View Full Version : A few store related suggestions...

August 17th, 2016, 04:01
1. You recently released Tome of Horrors Complete for Pathfinder (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.xcp?id=FGGPFTOHCFG). Problem is you have it under Frog God Games 5e Compatible instead of Pathfinder so it shows up in the store under a 5e Compatible search not a Pathfinder search. No skin off my back but long term you might be missing out on some sales this way.

2. When there are new releases in the Store I personally think you should let people know about them. 5e titles are announced, but releases for other rule sets not so much unless I've missed something.

3. To build on item 2 above, using the forum software might there not be a way to utilize the PM function to send people a pop-up one time message (perhaps with an expiry date so infrequent users aren't bombarded with 20 pop-ups when the log-in) when they access the forum informing them about the recent release in the store?

4. More C&C content please!

August 17th, 2016, 09:29
3. To build on item 2 above, using the forum software might there not be a way to utilize the PM function to send people a pop-up one time message (perhaps with an expiry date so infrequent users aren't bombarded with 20 pop-ups when the log-in) when they access the forum informing them about the recent release in the store?

Please don't.

August 17th, 2016, 10:29
Id like to know when new stuff was added...

August 17th, 2016, 11:06
I'd second this. I'd like to see more announcements of new products too. But not by PM :)

August 17th, 2016, 12:41
Perhaps there could be a RSS feed of the store?

August 17th, 2016, 13:43
In addition to JohnD's post#1, the recent Pathfinder creature tome/bestiary release "Malevolent & Benign" is tagged as an "Adventure" when it should be an "Accessory": https://www.fantasygrounds.com/store/product.xcp?id=XRPFGPFMAB

August 17th, 2016, 13:52
I sent those to James to correct in the store.

I have been sending out weekly newsletters that highlight new releases, sales and other info. You can sign up for the newsletter from the site's Help menu if you want to get it each week. It only gets sent once a week.

August 17th, 2016, 14:20
Is anyone else NOT getting the newsletter?

August 17th, 2016, 15:20
Is anyone else NOT getting the newsletter?

I'm going to have to check the spam folder because I don't remember getting anything (would have taken care of it for me).

August 17th, 2016, 15:39
I've never received one and I am signed up for it.

August 17th, 2016, 15:50
I get the newsletter, it's from [email protected]. Last one I got was Wednesday the 10th of August.

I've had issues in the past if you have a Hotmail.com email address. I've had to use a gmail address, and forward that to my Hotmail email (the main email I use). I haven't tested this recently, so don't know if there are still issues with Hotmail email addresses not getting FG emails.

August 17th, 2016, 15:54
Hmm, apparently I'm already signed up for said newsletter but I can't remember ever getting one at all - ever

August 17th, 2016, 16:37
I get a weekly newsletter - more evidence to ponder...

August 17th, 2016, 17:22
What about in the launcher show up coming and specials on it.

August 17th, 2016, 17:29
If you use hotmail or outlook sometimes you have to put the domain of the newsletter (or other email) on your whitelist.

I use hotmail and I have to do this frequently for all kinds of things.

August 17th, 2016, 17:40
I get the newsletters whenever they are sent out, not that I ever remember whats in them after I read them though.

August 17th, 2016, 17:47
The reported bugs are now fixed.

August 17th, 2016, 17:47
If you use hotmail or outlook sometimes you have to put the domain of the newsletter (or other email) on your whitelist.

I use hotmail and I have to do this frequently for all kinds of things.

I suspect that it is my mail server that is designating it as spam and deleting it before I even download my mail.

August 17th, 2016, 19:11
As for new items there's already Twitter (https://twitter.com/FantasyGrounds2/status/765178867090939904) and Steam (https://steamcommunity.com/games/252690/announcements/detail/589230124428789234) being used to announce sales, and larger new items (https://steamcommunity.com/games/252690/announcements/detail/589229636890612202) that would be a good place for all new item announcements as well I guess? Or just set up something to highlight the Store button at the top when something new is available till the users visits the page?

August 17th, 2016, 20:40
What if I post a link to the newsletter up on the forums each week?

Here is the latest one that should be going out today for most people.

August 17th, 2016, 21:27
What if I post a link to the newsletter up on the forums each week?

Here is the latest one that should be going out today for most people.

