ivar tried to cut off Simitru’s head. He thought he managed to do it.

Adisha yelled from the cave, “We found out that our guilt did not end with our death as a humanoid, it merely shifts its focus to our new vampire existence. For the first two weeks, after a single unwilling kills, we subsists exclusively on cats, dogs, and rodents for nourishment, unable to bring himself to kill humanoid beings. Gradually we gave in to our true nature and its demand for humanoid blood, we need you Egric, because it was you who is responsible from freeing us from our slave masters, and making it necessary for us to seek servitude to repay your deeds. It was a vampire that we served as indentured servants, a totally amoral being; he showed us what it is like to have this new “life”. Join us and release us from this anguish, we need you to show us how to end this never-ending cycle of guilt, frustration. Give up and embrace the oblivion of eternal sleep and give up the sun.”

They looted the corpses, and were distracted all the items to notice that Simitru Zamufi was gone [To be Continued….].

July 29th, 2018, 07:41
Session 93:
It was the 24th of Pharast, Zelenushka thanked the group for saving her and the few other druids. After the cleanup of the bodies of orcs, and other beast, which Zelenushka planned to use for compost, the remaining occupants made a rather tasty vegetarian dinner for everyone. It was morning on the 25th, when they woke. They spent several days at the druid grove, helping Zelenushka with repairs.

Riris contacted Egric’s sister Marlessa, and Merlessa told Riris in her dream that they made it to Magnimar. They got in touch with Kynndors Thok’s uncle Anton Ghanafini, who was very surprised and glad to see them. Anton is a manager of a warehouse for a company known as Red Kestrel Imports. It is a large red waterfront warehouse near the northern end of Ordellia flies six different flags above its large primary doors—Absalom, Cheliax, Osirion, Katapesh, Sargava, and bove them all the flag of Magnimar. Those are the nations that the company has warehouses in. His uncle was glad we arrived, because he recently got a note that he owes money to a local protection racket, he has to pay his monthly fee of 400 gp, or else, which he has been paying. He hopes that the price will not go up. On the 26th of Pharast, Riris contacted Crow to see if he could find any business opportunities with the Shaunti?

On the 27th of Pharast they leave the Druid Grove, Sivath casts two Phantom Chariot spells and they ride off north east through Belkezen. They stop for the night and rest in the Tiny Hut, then ride again on the 28th of Pharast. Laori casts Restoration on Egric, and he gains his negative level back.

Soon after they approached Castle Scarwall. The castle looms at the eastern tip of the Kodar Mountains in the northern region of the Hold of Belkzen. Once a relatively active volcanic range, the volcanoes here have long since gone dormant. Nonetheless, the volcanism left behind some truly remarkable terrain features, and it was among one of these that Kazavon chose to build his new home. The castle itself sits atop a small island in a crater lake in the caldera of a dormant volcano at an elevation of 1,500 feet over the surrounding terrain. These barren hills are desolate, with little more than a few isolated scrub trees and lichens growing here and there. Zellara showed up for a short period of time, and said that she was afraid of the Castle. Egric asked if there was anything he could do, and she said no, then Egric gave Zellara a hug, and she de-materialized.

Guarding the only land approach to Castle Scarwall is a barbican gatehouse that stands at the tip of a small peninsula. The barbican consists of a crumbling curtain wall flanking the remains of two gatehouse towers, the western one of which has collapsed. The other tower, though battered, still stands and supports a ramshackle lean-to built against it. It was here that the group approached.

They came under fire from orc black arrows from the barbican, while wolves and orcs attacked them by land, and died by their swords. Under constant arrow fire, Katlin and Ivar broke down the door that lead into a barracks.

This crude wood structure served as a place to sleep for the orc fighters. Its 10-foothigh interior is smoky and stinks of orc sweat and worse. The rough walls are adorned with all sorts of trophies and trinkets. A fire pit occupies the center of the room with a smoke hole directly above it. A ladder rises through a hole in the ceiling, the group climbed the ladder to a parapet above. The door here was barred from the inside, and Katlin and Ivar could not open it, so Sivath shrunk it.

They killed more orcs and a wolf, in more vicious fighting, they looked in the next room and saw a stairway leading up [To be Continued….].

