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View Full Version : Noob LFG for D&D 5e

August 11th, 2016, 02:08
Hello FG Forums, Players and GMs,

I am looking for FG XP through playing, to put it bluntly,

Lack of knowledge about FG interface, I'll have a lag time compared to seasoned players....
Grounded in AD&D 90's fiction, newer material about the realms will be lost on me at the start

Ready to dive in head first and I'm committed to quality gaming, I look forward to contributing
Looking to be a consistent gamer that will eventually GM
I can play in most campaign styles, heavy combat, deep RP'ing, I'll throw my all at dense puzzle campaigns

If I could post my character data for your consideration:
Canath CG Half Elf Ranger (thief hunter concept)

Personality Traits:
Canath always has a plan for what to do when things go wrong. Why? Because many things had gone wrong in the past. From a young age Canath was raised in an Inn, the result of an elf & his mothers one night of drunken debauchery. Canath was "traded" to a smugglers caravan where he was put on watch duty, few folks expect a caravan with a kid to be smuggling. Seeing good people die, or worse, get sold into slavery was wrenching. The caravan was eventually caught by Rangers, not many lived the assault but Canath did and was taken into a more honest life by his benefactor, a human female by the name of Muskeg of the Moss. She showed him the Rangers Ways regarding a difficult terrain and favored "hunting ground", the swamps and moores. There they would hunt thieves and bandits, sometimes for nothing but sport. If the bandits intentions were as soiled as the swamp then they would be buried in it's mud.

Freedom. Chains are meant to be broken, as are those who would forge them.
Canath was not privy to the "cargo" until one night, during watch, he investigated a large chest, hoping to skim some gold. Shock nearly forced a scream but he choked it back. It was a person, alive and bound, unconscious. Looking closer he recognized the face of a young street performer that Canath had watched in the previous city. They had laughed and spent time touring the city as kids. The caravan driver used her trust in order to drugged and stashed her away to be sold to a thieves den in the neighboring city. Canath fetched an antidote to revive Eilqis and she was freed.

Upon waking from the effects, Eilqis recognized Canath. She let out a shriek but not before Canath cupped her mouth. He whispered that she needed to run. Her home city was half a days journey and she could make it before sunup. She shook off the effects, steadied her feet and took off, full tilt, towards her home. Canath heard the twang too late, the pulse in his ears must have blocked the sound of a bowstring being drawn. Canath had loved Eliqis and she died because of a mistake he made, not waiting to have a plan. That will never happen again.

After years of living among thieves he has a deep distrust of them, all of them. This includes his Criminal Organization Contact, a former competitor caravan know as "The Rolling Mist" among those in the smugglers underbelly. The front organization is called the "Sunrise Caravan Company" due to it's tendency to travel all through the night.

Dark and Dirty, due to cutting time between the city and swamps, Canath tends to always have filth and muck on his boots. The smell of stagnent water waft off of him when the breeze is right. His dark earthen colored hair comes down to his shoulders and brow, somewhat obscurring his green almond eyes and completely covering his pointed, pierced ears. The cloak and clothes are the color of both the swamp and city streets, greyish and dark with hints of green here and there. He has a bow on his back and a hand ax at his side.

Has a Criminal Background in Smuggling, used to get info on criminal networks.

Time zone:EST

Number of Players:any

Time of Day Available:Fridays after 7pm, Sat & Sun flexible

Fantasy Grounds License:Standard w/ Complete Core Class Pack

Term of game play:Whatever game will have me

Voice/Visual:Have both, prefer voice at least. I can DL whatever program is needed

Game System Preferred: D&D 5e

Game System Experience:AD&D 2nd Edition, currently reading players handbook and DMs guide for 5e

Fantasy Grounds Experience:Hours of youtube videos but no in game xp

Character Type Preferred:I can make a character or use my listed Ranger

About Yourself: please check out my profile and say hi! here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/member.php?49062-iiiTRiBEiii)

August 11th, 2016, 02:38
Welcome to the fantasy grounds family,I would be more than happy to walk you through some of the functionality of fantasy grounds.Fridays are a no-go for me but Saturday is pretty much free for me and Sunday is a little touching go so let me which one of those times are best for you and then we can do a hang out or talk over TeamSpeak once again welcome to the family and I hope you find a lot of great games.

