View Full Version : Age of Worms - Player(s) Needed - Friday Evenings

August 3rd, 2016, 05:19
FG License: GM has Ultimate so players only need the free version
Game System: 5E
Time Zone: Pacific Time USA, etc.
Day of week and time: Fridays starting at 5:30 pm Pacific (8:30 pm Eastern), end at 8 pm Pacific (11 pm Eastern)
Frequency: Weekly
Campaign Start: Friday, August 12th
Term: Long term (characters go from 1st to 21st levels)
Chat Method: Text (with Voice for leveling up)
Voice software used: FG TeamSpeak Server
Roleplay & Combat mix: Tends to be about 50% combat, but can be more roleplaying centric if players choose to make it so
Number of Players in game & needed: Have 3 definite players, 1 possible. Looking for 1-2 dependable players
Character starting level & equipment: level 1 - standard starting gold
Character restrictions: Using only the core 5E rules, even if more D&D 5E books come out later. I (the GM) am new to 5E and wish to become experienced with it before adding more content in the future

The Age of Worms is an adventure path by Paizo that came out about a decade ago. It takes characters from levels 1 - 21. The adventurers get caught up in a treasure hunt and soon ends up with a prophecy of the end of the world and the "Age of Worms". Through several chapters, the adventurers unravel the mystery and attempt to stop the impending destruction. This adventure is set in the Greyhawk world. The game is heavy combat but I prefer for there to be lots of roleplaying by the party and I prefer not to lead the characters by the noses. Some key stuff about this adventure are:

1. Eventually, the group will have the options of competing as gladiators in an arena
2. They will get to take on an iconic D&D legendary monster of old (a legendary named villain)
3. It is a rich story that is interesting and brings aspects of classic D&D into the game

Current Party Members Consist Of:

Rogue, Druid, Paladin, Wizard, and Fighter. Potential player is a fighter but this slot is not 100% confirmed

Please send me a private message if interested.

August 29th, 2016, 05:06
Looking for another player to fill the ranks (particularly since the player who owns the fighter is taking a month or two leave of absence). If you are interested in playing, please send me a private message. Thanks.

September 3rd, 2016, 05:45
Still looking for 1 additional player. We just switched the game to be primarily text chat based. Updated game details above. Please send me a private message if you are interested.