July 29th, 2018, 14:09
I love following this thread, keeping up with your game has been most entertaining. Not many people keep their progress updated. But this is a nice thing to do. Thank you for taking the time, and you have inspired me to do the same. Keep up the good work and hope to see you around some time.

July 29th, 2018, 16:00
I love following this thread, keeping up with your game has been most entertaining. Not many people keep their progress updated. But this is a nice thing to do. Thank you for taking the time, and you have inspired me to do the same. Keep up the good work and hope to see you around some time.

Thank you very much, I am glad you are enjoying the story!

August 5th, 2018, 08:29
Session 94:

It was late on Pharast the 28th, the group was standing on the 2nd floor of the barbican, and they realized that arrows were fired from the 3rd floor. Egric went up the stairs and saw a small stone chamber a wooden door was across from the stairs. The Duskbunny came up flying, and then Katlin joined Egric. They both fell through the floor, and were bruised a bit.

The Orc in the room above laughed in Orcish, and Riris translated “They fell for the old hole in the floor trick. Egric, Ivar and Katlin went upstairs and the whole ceiling calapsed, dropping them to the room below. Sivath cast Icewall to make a new temporary floor, and Egric, Ivar and Katlin went upstairs again. The orcs opened fire through a slit in the door at the Duskbunny, next thing they knew Ivar had broken down the door. After a short but bloody fight the orcs there, plus there Orc Leader were dead. After searching the dead orcs, they found armor and various weapons. Plus some gems in pouches.

They decided to sleep in the Tiny Hut which Sivath placed on the 2nd floor of the Scarwall Castle’s Barbican. In the morning of Pharast 29, 4708 AR2 they had a dry breakfast, and moved out to the causeway that led to the castle.

A high bridge crosses the vast expanse of black water between the barbican gate and the entrance to Castle Scarwall. The bridge is ornate and in excellent condition, with only a few tenacious patches of moss and lichen clinging to it here and there. High arching columns reaching from the waters below support the broad span, each of which is marked by a pair of sinister gargoyles that stare out over the dark lake. A larger pair of these statues flanks a great archway that encompasses the near end of the bridge.

It was fogy that morning, and before they knew it a platoon of 16 heavily armored human skeletons led by a dread skeleton fighter astride a skeletal nightmare. Against the group of their caliber, it was an uneven fight, Egric, Katlin and Ivar with the aid from Eliera made short work of the looming undead. Eliera turned many, and beat them down with her magic. Before they knew it this first battle was over.

They moved up and reached Castle Scarwall's front gate looming at the end of the long causeway, flanked by twin statues of warriors standing at attention. Pale flames rise from the tips of their spears thirty feet above. Torches are set into the entryway tunnel leading to the main gates themselves, providing illumination. The massive gates are closed, and a lowered iron portcullis further bars unauthorized entrance. As soon as they got there, Zallera materialized, whaled that she is afraid, said that she feels the malevolence of this place, and dematerialized after managing to let them know that they have a week to find her or she will be gone forever. When Zallera said this, they felt a sense of dread.

After a short discussion Ivar offered to open the bars by lifting them. Sivath enlarged Ivar, and Katlin assisted him with lifting bars. They went to the large double gate door, and Ivar tried to break it. But it was fruitless, even with the help of his companions he could not do it. Therefore Katlin took up her Bardiche and attacked the door. The adamantine cut through the door like it was butter.

In a large dark passage they saw rows of arrow slits line the east and west walls of this hallway and murder holes look down from above. The far end is blocked by another heavy gate with another iron portcullis set before it. Lining the length of the corridor are dozens of orc skeletons and scattered bones, many still clad in damaged pieces of armor and clinging to rusted weapons.

Egric walked through the room invisible checking for traps, and did not find any. He came out, and the invisible duskbunny flew in, and saw bones behind the arrow slits. It came out and shared the information. Sivath said she will cast a Dimension Door on four of them, and move them beyond the arrow slits [To Be Continued….].

August 12th, 2018, 13:12
Session 95:

Pharast 29th in the morning, the group was standing in front of the door to a long hallway. Because there were arrow slits in the walls high above them, they were bit leery to cross the room. Sivath tried to dimension door Ivar, Katlin, Eliera and she into the room beyond the arrow slits, but for some reason it did not work. She searched what would make the work and realized that the oppressive nature of Scarwall was casting an Unhallow effect on everything.