August 11th, 2016, 02:50
Hello Kelendor,

I'd appreciate that very much. We could go through some basic scenarios and I could get accustomed to the dynamic before joining a campaign.

Let me know what time is possible and I'll do my best to accommodate.

Thanks again for the welcome. Looking forward to some great times traveling the realms and meeting fellow role players.

August 11th, 2016, 03:35
The best time for me would Sat.anytime after 1PM EST.

Sildanis Kimetry
August 11th, 2016, 04:22
Would it be possible for me to show up on Teamspeak and learn as well? I have the free account and am learning but slowly. I am in Hawaii so that would be 7 am my time but I am usually up then.

August 11th, 2016, 05:29
Yeah sure! The more the merrier :D

August 11th, 2016, 16:22
Even better, looking forward to meeting you as well Sildanis. And then the duo grew to a trio, the adventure grows. Kelendor, want to aim for 9 am EST? That'll give Sil an extra hour, coffee & etc....

August 11th, 2016, 21:58
That will work,we'll use Goggle Hangouts just in case you guys have connection problems or I have issues on my end I can at least do screen share,is that cool guys?

August 11th, 2016, 23:28
Works great for me, more options the better. Looking forward to seeing everything in action

August 12th, 2016, 00:12
Cool,on Saturday morning I will PM you guys the hangouts link.

Sildanis Kimetry
August 12th, 2016, 07:19
Ok Will it be Sat a 9am EST? If so that is 3am my time. That's a tad to early for me in Hawaii.

August 12th, 2016, 09:36
I can do 3PM EST my time that's 9AM your time right Sil?

August 12th, 2016, 14:25
Hi guys. I would love to join you if you still have room.
I prepared a couple of one shots for my sons and friends two years ago but I have little experience as a player myself. I live in El Salvador (central time) and have bought and read the books since 3er edition. But sadly I have never found a group of people to play with. I just found about FG and I'm really exited about to possibility of finally playing.
I have seen the tutorials in YouTube and tried to make a character.

August 12th, 2016, 17:14
Hi guys. I would love to join you if you still have room.
I prepared a couple of one shots for my sons and friends two years ago but I have little experience as a player myself. I live in El Salvador (central time) and have bought and read the books since 3er edition. But sadly I have never found a group of people to play with. I just found about FG and I'm really exited about to possibility of finally playing.
I have seen the tutorials in YouTube and tried to make a character.

If you can swing 3pm EST,then yes,the more the merrier.

Sildanis Kimetry
August 13th, 2016, 04:08
Kelendor. 3pm EST is 9am in Hawaii and that works fine. Look forward to meeting all of you.

August 13th, 2016, 05:16
�� That will work.

August 13th, 2016, 19:28
I don't know if the PM's got to you guys so I'll post the link here too.


August 14th, 2016, 02:54
I don't know if the PM's got to you guys so I'll post the link here too.


Thank you, Kelendor, for all the help today. Carefully explaining the details from a players side, what a GM can do in the interface and overall FG tips and tricks. You covered a TON of ground, over 3 hours!, very appreciated. After I get some campaign & player xp I'd be honored to join any game you're running. Additionally, whenever I get around to creating a campaign, I'll be bugging you to join.

Sildanis Kimetry
August 14th, 2016, 04:03
I don't know if the PM's got to you guys so I'll post the link here too.


Mahalo nui loa from Hawaii. Much appreciated. I look forward to any games you run and joining in.

August 14th, 2016, 04:07
I'm glad I was able to help you and the other guys,out I truly believe in what Doug Davidson and the guys at Smiteworks are doing.They're putting out a grade A Product and being able to get the top-of-the-line people on board to make it better than what it already.When I get some games going I'll definitely be able be looking you up and when you get some games going I would be honored to play those games also.