View Full Version : Campaign Question

July 29th, 2016, 14:48
So, I have a novice campaign question. I just finished Devil in Dark Wood and moving on to Champions Rest. I'm also preparing POTA which I plan to run right after champions rest in the same campaign. Now that devil in dark wood is finished, is it ok for me to "close the module" in the library? I had FG crash last night during our game and I'm not sure why. I had Devil in Dark Wood module open, Champions Rest and POTA. (Of course they were only loaded on my machine, not the players).

Just concerned that I had too many items opened. Just wondering if closing the module that is finished within the current campaign has any complications/implications that I'm not thinking about. Thanks!

July 29th, 2016, 15:42
The only possible issue with closing the module is if you have items/images etc. from the module that you still want to share with the players. Items added to the party sheet or a PC's inventory are copied, so closing the module won't affect these. It's really just if you still want to have access to information in the module and/or share it with players. If this would only be occasionally, then it's best to close the module to save FG resources.

And, in general, unshare any images etc. that no longer need to be shared with the players.

July 29th, 2016, 15:44
Thanks very much appreciate the quick reply. First time that happened to me so I'm sure it was just something on my end! I think I'll make sure there is nothing I need from it and close it.