Katlin entered the room first and came under fire of very large crossbow bolts. While under fire, she tried to lift the portcullis at the west end of the room, but it did not budge. When Ivar joined her, he used greater rage and easily lifted the bars of the portcullis. The room ran the gauntlet, dodging arrows as they went in the room, beyond the portcullis they were not in danger from crossbow fire, and Egric checked the door for traps and found none, the door was barred from the other side.

Katlin began chopping through the metal double door, then Ivar tried to break it, but the door was stubborn. Katlin adamantine blade was sharp, and eventually she mange to cut through to the other side.

The scene in this large chamber is stomach-turning. Bodies lie everywhere, orc and human alike. Judging by the sprawled nature of the corpses, they fought brutally before succumbing to their wounds, dying in heaps on the floor. Many corpses are riddled with arrows and crossbow bolts, and a few appear to have perished while locked in mortal combat and still clutch at weapons embedded in various parts of each others' anatomy. A particularly large mound of bodies lies in the northwest corner, a heap of carcasses in a tangle of limbs. Strangely, while the room reeks of death, the bloodstains on the walls and floor seem incredibly ancient. Two corpse orgies emerged from the bodies. The heroes fought them, and as the corpse orgies died they shrieked and heart them very badly, so bad even that the Dusk bunny almost died. Eliera healed them with channeling and wand Cure Serious Wounds spells, and was as good as new.

After Egric did what he usually does, check for traps, he opened the door to the room to the room. He saw “Tattered bits of ruined tapestries line the walls of this hallway- wispy filaments of rotting cloth that hang limp and forgotten. Ancient bones from scattered skeletons lie on the floor amid bits of broken weaponry and armor. Only one skeleton seems to remain whole, slumped against the northeastern corner, clad in dust-caked full plate armor. As Egric came into the room, a Vortex of smoke rose in the air and Egric all of a sudden felt much more care free. As the smoke west of him, continued to expend, his companions saw two red eyes glowing deep inside the creatures helm slowly raised off the ground. With much feeling which reminded them of hatred, it attacked. They eventually killed it, but not till it drained them of the concentration of materials. All in all they searched the area and found a skeleton in full plate armor. Sivath and Riris after studying this suit determined that the armor was a rare variety of Celestial Armor. The Celestial Armor was accorded to Katlin, and the command word on it was Mandraivus. He must have been badly outnumbered by Orcs at the when he died here, said Laori Vaus.

Egric examined a door to the south first; they found a stairway to the 2nd floor. He found a stairway that lead up. They backtracked, and went East, Larger barracks contain rows of bunks (often double bunks) and footlockers containing rotted bits of armor, chunks of weapons, and other trash.

They found a door to the east, in the north part of this room. After running into a small tower base was a latrine that was very dusty. On the west wall were three doors. Several zombies and skeletons attacked and soon turned to dust. Egric and Sivath had the need to use the latrine, when you have to go, you have to go.

They explored these doors, with Egric finding traps, destroying more undead skeletons and zombies, and then Egric had to clean the room. He started dusting, and more dusting. Ivar thought he was a bit to thorough and told him so. Egric said this place is very dusty; we can’t leave it this way, can we? Ivar said I will drag you if you don’t stop. Egric decided that Ivar did not understand the precise requirements of dusting, but after explaining the beauty of dusting he went along, feeling this place a boon to dusters and domestic servants everywhere.

They moved back in to the large room with all the dead, where they fought the wraith that wore the Mandraivus Celestial Full Plate armor. Egric checked the south door on the west side of the room for traps, and opened it.