Yes, Nice newsletter. I'd definitely remember if I'd seen anything like that before

August 18th, 2016, 01:37
I did get my newsletter - it is sent on a funky timer.
If you are not getting the newsletter sign up here: https://www.facebook.com/fantasygrounds/app/100265896690345/
Its not actually a Facebook signup its just where this link is hosted...

August 18th, 2016, 03:05
I like g plus posts. But I go to my steam library then fantasy grounds, then scroll down to the dlc, expand dlc and scroll all the way to the bottom to see what's new. I think the website store sorts but some algorithm that I have yet to figure out. 😉

August 18th, 2016, 03:10
I think the website store sorts but some algorithm that I have yet to figure out. ��
Most recent release at the top, unless there's something on sale - then the sale item appears in the chronological order when it was put on sale. So, ignore the sale items and the new products will be around the top.

August 18th, 2016, 03:23
gmail's going something to them. I think it filters them to a promotions folder or something. Going to go try and figure it out.

August 18th, 2016, 13:37
The description for Frog God's Tome of Horrors Complete (Pathfinder Edition) is a wee bit incorrect?

Requires: An active subscription or 1-time standard or Ultimate license of Fantasy Grounds and the built-in 5E ruleset.
Compatible with the Pathfinder Ruleset

Should read: "and the built-in PFRPG/3.5E ruleset," right?

August 18th, 2016, 17:59
Another minor suggestion regarding search on the store. Under "filter by games system" you have both "5E compatible" and "D&D fifth edition". I would suguested mergering these and changing to "D&D 5e". Maybe even adding a "D&D other editions" Would be easier to see.

D&D 4e (fourth edition)
D&D 5e (fifth edition)
D&D older editions

August 18th, 2016, 18:04
I've noticed that a LOT and I agree, there should be some sort of standardization. Or a keyword system so searches come up with better results than they do now.
Oh, and a Ratings system would be awesome so we can see what's popular, etc.

August 18th, 2016, 18:22
Another minor suggestion regarding search on the store. Under "filter by games system" you have both "5E compatible" and "D&D fifth edition". I would suguested mergering these and changing to "D&D 5e".

5th Edition D&D and 5E compatible are two different things. D&D 5e are official products made by WotC, while 5e compatible are products that are third-party and use only the SRD. Some DMs do not allow any third-party material, so a distinction needs to be made. Furthermore, I don't think any 5e compatible product is allowed (by the OGL) to claim to be 'D&D 5E', so Smite Works couldn't do that anyway.

August 18th, 2016, 18:25
5th Edition D&D and 5E compatible are two different things. D&D 5e are official products made by WotC, while 5e compatible are products that are third-party and use only the SRD. Some DMs do not allow any third-party material, so a distinction needs to be made. Furthermore, I don't think any 5e compatible product is allowed (by the OGL) to claim to be 'D&D 5E', so Smite Works couldn't do that anyway.


August 18th, 2016, 18:42
That's for licensing purposes, which isn't the point I'm getting at. Right now it's a little wonky searching for things if you don't already know what you're searching for. The search bit (which means the keywords that get put into the database, not what shows in the description we read on the store) needs to be standardized.

August 18th, 2016, 18:59
5th Edition D&D and 5E compatible are two different things. D&D 5e are official products made by WotC, while 5e compatible are products that are third-party and use only the SRD. Some DMs do not allow any third-party material, so a distinction needs to be made. Furthermore, I don't think any 5e compatible product is allowed (by the OGL) to claim to be 'D&D 5E', so Smite Works couldn't do that anyway.

Ah that makes sense, still I think it better to standardize and place these items near one another for the sake of visibility. I have clicked on 5E compatible looking for WOTC stuff and found it confusing. How about something akin to the following?

D&D 4e (fourth edition)
D&D 5e (fifth edition)
D&D 5e compatible (third party)
D&D older editions

August 18th, 2016, 19:08
Yes, the 5E compatible and D&D fifth edition had to be split out as part of our license agreement. It is not possible to place anything other than official content in the other category.

August 18th, 2016, 19:33
What if you created a second "best seller" category? Current could be changed to "5e Best Sellers" and the new one would be "Other Systems' Best Sellers" or something similar. Would highlight the availability of other/more products without potential purchasers needing to specifically go looking for them.

August 22nd, 2016, 14:49
The description for Frog God's Tome of Horrors Complete (Pathfinder Edition) is a wee bit incorrect?

Should read: "and the built-in PFRPG/3.5E ruleset," right?

This has been corrected. Thanks for pointing this out to us.