View Full Version : Lfg 1 player lf weeknight game mon,wed,fri est us 5e

August 14th, 2016, 09:53
License: Ultimate
Time zone: Eastern Standard US
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Monday,Wednesday,Friday on a weekly/bi weekly basis, evenings after 3pm EST but flexible.
Term: prefer long term, will play module/one shot
Voice: prefer Discord, can use team speak
Game system: D&D 5E, Pathfinder, Traveler, Burning Wheel, have source material for GURPS, Savage Worlds
Experience: 5E,Pathfinder,Traveler and Burning wheel
FG Experience: New
Character type: Flexible
About me:
I am new to FG and to VTT in general, I have have been playing RP's for 6 years now starting with Marvel's Universe role playing game and spiraled out of control from there. I have a lot of experience with Pathfinder, D&D 5e, Burning wheel and Traveler. I enjoy a relaxed game with fun companions that appreciate a balance between RP and combat. I'm not really into the whole hobo killing thing but I do enjoy my fair share of combat, I revel in character and story development.

August 16th, 2016, 07:06
Sounds interesting,if you get something going let me know.Also if need help with FG like a walk though or something let me know,I'd be happy to help.