They saw a room with rickety tables, butcher's blocks, and collapsed shelves clutter this room which appears to have once served as the castle kitchen. The walls and ceiling are covered in soot, particularly to the west where three huge ovens loom. Each is completely covered in a layer of char and soot, inside and out, with bits of charred bone and charcoal caked on the iron grills and in the ash pits beneath. Worse, however, are the two outlines burned into the brick of the oven walls-humanoid images splayed in positions of agony and death. Despite the ancient look of the layers of grime, the ovens radiate slight warmth and the faint odor of burning meat, as if they have been used recently.
They entered the room all accept Sivath, and a bunch of magical fire rushed from the ovens and filled the room and beyond. A sudden blast of fire wells up inside of each of the three ovens, then plumes out into a sheet of flame that fills the room. As the fires burn, shrieking spirits made of flame tear through the room, swimming through the bodies of living creatures and appearing to tear away bits of flesh as they do. As the fire dissipates, the cinder-ghouls attack. They try to flambeau the group, but Ivar, Katlin and Egric engaging the undead fire ghouls, while Sivath and Riris cast’s spells and haxes at them. Riris manages to encase one in ice. As the ghouls die they release a horrible scream, then they are gone. There is more dirt here, and soot, the group is hurt a little, the place feels a bit oppressive. Ivar wishes to use the Shoanti white paint, but Sivath convinces him otherwise [To be Continued….].

August 19th, 2018, 08:16
Session 96:

Later in the day, around noon, on Pharast 29, the group heroes were still looking for Zellara, they just finished fighting the fire ghouls, they were a bit singed from the experience. They searched the room, and Katlin found a box in one of the kitchen cupboards. After opening the box and spell crafting and appraising the items, they realized they hit jackpot.
To their delight, the box included three partially melted silver teeth (1 gp each), a polished green stone, now slightly scorched and cracked (actually a worthless gallstone), the melted remains of a gold wedding ring worth 20 gp, a ring of minor spell storing that contains a displacement spell and a pair of boots of teleportation. Egric took the boots, and gave his boots of springing and striding to Ivar. Sivath, for now got the ring of spell storing, they put the rest in the portable hole, all except the worthless gallstone. No reason to be greedy, they chuckled.

Laori Vaus restored Sivath, Egric’s and Dusk Bunnies stat damage, and Eliera healed them up some with her channeling. Then they proceeded down an adjacent passage east, south and east to a door. Egric found a trap and disabled it. They entered another large barracks. There was another door to the south, it was locked and trapped, but Egric was successful again. They entered a hallway with a latrine, just like the one to the north. Three doors were on the north-west wall.

As Egric came around the corner he ran into more skeletal minotaur guardians, the guardians attacked. As Egric was about to hit the guardian with his short sword, he started to dance and prance, away from the undead guardians. The guardian attacked him. Katlin and Ivar engaged the guardians, as Egric moved away. While the guardians were tough, they managed to kill them.

Egric came back into the room, checked thr door for traps, and found none. He opened the door, and a fireball spell erupted in the room. All those near the door took fireball damage, and Egric suggested that the group should move away from Egric. The next room, was trapped also, and a fireball also, and the third room was empty.

They moved back into the kitchen, and Egric checked the south door in the Kitchen, because the stairway they found would lead them to the second floor. Egric opened the door, and came face to face with another skeleton guardian, and its four undead companions, and started dancing. A simple sweep and clear turned into a general cluster, as the skeletons surrounded the group. Katlin and Ivar took the bait and went into the hall next door, that looked out onto the nearby castle courtyard, and engaged a guardian, while the clerics, with the help of dusk bunny, Sivath and Riris took on the other guardians, a guardian came into the room through the east doorway, and started attacking the casters. Laori Vaus was badly beaten by a guardian, she had to retreat. Riris and Eliera healed her.

They were trying to decide what to do, Ivar wished to rest because he was low on rage, but Eliera suggested that they continue, she still had plenty of resources left. Therefore they decided to move on. A Halfling female came into the room, through east doorway.

She said that her name was Alimae, and she has been brought here by a large nasty dragon from a far away village to the south. She managed to sneak away and hide out in a closet, for several days now. She asked them if she could accompany them, this place was scary. Ivar asked if they should lead her out of this place, and Alimae said, and where would I go? Perhaps you should lead me to the hills with the orcs of Belkezen? My village is many days away, and I don’t know where it is in the direction the village is.

Katlin asked, have you seen any ghosts here in this castle? She said, I saw one here on the next floor, I can lead you there if you wish? Katlin noticed that Alimae had no weapons. She asked the Halfling how did she survive here in the castle all alone?

I am small, and I hid from them in a small closet [To be Continued…].

