View Full Version : PFRPG - ALIGN (evil) Conditional Check

July 25th, 2016, 17:57
It seems that the IFT: ALIGN (evil) conditional check only works if the two-letter alignment code is listed in the first line of the Type record of the NPC stat block, as per examples 1 and 2 below. If the alignment is listed on the second line, as per example 3, the check doesn't seem to work. Only trouble is, I believe example 3 is the Paizo standard stat block format.

Example 1 -WORKS
CE Medium humanoid (giant)
Female human ogrekin necromancer 8

Example 2 -WORKS
Female human ogrekin necromancer 8 CE Medium humanoid (giant)

Example 3 - DOESN'T WORK
Female human ogrekin necromancer 8
CE Medium humanoid (giant)