View Full Version : Savage Tales, NPCs, etc.

August 7th, 2016, 03:35
So far what I've seen from the handful of SW settings I own is that all the Savage Tales, the NPCs, Bestiary, etc. are all kept "private" in the Library reference section.

Does everyone prefer it that way, or would you like Savage Tales to have their own little tabs in the Story window, and so on? I'm of the mind to put things in the windows they belong in, but if you all prefer them all kept hidden away... well, speak up either way because I'm at that point in my GM Guide I'm working on then it's done.

August 7th, 2016, 03:40
While it's useful to have those assets pre-loaded in their respective tabs, it can get cluttered with certain settings.
I don't really have a preference. We made War of the Dead Chapter 1 with all assets in the tabs. Some people make them differently.

August 7th, 2016, 17:20
Two Savage Tales come with the setting I'm converting. They have a few NPCs in them, plus there's the whole chapter with NPC's. That's why I was deliberating. I haven't seen anyone else do that though, they always keep everything hidden in the GM Guide only.

But! Ok, let's say I stick with status quo and keep the Savage Tales in the GM Guide not in the Story window. Is there a way in XML to build the encounters so I can place the link where appropriate, but hide the encounter from the Encounters window?