August 26th, 2018, 08:53
Session 97:

Pharast 29 at about Noon, the group asked Eliera to cast detect evil on Alimae. Eliera said that spell is not memorized. Then Egric said then let’s decide to check out the room to the south. He opened the door and barely avoided the pit at his feet.

He saw bloody footprints leading to and from the pit. The footprints terminated at the southwest wall. Ivar and Katlin jumped into the room, the dusk bunny checked out the pit and saw a body there. He grabbed a rope, and flew down below, and tied off the rope. They got the body up, and found a wand on it. Riris identified it to be a wand of and thought it is a wand of colorspray, which the bunny got. Riris said five charges. Eliera said pantine? Alimae said to the bunny, you will never guess what color my bloomers are? What color the bunny asked? Purple Alimae said, my favorite bunny replied.

Then the group went to the halway with arrow slits, and Egric proceeded to check the east double door north of where they entered. A firebolt whoshed at Egric and a club almost hit him, and drew a blue mark across his chest. Egric took the trap out of commission, and went East. They saw another stairway up.

The Egric checked out another room, when he opened the door he saw: On the walls of this dismal room are hung innumerable bags of netting holding bottles, clay jars, dried plants, desiccated bits of animals, and similar things. Tattered, gauzy curtains have been strung throughout, creating a diaphanous kind of maze. The whole is choked with a danksmelling smoke that seems to be issuing forth from a pitted iron brazier in the center of the chamber.

All of a sudden Egric felt confused. He hit himself in the face, the said to everyone; does anyone wish to know how I spent my summer in band camp? He went and set down, he babbled; hit himself in the face again and again. He felt ok, got up and hit himself in the face, the attacked Sivath and missed. He babbled more; hit himself in the face and then he felt ok. I am ok, Egric said, and hit himself in the face one last time. No really I feel better, I am ok, yes I am ok. Ivar, am I ok?

They went out into the courtyard, after Egric cheeked it out. What they saw was: a wide courtyard stands at the heart of Castle Scarwall, giving an inside view of the castle's looming walls and towers. A chill breeze whips through the courtyard, carrying a few dry leaves from scraggly scrub bushes that grow fitfully at the yard's edges. A wide, stone-rimmed well stands at the western end, though the stone lip is crumbling and has collapsed in places. To the north, stairs rise to a platform fifteen feet above the courtyard. Atop it, a black double door provides entry into the castle donjon. Double doors to the east stand open, creaking on their hinges, as if left open by someone leaving in a hurry. Bent, rusted, and in some cases partially broken spikes protrudes from the walls of the courtyard, and here and there, holes in the hard-packed soil hint at long-missing structures or poles that once stood within.

All of a sudden a dragon breathed its cone breathweapon at the party, which heart allot. Egric danced north and danced, “Staying Alive, Staying Alive”. Two gargoyles attacked. As the gargoyles fought the group and died, the dragon flew up and was gone. Ivar thought it may be best if the group rests, they decided to go back to the north room with a latrine. After taking their watches, the rest was over, and Ivar, Egric and Laori were fatigued. Ivar willed his fatigue to be gone, while Eliera cast two lesser restorations on the other two. Riris cast remove curse and failed. Then Eliera cast it and Egric removed his dancing boots.

With the Boots removed, they decided to proceed upstairs to find the ghost, but then they decided to stay on the 1st floor. They went back to the courtyard where the dragon and the gargoyle attacked, and the party rogue, Egric checked out the north double door, finding the trap and disarming it, he opened the door and saw nothing. It was dark. Katlin brought up her everburning torch, and they saw a large chamber.

This large chamber, perhaps once a stable or kennel, has been gutted. Wooden partitions that may have been stalls lie shattered and burnt, leaving only divots in the walls, floor, ceiling, and a few stone support pillars. The floor is a tangle of broken beams, dung heaps crawling with vermin, and the occasional gleam of polished bone. The whole chamber is shadowy and dim, the darkness seeming almost palpable. They entered the room, felt fear and felt the dragons breath. Ivar charged, and attacked the dragon, for a while the dragon held its own, until Sivath dispelled him. Then Ivar’s and Katlins attacks took their toll. Riris felt that the dragon was under compulsion, she shared with party.

