View Full Version : Module Merge IDs

July 10th, 2016, 04:21
So, I'm trying to make sure I understand this field when exporting a module. I've read the wiki and played a bit and I think I understand. So, can someone make sure I've got this right?

Two modules with the same merge ID - Story entries (and maps, npc, etc) that have the same tab name will be grouped into the same tab if both modules are opened. Story entries (etc) that have different tab names will each show up in a different tab.

My biggest question is, in two modules that have the same merge ID, and have identically named entries, what happens? Do two entries show up in the tab?

Did I get that right? What am I missing?

July 10th, 2016, 05:19
Since you can have multiple story entries with the same name in a tab normally, I see no reason why it would just put both similarly-named story entries from modules in the same tab.

July 10th, 2016, 08:40
If you open the module in the campaign that you prepped it in you will have two copies...

July 10th, 2016, 21:03
Thanks damned. I get that if you open the module in the campaign you created it from you'll see everything twice.

So, the merge ID is just to merge tabs?

Moon Wizard
July 11th, 2016, 04:40
Yes, though it will be slowly phased out, and the category subsystem will just use the name directly for merging. It was too complex, and we're simplifying this going forward.


July 11th, 2016, 04:57
Yes, though it will be slowly phased out, and the category subsystem will just use the name directly for merging. It was too complex, and we're simplifying this going forward.


Will entries need Unique names in that case? Is there any mechanism to ensure uniqueness?

Moon Wizard
July 11th, 2016, 05:28
Categories will just use the name as the "category key". If an empty category is defined for data coming from a module, the module name will be assigned.

It's a much simpler system than the current version which uses a combination of the name, merge ID, ribbon decal and icon decal as a combination unique key. Also, the rules for automatically generating the name and merge ID from modules was more complex too.


July 11th, 2016, 07:18
Cool, I was making category names based on module name and "ParsedObject" type for input files without "category" supplied, e.g., "" ==> "NPCs - MyModuleName"

If understand that this is still in the domain of "merging", what happens if two currently open modules have a category names "Chapter 2"? I expect, that the merge-id was intended to allow multiple modules with same id to merge the 2 categories of the same name - but what if another unrelated module is loaded, will that now also merge?

I mean, I get it where if someone called their category "Villains" that npcs from any currently opened module who were under the "Villains" category - SHOULD be merged into the same category/tab.

But, if instead, as above the duplicated category name was "Chapter 1" ? With Merge-ID (if I understand, haven't used) you can choose to merge them if the 2+ modules shared same merge-id or keep them separate if the modules did not share merge-ids.