View Full Version : LFP: 5th edition D&D home grown - Realm of Eradon FG1

July 10th, 2016, 15:06
Hello adventurers!

We are looking for two additional players for a 5th edition D&D adventure called Vermin Attack! We have four current players and new players will begin at level 2 (300 experience points). Our current four players include a Barbarian, Ranger, Rogue/Bard, and a Cleric.

This campaign is set in the Realm of Eradon, a home-grown campaign setting with its own pantheon and history. So far, our heroes have discovered a mysterious infestation of Gothian Rats, which fenzy uncontrollably when attacked. The nearby city of Gucan was under quarantine, and our heroes found a hidden underground sewer entrance in hopes of making it past the quarantine. Our heroes fought through terrible smells, filthy sewage, rats, beetles, wererats, and some creature named Infestion. Infestion was wearing a helmet with markings from the fallen castle Milkonia. Upon hearing of the defeat of Infestion, Lord Muthenhall lifted the quarantine, allowing stranded travelers access to the city of Gucan. Our heroes find themselves in the city of Gucan, planning their next adventure. They will travel along the long abandoned road to the north, making their way to lake Bathol and the Milkonian ruins. Danger is ahead. Only the brave and the skilled will survive.

Link to the campaign, where you can sign up:

July 11th, 2016, 02:12
Looking at the calendar I am assuming you are meeting 4 days a week?

July 11th, 2016, 02:56
Looking at the calendar I am assuming you are meeting 4 days a week?

Good guess, but no that is not correct. I should have specified:

Our normal time to play is on Sundays at 10:00 AM CENTRAL TIME.

The other listed sessions for July 13, 15, and 17 are for new character creation only. As a new player, you only need to attend one of these character creation sessions. After your character is created, you will be able to play in the Sunday game. We will not play the main story during the character creation sessions. This somewhat odd way of scheduling is being done so that character creation can happen without disrupting the flow of the regular campaign.

Thank you for posting this great question.

July 11th, 2016, 15:18
Heya. I'd love to play with you guys. I've applied on the calender.

July 11th, 2016, 15:58
Hi there, just applied but thought I'd ask a couple of questions. As this is a homebrew game, wold you allow some homebrew character options? There are a couple of Paladin Oaths Id like to try out which seem to fit in with the initial briefing of the adventure so far.

July 11th, 2016, 22:46
I would like to play. Looks like your group could use a paladin or a fighter. I'm willing to fill whatever roll you group would like to see most though. Only thing is, I have another game at 5:00pm Central time on Sunday. So as long as you don't plan to run very much past 4pm'ish then it's all good. If you are running later, then please just disregard my request.

As for character creation I can meet with you at your Friday or Saturday times. I will not be able to do it on Wednesday because I'm already in another campaign at that time.

Thank you kindly.

July 11th, 2016, 23:42
Thank you everyone for your interest. We have a pool of applicants for this campaign, so no new applications are being accepted at this time. For those that have applied, there is a waiting list. We will keep those players that show up when they say they will show up and in the order in which they signed up for the campaign.

July 12th, 2016, 00:27
Would love to play . Don't know if your full yet but if not I have a rouge I would like to play