Then Ivar hit the dragon again, and the shadowy beast moved back and begged for its life. Egric was the only one that ignored the dragons plea, and attacked it, fortunetly he could not hurt the beast, but the dragon could grapple Egric while it was trying to negotiate with the group as a whole. It asked to be spared, and in return it would give them his treasure hord. Egric finally listened.

They found lots of silver, copper, gold and platinum, three masterwork greatswords, a masterwork halberd, a mithral breastplate, an adamantine battleaxe, a +1 lawful outsider bane greatsword, a Small suit of +3 chainmail, and a staff of necromancy (20 charges). Egric said that we can’t let you go empty handed and gave the dragon his boots.

Katlin asked Alimae, why she did not attack, and Alimae said that she has no armor or weapons, it was about 8:30 at night and the bunny looked at Alimae, and she showed him her bloomers, and said I am a lover not a fighter [To be continued….].

September 16th, 2018, 07:54
Session 98:
Pharest 29th, sometime after noon the group were asking the dragon Belshallam if he knew anything about the castle they were in, and he said that he stays here in the Kennel or flies outside to hunt some orcs, and comes back when he is full. Did you bring this Halfling here asked Ivar? I love to eat Halflings said the dragon. I did I think, but I was not hungry and let her go until I needed a snack me thinks.

Ivar thought about Zellara's Song
Fate of steel-Serithtial
Her cage for years sustained
Four enthralled in lost Scarwall;
Undead to keep her chained.
A spirit first, red war his thirst
Still stands at post of old;
A second foe, infernal soul
Waits high in tower cold.
In kennel's grime third bides his time
Then vents his killing breath.
And on a stone 'mid ash and bone,
The final dreams of death.
The spirits worn and battletorn
And locked in their damnation,
The chained one's hold at last grows old
And ushers in salvation.
Yet hope remains amid the chains
When blade's stone cage has crumbled,
Friends to dread and the death of the dead,
Keys to Kazavon humbled.

Ivar asked the dragon if a red ghost lives here. The dragon laughed, and said, this is a haunted castle there are many red ghosts here. Ivar said don’t entagonize us dragon. I mean you no harm says he, with a big grin. Egric thought that they should honor a contractual obligation, Ivar shrugged, and Egric went to check the northwest tower. Convinced by the dragon, they left the kennel

Egric found a pantry that contained collapsed shelves, fragments of crates and other containers, stacks of crumbling firewood, and plenty of dust. Two jesters came at him, one said I am Pegg and I am Loutte. Pegg’s left leg was missing, replaced by what appears to have been a chair or table leg. Loute has abnormally long arms that, when they hang at his side, reach to mid calf. They attacked Egric, Ivar got there, and the ghosts kept swinging.

As Pegg and Loute swang, Pegg asked: “What do you call a man with no arms and no legs sitting in a hole? Loute answered Phil! They kept fighting the ghosts, the door was providing the ghosts cover. Eliera turned one of the ghosts, and then Loute asked: What kind of monster brings you chocolates and flowers before it eats you? Pegg answered a Romanticore.

Then one ghost was destroyed, and then another, but before Pegg died he asked: What do you call a one-armed and one-legged woman up against a wall? Then the ghost answered Eileen, and they were no more.

They explored two rooms and found nothing, and then in the final room in the tower, Egric ran into three shadows. The fight started. Eliera turned a shadow from the room and it went through the outer wall. They killed two shadows, and eventually the other came back. Egric and Ivar took a lot of permanent strength damage. Which Eliera cured with two restoration spells.

They came to the courtyard where they first Belshallam, and on the south east side they found an oubliette with bones in it. Laori Vaus cast speak with dead and found out that the bones there were off executed castle visitors. Egric opened up the door that led them to the south section of the first floor, off Scarwall Castle. In a west room, Egric saw the wall of what appeared to be a tower they have not explored yet. They realized that the castle was built on an island surrounded by water. As Egric explored they saw ghostly, haunted manifestations everywhere. From one door a voice said, Sivath, death comes for you Sivath (whisper). Ghosts and phantasms appeared in the gloomy recesses of the castle.

