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View Full Version : A few bits missing from the Slipstream module.

August 7th, 2016, 09:35
Picked up the Slipstream module and planning to run it soon, but noticed a few bits missing. In the Slipstream Player library module, the High Tech Gear - Armor entry is empty. In the Slipstream GM module the Fragment entry for Amicus is missing. Easy enough to fill out by hand but figured I'd mention it. The Savage Tale Trial of Strength is missing an image and it's title is currently spelled Trail of Strength.

August 8th, 2016, 12:58
I started to fix these then noticed that the gear was not drag and drop, so I am converting it as we speak, then I noticed that the theme is "broken" in some places, so now I looking into that, drop me a PM so you can play-test my fixes :)



August 8th, 2016, 14:55
Picked up the Slipstream module and planning to run it soon, but noticed a few bits missing. In the Slipstream Player library module, the High Tech Gear - Armor entry is empty. In the Slipstream GM module the Fragment entry for Amicus is missing. Easy enough to fill out by hand but figured I'd mention it. The Savage Tale Trial of Strength is missing an image and it's title is currently spelled Trail of Strength.
How do you like the module by the way, is it worth a buy? (the small bits missing notwithstanding)

August 8th, 2016, 22:21
Will be running my first actual session next week, so haven't had a chance to get any real game time in yet. I also haven't really done a lot of other Savage Worlds stuff to compare it to directly, unfortunately. Though don't need that much SW experience to know that taking death and permanent injury off the incap table is going to lower lethality a lot; but it fits with the theme they're going for. How good the rest module is will definitely depend on if you're looking for that specific setting. The setting seems to get the feeling of the old 30s-40s sci-fi down pretty well, and it doesn't really try to parody or subvert it. The main plot-line also follows the old saturday sci-fi serials style well enough, a little silly over the top villain and all. Like a lot of 30s-40s sci-fi though things definitely stop making sense if you think about them too much, so just know what you're getting into.

There's a bunch of fragments (basically small, mono-biome planets) with typically a couple paragraphs of info about the landscape and locals, a decent number have a Savage Tale attached. That said a lot of fleshing out these fragments is going to be up to the GM to do, which is fine for me but I could see others wanting a bit more. Basically no usable battle maps even for more major encounters, which again is fine with me because I enjoy making battle maps.

If nothing above has scared you away and you're wanting to run a campaign in really old sci-fi themes it should be worth it, and at least I'm looking forward to running it.

https://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/14/14356.phtml is a nice little review I read a bit before I picked it up.

August 9th, 2016, 00:12
New graphics so far...