Egric opened a door and saw that this rooms each contain a dust-covered dressing table, a sagging chair, and a dilapidated bed, and came smack dab into three castle skeletal guards. To [be continued….]

September 23rd, 2018, 07:46
Session 99:

It was about one hour after noon, on Pharast the 29th, Egric just opened a door and several Minotaur undead guards ran out of the room they were in. Egric confronted one, while Ivar and Katline the other. Eventually they were able to defeat the bony Elite Guards of Scarwall. After searching the room they made their way south.

Egric found several tourcher chambers, where the implements of pain were dusty and ill repaired. Then he found another room, where he heard whispers. Katrlin came into the room, and she heard them too. “Help!” “Help, don’t, please not again, don’t torture me!”

Ivar moved south and saw a larger room with a statue of a dire man, in plate mail with a bag over his head. Egric came there, and Riris said the statue was magic. Egric took the bag from its head, and Katlin moved away from the party, and up a wooden ladder through a hatch in the ceiling. Egric covered up the statue’s head with the bag. After a while the others climbed the ladder and entered a privy, they found Katlin sitting on the privy. She was very embarrassed, she did not know what got into her. After about a minute she was able to leave the room, she felt embarrassed, but much better.

Egric checked out the doors through the south, it was not trapped, and he opened the door. This vast, grand ballroom is constructed in a floral shape with a high, vaulted roof of intricately wrought glass panes bearing a slight rose tint but nevertheless providing a breathtaking view of the sky above. Clover-shaped pillars support key portions of the roof above the polished floor of stained cherry, and a wide dais provides room for an orchestra to play or stage performance to occur. A few broken chairs have been pushed into the corners, but otherwise this room is empty.

Up above he noticed ghostly figures dancing, slowly descending down. They entered the room. Eliera turned the ghostly macabre apparition, and it went up. Ivar fired arrows, but it did little good. Sivath cast ball lightning, and Riris cast aggressive thunder cloud. Then macabre dancing thing went down slowly toward them. It whirled and jittered, one could almost feel the deadly music it made. Laori Vaus summoned some Shadows, while Katlin and Ivar started attacking. Egric attacked too. At first the Dancing Macabre attacked the shadows, but then it started to attack Ivar.

It took a long time, but finaly they were able to kill it. They searched the room, and found nothing. Riris detected magic, and a spot was found that glowed. Egric tried to open a trap door, but there was none there. Finally he used a prybar, and broke some floor boards, and found dirt. They dug up the soil, and found a skeleton with full plate mail armor, a tower shield, and a cold iron long sword.
They found it was all magical, realizing that they cleared the first floor; they asked Alimae if she could lead them to this ghost. She said take the center stairway, go south, take a right, and you are there. Egric opened the door and moved in the room. He saw a humanoid translucent creature with four chains in its two hands, and the ghostly spirit attacked Egric as he left the room, and the chained spirit moved toward Egric and the Chained Spirit missed to him [To Be Contiued…..]

September 30th, 2018, 07:46
Session 100:

It was about 1 pm on Pharast the 29th, and the group was fighting a chained spirit with five specters. The chained spirit bounded back to where it started in the fire pit, while Katlin entered the room. Then Eliera came in and turned a bunch of the specters. They slowly beat the chained spirit down to a pulp, even though it was doing horrible damage to Katlin, not only physically, but it was marring her beauty.

As they moved in the grand ball room, the Bunny started plinking arrows at the spirit, without much success. Alimae the Halfling came up behind him, and continued stroking his ears. Ivar was a madman, beating at the spirit, and then the unthinkable happened, Alimae yelled: “Just remember I get their souls!” as she took herself and the bunny into the shadows of the ethereal realm. The bunny saw a horrible visage of the hag in front of him, and he ran yelling “Mistress I will be good, I will not chase anymore woman, I promise!” Riris cast See Invisible, and saw her Bunny being chased by an ugly Hag. Run bunny Run, Riris yelled!

The healing from both clerics kept Katlin alive, while their combined might slowly destroyed the chained spirit. They searched the room, but saw nothing, and then the chained spirit reappeared again. They decided to leave the Great Hall of a room. While the others held the chained spirit off, Egric tried to open the door, and set off a wall of fire. They ran through the wall of fire taking damage one by one, and then Riris cast Frost Fall in the vicinity of the wall of fire, and both spells canceled each other out. They moved out of the room into the hallway and closed the door behind them.

The Hag and the bunny were nowhere in sight. Egric went west and saw the outer wall overlooking the courtyard, and a stairway that lead up to a double door. They explored the second level and found a bunch of rooms serving different purposes. Egric saw the outside of the castle through the arrow slits in the windows when he was in an old guard post room. He looked out again, and saw the bunny. He yelled for the bunny to fly toward the arrow slit. The bunny squished through the arrow slit, and made it inside.

They continued tracking through the castle, Egric was checking for traps, setting some off once in a while, and once in a while he just opened the doors. One of those times a fireball went off, and singed them a bit.

Egric opened a door to the south leading into a room a mess halls of partially collapsed tables and broken chairs. The Hag was in the room, and she made Egric fall asleep. Katlin ran into the room, and the Hag tried to make Katlin fall asleep, but somehow it did not work. The hag frantically tried to escape, but Sivath got into the room and cast Icy Prison at the foul female thing. Riris hexes did not work, on the ice. Soon, Egric was upon the hag, he chopped through the ice, and then Ivar almost finished the hag off. Then Katlin did her in, as the Hag died, she whispered………[To be Continued…..].

October 6th, 2018, 01:17
My Group 1 has folded, there is not enough players to salvage the game, and the character Egric is not easily replaced. I have made a decision to stop this AP. I have Group 2, that is taking over the post AP content for this group. I have asked my players from Group 1 if they wish me to adding write ups of what would have happened for Group 1. If Group 2 takes over some of the content that I had planned for Group 1, I will post it someday in this thread post AP. Meanwhile here is what may have been:

October 6th, 2018, 01:17
Erised Session 101:
Pharast the 29th late afternoon, the hag was dead and Egric awake once more. The dusk bunny shuddered as he looked at her disgusting corpse, he asked Eliera to create water, and then started washing his ears with copies amounts of water that that she conjured. They found a ring of Spell Knowledge IV on her and a gem that was worth much gold. Since Sivath already had that ring they added it and the gem to the hole.

They entered a hallway to the west which led to a room they already explored and a storage room near a stairway that led back to the room with the chained spirit, not wishing to go down or face the spirit again, they chose the next door over to the south, and entered a long abandoned guard post that overlooked the water and the mainland to the south on the east and the Castle Scarwall roof on the west. Then they went north and entered a room where the chairs and desks crumbled to dust a long time ago. The room was now empty.

They went to the room where they fought the Hag, and the bunny poked her with one of his wands, she was not mostly dead, but most sincerely dead! They walked through the room cluttered with ruined tables and chairs, and headed to the east. Egric checked a door here for traps, and listened he heard nothing. When he opened the door, they saw an oddly shaped chamber that occupied most of the gatehouse's second floor. A large set of winches in the room seem to govern the gates and portcullises in the gateway below. Troughs run along the sides of the winches, just above a set of murder holes in the floor to the east and west of the winches. Arrow slits pierce the outer walls in several places, completing the room's defensive posts. They noticed that four Skeletal Minotaur in the room, looking toward through the murder holes.

Ivar charged at the first of the undead, followed by the others. Although the skeletal beasts fought hard they were no match for the group. Between Ivar raging, KatlIn singing her Bardiche, and even Egric doing what little damage he could master, they defeated the hoofed undead guards. Besides several masterwork Greataxes they found little of consequence. There was a door to the north and south. As they went north they found a chamber bare of furnishings other than a wooden table sized for large creatures and three similarly sized chairs. It was empty. Carefully they went below down a stairway along the wall, as they went down they saw a ladder provides access to a wide trapdoor above.

Ivar was in first followed by the others, they faced off against some more Skeletal Minotaurs, which in spite their toughness and large size died a second time, more weapons of masterwork quality they found on the destroyed giant skeletons. They came up to the second floor, and went up the ladder to a minaret in the heights. It was empty; they quickly descended one at a time, and cleared the other side on the first floor, then ascended back to the second floor, winding up in the Gate House again. They still felt the oppressive weight of the castle on them, it has been one day since they entered the castle [To Be Continued….].